Bloating, Flatulence, Constipation, and Diarrhoea? Need Help?

Your stomach is one of the hardest working systems in your body.

Meal after meal, it hustles to digest your food and extract the nutrients required to sustain you.

Despite its solid work ethic, your belly can experience occasional performance hiccups, leading to digestive symptoms.

While many of these are normal, others may indicate something more serious.

Read on to discover what your symptoms say about your stomach function and ways to improve them.

Bloating Flatulence Constipation Diarrhoea - Your Wellness Centre Naturopathy

Normal, Everyday Symptoms: Transient Belly Bloating

What is it?
Short-lived abdominal swelling due to trapped gas.

What causes it?
During and after meals, your gut produces enzymes and acids that break down food, creating gas during this process.

While bloating isn’t considered normal, it commonly occurs if you deviate from your standard diets, such as eating larger portions, high-fat meals or foods that are more difficult to break down, including excess carbohydrates and fibre.

These place more burden on your digestive processes, subsequently increasing gas production and bloating.

How do you improve it?
While mild bloating generally passes with time, chewing your food thoroughly, consuming smaller meals and spacing out your carbohydrate and fibre intake can help.


What is it?

What causes it?
Gas is produced by normal digestive processes, and ‘passed’ at regular intervals.

Additionally, increased fibre, fat or sugar intake can create gas. Your microbiome (gut bacteria) also influences the amount of gas produced as they ferment food to help with your digestion.

How do you improve it?
It is normal to pass wind around 15 times per day. Additionally, the odd smelly fart is no big deal, particularly if caused by an increase in refined, processed foods (who can say no to the occasional slice of pizza?).

However, if you would like to reduce flatulence, moderate your intake of these foods.

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Symptoms That Require Attention: Chronic Constipation

What is it?
The infrequent passage of hard poop (less than once daily), is often accompanied by straining, a sense of incompletely emptying the bowel and discomfort.

What causes it?
Insufficient fibre or reduced fluid intake can slow your transit time (the time it takes for your food to travel from your mouth through to the other end), making you less ‘regular’.

Dysbiosis (an imbalance in the types and levels of gut bacteria) can also influence digestive processes and reduce your transit time.

Additionally, chronic constipation is associated with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), a condition that affects the function of the bowel.

How do you improve it?
Consume more fibre-rich foods, including fruit and vegetables, and drink enough water.

Prebiotic and probiotic supplements, such as the Metagenics Ultra Flora GI Regulate, may also support bowel regularity and provide relief for symptoms of medically diagnosed IBS.


What is it?
Soft, loose or watery stool that occurs more than three times daily.

What causes it?
Diarrhoea may be a symptom of a bacterial or viral infection, such as gastroenteritis, or be related to certain medications, particularly antibiotics.

Additionally, IBS and inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), a condition involving inflammation of the digestive tract, may cause diarrhoea.

How do you improve it?
IBS and IBD are serious conditions that require a professional diagnosis and care from a Health Practitioner.

However, if your symptoms are associated with antibiotic use, Metagenics Ultra Flora Intensive Care may help to restore healthy intestinal bacteria and relieve diarrhoea.

Malodorous Gas

What is it?
Farts that clear a room.

What causes it?
Your microbiome consists of a range of bacteria (38 trillion microbes!) that help digestion by fermenting your food, particularly fibre.

Imbalances in the levels of different bacterial species can lead to increased gas production with a pungent odour.

How do you improve it?
Metagenics Ultra Flora Intensive Care provides three specific probiotic strains (types of bacteria), Lactobacillus rhamnosus (LGG®), Saccharomyces cerevisiae (boulardii) and Bifidobacterium animalis ssp lactis (BB-12®), which have been shown to help restore a healthy balance of bacteria within your microbiome.

Gut Pain - Your Wellness Centre Naturopathy

Abdominal Pain

What is it?
Sharp, dull, stabbing, cramp-like, or twisting pain in your abdomen. Most people experience occasional gut discomfort, however severe gut pain that is episodic, regular or continuous requires assessment, particularly if accompanied by other symptoms such as fever, changes to your poop, nausea and/or vomiting.

What causes it?
Abdominal pain has many potential causes, the most common being gas pain, food intolerances or allergies, or indigestion. However, abdominal pain can also be a sign of something more serious, including appendicitis, gallstones, ulcers, infections, kidney stones, and many other conditions.

How do you improve it?
If gut pain has become a pattern rather than a one-off incident, seek guidance from a healthcare professional.

Ditch the Gut Glitches

Don’t let your gut feelings bum you out! Instead, switch up your diet and lifestyle habits and rid yourself of symptoms such as bloating, gurgles and gas.

If you regularly experience one or more problematic symptoms, particularly if they’re new or getting worse, consult with a Natural Health Practitioner at Your Wellness Centre for further investigation to devise an individualized comprehensive plan of attack that is suitable for you.

Our healthcare practitioners have a suite of testing available to investigate the driver behind your symptoms.

A stool analysis test enables us to identify all of the bacteria and other microorganisms that inhabit your gut and how they contribute to your gut function and digestive symptoms.

You can read more about MetaBiome™ testing here.


Your Wellness Centre Naturopathy Melbourne


We know that pain should not be chronic and it should go away. When it doesn’t, we have an Inflammatory snowball effect. It’s a bit like if you kept injuring yourself in the same location repeatedly. The result would be unresolved ongoing inflammation.

Pain and Inflammation - Your Wellness CentreHowever, not all inflammation has a visible injury. For example, if there is inflammation in your gut, the only symptom may be some niggling gut issues, yet you cannot ‘see’ the problem.

Nevertheless, there may be an inflammatory snowball effect occurring inside.

Unresolved inflammation, visible or not, becomes more problematic the longer it keeps interfering with the normal functioning of your body, and has been linked to many types of chronic disease such as arthritis and type 2 diabetes.

At Your Wellness Centre, we can help with any ‘niggling’ issues, such as gut or maybe joint discomfort, to avoid the snowball effect occurring and so stop inflammation going ‘through the roof.

Nobody wants to be in pain, and for optimal health, it is important to stop abnormal inflammation in its tracks. Pharmaceutical anti-inflammatories are commonly used to help relieve persistent pain, however, some medications may be accompanied by unwanted side effects if used ongoing.

Fortunately, Your Wellness Centre Practitioners have a range of natural anti-inflammatory and pain relief solutions that can be individualised for your situation, whether you need acute care or more ongoing support.

Safe and Natural Solutions for Inflammation

Many people are aware that fish oils reduce inflammation and can assist with joint conditions such as arthritis. However, let’s also look at the other herbal ingredients that offer safe and effective anti-inflammatory support, for example:

Turmeric - Curcuma - Your Wellness CentreTurmeric – this traditional anti-inflammatory Ayurvedic herb has a long history of use for injuries, whilst recent research demonstrates it also helps reduce the swelling and pain of arthritic conditions. BCM-95® Turmeric has significantly enhanced absorption, meaning you get the benefit of this powerful herbs’ anti-inflammatory properties when you need it.

BosPure® Boswellia – another Ayurvedic herb, Boswellia has analgesic, anti-rheumatic and anti-inflammatory qualities. Boswellia can be used for all types of pain, but particularly arthritic or traumatic pain associated with inflammation.

• The herbs’ Devils claw and Jamaica dogwood, when combined, not only help reduce pain, but decrease spasms and improve blood flow, and in so doing support the healing process.

• These anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving herbs are ‘gut friendly’ and safe for long-term use. Your Wellness Centre Practitioners can recommend the best anti-inflammatory combination for your needs.

Factors that Sustain Inflammation

It is important to learn which diet and lifestyle behaviours may be adding to inflammation in your body, such as:

1. Smoking;

2. Being an unhealthy weight;

3. Eating a diet containing refined/processed carbohydrates (e.g. white bread, pasta, white rice, cereals);

4. Consuming ’trans’ fats (e.g. fried or fast foods, packaged baked goods, vegetable fats used in some margarine);

5. Being sleep deprived;

6. Regularly consuming alcohol, coffee, excess sugar and/or salt;

7. Experiencing ongoing digestive issues that upset the balance of ‘good’ bacteria (e.g. stomach pain, bloating, diarrhoea); and/or

8. Experiencing ongoing psychological stress (unhappy employment situation, social isolation, caring for a loved one with a serious disease).

Modifying any or all of these is an important step in a holistic approach to reducing inflammation that may be contributing to your pain or illness. If you relate to any of the above factors, speak with Your Wellness Centre Practitioners who can offer you support.

Put an end to Inflammation!

Don’t let visible or invisible inflammation be a perpetuating problem! Your Wellness Centre Practitioner has a range of safe and effective natural medicines, along with the knowledge needed to help you address any pain and inflammation you may have.

Addressing inflammation can not only improve your quality of life now, but reduce your risk of chronic disease in future.

Take the step toward a healthier you!
Call 9879 9596 and book an appointment today!


Your Wellness Centre Naturopathy Melbourne


Pain and Inflammation - Your Wellness CentreIs poorly managed pain and inflammation slowing you down and impairing your quality of life? The feeling of pain is your body’s way of telling you that there is inflammation present.

It is associated with the classic symptoms of pain, redness, heat and swelling. It frequently accompanies injury and tissue trauma, such as sprains, strains, cuts, bites and stings.

However, what you may not realise, is that it can be a contributing factor to many health conditions and is a key component in the joint pain of arthritis, back pain and muscular aches, digestive disorders such inflammatory bowel disease, period pain, and many types of headaches.

The Firelighters Within

The term inflammation comes from the Latin word, ‘Inflammation’ which means to set on fire.

It is like a small biological fire designed to ‘burn away’ harmful stimuli such as pathogens, allergens, injury or other irritants.

A protective mechanism is designed to remove these causative factors and initiate the healing response.

It can also be the result of diet, lifestyle factors and stress which can ignite, and keep this fire burning.

Inflammation Inside and Out

You can identify when there are external signs of pain from arthritis, or joint and muscle injuries.

However, inflammation can be occurring inside the body even when the warning signs are less obvious.

For example, did you realise that obesity is an inflammatory state? Many digestive disorders such as food intolerances, irritable bowel disease, and coeliac disease are inflammatory conditions.

Putting Out the Body’s Fire

For optimal health, it is important to dampen down the inflammatory response and put out this fire.

Pharmaceutical anti-inflammatories are commonly used to help relieve pain and inflammation, however many of these carry risks such as causing damage to your digestive tract.

Fortunately, there are some safe and effective natural anti-inflammatory and pain relief solutions available:

  • Turmeric - Curcuma - Your Wellness Centre Naturopathy MelbourneTurmeric – This Ayurvedic herb has been used traditionally for the treatment of traumatic injury, and to reduce swelling and pain in arthritic conditions.
  • Boswellia – Has analgesic, anti-rheumatic and anti-inflammatory actions, as well as being effective for arthritis and traumatic pain, it may also assist with inflammatory conditions of the lungs, gastrointestinal tract, and skin.
  • Omega 3 essential fatty acids from fish oil containing EPA and DHA, may reduce acute and chronic pain and inflammation.

Food Can Produce or Reduce Inflammation

The typical Western diet may actually promote inflammation; high amounts of sugar and refined carbohydrates break down quickly into glucose and have been shown to induce inflammatory changes that are linked with many chronic diseases.

In some susceptible people, foods such as dairy products and gluten-containing grains can trigger an inflammatory response within the digestive tract and throughout the body.

Foods that Decrease Inflammation

  • Fresh fruits and vegetables
  • Good fats from fish, nuts, and seeds
  • Herbs and spices such as ginger, turmeric
  • Organic foods where possible Eat mostly whole foods

Foods that Increase Inflammation

  • High intake of sugar and processed foods
  • Trans and saturated fats
  • Artificial flavours, colours, and preservatives
  • Excess coffee and alcohol
  • Allergenic foods – dairy, wheat, and gluten

Simple Tips to Reduce Inflammation

As well as taking the right herbs and nutrients, there are simple diet and lifestyle changes that you can make that can help to reduce your inflammatory load:

  1. Fresh veggies and nuts - Your Wellness Centre Naturopathy MelbourneEat a diet plentiful in fresh fruit, a variety of vegetables and good fats from fish and nuts.
  2. Minimise your intake of refined carbohydrates such as white bread, pasta, white rice, cereals.
  3. Minimise your intake of red meat and opt instead for fish, chicken or vegetarian protein sources such as chickpeas or tofu.
  4. Reduce your intake of alcohol, coffee, sugar, and salt.
  5. Avoid foods you may be reactive to, such as wheat and dairy foods.
  6. Quit smoking.

The End to Inflammation

Don’t let pain and inflammation reduce your quality of life! Talk to Naturopaths at Your Wellness Centre today about safe and effective natural medicines and simple dietary and lifestyle measures to reduce pain, and address the underlying causes of inflammation.

Anti-inflammatory herbs and nutrients are friendly to your gut and safe for long term use.

Take the step toward a healthier you!
Call 9879 9596 and book an appointment today!

Your Wellness Centre Naturopathy Melbourne