It requires a complete lifestyle change. Your shopping, cooking, and eating habits are modified in clean eating. 

However, it’s worth making the change because you will improve your health. 

Your diet matters greatly. Changing your diet can help you reduce your own medical expenses. 

benefits of clean eating

There are multiple benefits to the clean eating diet: 

1. Lose weight. By focusing on healthy, whole foods and cutting refined products out of your diet, you can lose weight. 

  • Whole foods have more nutrients than refined and processed ones. This helps control your hunger, so you can make healthier food choices throughout the day. In addition, smaller portions and meals help cut down on extra calories. 

2. Enjoy clearer skin. By eliminating the chemicals and additives in processed foods, you’ll enjoy clearer skin. 

3. Enjoy more energy. Clean eating encourages you to combine proteins with carbohydrates and fats. This meal plan gives you more energy on a daily basis. 

4. Strengthen your immune system. Clean eating cuts out the refined sugars and unhealthy fats that can drag you down. The addition of herbs and spices also helps boost the immune system. 

5. Uplift your mood. The study, “On carrots and curiosity: Eating fruit and vegetables is associated with greater flourishing in daily life,” found that adding more fruits and vegetables to the diet makes you happier. 

6. Sleep more soundly. One study found that diet is tied to sleep patterns, and other studies show a connection. Eating clean can help you sleep better by regulating your metabolism and blood sugar.

If you’re eating clean, then you’ll notice several health benefits. Although it’s a diet plan that can help with weight loss, there are also other advantages.

Clean eating is a powerful way to improve your body and nurture your mind.


“The single greatest lesson the garden teaches is that our  relationship to the planet need not be zero-sum and that as long as the sun still shines and people  still can plan and plant, think and do, we can if we bother to try, find ways to provide for  ourselves without diminishing the world.” – Michael Pollan


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Low-Carb Hacks

15 Ways To Help Lose Weight Faster


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The basic guidelines for eating clean are easy to follow and include a promise to avoid processed foods in the diet.

Refined foods have been increasing in number since the 1940s. Today’s supermarkets and grocery stores are filled with many processed options. However, eating clean will help you avoid the health risks that come with eating processed food!

Try these guidelines for eating clean:

1. Focus on whole foods in your diet.

Whole foods are items like an entire apple or piece of lettuce. They’re not processed or refined, and there is no long list of ingredients with strange names on their labels. 

  • Eating straight from a farm is the ideal way of avoiding processed foods. However, this isn’t an easy option for everyone, so there are other ways to get whole foods. 
  • Focusing on organic produce is essential. Whole foods grown without pesticides or other chemicals are the best option. Organic items are becoming more popular, so more local stores are carrying them. 
  • The goal of clean eating is to eat raw food as often as possible. Fresh bananas, ripe cherries, and green kale are preferred over muffins, pancakes, or chips. 
  • The clean eating plan replaces white flour with whole grains. You can use bran, quinoa, amaranth, and other popular grains in your cooking to create delicious meals that your family will adore. 

2. Get rid of canned and bagged items in the kitchen.

An easy way to start a clean eating diet is to remove all of the canned and bagged items in the kitchen that are not whole foods. 

  • Canned soups, vegetables, and fruits aren’t part of the clean eating plan. The cans can have Bisphenol A (BPA), a chemical capable of disrupting human hormones. 
  • Avoid packaged lunch meats and crackers because they’re usually filled with additives and chemicals. 

3. Reduce the amount of sugar in your diet.

The clean eating plan recommends reducing the sugar in your diet, but it can remain in some healthy forms. For example, fresh fruit is an acceptable food. 

  • Eliminate artificial sweeteners. Artificial sweeteners supply empty calories that aren’t part of the clean eating plan. These sweeteners include aspartame and saccharin.
  • High fructose corn syrup is another source of sugar that is not recommended. 
  • Natural sources of sugar can stay in your diet in small amounts.

4. Eat more fresh fruits and vegetables.

It’s important to experiment with new fruits and vegetables, so your diet has variety. Have you tried passion fruit with your breakfast or added kiwi to your lunch?

  • Organic and fresh items are the best choice for a clean eating plan. 

5. Eat more nuts and seeds.

Nuts and seeds are important sources of protein and other nutrients. They can give you more energy and strengthen your health. 

  • From pecans to cashews, your diet will benefit from the addition of nuts and seeds. 

6. Add healthy fats and get rid of trans fats.

Trans fats are not nutritious, and they are considered the worst category of fat.

  • Many processed foods contain trans fats. They’re common in baked goods like cookies and fried foods like French fries. Trans fats can wreak havoc on your cholesterol levels by increasing the bad cholesterol while decreasing the good one. 
  • Healthy fats such as avocado oil are better for your body. They can improve cholesterol levels and help those who have diabetes. 

7. Enjoy low-fat, organic dairy products.

It’s not easy to cut dairy for some people, and the clean eating plan allows low-fat organic products. 

  • Hormone-free dairy products are best, and many organic items will indicate this. 

8. Avoid foods with complicated ingredient names.

Many processed items have long ingredient lists filled with puzzling names. 

9. Organise your meals into five or six parts per day.

Try smaller, but more frequent, meals. 

  • This plan will help improve your metabolism while keeping you full longer. In addition, it helps avoid dangerous blood sugar spikes.  

10. Learn to mix carbohydrates, protein, and healthy fats at every meal.

The best clean eating plates have a combination of carbs, protein, and fats. This also helps you feel full and gives you energy.  

Whole foods are at the heart of the clean eating diet. It’s essential to focus on raw and fresh ingredients at every meal. 

The elimination of processed foods will help you discover new foods that are healthier. 

Your meals can be filled with a variety of fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, low-fat dairy, and fresh meats. Once you’ve replaced packaged and refined items with healthier options, you’ll notice a positive change in the way you feel. 


Read more about Eating Clean:

Clean Eating Involves 

Guideline To Clean Eating


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Eating clean means you’re focused on choosing healthy, natural foods and are paying attention to the sources of your food. Clean eating can transform your life.

Let’s first look at the principle of clean eating:

The Basic principle of clean eating is to eliminate processed foods from the diet.

In addition to being high in sugar and salt, refined foods have many chemicals, preservatives, and additives. They can have a negative impact on the body that ranges from weight gain to allergies. 

Clean eating focuses on a diet of unprocessed and healthy foods.

Instead of counting calories, your centre of attention is on finding and eating whole foods. 

Your entire diet changes after a commitment to eating clean. Your meals are more frequent and smaller during the day.

In addition, you’ll feel fuller and avoid blood sugar spikes. You’ll learn to appreciate food again with a renewed sense of love.  

Consider these tips:

1. Understand this is a lifestyle change. Clean eating is more than a diet trend that vanishes at the end of the week. It’s a lifestyle change. 

  • A true commitment to clean eating requires that it become a permanent lifestyle change. This is not the type of diet that can end after one month of juicing or a couple of weeks of eating raw vegetables. 
  • Without counting calories or worrying about portion sizes, you are able to adjust to the lifestyle change easier. 

2. Accept a gradual transformation of your diet. It’s not easy to eliminate every processed food from your diet, so a more gradual approach lets you slowly exchange the bag of potato chips for baked kale chips you make in your own oven. 

  • It’s easier to switch to clean eating by using a slower approach. Your family members may need time to accept the loss of their favourite pretzels or burgers. 
  • Cutting out junk food may be easy, but processed foods are also lurking in other parts of the kitchen and cabinets. The canned soups and lunch meats aren’t part of a clean eating plan, so you’ll have to get rid of them. 

3. Learn to pay attention to your food. Clean eating will change how you look at food and what you’re willing to accept on your dinner plate. 

  • Today’s busy lifestyles can keep people from paying attention to their meals. They grab a quick breakfast or snack on junk food during the day to deal with hunger pangs. Clean eating addresses all of these issues by making you focus on each bite. 


Clean eating is not a diet trend that will fade after a few days or weeks. It is a long-term lifestyle change and commitment to eating better.


“To eat with a fuller consciousness of all that is at stake might sound like a burden, but in practice, few things in life can afford quite as much satisfaction. By comparison, the pleasures of eating industrially, which is to say eating in ignorance, are fleeting. Many people today seem perfectly content eating at the end of an industrial food chain . . .” – Michael Pollan

What is Leaky Gut Syndrome?

To put it simply, Leaky Gut syndrome happens when large spaces (or holes) develop in the gut wall.

This allows bacteria, toxins, and food particles to leak into the bloodstream from the gut… hence its name “Leaky Gut”.

The definition of Leaky Gut Syndrome is an “increase in permeability of the intestinal mucosa to bigger molecules, antigens, and toxins associated with inflammatory degenerative and or atrophic mucosa or lining.”

Generally, the walls of a healthy gut allow very small molecules to pass through so that we can absorb nutrients.

A leaky gut occurs when tight junctions in the gut, which control what passes through the lining of the small intestine, don’t work properly.

This could allow unwanted bigger molecules such as food molecules, which are usually too large to pass through the intestinal barrier, to leak into the bloodstream.

Others pass through in the form of metabolic waste and microbial toxins.

When this happens, the immune system treats these foreign substances as antigens or nasties, setting off an allergic response in which antibodies are secreted in the bloodstream to couple with and immobilise these large molecules.

Let’s take a closer look at the Digestive Tract

The digestive tract is an elaborate system that involves organs from the mouth to the anus.

The small intestine performs an essential barrier function in keeping the body free from allergies.

The intestine’s membrane acts as a wall separating undigested food and the bloodstream. (The digestive tract organs properly break down food into smaller, usable molecules, which then are sent through the bloodstream to nourish the body’s tissues.)

When intact and healthy, the digestive tract organs break down food into smaller, usable molecules, which then are sent through the bloodstream to nourish the body’s tissues.

Some amount of wall permeability is common.

In people with a normal, intact gut, up to 20 percent of undigested protein can pass through the mucous membranes.

Excessively permeability causes problems.

When there is inflammation in the gastrointestinal mucosa, the intestinal wall becomes excessively permeable (lots of little gaps or holes form) leading to ‘leaky gut syndrome.

If bits of food have not been properly broken down due to imbalances in the digestive tract, food molecules, which are usually too large to pass through the intestinal barrier, slip through the gaps in the gut wall and enter the bloodstream.

When this happens, the immune system treats these foreign substances as antigens (antigens can cause food intolerance and/or allergies).

This sets off an allergic response in which antibodies are secreted in the bloodstream to bind with these foreign substances.

Leaky Gut Syndrome may cause the intestinal lining to become inflamed and the microvilli to become damaged or altered.

The damaged microvilli cannot then produce the enzymes and secretions that are essential for healthy digestion and the absorption of nutrients.

Leaky Gut Syndrome is a very common problem in modern society.

What could cause a Leaky Gut?

  • Eating excessive amounts of inflammatory foods such as dairy, sugar, and alcohol.
  • Gluten sensitivity.
  • Use of antibiotics and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs).
  • Infections such as candida, intestinal parasites, bacteria, fungi, protozoa, and small intestine bacterial overgrowth (SIBO).
  • Other causes include enzyme deficiencies, toxins, mercury, alcohol, stress, and certain food intolerances.

Symptoms of Leaky Gut

Leaky gut symptoms are not unique. They’re shared by a range of problems. And tests often fail to uncover a definite cause of the problem.

Many are left without a diagnosis and, therefore, untreated, because a lot of the symptoms are quite common.

These symptoms include unexplained food intolerances and allergies, constipation, diarrhoea, wind, bloating, cramps, and heartburn as well as aches and pains.

Leaky Gut Syndrome has been directly linked to being a potential contributing factor in:

  • Anxiety
  • Asthma
  • Autism
  • Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
  • Depression
  • Eczema
  • Fibromyalgia
  • Food allergies
  • Fungal disorders
  • Irritable bowel syndrome
  • Migraines
  • Rheumatoid arthritis
  • Sinusitis
  • Type 1 diabetes
  • Urticaria

Of course, there are natural ways to effectively treat this.

What we need to do now is to get your digestive system back on track.

Help you understand what Leaky Gut means and encourage you to follow the protocol and the diet set out for you.

If you would like more information, simply contact us at 9879 9596 or to see how our naturopaths at Your Wellness Centre can support you along with your recovery.


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Natural Appetite Suppressants You Can Eat Every Day

Do you avoid pharmaceutical appetite suppressants because of the many serious side effects? If so, you’ll be glad to discover that there are certain foods and spices that can help you lose weight by naturally suppressing your desire to overeat.

Consider trying these natural ingredients in your diet:


1. Ginger doesn’t have many calories, but it has a strong, pleasant flavor, and helps you avoid overeating. It’s a popular addition to meals and teas. Ginger root and ginger tea may help you lose weight.

  • You can add it to smoothies, juices, and other drinks, and can also be part of curries or other spicy dishes. You can even eat slices of crystallized ginger.
  • It has fiber, amino acids, and other nutrients that promote health. It also has anti-inflammatory properties that may reduce the risk of some diseases such as diabetes or cardiovascular issues.



2. Avocado. You may benefit from its monounsaturated fat, which has natural appetite suppressant properties. Avocadoes can make you feel full, so you’re less likely to crave other foods or overeat.

  • Avocado is a healthy choice that has good fats. Although there are many calories and fats in avocados, they are a healthier option than junk food and sugary treats.
  • Consider adding a slice of avocado to your toast in the morning. You can also add it to salads and smoothies or use it as a base for sauces and dips. You can add avocados to pancake batters, quiches, omelets, pizzas, or sandwiches. A slice of avocado on a piece of bread with meat, cheese, and tomato tastes delicious.


cayenne pepper

3. Cayenne pepper. Research shows that cayenne pepper and similar strong spices may suppress appetites and help weight loss. One study found that using cayenne pepper can make you eat fewer calories.

  • The chemicals in cayenne pepper may help boost the metabolism and make you feel less hungry. They may also help burn fat in the body.
  • Cayenne pepper can be added to your meals as you cook. It can be sprinkled on salads and added to soups. It can top almost any dish in moderation.


apples on the table

4. Apples are an inexpensive and convenient way to suppress the appetite. The fiber and pectin in apples can make you feel full, so you’re less likely to stray from your diet and overeat. Plus, you can enjoy these other appetite-suppressing characteristics of apples:

Apples taste sweet without an enormous amount of calories, so they can feed the craving for sugar without resorting to eating a box of doughnuts.

  • Apples take more time to chew than other foods. This gives your body the time to process what you’re eating and send signals to your brain that you’re full faster. They have also been shown to help regulate blood sugar levels in the body.
  • The multiple varieties of apples also keep things interesting, and you’re less likely to get bored if you eat different types. So, the next time you’re wondering what to eat, grab an apple from the kitchen!

Enjoy these natural appetite suppressants as you diet. Keep in mind that exercise and a generally healthy overall eating plan are also important for losing weight.


Read more:

How to Strengthen the Immune System Naturally

Healthy Habits that Help the Immune System


Take the step toward a healthier you!
Call 9879 9596 and book an appointment today!

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Family Fitness: Staying Healthy Together

In these days of fast food dinners and hours spent sitting at computers and video games, families need more than ever to work together to stay healthy. As a parent, you have a responsibility to teach your kids the importance of being physically active every day.

Exercising together as a family ensures kids will grow up with this healthy practice deeply ingrained. In addition, when your family shares time together, regardless of the activity, it also secures and reinforces emotional bonds.

Be creative when it comes to planning family fitness activities. You might be surprised at how positively your family responds to new types of exercise together!


Examine these ideas for family fitness and commit to trying some of them:

bike riding and swimming

1. Bike-riding. If your bicycles are gathering dust in the garage or shed, clean those bicycles and get them tuned up. Then, plan a family bike ride twice weekly.

  • Vary the times of day you ride until you find the hour that fits best for everyone. Mornings on the weekends and in the summer might work. Alternately, try late afternoons before dinner or early evenings after the meal.

2. Most children love playing in a swimming pool. Once all your kids know how to swim, take the family to the pool a couple of times a week, weather permitting.

  • Swimming expends many calories and provides plenty of opportunities afterward for the family to just hanging out in the pool to talk and spend quality time together.

3. Alternate walking and running. Sure, a family walk is a nice, leisurely activity. But what if you changed it up a bit and alternated walking 3 minutes then running 3 minutes? Most kids love to run, and would even happily race you for the few minutes you’d be picking up the pace.

4. Mini-biathlon. If your family likes to run and bike, bike, and swim, or run and swim, plan your own mini-biathlon. Parents can design easy and fun training schedules for everyone.

  • Engage the entire family in planning, training, and completing your mini-biathlon. You’ll spark your children’s interests in physical activities while sharing special moments together.

5. Calisthenics, Yoga, or Tai Chi. It’s nice to have some ideas for indoor fitness activities in case of a rainy day. Depending on the age of your children, many types of exercise can provide an enjoyable family fitness experience indoors.

  • Stretches, modified push-ups, sit-ups, and leg lifts will all provide physical challenges for you and your children when there’s inclement weather. Practicing Yoga or Tai Chi is also challenging and healthy without being too boisterous for inside the house.
  • Use mats or blankets on the floor to make floor exercises more comfortable. You’ll get in some quality time and conversation with the kids while doing indoor exercises as a family.

6. Dance DVDs. One of the most enjoyable, carefree fitness activities to do with your kids is dancing. After all, who doesn’t love to dance?

  • There are tons of dance DVDs on the market right now. From dancing to the oldies to learning to salsa to trying new hip-hop moves, you’ll surely find some DVDs that your family will love to do together.

Demonstrate that fitness is fun, challenging, and invigorating and you’ll help your kids develop real excitement about staying active! When you educate your children from a young age about fitness and the advantages of staying in shape, these lessons will endure for their whole lives.


Take the step toward a healthier you!
Call 9879 9596 and book an appointment today!

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The Easiest Ways to Make Healthy Desserts

You can cook and bake healthier desserts that will make your family smile and lick their plates. You simply have to adjust some ingredients and techniques to make them a reality.

Try these ideas:

1. Use more fruit. Using fruit instead of sugar is one of the easiest ways to create healthier desserts.

fruit desserts

  • Fruit has naturally high levels of sugar, but it’s also packed with vitamins, minerals, and fiber. It’s better for you to eat an apple than a donut because the donut won’t provide you with vitamins, minerals, or fiber.
  • Fruits like bananas, strawberries, blueberries, and others are easy to incorporate into many recipes. They can help you reduce the amount of white or brown sugar you add to recipes. They can also help you create a unique taste for your desserts that will amaze your family.


2. Change your butter or oil. Another way to make healthier desserts is to change the butter and oil in the recipes. Butter and oil can add fat and extra calories to your dishes.tofu

  • Instead, use applesauce. Many healthier desserts taste better with applesauce instead of butter or oil.
  • Another option is to use mashed beans instead of oil.
  • Tofu can also work as a substitute for butter. You simply have to ensure it’s soft and pureed.


3. Switch to whole flour instead of white flour. By switching the type of flour you use, you can get a healthier dessert. Many recipes allow you to use whole flour instead of white flour. whole flour

  • Whole flour adds fiber that is necessary for a strong digestive system. Sadly, many desserts don’t have much fiber.


4. Use beets to reduce sugar. It’s hard to make a sweet dessert without sugar, but beets can help you cut down the total amount you need. You can use raw, grated beets instead of some of the sugar in a recipe.

beets puree






5. Make smaller portions. You don’t need to make giant chocolate chip cookies that cover the whole pan. Instead, focus on smaller portions that are healthier and still fun to eat.small portion of desserts

  • Experts recommend making your cookies and other dessert servings smaller. You also want to limit how many you eat in one sitting.



6. Use more bananas. Bananas can be turned into ice cream, pudding, and many other healthy desserts.

banana as sugar

  • You can use a food processor to turn plain bananas into creamy ice cream with no extra sugar or other ingredients. Freeze them after you’re done, so they can be transformed.
  • Bananas are high in potassium and have other vitamins and minerals.



7. Use more dates. Dates are fruits that have a sticky texture. Dates are a fun option for making healthier desserts. They can hold together cookies, bars, tarts, and other baked goods. They also have high levels of fiber and other nutrients.dates

  • They’re naturally sweet, so you don’t need to add much sugar to a date recipe.

Experiment with healthier desserts. You don’t have to completely cut out dessert from your life. Instead, consider ways you can experiment with healthier recipes in the kitchen.

Healthier desserts can be fun to make with your family. They can be a delicious addition to your meal plans and don’t have to be filled with a ton of sugar or calories. You don’t have to sacrifice taste and texture to reduce calories or sugar.



Read more:

Holiday Season Health Tips


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Firstly, you may be asking “Why is this necessary?”

Well, apparently the average weight gain during the holidays is 0.37 kg for a lean person and more than 2.3 kg for an overweight individual. It has been found that people rarely lose this weight the following year. This means that in just 5 years one could gain 2 to 12 kg just by overindulging during the holidays!

While making healthy choices during the festive season can be challenging, try these tips to feel healthy and keep holiday weight gain down.

goal setting

Start With Your Mindset

1. Make a goal to work toward. Whether you want to lose or maintain your weight, or just feel healthy and vital throughout the holidays, keeping this in mind will influence healthy choices.
Need help with your goal? Refer to our post on motivation.

2. Take the focus off the food. The holidays are ultimately about spending quality time with family and friends. Make people your focus by starting up conversations at holiday events, helping the host, and even approaching lonely-looking guests for a chat.


meal plan

Prepare For Events

3. Go in with a plan. Decide how much you’re going to eat ahead of time (for example, one plate of food and one dessert). Stick to the plan.

4. Bring a healthy plate. Contributing something wholesome to the spread will give you and other guests a healthy choice.

5. Don’t fast. Don’t try to ‘save’ your calories for the event by not eating during the day; being hungry may trigger overeating.
Instead, eating a healthy snack just before the event may help you moderate your intake.


healthy meal

Ideas for eating at Parties

6. Keep food in proportion. Fill half your plate with vegetables, a quarter with grains, bread or potatoes, and a quarter with meat or other protein sources (e.g. beans, nuts).
This will give you a balanced meal that is likely to be lower in calories.

7. Step away from the buffet. Standing at the buffet table may inspire overeating. Instead, serve yourself and walk away.

8. Slow down your eating. Taking the time to chew each mouthful properly will allow you to both savor and properly digest your food.
Doing this helps prevent both overeating and indigestion. Putting your fork down between each bite is a good idea to assist this.
Keep in mind, it can take as long as 20 minutes for the body to register that you’re full, so take a break before you go in for seconds.

9. Choose deliciously. Choose only the dessert(s) that really appeal to you, the one that’s rare or unusual. Leave everything else that’s common and readily available.


avoid binge drinking

Avoid Binge Drinking

10. Keep alcohol serves under four. 
According to the NHMRC Australian Alcohol Guidelines, drinking more than four standard drinks per night is classified as binge drinking.
That is equal to two restaurant servings of wine or two and a half full-strength cans of beer.
Avoiding binge drinking helps prevent hangovers, nausea, and vomiting, as well as overeating calorie-dense junk foods.

11. Alternate with water. A glass of water between each drink helps keep you hydrated, reducing the risk of a hangover. This also slows your alcohol intake, giving your liver more time to process it.

12. Eat before you start. A  meal slows the absorption of alcohol, helping your liver cope.


stay active

Stay Active

13. Exercise in the morning. Get a session in before work or other activities like Christmas shopping and events take over your day!

14. Schedule it in. Booking in your workouts as necessary activities will help you stick to them. Add them to your calendar and set reminders for yourself.

15. Have an active Christmas. Incorporate some exercise into your family Christmas ‘do’, whether that’s backyard cricket, footy, or a family walk.


By using the tips above you can look forward to a festive season feeling healthy and vital, and most importantly, preventing dreaded weight gain!

For tailored assistance with weight loss or maintenance over this festive season,
Click here to talk to our Naturopath today.

You may want to read more:

A few calories contain a lot of energy, so it takes time. However, there is plenty you can do to move the process along. Adopt a few, small habits and your weight loss can and will be accelerated! Here are 15 ways to help you lose weight faster.

Try these 15 ways to help you lose weight faster…

person holding clear glass cup with half-filled water

1. Stick to no-calorie beverages.

It’s easier to drink a lot of calories than to eat them. Sugary drinks can add a lot of calories in a hurry. The same goes for your morning latte. Water is the best option.

bowl of vegetable salads

2. Eat more fibre.

Fibre can fill you up, stabilize blood sugar levels, and keep you regular.

3. Eat more unprocessed foods.

If you only eat meat, vegetables, fruit, and grains, it’s easy to eat enough to maintain a heavy bodyweight. It’s the man-made foods like pasta, bread, cookies, ice cream, and cheese that usually create an issue.

4. Make vegetables the main course of every meal.

Vegetables are packed with vitamins and minerals, and most have few calories.

5. Track your diet.

Use a diet-tracking app or software to keep track of the foods you eat.

Orange Cat Sleeping on White Bed

6. Get enough sleep.

Those that sleep less than 6 hours tend to have a higher percentage of body fat. Your body doesn’t operate optimally without enough sleep.


silhouette of three women running on grey concrete road

7. Take a morning walk.

Take a tour of your neighborhood or hop on the treadmill. A 20-minute walk can do wonders if done regularly.

8. Move more.

Find ways to add more steps to your day. Park further from the door when you go to work or to the store. Use the stairs instead of the elevator or escalator.

9. Use interval training.

Taking a long walk is great, but it’s even better if you add in a few sprints. Long, easy workouts can burn more calories during the workout, but intense exercise burns calories for hours.

10. Weigh yourself each week.

Keep a spreadsheet of your weight as well as bust, waist, and hip measurements. When you measure these, the changes you see will keep you motivated.

11. Have an appetizer.

Carrots, celery sticks, and salad are good examples. Fill up a little on healthy food before the main course.

person holding babys hand

12. Get a weight loss partner.

You’ll stick to your diet and exercise program better if you have a partner to keep you accountable.

13. Eat mindfully.

Pay attention to your food. Notice the taste, the texture, and focus on the sensation of eating. 

woman holding fork in front table

14. Eat slower.

Chew your food completely.
Drink a full glass of water with dinner. Count to five between bites. Do whatever is necessary to slow down and you’ll eat less.

15. Be careful when eating out.

It’s easier to throw caution to the wind while dining at your favourite restaurant.
Eating at home gives you more control over the situation.

Being successful when losing weight is a steady process.

As well as that, some diets seem to work faster than others. 
However, in our experience, you can lose between 7 and 10 kg in 5 weeks using one of the Weight Loss Programs we run at our clinic.

The 15 ways to help you lose weight faster are some tips to keep in mind not only while losing weight, but when you’re keeping it off as well.
So do keep these in mind when you are after a faster weight loss result!


Read more about losing weight:

Weight Loss Recipes

Naturopathy and your Lifestyle

Weight Loss Challenge


Take the step toward a healthier you!
Call 9879 9596 and book an appointment today!


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To keep your immune system healthy here are some important tips for you:


woman jogging

Look after Yourself every day.

Give your immune system a head start by incorporating these healthy habits into your diet and daily lifestyle.


fruits in a bowl

Eat Regularly.

Include protein with every meal.

Include complex carbohydrates and make sure you have regular meals.

Increase the water.

Water helps your mood and improves stress levels.

Reduce the alcohol it might help you today but in the long run, you’ll probably find yourself even more stressed.

Limit yourself to one-two serves at a sitting a couple of times a week.


Aim for at least two serves of fruit and three cups of vegetables daily.

Fill your plate with a rainbow of color to provide nutrients and antioxidants to help build strong immunity.

Lightly cooked vegetables are a nourishing option in winter.


avoiding cake

Eliminate Inflammatory Foods.

Sugar, refined carbohydrates, dairy, and wheat can all be inflammatory and may suppress immune function.

Reduce caffeine and sugar and aim for well-balanced meals.

Avoid mucus-promoting, inflammatory foods such as dairy and processed foods.


woman at peace

Reduce Stress.

Stress steals energy and nutrients from your immune system, leaving you susceptible to getting sick.

Enjoy the benefits of scheduling time out, meditation, and time spent in nature.

We are well aware that many are suffering from stress at this time.

We also know that chronic stress can weaken viral immune defenses.

This is why taking measures to reduce stress and support your resilience to stress is highly advisable.

Put aside a few minutes each day to engage in something you enjoy.

Engage in something positive and uplifting like music, hobbies, and exercise.

This causes a change in brainwave activity and also changes your body physiology and reduces the stress burden.


avoid the avoidable

Avoid Being Bombarded with Corona Virus information continually.

You cannot switch on the TV, the radio, or social media without there being a focus on Covid-19.

Try to steer the conversation with family and friends toward the positive.

Don’t get swept up in the negative hype.

Don’t stress over and obsess about the issue for six hours at a time.

It is serious, and we have to play our part, but we also need to get on with living.


time to update

Section Off Part Of Your Day for Updates.

In stressful situations section off a part of your day to deal with it and get on with the rest of the day.

Get up to date with the new government regulations then prepare for the necessary for the home.


be positive

Focus on Doing More Positive Things.

Playing board games with the family, playing with pets.

Focus on the music, on hobbies because you’ll now have more time

Especially the case if you are working from home.

Pick up an instrument, paint, be creative.

When watching movies make them comedies, let them be light-hearted, let them be uplifting and enjoyable not the horrors because this can stimulate stress.

Meditation can calm you down and improve your well-being. There are many apps to use.

Apps like calm, headspace, guided meditation.

Sleep Stories is an app, that I believe, can help you fall asleep.

There are many positive ways others are using to help adjust to their new way of life. Learn from them.


sleeping woman

Sleep and Sleep Well.

Practice good sleep hygiene.
Wind down, and dim the lights at night.
You should expose yourself to 2 hours of dim light before bedtime, so that melatonin which is your sleep hormone can be produced.

Slow down and calm down.
Take up reading a novel, doing meditation, and trying to get away from the phone and digital equipment.
Try to get not less than seven hours of sleep.
The most beneficial sleep is that which you get before midnight so aim to get to bed at about 2 hours before midnight.

Should you find difficulty sleeping, you can call us on 9879 9596 to get our sleep tips.


Fight back and Stay Well.

Embrace immune-boosting Natural Medicines and let this be your season of change.
We can recommend a herbal or nutritional formula with antiviral, anti-inflammatory, decongestant, and immune-boosting power to support you if needed.


woman exercising


Exercise is known to improve your mood and your brain chemicals.
So try to increase your heart rate for 20 minutes three times a week. It’s even better to exercise in nature because this has proven benefits and calms you down.
Taking up yoga or tai chi would be beneficial. There are many YouTube videos on these topics.
Get outside and help some vitamin D to form naturally in your body. This can help improve your immune system.


gratitude changes everything

Practice gratitude.

Focus on the positives of the situation.
Start with five things to be grateful for.
Stay connected with loved ones; do this through voice calls; facetime; house parties.
Our digital age means you can easily stay connected with friends and family and loved ones.
These are simple ways to help improve your mood.
It will keep your stress under control.

Doing these things go a long way in helping you take charge of your health.


Read more:

How to Strengthen the Immune System Naturally

Family Fitness

Why do I keep getting sick all the time?


Get in Touch

102A Oban Rd, Ringwood North, Victoria 3134
Phone (03) 9879 9596

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