
It requires a complete lifestyle change. Your shopping, cooking, and eating habits are modified in clean eating. 

However, it’s worth making the change because you will improve your health. 

Your diet matters greatly. Changing your diet can help you reduce your own medical expenses. 

benefits of clean eating

There are multiple benefits to the clean eating diet: 

1. Lose weight. By focusing on healthy, whole foods and cutting refined products out of your diet, you can lose weight. 

  • Whole foods have more nutrients than refined and processed ones. This helps control your hunger, so you can make healthier food choices throughout the day. In addition, smaller portions and meals help cut down on extra calories. 

2. Enjoy clearer skin. By eliminating the chemicals and additives in processed foods, you’ll enjoy clearer skin. 

3. Enjoy more energy. Clean eating encourages you to combine proteins with carbohydrates and fats. This meal plan gives you more energy on a daily basis. 

4. Strengthen your immune system. Clean eating cuts out the refined sugars and unhealthy fats that can drag you down. The addition of herbs and spices also helps boost the immune system. 

5. Uplift your mood. The study, “On carrots and curiosity: Eating fruit and vegetables is associated with greater flourishing in daily life,” found that adding more fruits and vegetables to the diet makes you happier. 

6. Sleep more soundly. One study found that diet is tied to sleep patterns, and other studies show a connection. Eating clean can help you sleep better by regulating your metabolism and blood sugar.

If you’re eating clean, then you’ll notice several health benefits. Although it’s a diet plan that can help with weight loss, there are also other advantages.

Clean eating is a powerful way to improve your body and nurture your mind.


“The single greatest lesson the garden teaches is that our  relationship to the planet need not be zero-sum and that as long as the sun still shines and people  still can plan and plant, think and do, we can if we bother to try, find ways to provide for  ourselves without diminishing the world.” – Michael Pollan


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The basic guidelines for eating clean are easy to follow and include a promise to avoid processed foods in the diet.

Refined foods have been increasing in number since the 1940s. Today’s supermarkets and grocery stores are filled with many processed options. However, eating clean will help you avoid the health risks that come with eating processed food!

Try these guidelines for eating clean:

1. Focus on whole foods in your diet.

Whole foods are items like an entire apple or piece of lettuce. They’re not processed or refined, and there is no long list of ingredients with strange names on their labels. 

  • Eating straight from a farm is the ideal way of avoiding processed foods. However, this isn’t an easy option for everyone, so there are other ways to get whole foods. 
  • Focusing on organic produce is essential. Whole foods grown without pesticides or other chemicals are the best option. Organic items are becoming more popular, so more local stores are carrying them. 
  • The goal of clean eating is to eat raw food as often as possible. Fresh bananas, ripe cherries, and green kale are preferred over muffins, pancakes, or chips. 
  • The clean eating plan replaces white flour with whole grains. You can use bran, quinoa, amaranth, and other popular grains in your cooking to create delicious meals that your family will adore. 

2. Get rid of canned and bagged items in the kitchen.

An easy way to start a clean eating diet is to remove all of the canned and bagged items in the kitchen that are not whole foods. 

  • Canned soups, vegetables, and fruits aren’t part of the clean eating plan. The cans can have Bisphenol A (BPA), a chemical capable of disrupting human hormones. 
  • Avoid packaged lunch meats and crackers because they’re usually filled with additives and chemicals. 

3. Reduce the amount of sugar in your diet.

The clean eating plan recommends reducing the sugar in your diet, but it can remain in some healthy forms. For example, fresh fruit is an acceptable food. 

  • Eliminate artificial sweeteners. Artificial sweeteners supply empty calories that aren’t part of the clean eating plan. These sweeteners include aspartame and saccharin.
  • High fructose corn syrup is another source of sugar that is not recommended. 
  • Natural sources of sugar can stay in your diet in small amounts.

4. Eat more fresh fruits and vegetables.

It’s important to experiment with new fruits and vegetables, so your diet has variety. Have you tried passion fruit with your breakfast or added kiwi to your lunch?

  • Organic and fresh items are the best choice for a clean eating plan. 

5. Eat more nuts and seeds.

Nuts and seeds are important sources of protein and other nutrients. They can give you more energy and strengthen your health. 

  • From pecans to cashews, your diet will benefit from the addition of nuts and seeds. 

6. Add healthy fats and get rid of trans fats.

Trans fats are not nutritious, and they are considered the worst category of fat.

  • Many processed foods contain trans fats. They’re common in baked goods like cookies and fried foods like French fries. Trans fats can wreak havoc on your cholesterol levels by increasing the bad cholesterol while decreasing the good one. 
  • Healthy fats such as avocado oil are better for your body. They can improve cholesterol levels and help those who have diabetes. 

7. Enjoy low-fat, organic dairy products.

It’s not easy to cut dairy for some people, and the clean eating plan allows low-fat organic products. 

  • Hormone-free dairy products are best, and many organic items will indicate this. 

8. Avoid foods with complicated ingredient names.

Many processed items have long ingredient lists filled with puzzling names. 

9. Organise your meals into five or six parts per day.

Try smaller, but more frequent, meals. 

  • This plan will help improve your metabolism while keeping you full longer. In addition, it helps avoid dangerous blood sugar spikes.  

10. Learn to mix carbohydrates, protein, and healthy fats at every meal.

The best clean eating plates have a combination of carbs, protein, and fats. This also helps you feel full and gives you energy.  

Whole foods are at the heart of the clean eating diet. It’s essential to focus on raw and fresh ingredients at every meal. 

The elimination of processed foods will help you discover new foods that are healthier. 

Your meals can be filled with a variety of fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, low-fat dairy, and fresh meats. Once you’ve replaced packaged and refined items with healthier options, you’ll notice a positive change in the way you feel. 


Read more about Eating Clean:

Clean Eating Involves 

Guideline To Clean Eating


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The Easiest Ways to Make Healthy Desserts

You can cook and bake healthier desserts that will make your family smile and lick their plates. You simply have to adjust some ingredients and techniques to make them a reality.

Try these ideas:

1. Use more fruit. Using fruit instead of sugar is one of the easiest ways to create healthier desserts.

fruit desserts

  • Fruit has naturally high levels of sugar, but it’s also packed with vitamins, minerals, and fiber. It’s better for you to eat an apple than a donut because the donut won’t provide you with vitamins, minerals, or fiber.
  • Fruits like bananas, strawberries, blueberries, and others are easy to incorporate into many recipes. They can help you reduce the amount of white or brown sugar you add to recipes. They can also help you create a unique taste for your desserts that will amaze your family.


2. Change your butter or oil. Another way to make healthier desserts is to change the butter and oil in the recipes. Butter and oil can add fat and extra calories to your dishes.tofu

  • Instead, use applesauce. Many healthier desserts taste better with applesauce instead of butter or oil.
  • Another option is to use mashed beans instead of oil.
  • Tofu can also work as a substitute for butter. You simply have to ensure it’s soft and pureed.


3. Switch to whole flour instead of white flour. By switching the type of flour you use, you can get a healthier dessert. Many recipes allow you to use whole flour instead of white flour. whole flour

  • Whole flour adds fiber that is necessary for a strong digestive system. Sadly, many desserts don’t have much fiber.


4. Use beets to reduce sugar. It’s hard to make a sweet dessert without sugar, but beets can help you cut down the total amount you need. You can use raw, grated beets instead of some of the sugar in a recipe.

beets puree






5. Make smaller portions. You don’t need to make giant chocolate chip cookies that cover the whole pan. Instead, focus on smaller portions that are healthier and still fun to eat.small portion of desserts

  • Experts recommend making your cookies and other dessert servings smaller. You also want to limit how many you eat in one sitting.



6. Use more bananas. Bananas can be turned into ice cream, pudding, and many other healthy desserts.

banana as sugar

  • You can use a food processor to turn plain bananas into creamy ice cream with no extra sugar or other ingredients. Freeze them after you’re done, so they can be transformed.
  • Bananas are high in potassium and have other vitamins and minerals.



7. Use more dates. Dates are fruits that have a sticky texture. Dates are a fun option for making healthier desserts. They can hold together cookies, bars, tarts, and other baked goods. They also have high levels of fiber and other nutrients.dates

  • They’re naturally sweet, so you don’t need to add much sugar to a date recipe.

Experiment with healthier desserts. You don’t have to completely cut out dessert from your life. Instead, consider ways you can experiment with healthier recipes in the kitchen.

Healthier desserts can be fun to make with your family. They can be a delicious addition to your meal plans and don’t have to be filled with a ton of sugar or calories. You don’t have to sacrifice taste and texture to reduce calories or sugar.



Read more:

Holiday Season Health Tips


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So, what does detoxification mean? Essentially, detoxing is medicinal and refers back to the herbal elimination of pollution from the body. On a daily foundation the liver, kidneys, intestines lymphatic structures are doing these paintings constantly for us.

Use These Tips for 2-3 weeks to get Started:

cleansing diet

1. Eat A Cleansing Diet

  • Fresh fruit and vegetables (organic). The high fibre in these helps to sweep out intestinal debris. They also contain antioxidants which help to neutralize free radicals –unstable molecules which damage healthy cells.
  • Have nourishing soup, whole grains, olive oil, flaxseed oil, nuts, and seeds.
  • A palm-sized portion of fish or organic chicken at each meal and limit red meat to twice weekly
  • Drink pure water and cleansing herbal teas which stimulate kidney function and flush out wastes
  • Avoid having fatty foods. Also minimize salt, sweets, refined foods, flour, and dairy products.
  • Avoid other common toxins such as tobacco, caffeine, and alcohol.
  • Caffeine is a powerful stimulant drug that speeds up the metabolism, increases symptoms of anxiety, causes insomnia, and causes fatigue after the stimulation wears off. It overstimulates the adrenal gland and places the body in a state of chronic stress. Osteoporosis, PMS, and menopause are all made worse by caffeine. It is also addictive.
  • Alcohol – excess interferes with the body’s ability to detoxify chemicals including estrogen and other hormones. It also causes dehydration.

2. Distinguish Craving from Hunger.

Before you reach your hand into the potato chip bag, ask yourself one question: “Am I really hungry or is this a craving?”

Listening to your body will help you eat intuitively and you’ll be more inclined to reach for healthier foods that will nourish instead of harm.

If you’re not sure whether you’re actually hungry, try drinking a glass of water and waiting a few minutes. True hunger is a rare thing in most people, as we tend to graze all day.

So, listen to your body!

3. Detoxify with Herbs.

Herbs have been used for detoxification for centuries. Use one or more times per year for optimal health.

Herbs support the organs of elimination and facilitate the process of purification. Purifying herbs stimulate the elimination of wastes, increase urination, encourage perspiration, stimulate circulation and enhance immune function.

It removes excess mucous from the lungs and intestines and improves digestion.


4. Substitute Natural Remedies for Synthetic Drugs.

Drugs are metabolized by the liver and are excreted by the organs of detoxification.

These are very necessary sometimes.

However, where possible use herbal remedies which work in harmony with the body.

There are natural alternatives for almost every health problem.



5. Purify with Breathing.

Focus attention on your breath to affect well-being.

Shallow breathing causes chronic low-level stagnation which leads to fatigue, poor concentration, headache, and grogginess.

Proper breathing enlivens the body, relieving tension and anxiety.



6. Exercise.

This improves circulation and stimulates blood flow throughout the body allowing it to carry away wastes and transport nutrients efficiently.

The muscular activity enables lymphatic fluid to move through the channels.

It promotes healthy digestion and intestinal function.

It improves immune activity, keeps the muscles toned, keeps bones strong and healthy, enhances mental functioning, and relieves stress and anxiety.


cup of tea and destress

7. Reduce Stress.

The adrenal glands release too much adrenaline when the body is stressed. These raise the blood pressure and heart rate.

Digestion shuts down, immune activity is decreased and the muscles become tense.

Breathing and relaxation techniques are useful.

Nurture loving relationships and indulge in pleasurable activities.

Remember, a certain amount of stress is normal – it is excessive, long-term stress which is unhealthy.


relaxing massage

8. Get A Massage.

This stimulates lymph flow and drainage. It increases circulation, breaks up fatty deposits and cellulite, increases relaxation and well-being


meditating on a hill and journaling in sunny day

9. Detoxify Your Thinking.

Habitual thinking plays a role in physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being.

Detoxify your thinking by journal writing and commitment to change if bad thoughts are bringing you down.

By journal writing, you become aware of your thoughts and learn to think in self-affirming ways.

Meditation helps to decrease the stress hormones and visualization helps to harness the power of the mind to create the desired outcome.


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Your Wellness Centre Naturopathy - FODMAPsIt has been found that besides an imbalance of bad bacteria, parasites or fungi a range of foods called the FODMAPs have been implicated in many digestive disorders as well.

So just what are these? and why have they gained popularity as one of the supportive measures in the management of those diagnosed with IBS.

The term “FODMAP” stands for Fermentable Oligosaccharides, Disaccharides, Monosaccharides, and Polyols. These nutrients are prevalent in much of our foods.

Here are a few of them:

  • Oligosaccharides, such as fructans/fructooligosaccharides (found in grains and vegetables).
  • Galactans/galacto-oligosaccharides (found in legumes).
  • Disaccharides, such as lactose (found in milk and dairy products).
  • Monosaccharides, such as fructose (found in fruit and honey).
  • Polyols, such as sorbitol (found in sweetened products).

Why should we take notice of FODMAPS?

Susceptible people can experience intestinal symptoms from the eating of FODMAPs because of the way they act in the digestive system.

  • Firstly, these carbohydrates are not well absorbed into the body and remain in the digestive tract for longer periods than expected.
  • FODMAPs draw water into the intestines, which can increase bowel motions and promote diarrhoea.
  • These carbohydrates can be metabolised by the bacteria that normally reside in the bowel, producing gases like hydrogen or carbon dioxide, which cause excessive abdominal bloating, abdominal discomfort and pain and flatulence.

These symptoms are similar to those of Irritable Bowel Syndrome and could include diarrhoea, vitamin, and mineral deficiency, bloating and flatulence, abdominal cramping, headaches, and nausea. When someone presents with IBS symptoms, leaving out FODMAP foods can be useful.

To find out if FODMAPs might be contributing to your IBS symptoms, the most effective strategy is to eliminate all FODMAP containing foods and observe your symptoms. This is done for a short period of time. It is then followed by a stepwise re-introduction of the different Fodmap categories to find out which of these may be contributing to your symptoms.

However, if you are having limited success with the FODMAP diet, you may need to check for small intestinal bacterial overgrowth, parasite infection, food sensitivities and stress hormone abnormalities, all of which can contribute to IBS symptoms.

So you can see that there are many factors that need to be taken into account when addressing IBS symptoms.

A word of caution here, mind you, It is not generally recommended that you follow a low FODMAP diet for life; restricting the dietary intake of a wide array of foods should generally be avoided if possible to reduce the risk of nutrient deficiencies.

Do talk to us if you need guidance. Ring 98799596 or click here.

FODMAPs are a normal part of the diet and have benefits for health, such as providing fibre and probiotics for gastrointestinal health.

Because of this, there is a special method used in finding out which FODMAP is the culprit, if at all!

If you are one of those struggling with IBS, why not make an appointment with one of our practitioners as soon as you can to direct you as to how to best find out which of the


Get in touch now!
Call us on 03 9879 9596.


Your Wellness Centre Naturopathy Melbourne


So Why Would Insulin Resistance be Important?

Insulin resistance means that your body doesn’t respond to the signals of insulin like it should. This increases your risk of developing diabetes and heart disease.

Insulin is a hormone secreted by your pancreas to help regulate your blood sugar levels. After you eat, food is broken down into glucose, the simple sugar that is the main source of energy for the body’s cells.

Your Wellness Centre Naturopathy - Insulin ResistanceBut your cells cannot use glucose without insulin, a hormone produced by the pancreas.

Insulin helps transport glucose into the body’s cells for use as energy. If you have insulin resistance, your muscle, fat and liver cells do not use insulin properly. This means that you could feel tired instead of energetic. (You know how we associate sugar with energy!) The extra glucose in the bloodstream means that more insulin is needed and so the pancreas tries to keep up with this demand by producing more.

When blood glucose (sugar) levels rise, insulin is released to store that excess sugar as glycogen. Unfortunately, our body can only store a little glycogen at any one time. Once you have filled up your glycogen stores, any leftover sugar will be stored as fat.

Insulin also blocks the breakdown of existing body fat. So, it becomes virtually impossible to lose fat if you have raised insulin levels.

This is the reason why we need to address insulin resistance if you are to lose weight efficiently.

High levels of dietary carbohydrates, also known as high glycaemic load foods (e.g. sugars, like our very favourite chocolates and lollies, starchy foods, such as bread, rice, pasta, and potatoes) increase your production of insulin to ‘switch off’ fat burning and increase fat gain. If you have constantly high levels of insulin, you can develop a condition known as insulin resistance. Insulin resistance causes excess weight and obesity.

If you would like to improve your blood sugar control and improve your long-term health, ring us on (03) 9879 9596 or message us today. Take the step toward a healthier you! 

Don’t forget to like our Facebook Page Your Wellness Centre, Twitter @YWCnaturopath and GPlus +YourWellnessCentreAu.


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There are many effects of Free Radical damage that has been implicated in diseases such as Cancer, Heart Disease, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Arthritis, Dementia, Memory Loss and much more. You can check these diseases that are mentioned in the previous blog post. With a long list like that, it makes good sense to reduce the free radicals in the body with an abundant supply of Antioxidants.

How Antioxidants Protect our bodies against Free Radicals

Fortunately, if we take timely steps and fill our diets with Nature’s Antioxidants we have a much better chance of living a healthy life to a grand Old Age!

Your Wellness Centre Naturopathy - Antioxidants
Antioxidants protect our bodies from the ravages of Free Radicals by reacting with them, and not allowing the free radical to react with our body structures. This allows your body to function as it should – efficiently!

Ask about our free radical test today.

It is a great way to see if you have enough antioxidant fruit and vegetables in your diet or to see if your antioxidants supplement is doing a good job. So take advantage of our “Immune System” Test today.

It is a good idea to make an appointment today. Your Wellness Centre offers you real solutions to help improve your health and overall well-being.

Ring us at 9879 9596 or Contact us here.


Your Wellness Centre Naturopathy Melbourne


Nails rust when exposed to air and peeled apples go brown.

We all know this but most of us don’t know why. This is really the visible action of free radicals. Less obvious is the effect of free radicals on our bodies.

Your Wellness Centre Naturopathy - AntioxidantsSimply put, free radicals are unstable chemicals which when in excess in the body become more stable by interacting with some of our bodies important cellular structures.

Free radicals cause or aggravate many of the ailments we humans prematurely die from.

The most devastating illnesses promoted are Cancer, Heart Disease, and Premature Ageing!

Here is how it can happen:
Toxins in the body are dealt with in the tissues. Energy is needed for this to take place and results in the formation of free radicals as a by-product. These free radicals are unstable and to gain stability, they ‘steal’ an electron from your blood vessels, your immune system, and other cells. These body structures are then left without electrons and become unstable. And then the damage to our bodies begins.

Sources of free radicals are also food, exercise, stress, cigarette smoke, pollution, radiation, chemicals, pesticides, steroids, antibiotics, microbes and more.

The effects of these are far-reaching and Free Radical damage has been implicated in:

  • Cancer
  • Cataracts
  • Alzheimer’s Disease
  • Heart Disease
  • Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
  • Dementia
  • Premature Ageing
  • ArthritisEffects of Free Radicals, we need Antioxidants
  • Memory Loss
  • Chrohn’s Disease
  • Rheumatoid Arthritis
  • Decreased Learning Ability
  • Ulcerative Colitis
  • Multiple Sclerosis
  • Male Infertility
  • Pancreatitis
  • Parkinson’s Disease
  • …and more

With a list this long it makes good sense to reduce the free radicals in the body with an abundant supply of Antioxidants.

Ring 9879 9596 to make an appointment today.
Take the step toward a healthier you today!


Your Wellness Centre Naturopathy Melbourne


What is Metabolic Syndrome?

Are you struggling to lose weight?

It may well be as a result of Metabolic Syndrome, also known as Syndrome X.

Metabolic Syndrome is the name given to a collection of symptoms and medical signs that occur together in the same patient. These Include:Your Wellness Centre Naturopathy - Cardiovascular Health - Metabolic Syndrome

  • Insulin resistance
  • High levels of the hormone insulin
  • High Blood fat
  • High blood sugar
  • High blood pressure
  • High cholesterol
  • Fat accumulation around the abdominal area

These signs act as a warning sign that you are heading on a path towards serious chronic diseases such as diabetes and heart disease. The first sign of Metabolic Syndrome is excess fat around the middle. Even if your waist measurement is only just over 80 cm if you are a woman, or more than 94 cm if you are a man, you could be increasing your risk of some serious complications.

Metabolic Syndrome has been described as a modern epidemic. In Australia, it is estimated that one in three people over the age of 25 years has Metabolic Syndrome. People with Metabolic Syndrome are three times more likely to develop cardiovascular disease and up to five times more likely to develop type 2 diabetes compared to healthy people.

What are the Causes of Metabolic Syndrome?

For hundreds of thousands of years, humans have lived and thrived with a life of enforced physical activity, with a diet based around fresh lean protein, nuts, fruits, and vegetables. Our bodies now struggle to maintain balance in the face of modern dietary and lifestyle challenges where there is a constant supply of calories, high sugar and high-fat foods combined with a lack of daily exercise. The causes of Metabolic Syndrome are all within your control and include things like:

• Sedentary lifestyle – i.e. lack of exercise

• High carbohydrate diet

• Poorly managed stress

• Genetic factors such as a family history of diabetes or heart disease

• Cigarette smoking

The Good News!

The good news is we can help you change the course of your health to lead a happier, healthier life. We can help you with some simple recommendations, such as:

Your Wellness Centre Naturopathy - Cardiovascular Health - Metabolic Syndrome• A low carbohydrate eating plan that is high in lean protein and rich in healthy fats may improve fat burning, weight loss and help you achieve and maintain a lean body composition. Talk to us today about meal replacement options to initially help you to lose fat while you adapt to a new way of eating.

• Regular aerobic exercise will encourage weight loss, reduce cholesterol levels and reduce blood sugar levels.

• Stress management techniques, such as yoga and meditation are a great way to nurture your mind. Remember, poorly managed stress is one of the causes of Metabolic Syndrome!

• Along with a healthy lifestyle and diet, there are many nutritional and herbal supplements that we can recommend for you to help address the causes of Metabolic Syndrome.

Make Positive Changes Today!

Many people do not recognise the symptoms of Metabolic Syndrome and therefore do not seek out healthcare advice to help them turn the tide on this dangerous condition. Don’t let this be you! If you, or someone you know, may have Metabolic Syndrome, contact us today for a check-up. Do not miss out on the opportunity to learn about positive dietary and lifestyle changes you can make today to get you back on track and prevent a future of debilitating disease.

Take the first step towards a healthy future today. Ask us about Metabolic Syndrome and the ways to change from a future of chronic disease to a future of health and vitality. Prevention is the best medicine!

Ring  98799596  and make an appointment with one of our naturopaths to see if you are at risk!


Your Wellness Centre Naturopathy Melbourne


The common colds can be caused by over 200 different viruses that infect areas of the upper respiratory tract including the nose, throat, sinuses, Eustachian tubes, trachea, larynx, and bronchial tubes.

Your Wellness Centre Naturopathy - Colds

Colds can be treated really effectively with natural medicines and if the immune system is supported colds can be prevented.

Infection generally occurs when an individual’s immune system is depleted or weak. The immune system is our defense against the bacteria, viruses, cancer cells, and allergens that attack our bodies and make us feel sick.

It consists of white blood cells, lymph glands and vessels, and various other body tissues. If the immune system weakens, its ability to defend the body also weakens, allowing pathogens, including viruses that cause common colds and flu, to grow and flourish in the body.

Typically, adults get one or two colds per year and it is not uncommon for children to get them more frequently. Colds are self-limiting, lasting from 7 to 10 days.

Symptoms may include a sore throat, head congestion and headache, fever and watery eyes, cough and sneezing, as well as general malaise, aches, and pains. These symptoms are similar to symptoms of allergies except that allergies do not cause fevers or infections.

Sometimes a cold may lead to more serious conditions such as bronchitis, pneumonia, or influenza (flu). Influenza is sometimes confused with a cold, but flu causes much more severe symptoms and generally a fever. As the common cold and the flu are caused by viruses, prescription antibiotics cannot cure a common cold or flu.

The health of the immune system plays an integral role in the body’s susceptibility to colds and flu. Keeping the immune system in good shape with a healthy lifestyle may include a program of optimal nutrition, regular exercise, stress management, and ensuring good quality sleep.

As well as avoiding harmful chemicals and pollutants such as tobacco, excessive amounts of alcohol and refined sugars, all of which can impair the immune system.

Strengthening a weakened immune system may help prevent catching a cold or the flu. Nutrients that may aid the enhancement of the immune system include the antioxidant vitamins A, C, and E, and the mineral zinc.

Herbs such as Andrographis, Echinacea, and Olive Leaf,  are all useful in both the prevention and alleviation of cold and flu symptoms.

Nutritional Considerations


• Plays a central role in the immune system and intake is essential in maintaining the integrity of the immune system.
• Functions as an antioxidant and can stabilise cell membranes.
• Crucial for the normal development and function of the cells that mediate non-specific immunity.

People who are deficient in zinc may be more susceptible to various pathogens and therefore to colds.


Vitamin CYour Wellness Centre Naturopathy Olive Leaf

• Plays an important role in the approach to natural immune enhancement.
• Acts as an antibiotic and antiviral through improvement in resistance.

Vitamin C is well known for its effects in reducing the frequency, duration, and severity of the common cold. It is important to supplement with vitamin C at the onset of symptoms as the levels of vitamin C in the body are quickly depleted during the stress of an infection.

Vitamin A and E

Vitamin A has been shown to stimulate and/or enhance numerous immune processes.
Vitamin E enhances immunity.

Herbal Medicine


• Effectiveness in humans is focused on the common cold.
• Clinical studies in bacterial and viral respiratory infections demonstrated positive effects, implying an immunostimulant action.
• There is also some evidence that Andrographis might increase antibody activity


Your Wellness Centre Naturopathy Echinacea Purple Cornflower• Commonly used for upper respiratory tract infections, such as the common cold and influenza because it is reported to have antiviral and immune system stimulatory effects.
• Has an inhibitory effect on inflammation and on the growth of bacteria, viruses, and fungi which is based on the stimulation of controlling elements of our immune system.

Olive Leaf

• A bacteriostatic and antioxidant.
• Useful in the irritation of the mucous surfaces of air passages and of the alimentary tube.

Diet and Lifestyle

Ways to reduce the spread and contraction of infection:
• Wash hands frequently

• Rest at least 6 to 8 hours each night
• No smoking
• Ensure adequate hydration (1-2 liters of water daily)
• Eat a diet rich in fruits and vegetables
• Avoid refined sugar and simple carbohydrates

Contact us to find out more about Cough and Colds.


Your Wellness Centre Naturopathy Melbourne