About Us

About Us – Your Wellness Centre

We aim to give you the gift of true wellness. Our wellness centre naturopaths is dedicated to helping you improve your health naturally.

We are passionate about our work and make sure we keep up with the latest techniques and technology by attending local, interstate and overseas conferences and courses.

Our aim is to not only help you get better but also to educate and motivate you to continue striving for optimal health.

We offer a personalised approach, and treat a wide range of conditions. We choose from our wide range of modalities and design a treatment that is best suited to your needs. Our individually tailored programs ensure that you achieve your health goals.

Meet our Naturopaths

Glenda Johnson – Naturopath and Pharmacist

Glenda Johnson is the founding Naturopath at Your Wellness Centre.

Glenda Johnson is the founding Naturopath at Your Wellness Centre and she is also a Qualified Pharmacist. She has more than 34 years of dealing with different health conditions. After obtaining her Bachelor of Pharmacy degree, her early experiences covered many aspects of the Pharmaceutical industry including drug registrations, manufacturing, hospital as well as retail pharmacy. She went on to own pharmacies in Mooroolbark and Mitcham.

During her retail pharmacy years, Glenda was exposed to the use of vitamins, herbs, and homeopathics in the treatment of her clients. She became more and more drawn towards these treatment modalities when she realised how well they worked well on their own, as well as with the pharmaceutical prescriptions of her clients. She also saw that clients had even better results when they paid attention to lifestyle factors as well. This led her to the field of Naturopathy. She has a deep respect for pharmaceuticals in certain situations and has a depth of knowledge regarding the use of natural remedies to counteract the common side effects of drugs.

As a registered and fully qualified Naturopath, Glenda uses a wide range of modalities in her treatments. These include Live Blood Analysis, Clinical Ayurveda, Bowen Technique, Medical Herbalism, Massage, Homeopathy, Nutritional Medicine, Computerized Iridology, Cellular Health Analysis, the use of the SCIO biofeedback energetic treatment device, Biomesotherapy and also the Neurological Integration System.

To book an appointment with Glenda please call the clinic on 9879 9596 or Book on Line

More About our Practitioners

Our practitioners live what they teach and this is reflected in the company’s mission statement. You are “…helped to optimise your health potential and live your life to the fullest!”. Within Your Wellness Centre, team members strive to maintain their health and wellbeing. The team further aim to disseminate their knowledge by holding regular seminars and client information evenings. Being in possession of an insatiable appetite for learning, they strive to bring you the very latest and most up to date information on your health issues and their treatment.

Our Practitioners regularly accept invitations to be the guest speaker at many community group meetings. They take this opportunity to educate and deliver the message of natural treatments. Our aim is to motivate and encourage the personal growth of individuals so that they can continually nurture their own well-being and longevity.

Contact us today to make an appointment. or Book on LIne

How We can Help You

We treat all illnesses that affect all members of your family, no matter what the age using a range of modalities and techniques to fast track you to glowing health and wellness. Whether you need help to recover from an ailment or illness, weight loss, hormonal balance, preparation for pregnancy, relief from aches and pains or just general wellness, we have the resources to assist you!

We work with the three critical levels of health support:

Symptomatic care – Treats your symptoms and offers short-term relief for problems that come on strong. The focus of treatment is on resolving the problem so that it does not reoccur or degenerate into a more serious long-term complication and you can feel better quickly.

Corrective care – Focuses on identifying and treating the cause of your problem. At the same time relieving your symptoms. Your vital life force (or Chi energy) is supported to enhance and encourage your body’s own regenerative capacity.

Wellness care – Focuses on the slowing down of processes associated with ageing. These are the steps you take when you are already feeling well and wish to build on that. This means that you are in the best possible health for your age.

Our wellness care program is educational, offering the rules to maximise your health potential so as to ensure lifelong vitality. This is preventative medicine at its best!

Our Location

Your Wellness Centre is located in Ringwood in Melbourne’s eastern suburbs, very close to Eastlink.

You will discover:

  • Why you feel the way you do
  • How your symptoms developed
  • The reason why special blood, urine or salivary tests may be needed
  • How following a systematic approach guarantees the best results
  • Why modern medicine has failed you
  • How family members and friends can help you and benefit themselves
  • How once you have achieved good health, you can keep it that way

Most of all, you will be armed with a treatment plan that is easy to implement and can be used over and over again to keep your health in great shape!

Some common health disorders we are called upon to treat are:

To make an appointment or for a no obligation chat about how we may be able to help you contact us today.

Your Wellness Centre Naturopathy Melbourne

Get in touch now

To make an appointment phone (03) 9879 9596.