How to Get Your Gut Back on Track After Getting Sick on Holiday

 Coming back from a holiday with a sore gut as your souvenir is never fun.

Infections that cause traveller’s diarrhoea can lead to chronic digestive issues if you don’t repair the damage done.

Let me explain.

Traveller’s diarrhoea is simply a form of gastroenteritis (un-affectionately known as ‘gastro’), an intestinal infection that triggers inflammation and injury in your gut.

Like other forms of gastro, it causes symptoms like abdominal pain, diarrhoea, fatigue and fever, which typically pass with the infection.

However, even in the weeks following the infection, the damage to your intestinal lining can interfere with your gut’s ability to create digestive juices (required to digest your food properly) and house healthy gut bacteria, which make up your gut microbiome (the beneficial bacteria that play an important role in gut health (discussed further here).

Together, the loss of these bugs and the injury to your gut may cause ongoing digestive discomfort, such as chronic bloating or changes to bowel habits.

If left untreated, in some people it may progress to chronic digestive disorders, such as irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) (discussed further here)..

Travellers diarrhoea is simply a form of gastroenteritis (un-affectionately known as gastro), an intestinal infection that triggers inflammation and injury in your gut.

If this sounds like you, or someone you know, it might be time to discover the three most important strategies that can help you get your gut back on track with the help of a natural healthcare Practitioner at Your Wellness Centre, outlined below.

Step 1: Start with a Snapshot

Whether you develop chronic gut symptoms after Bali belly depends on a couple of factors.

One is how healthy your gut was, to begin with: if you started off with a lower number of beneficial bacteria, due to factors such as a low-fibre diet or frequent antibiotic use which can disturb your gut bacteria, you may be more likely to develop chronic gut issues following Bali belly.

The second is the type of bug: a super destructive bug can decimate even the healthiest microbiome to the point where knock-on issues start to arise (such as chronic bloating).

Regardless of the situation, if you’ve experienced Bali belly and don’t feel like your gut is back to normal yet, get a snapshot of your gut bacteria through microbiome testing (discussed further here).

This test allows you to assess the damage by revealing every single type of bacteria in your gut (beneficial vs less beneficial) and how they may be impacting your gut health.

his information, you and your naturopath can create a plan together to bring your gut microbiome back into balance.

Step 2: Repair and Regenerate your Gut

After surveying the state of your gut microbiome, it’s time to start repairing your gut using a combination of probiotics, nutrients and herbal extracts.

Probiotic strains including Saccharomyces cerevisiae (boulardii) (SB), Lactobacillus rhamnosus (LGG®) and Bifidobacterium animalis ssp lactis (BB-12®) have been shown to assist with the consequences of traveller’s diarrhoea by:

  • Preventing infections from escalating (blocking infectious bugs from being able to ‘stick’ to your gut lining and causing havoc);
  • Protecting your gut from tissue injury caused by gastro;
  • Restoring a good balance of beneficial gut bacteria lost to infection or treatment with antibiotics.

It’s important to note that these benefits are unique to the above types of probiotic strains; you can’t take just any old probiotic and get the same results.

As such, it’s always worth selecting probiotic strains that are supported by scientific evidence, especially when it might mean the difference between symptom recovery or relapse (discussed further here about why choosing a specific strain matters).

Similarly, nutrients, such as glutamine and zinc, in addition to herbal extracts, such as aloe vera and boswellia, can also repair the damage to your gut lining, by reducing inflammation and providing the nutritional building blocks your gut needs to heal. As such, by combining the power of probiotics, herbs and nutrients, you can help your gut return to its former glory.

Its important to note that these benefits are unique to the above types of probiotic strains; you cant take just any old probiotic and get the same results. As such, its always worth selecting probiotic strains that are supported by scientific evidence, especially it when it might mean the difference between symptom recovery or relapse.

Step 3: Eat your Way to Gut Health

Eating to maintain your gut health is fundamental to your recovery process, as this helps to restore your beneficial bacteria and can promote gut healing. Start with following these simple tips:

  • Minimise your intake of inflammatory foods (e.g. alcohol or foods high in sugar), as these can make it difficult for your gut to heal;
  • Aim to eat an abundance of plants, particularly a variety of colourful vegetables, as these contain prebiotics known as polyphenols, which help feed and rebuild your good gut bacteria;
  • Limit foods that cause you bloating or discomfort, such as dairy or wheat, just for a few weeks, whilst the gut rebuilds and regains its ability to digest these foods properly.

These are just a few small ways to better your diet and get back on track after Bali’s belly, but for specific dietary advice to suit your unique needs, speak to our qualified and experienced naturopath at Your Wellness Centre.

Destination: Gut Regeneration!

Nothing can make you appreciate the value of good gut health like a bout of gastro! And with the help of a naturopath, you can score a one-way ticket back to living your life without the lingering effects of traveller’s diarrhoea.

Start by being proactive, getting a snapshot of your gut followed by taking steps to heal the gut in conjunction with a healthy diet, so you can get back to your wanderlusting adventures over at your next expedition!

What is Leaky Gut Syndrome?

To put it simply, Leaky Gut syndrome happens when large spaces (or holes) develop in the gut wall.

This allows bacteria, toxins, and food particles to leak into the bloodstream from the gut… hence its name “Leaky Gut”.

The definition of Leaky Gut Syndrome is an “increase in permeability of the intestinal mucosa to bigger molecules, antigens, and toxins associated with inflammatory degenerative and or atrophic mucosa or lining.”

Generally, the walls of a healthy gut allow very small molecules to pass through so that we can absorb nutrients.

A leaky gut occurs when tight junctions in the gut, which control what passes through the lining of the small intestine, don’t work properly.

This could allow unwanted bigger molecules such as food molecules, which are usually too large to pass through the intestinal barrier, to leak into the bloodstream.

Others pass through in the form of metabolic waste and microbial toxins.

When this happens, the immune system treats these foreign substances as antigens or nasties, setting off an allergic response in which antibodies are secreted in the bloodstream to couple with and immobilise these large molecules.

Let’s take a closer look at the Digestive Tract

The digestive tract is an elaborate system that involves organs from the mouth to the anus.

The small intestine performs an essential barrier function in keeping the body free from allergies.

The intestine’s membrane acts as a wall separating undigested food and the bloodstream. (The digestive tract organs properly break down food into smaller, usable molecules, which then are sent through the bloodstream to nourish the body’s tissues.)

When intact and healthy, the digestive tract organs break down food into smaller, usable molecules, which then are sent through the bloodstream to nourish the body’s tissues.

Some amount of wall permeability is common.

In people with a normal, intact gut, up to 20 percent of undigested protein can pass through the mucous membranes.

Excessively permeability causes problems.

When there is inflammation in the gastrointestinal mucosa, the intestinal wall becomes excessively permeable (lots of little gaps or holes form) leading to ‘leaky gut syndrome.

If bits of food have not been properly broken down due to imbalances in the digestive tract, food molecules, which are usually too large to pass through the intestinal barrier, slip through the gaps in the gut wall and enter the bloodstream.

When this happens, the immune system treats these foreign substances as antigens (antigens can cause food intolerance and/or allergies).

This sets off an allergic response in which antibodies are secreted in the bloodstream to bind with these foreign substances.

Leaky Gut Syndrome may cause the intestinal lining to become inflamed and the microvilli to become damaged or altered.

The damaged microvilli cannot then produce the enzymes and secretions that are essential for healthy digestion and the absorption of nutrients.

Leaky Gut Syndrome is a very common problem in modern society.

What could cause a Leaky Gut?

  • Eating excessive amounts of inflammatory foods such as dairy, sugar, and alcohol.
  • Gluten sensitivity.
  • Use of antibiotics and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs).
  • Infections such as candida, intestinal parasites, bacteria, fungi, protozoa, and small intestine bacterial overgrowth (SIBO).
  • Other causes include enzyme deficiencies, toxins, mercury, alcohol, stress, and certain food intolerances.

Symptoms of Leaky Gut

Leaky gut symptoms are not unique. They’re shared by a range of problems. And tests often fail to uncover a definite cause of the problem.

Many are left without a diagnosis and, therefore, untreated, because a lot of the symptoms are quite common.

These symptoms include unexplained food intolerances and allergies, constipation, diarrhoea, wind, bloating, cramps, and heartburn as well as aches and pains.

Leaky Gut Syndrome has been directly linked to being a potential contributing factor in:

  • Anxiety
  • Asthma
  • Autism
  • Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
  • Depression
  • Eczema
  • Fibromyalgia
  • Food allergies
  • Fungal disorders
  • Irritable bowel syndrome
  • Migraines
  • Rheumatoid arthritis
  • Sinusitis
  • Type 1 diabetes
  • Urticaria

Of course, there are natural ways to effectively treat this.

What we need to do now is to get your digestive system back on track.

Help you understand what Leaky Gut means and encourage you to follow the protocol and the diet set out for you.

If you would like more information, simply contact us at 9879 9596 or to see how our naturopaths at Your Wellness Centre can support you along with your recovery.


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Are you struggling with pain in the gut that is getting you down and no matter what you try, it just won’t go away?

If so, this could be the most important piece of information you are about to read.

You see, I know what it’s like, I see so many people who describe their severe indigestion or their disturbed digestive difficulties.  Then there are others who have uncomfortable symptoms like bloating, wind, constipation, burping, abdominal pain, colic, nausea, acidity, and reflux.

IBS or Irritable Bowel Syndrome is a common name given to this condition. And yes, it can be helped!

There are quite a variety of factors that can lead to this:

  • Pretty common is the use of antibiotics that kill the good and bad flora of the gut.
  • Others include stress, food intolerances, dieting, skipping meals, eating on the run, and eating too fast.
  • Parasites and other intestinal organisms flourish in the presence of an unhealthy microbiome.

Should you wish to get an idea of the extent of your Gut Problems, tick the relevant symptoms which apply to you:

Take the Gut Problems Test:

☐   Abdominal cramps
☐   Drowsiness after meals
☐   Diarrhoea
☐   Constipation
☐   Halitosis (bad breath)
☐   Flatulence
☐   Fatigue
☐   Failing memory
☐   Constant tiredness
☐   Candida infections
☐   Joint pain & muscle aches
☐   Poor appetite
☐   Depression or anxiety
☐   Mucous in stool
☐   Hemorrhoids
☐   Abdominal bloating

So just what do a collection of these symptoms mean?

Well, depending on the amount, these symptoms indicate that you may have a level of possible Gut Toxicity that could be helped.

  • If you have less than 4 ticks your toxic load could be a level 1
  • If you have 4 to 8 your toxic level is possibly 2
  • If 8 or higher it is a level 3, and in my experience, could indicate toxic overload!
  • Levels 2 and 3 are very significant and even at level 1 treatment is wise!

If you wish to reverse your gut toxicity level and rid yourself of symptoms that are a nuisance,
then make a booking at Your Wellness Centre today.

As a special offer, if you book a Naturopathic consultation before 30th October 2022, to address the extent of your gut toxicity, you will receive A FREE Live Blood Screening, normally valued at $125.00.
So take advantage of this today.

Normal initial consultation fees apply.

To restore your gut health naturally phone 9879 9596, make a booking online or email


Our guarantee to you is if you don’t understand the causes of your pain in the gut after one consultation and if after following our suggestions, your gut symptoms have not improved within 30 days we will continue treating you free of charge until they are.

That’s how confident we are in delivering our service to you.

The Ultimate Benefits of Good Gut Health includes a Healthy Mood, Reduced Inflammation, and a Strong Immune System.

Having a cold, feeling depressed, or having joint pains are all inflammatory conditions that are also influenced by your gut microbiome.

These tiny gut inhabitants influence seemingly unrelated areas such as your throat, joints, or your brain.

Your Gut Health and Immune System Work Hand-in-Hand

Your immune system’s main job is to protect you from disease-causing microorganisms.

Since these are mainly inhaled or swallowed, the immune system needs to be most active in your respiratory and digestive tracts.

Some bacteria have a positive influence on your immune system

On the other hand, some bacteria have a positive influence on your immune system.

Fortunately, certain strains of probiotic bacteria improve the bacterial balance in your gut, with beneficial flow-on effects for your immune system.

And so have been shown to reduce the severity and duration of common cold symptoms.

If you struggle with frequent colds and flu, working with a natural healthcare practitioner to strengthen your gut microbiome can help.

A healthy gut microbiome interacts with the intestinal immune system in ways that increase your body’s immune defenses.

However, a microbiome out of balance, which does not contain high levels of beneficial bacteria, is less likely to help you resist infection, including colds and flu (click here to read more about what might upset your gut microbiome).’

How Gut Bacteria Causes Inflammation

Another possible consequence of poor gut bacterial balance is inflammation.

This is a key feature in autoimmune and allergic conditions.

In these conditions, the immune system sees harmless substances as threats and stimulates an immune response against them.

Allergy Autoimmunity - Your Wellness Centre Naturopathy

Fortunately, certain probiotic strains, namely LGG® and Lactobacillus paracasei (LP-33®), can stimulate your immune system to produce anti-inflammatory compounds, reducing inflammation and symptoms.

For example, research in hundreds of people has shown that LP-33® significantly improves hayfever symptoms.

Interestingly, LGG®, when taken during pregnancy and breastfeeding, can reduce the incidence of eczema (an inflammatory skin disease) in children, by supporting the healthy development of the gut microbiome and the immune system.

If your immune system is in overdrive, make an appointment with a natural healthcare practitioner at Your Wellness Centre to help bring it back into line.

How Gut Bacteria Affects Your Mood

More and more research is finding that inflammation is an unexpected cause of depression.

Inflammation throughout the body, and even inflammation of the brain, may contribute to depression.

If gut inflammation can influence mood, you may be wondering if specific probiotics can improve mood or reduce the symptoms of depression.

While this is a hot topic in scientific research, we do not currently know which specific probiotic strains can influence mood.

For example, maximizing your gut health by eating plenty of fiber-rich wholes (your gut bacteria’s preferred food), can increase the number of good bacteria.

This is the best way to influence your mood via your gut.

If your bacterial balance has become disrupted due to a stomach bug, antibiotics, or other causes, then strains that support beneficial bacteria, may help improve the composition of your gut microbiome.

Great Health Starts in the Gut

By interacting with your immune system, your gut bacteria influence your ability to resist infection, reduce inflammation, and maintain a healthy mood.

If you are wondering whether your gut may be making you sick, sad, or inflamed, make an appointment with a natural healthcare practitioner at Your Wellness Centre today.

Together, you can assess your bacterial balance, and make a plan to improve your specific symptoms.


You Can Read more about Microbiome Testing here:

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Bloating, Flatulence, Constipation, and Diarrhoea? Need Help?

Your stomach is one of the hardest working systems in your body.

Meal after meal, it hustles to digest your food and extract the nutrients required to sustain you.

Despite its solid work ethic, your belly can experience occasional performance hiccups, leading to digestive symptoms.

While many of these are normal, others may indicate something more serious.

Read on to discover what your symptoms say about your stomach function and ways to improve them.

Bloating Flatulence Constipation Diarrhoea - Your Wellness Centre Naturopathy

Normal, Everyday Symptoms: Transient Belly Bloating

What is it?
Short-lived abdominal swelling due to trapped gas.

What causes it?
During and after meals, your gut produces enzymes and acids that break down food, creating gas during this process.

While bloating isn’t considered normal, it commonly occurs if you deviate from your standard diets, such as eating larger portions, high-fat meals or foods that are more difficult to break down, including excess carbohydrates and fibre.

These place more burden on your digestive processes, subsequently increasing gas production and bloating.

How do you improve it?
While mild bloating generally passes with time, chewing your food thoroughly, consuming smaller meals and spacing out your carbohydrate and fibre intake can help.


What is it?

What causes it?
Gas is produced by normal digestive processes, and ‘passed’ at regular intervals.

Additionally, increased fibre, fat or sugar intake can create gas. Your microbiome (gut bacteria) also influences the amount of gas produced as they ferment food to help with your digestion.

How do you improve it?
It is normal to pass wind around 15 times per day. Additionally, the odd smelly fart is no big deal, particularly if caused by an increase in refined, processed foods (who can say no to the occasional slice of pizza?).

However, if you would like to reduce flatulence, moderate your intake of these foods.

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Symptoms That Require Attention: Chronic Constipation

What is it?
The infrequent passage of hard poop (less than once daily), is often accompanied by straining, a sense of incompletely emptying the bowel and discomfort.

What causes it?
Insufficient fibre or reduced fluid intake can slow your transit time (the time it takes for your food to travel from your mouth through to the other end), making you less ‘regular’.

Dysbiosis (an imbalance in the types and levels of gut bacteria) can also influence digestive processes and reduce your transit time.

Additionally, chronic constipation is associated with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), a condition that affects the function of the bowel.

How do you improve it?
Consume more fibre-rich foods, including fruit and vegetables, and drink enough water.

Prebiotic and probiotic supplements, such as the Metagenics Ultra Flora GI Regulate, may also support bowel regularity and provide relief for symptoms of medically diagnosed IBS.


What is it?
Soft, loose or watery stool that occurs more than three times daily.

What causes it?
Diarrhoea may be a symptom of a bacterial or viral infection, such as gastroenteritis, or be related to certain medications, particularly antibiotics.

Additionally, IBS and inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), a condition involving inflammation of the digestive tract, may cause diarrhoea.

How do you improve it?
IBS and IBD are serious conditions that require a professional diagnosis and care from a Health Practitioner.

However, if your symptoms are associated with antibiotic use, Metagenics Ultra Flora Intensive Care may help to restore healthy intestinal bacteria and relieve diarrhoea.

Malodorous Gas

What is it?
Farts that clear a room.

What causes it?
Your microbiome consists of a range of bacteria (38 trillion microbes!) that help digestion by fermenting your food, particularly fibre.

Imbalances in the levels of different bacterial species can lead to increased gas production with a pungent odour.

How do you improve it?
Metagenics Ultra Flora Intensive Care provides three specific probiotic strains (types of bacteria), Lactobacillus rhamnosus (LGG®), Saccharomyces cerevisiae (boulardii) and Bifidobacterium animalis ssp lactis (BB-12®), which have been shown to help restore a healthy balance of bacteria within your microbiome.

Gut Pain - Your Wellness Centre Naturopathy

Abdominal Pain

What is it?
Sharp, dull, stabbing, cramp-like, or twisting pain in your abdomen. Most people experience occasional gut discomfort, however severe gut pain that is episodic, regular or continuous requires assessment, particularly if accompanied by other symptoms such as fever, changes to your poop, nausea and/or vomiting.

What causes it?
Abdominal pain has many potential causes, the most common being gas pain, food intolerances or allergies, or indigestion. However, abdominal pain can also be a sign of something more serious, including appendicitis, gallstones, ulcers, infections, kidney stones, and many other conditions.

How do you improve it?
If gut pain has become a pattern rather than a one-off incident, seek guidance from a healthcare professional.

Ditch the Gut Glitches

Don’t let your gut feelings bum you out! Instead, switch up your diet and lifestyle habits and rid yourself of symptoms such as bloating, gurgles and gas.

If you regularly experience one or more problematic symptoms, particularly if they’re new or getting worse, consult with a Natural Health Practitioner at Your Wellness Centre for further investigation to devise an individualized comprehensive plan of attack that is suitable for you.

Our healthcare practitioners have a suite of testing available to investigate the driver behind your symptoms.

A stool analysis test enables us to identify all of the bacteria and other microorganisms that inhabit your gut and how they contribute to your gut function and digestive symptoms.

You can read more about MetaBiome™ testing here.


Your Wellness Centre Naturopathy Melbourne


Since gut pain, bloating, gastric discomfort and other digestive problems may also have underlying leaky gut problems, I thought you might like to have a read of this information on Leaky Gut.

Leaky Gut

Your Wellness Centre Naturopathy - Leaky GutPut simply, Leaky Gut syndrome happens when large spaces (or holes) develop in the gut wall.

This allows bacteria, toxins, and food particles to leak into the bloodstream from the gut… hence its name “Leaky Gut”.

The definition of Leaky Gut Syndrome is an “increase in permeability of the intestinal mucosa to bigger molecules, antigens, and toxins associated with inflammatory degenerative and or atrophic mucosa or lining.”

Let’s look at the Digestive Tract

The digestive tract is an elaborate system that involves organs from the mouth to the colon.

The small intestine performs an essential barrier function in keeping the body free from allergies.

The intestine’s membrane acts as a wall separating undigested food and the bloodstream.

When intact and healthy, the digestive tract organs break down food into smaller, usable molecules, which then are sent through the bloodstream to nourish the body’s tissues.

Some amount of wall permeability is common.

In people with a normal, intact gut, up to 20 percent of undigested protein can pass through the mucous membranes.

Excessively permeability causes problems

But when there is inflammation in the gastrointestinal mucosa, the intestinal wall becomes excessively permeable (lots of little gaps or holes form)– a condition called ‘leaky gut syndrome.

If bits of food has not been properly broken down due to imbalances in the digestive tract, food molecules, which are usually too large to pass through the intestinal barrier, slip through the gaps in the gut wall and enter the bloodstream.

When this happens, the immune system treats these foreign substances as antigens (antigens can cause food intolerance and/or allergies).

This sets off an allergic response in which antibodies are secreted in the bloodstream to bind with these foreign substances.

Leaky Gut Syndrome may cause the intestinal lining to become inflamed and the microvilli become damaged or altered.

The damaged microvilli cannot then produce the enzymes and secretions that are essential for healthy digestion and the absorption of nutrients.

Leaky Gut Syndrome is a very common problem in modern society.

Common causes of both Leaky Gut

Your Wellness Centre Naturopathy - Gut Benefits of Probiotics

Common causes of both leaky gut and digestive dysfunction are antibiotics, certain drugs, enzyme deficiencies, parasites, bacteria, fungi, protozoa, viruses, toxins, mercury, alcohol, stress, and certain food intolerances.

And of course, we all at some time or other have been prescribed necessary antibiotics or even non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.

They both damage the natural balance of good microbiota that the bowel requires to operate at its best.

And over time we may start getting the overt symptoms of Leaky Gut.

Of course, there are natural ways to effectively treat this.

If you would like more information, simply let us know by contacting us here


Take the step toward a healthier you!
Call 9879 9596 and book an appointment today!

Your Wellness Centre Naturopathy Melbourne


One of the lesser-known benefits of consuming a diet high in polyphenols is its beneficial impact on your gut bacteria.

Polyphenols help the Gut

They selectively encourage the growth of beneficial bacteria.

They are naturally occurring chemical compounds found in many of your favourite foods like blueberries and chocolate and they act like good food for your microbiome.

It contributes to good intestinal health by supporting the gut microbial balance by encouraging the production of beneficial bacteria and discouraging the growth of bad bacteria.

Benefits of Polyphenols

The portion of these foods that are beneficial to your inner health is the part that your body does not digest at all.

You see, once consumed, only about 5-10% of polyphenols are directly absorbed in the small intestine, while the rest make their way to the colon. 

The undigested part of the polyphenol-rich foods that make it to the colon increases the good guys and decreases the bad guys helping create a healthy microbiome.

And with a healthy microbiome comes more energy better moods better sleep less pain happier belly and more balanced immunity. 

Good health starts with the gut, so eat lots of polyphenol-rich food to keep your bugs happy and so to keep you healthy.

Foods that contain Polyphenol

wine, dark chocolate, berries, avocado, greens, fish, nutsThey are found in foods such as tea, wine, chocolates, fruits, vegetables, and extra virgin olive oil, just to name a few.

You can benefit by specifically including apples, blueberries, plums, strawberries, cherries, raspberry, pomegranate, broccoli, spinach, rosemary, thyme, basil, curcumin, and other spices; dark chocolate, flaxseed meal,  red wine,  resveratrol containing foods,  weak black tea, peppermint tea, green tea.

So worth looking into including more of these to support a healthier gut.


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Your Wellness Centre Naturopathy - Gut ToxicityThe identification of bowel toxicity followed by effective treatment is invaluable to many patients. Current dietary and lifestyle practices have produced an increasing number of health disorders caused by a malfunctioning digestive tract and toxicity that results from it. We start by looking at the causes of toxic bowel syndrome also referred to as Gut Toxicity.

The causes of toxic bowel syndrome are as follows:

1. Perhaps your digestion of protein is not as good as it could be due to excessive consumption and lowered stomach acid production.

2. Intestinal overgrowth of anaerobic bacteria – (bacteria that don’t need oxygen to survive) often due to maldigestion.

3. Insufficient healthy gut flora. – aerobic bacteria are necessary for healthy gut function.

4. Maybe there’s something missing in the diet.  Perhaps you lack things like glutamine, vitamins A, B12, folic acid, B5.   These nutritional deficiencies will cause the breakdown of the gut barrier and its ability to recover.

It’s then possible to have what is now known as leaky gut. Here the Intestinal lining could be damaged resulting in holes that allow the entry of increased levels of molecules from the gut into the bloodstream. Because these molecules are able to cause unwanted actions you could end up with problems like poorly functioning liver or liver damage and widespread inflammation in the body. Irritation, inflammation, or damage to the intestinal mucosa results.

5. Oral antibiotic therapy: Many individuals report having Thrush after taking antibiotics. This is because of the Candida overgrowth that often occurs after antibiotic therapy. Besides this, antibiotics actually disturb natural bacterial growth, causing overgrowth of putrefactive and other bad bacteria.

6. Saccharin sweetened beverages: These can lower the production of important enzymes from the pancreas and then result in poor digestion. Undigested food particles pass to the colon, resulting in more bad bacteria and increased toxicity.

7. High-stress lifestyles can cause the slow down of digestive processes producing chronic poor digestion and bowel toxicity.

8. High sugar diets: When complicated with drugs, hormones and other immune disturbing practices can cause overproduction of not only Candida but also other putrefactive or bad bacteria.

9. Over-eating: this is too much for the digestive system and a lot of undigested food particles pass into the colon, producing more toxic or putrefactive bacteria.

10. Food sensitivities and allergies: For example, casein, gluten, yeast, and other chemicals can trigger immune responses from elements in the gut. The result is the food and allergic reactions experienced by some individuals.

11. Gastrointestinal infections and infestations (bacterial, fungal, parasitic, and viral): Produce severe diarrhea, breaking down the balance of normal gastrointestinal flora.

12. Autoimmune Diseases: For example, the New England Journal of Medicine has documented that the absorption of colonic bacteria from the small intestine produced an auto-antibody cross-reaction with receptors in the brain causing Myasthenia Gravis.

Symptoms of Gut Toxicity include:

Bloating, flatulence, tiredness after eating, brain fogginess, aches and pains in the joints, diarrhoea, abdominal cramps, drowsiness after meals, constipation, halitosis, fatigue, failing memory, constant tiredness, candida infections.

Conditions that may result from the above processes are:

  • Gall stones and constipation
  • Coeliac disease
  • Diverticulitis
  • Gastric Ulcers
  • Hypochlorhydria
  • Inflammatory bowel disease
  • Crohn’s disease
  • Pancreatic insufficiency
  • Irritable Bowel Syndrome
  • Scleroderma

The above list emphasizes the importance of identifying toxic bowel syndrome. The cascade of related health disorders that may occur as a result of toxic bowel syndrome dramatizes the importance of both assessment and treatment of this disorder.

Correction of toxic bowel syndrome is especially important to those patients requiring nutritional support to alleviate their health problems since toxicity can interfere with the proper utilization of nutrients.

To Reverse Gut Toxicity:

This requires specific antimicrobial or antiparasitic treatment, healing of the gut, and replacing the noxious bacteria with those which are beneficial to good health.

How Long will it take?

Treatment time depends on your response to our approach.

Removal of the toxicity takes could take from 2 weeks to 6 months. Really severe cases have been known to take between 1 and 2 years.

How Will You Benefit?

Freeing the gut of toxicity and improving leaky has far-reaching effects on your future health.

You will feel so much healthier, some clients describe a feeling of lightness, “I haven’t felt this good for at least five years” and “I just feel so much more energetic”, are frequent expressions of appreciation.

Contact us or ring 98799596 for more information or to make an appointment.


Your Wellness Centre Naturopathy Melbourne