Toxin Reducing Diet

Method of Toxin Reduction:

This method of Toxin Reduction is a simplified version of the Ayurvedic Method of detoxing, where we use food as medicine.

What it entails is to firstly give the bowels a “wash.”
Some individuals may find 1 teaspoon of Magnesium Oxide enough, while most find 2 teaspoons works really well.

So this is taken on the night of day one so that the bowels can work first thing in the morning. We call this Day 2.

On Day 3 we start eating the foods on the Toxin Reducing Food List as well as having the Vegetable Broth. No harm having the Vegetable broth as a thick soup because this will give you lovely extra fibre. (You can decide).
However, the soup/broth needs to be freshly cooked each day and consumed within 24 hours. I recommend cutting up a few days vegetables at a time and leaving it in the fridge in individual ziplock bags, until ready to be cooked. (that way you’re not peeling little bits every day).

Takes about 20 minutes to cook. So you can do this first thing in the morning while getting ready for your normal day’s activities.

Do note: 
This is not starvation. What it means is that you simply choose the foods on the list, have 3 meals a day and snacks in between.
Note: It is gluten and dairy-free and it all does not include added sugars, caffeinated beverages, or alcohol.
Do have 8 glasses of water a day.

These foods are had for 2 to 3 weeks.

Hereafter we recommend following our Wellness Diet which will keep you healthy as well as manage your blood sugar levels and energy.

takes place on days 1 and 2  and involves the Magnesium oxide (YOU ONLY DO THIS ONCE)

Instructions for Use of Magnesium Oxide

Day 1: 

Magnesium Oxide is a powerful purgative that cleanses the bowel.
– Mix 2 teaspoons of the powder in a glass of cold water.
– Drink as the last thing at night. This is also 2 hours after eating or taking medication or supplements. (NOT at the same time as these)
– Follow immediately with 3 teaspoons of concentrated lemon juice (or the juice of one lemon) in a glass of water.
– Drink 3-4 glasses of water thereafter before going to bed.


Day 2:

You can expect 2-3 very watery bowel movements early in the morning.
Make sure you are near a toilet. Should you feel the need to pass wind, do so in the toilet (just in case some faecal matter is passed).
This will definitely settle in the course of the day.
Eat light, steamed foods, or fresh soups (not canned or packet soups) on this day.


PHASE TWO includes the Vegetable Broth and toxin reducing food list. (THIS IS CONTINUED FOR 2 TO 3 WEEKS)
And is commenced on Day 3

– consists of the Vegetable Broth/Soup + the list of foods to have.
Do take note of the foods to AVOID as well.

Vegetable Broth/Soup

1 carrot, in pieces (sweet, pungent)
2 Celery stalks, in pieces (bitter,astringent)
140g/50z chopped spinach (bitter)
1 Potato, quartered (astringent)
Dash of Asafoetida *(hing) (pungent)
Pinch of Tarragon (pungent)
470ml/16 fl oz purified water
1 tablespoon soy sauce (astringent, salty)

40 minutes to prepare.

  1. In a soup pan, combine all the ingredients and bring to a boil. Simmer for 20 minutes.
  2. Strain the vegetables for a clear broth or blend in a food processor or with a hand-held blender for a thick soup.

Makes 700ml/1 ¼ pints
Drink 350ml twice daily. Make up a fresh batch each day.

Along with the broth/soup, you also eat the food listed below and avoid the ones recommended.

Toxin (AMA) Reducing Diet

Leftover foods Fresh foods – recently cooked
Cheese, Yoghurt Steamed Vegetables (2-3 cups a day)
Peanuts, Peanut butter Fresh vegetable soups
Red meat Well ripened fruit (2 pieces a day)
Fried & Oily foods (fried eggs, fried sausages, chips/fries, bacon, etc.) Small amounts of chicken or fish if required
Bananas, avocados Herb teas
Tea, Coffee, iced or chilled beverages, iced or chilled water. Brown Rice or Quinoa

–  Sip hot water (1 cup 3x daily)
–  Sip hot ginger water after meals (1/8 teaspoon ginger powder in 1 cup hot water)


* Asafoetida *(hing) – is obtainable from a Chinese/ Asian or Indian grocery store.
* Tarragon  – is a herb obtained from your normal supermarket dried herb section (I am told that not many of us use this daily cooking – I don’t).


Your Wellness Centre Naturopathy Melbourne