
Weight Loss Tips are good to adopt when you are frustrated with extra kilos which have seemed to magically just appear. And when the main place is usually around the waist!Woman measuring waist Weight Loss Tips - Your Wellness Centre Naturopathy Melbourne

Does this seem to be what has just happened to you?

If so, just because you are no longer able to fit into your favourite outfit, doesn’t mean you need to go out and buy a new one.
You know, it’s easy to get into the habit of buying a bigger size each time you need an outfit!
And I’m sure you want outfits, rather than sizes, to choose from.

A crash diet may be a quick fix but really it may simply mean paying closer attention to daily habits and addressing ones which are “dangerous”.

So how about tightening up some habits that have crept.
Embracing these  “Tips for Weight Loss” I have listed here may be just what you need!


Water Weight Loss Tips - Your Wellness Centre Naturopathy Melbourne

1. Look at hidden Liquid Calories.
You might be surprised how many calories you consume a day by drinking coke and other soft drinks. So cut these out completely if you can.

2. How much Water do you drink each day?
Try to drink as much water as possible every day. The recommended daily amount is eight glasses a day. This could be one of the most useful weight loss tips.

3. Labels. Read all labels!
Just because something says ‘diet’ it doesn’t mean it really is. You have to read the labels to know exactly what ingredients are in foods.

4. Smaller portions.
If you can use smaller plates and bowls. This will help you consume smaller amounts of food.

5. Eat sitting down at a table.
Don’t eat in front of the TV. Don’t eat standing up in your kitchen. Sit down at your table and be ‘present’. 

6. No late night snacking.
Try to make it a rule that you don’t eat or snack after 8 pm.

7. Stay away from white.
White bread, white pasta, rice, potatoes, etc.
Switch to whole grain versions of bread and pasta. It’s healthier for you.

8. Support.

If you have a friend that wants to lose weight too then “buddy up”.
It’s easier to stay motivated if you have someone to lose weight and exercise with. Tell your family too so they won’t be surprised when you start stocking the refrigerator full of fruits and vegetables.

Regular Exercise Weight Loss Tips - Your Wellness Centre Naturopathy Melbourne

9. Exercise at least three times a week.
Obviously, if you can do more, you should. But a good goal is to shoot for at least 30 minutes on Monday, Wednesday and Friday.

10. Pictures.
Not many people like taking ‘fat’ pictures but you need a before, in between and after picture. It’s easier to follow your progress if you have pictures to look at. It’s especially helpful to see your progress if you take a monthly picture.

For more information on weight loss please read here.

Take the step toward a healthier you!
Call 9879 9596 and book an appointment today!


Your Wellness Centre Naturopathy Melbourne


Ketosis and Weight Loss

Use the power of Ketosis in a Ketogenic Diet Weight Loss program to help you with your Weight Loss goals.

I’m sure you have heard terms such as ketosis and ketogenic diet weight loss and how it’s been the “thing” for fast weight loss. And so, you may well be wondering what a keto diet is all about.

With the promise of more fantastic days ahead, your thoughts may also be turning to how you can get fit and improve your body composition for the rest of the year.

At Your Wellness Centre, we have been using ketogenic diet weight loss programs for the past 23 years with fantastic success. This means our knowledge of ketosis is based on its science, our experience and literally thousands of successful clients. 

Ketosis Weight Loss Keto salad - Your Wellness Centre NaturopathyWe’ve managed to drill it down to easy to follow, scientifically validated programs that emphasise healthy and satisfying eating guidelines.
These programs include moderate exercise to promote efficient and sustainable weight loss.
Our ketogenic diet weight loss programs are designed to reduce your craving for sugar and other high glycaemic index (GI) carbohydrates while providing you with adequate protein and healthy fats so you can achieve a state of mild ‘ketosis’ and fast safe weight loss.

This year, rather than turn to yet another ‘quick fix’ diet that promises you’ll fit into your bikini within the month but feels impossible to do; talk to us about a simple and convenient way to get long-term results while keeping you feeling great both physically and mentally.

Let’s look at the  Power of Ketosis!

Ketosis describes the metabolic state your body reaches when it preferentially burns fat as its main fuel source. Clinical evidence has shown that keto diet food not only promotes effective and sustained weight loss through improved fat burning and reduced fat storage, but it also preserves your muscle mass and can help maintain healthy blood sugar levels.

Ketogenic Diet Weight Loss - Your Wellness Centre NaturopathyBy avoiding dips in blood sugar levels and maintaining a sense of fullness or satiety, our ketogenic diet weight loss program can help you avoid the mental fogginess and irritability often associated with weight loss diets.

Although it is possible to achieve a state of ketosis through dietary changes alone, this requires a bit of planning and organisation, which can be time-consuming for some people.

With this in mind, we may also recommend easy ways of incorporating the minimal use of special protein shakes, soups or snack bars to help with your meals or snacks during those busy times. Not only are these convenient and simple to use but they can assist you to reach your daily protein and carb needs as well as help keep you full until your next meal.

The main aim is to help you maintain muscle mass while losing excess body fat, which means you are more likely to sustain your weight loss long-term.

Our qualified Naturopaths, will monitor your progress, provide you with support and ensure you maintain a state of ketosis, leading to more effective and sustainable results.

Your Naturopath at Your Wellness Centre, can also assist you to set realistic goals and motivate you to achieve them while having the clinical skills to identify and address any health conditions you may have that could impact your ability to reach your goals.

Our proven Ketogenic Diet Weight Loss programs will:

Teach your body to burn fat more efficiently, and as an added bonus will also help toxin elimination – in this way you’ll remain happy and healthy whilst following the program and maintain your results long term.

Remember, at Your Wellness Centre, Naturopaths are here to help guide and motivate you every step of the way to achievable, sustainable results.


Contact us here or Ring 9879 9596 for an appointment.
or Book Online.


Your Wellness Centre Naturopathy Melbourne