Women’s Health
Women can experience hormonal challenges at different stages of their lives.
These include conditions such as pre-menstrual syndrome or PMS, Endometriosis, polycystic ovarian syndrome or PCOS, fertility problems and menopause.
Naturopaths at Your Wellness Centre are experienced at helping women deal with common health and hormonal challenges.
Our naturopaths are experienced and specialise in helping women to improve and manage their hormonal and general health through every stage of their lives.
Many factors influence a women’s health and wellbeing, but nothing has a more profound effect on a women’s state of mind than her hormones. Cyclic changes, which occur in a women’s body every month of her fertile life, affect everything from mood to energy levels. The correct balance of hormones at the right times in her cycle are essential to the support of not just a women’s fertility, but also her wellbeing.
During the menopause years, natural hormonal support, dietary advice and correct supplementation can safely ease the transition through this stage.
Natural remedies for woman’s health
Natural remedies are effective at helping support and restore hormonal balance, and enhance natural fertility without interfering with natural homeostatic processes.
Women naturally experience different phases of hormonal changes as they progress from puberty, through pregnancy and motherhood into menopause, then life when menstruation has ended. These hormonal changes have an effect not only on her menstrual cycle, but her general health as well as changes in nutritional needs and her susceptibility to specific health issues.
Important Phases of a Woman’s Life
The Reproductive Years (13-40)
It’s estimated that up to 90 per cent of women during their reproductive years in Australia experience some menstrual and/or hormonal disorder. Hormones can be disrupted at any stage of the reproductive life by stress, pregnancy, dietary factors, artificial hormones, thyroid function, hereditary factors and illness. This can often compromise both fertility and quality of life. Conditions such as premenstrual syndrome (PMS), dysmenorrhoea, endometriosis, fibroids and polycystic ovarian syndrome are common. Many women seek natural solutions to help them overcome these bewildering hormonal conditions, with great success.
The Teenage Years (12-18)
Teenage girls mature quickly than boys the same age as them. During this time their hormones are changing rapidly to support this physically and emotionally demanding phase. Ensuring a teenage girl’s nutritional needs are met so that hormonal balance is optimised physically and emotionally, helps with problems she may be experiencing during this time of change.
Young women usually respond extremely well to natural medicines, for issues such as period irregularity, period pain, acne and other skin issues, weight or mood changes.
Beyond the Teenage Years
Have a DNA profile for your health and/or addressing the lifestyle factors.
During these years a woman may need help with stabilising hormones, optimising fertility and preparing for pregnancy. Issues that a woman has struggled with for a long time may need attention, including period irregularities, infertility, period pain, heavy periods, weight issues, changing diet and nutritional needs or emotional problems. It is also a time when women become more aware of genetic factors that could potentially affect her health in later life, including diabetes, cardiovascular disease, bone density, cancer and obesity. Having a DNA profile to take a proactive and predictive approach to your health and/or addressing the lifestyle factors that contribute to these conditions is a step toward greater longevity and better quality of life now and in older age.
If any hormonal problems arise during these years, it is best to address them early before they become a bigger issue later on down the track.
Before Menopause
Just as puberty signals the start of a woman’s fertile life, the perimenopausal time signals the end and a new phase of changes for women. As this time of life usually ironically coincides with the busy years of raising a family and/or busy careers, it is not unusual for women to arrive at this stage of life depleted, exhausted and hormonally imbalanced! It is then no wonder that the perimenopausal time can be a difficult hormonal transition for many women. The good news is that the menopausal symptoms of hot flushes, insomnia, fatigue, mood swings, low libido, fuzzy thinking and general lack of vitality can all be treated with natural medicine, to make this transition quicker and have less of an impact on a woman’s quality of life.
After Menopause
After your ovaries have stopped producing eggs and your hormones have found a new balance after the menopause, hormonal problems can often be replaced by other issues. Many women may start to “feel their age” with the start of niggling problems that may worsen as they age if left untreated. Arthritis, memory or concentration problems, low fitness and stamina, low energy, emotional issues, and weight changes are common areas of change among older women and can be supported with the help of an experienced natural medicine practitioner.
Our fertility specialist team of practitioners have access to a wide range of diagnostic tests, such as salivary hormone testing and blood testing. These assess what hormones are causing your gynaecological issues, so that treatment can be tailored specifically to your needs.
Treatment may include prescription-only herbal or nutritional medicine, acupuncture and or dietary and lifestyle management.
Women’s health issues we can help with
Some of the women’s health issues we can help you with include:
- Acne
- Hormonal imbalances
- Blood Sugar problems
- Candida
- Health Ageing
- Stress and Anxiety
- Hormonal acne problems
- Painful and/or heavy periods
- Endometriosis
- Polycystic Ovaries (PCO) and Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS)
- Poor libido
- Puberty issues
- Irregular Periods/Menstrual Cycles
- Fatigue
- Fertility Problems
- Pregnancy, Birthing and Post-Natal Care
- Menopause
- Uterine fibroids
- Thyroid
- Weight Issues
- Wellness
We Work Holistically for Optimal Results
Diet, lifestyle and environment have a substantial impact on female reproductive health.
A holistic approach to patient treatment is, therefore, the key to helping you experience lasting reproductive health and wellbeing. The Natural Medicines and clinical tools our fertility specialist use can help you give you the relief you need today!
“A woman’s health is the barometer of her environment. It is moulded and shaped according to her evolution in the womb and the social, cultural and ecological environment of her childhood. It is created out of her relationships, her joys and traumas. It is grounded in the quality of her nutrition and the purity of the air and water around her.”
– Hyman MA. The life cycles of women: restoring balance. Alternative Therapy Health Med. 2007;13(3):p10.
From all the information we gather, we are able to formulate a healthy plan of attack to assist in relieving your symptoms and managing your discomfort. This allows your life to continue unhindered by uncomfortable and sometimes even embarrassing symptoms.