Allergy and Reactivity Treatment Program

If you live with an allergic condition such as food allergy symptoms, food intolerance, hay fever, asthma, or eczema, and would like to use a natural allergy treatment program, then our Strategic Allergy and Reactivity treatment program is highly recommended.

Our Strategic Allergy and Reactivity treatment program is one you undertake under the guidance of our Allergy Naturopath.

It is also beneficial if you are not sure you have an allergy!
This could be the case if you get a stomach ache after eating cheese or having milk (dairy allergy), or bloat and become headachy with certain other foods or won’t have a bar of say wheat or onions or garlic.

On the other hand, if food isn’t your issue, but pollens and certain grasses leave your skin desperately itchy or a cat sends you into a sneezing frenzy, then this allergy treatment program will be good for you too.

You may have used the usual treatment of allergy management that involves avoiding the allergen and using antihistamine medication. But even after months of use, you still have discomfort!

Our Strategic Allergy and Reactivity treatment program will treat the underlying reasons for your signs of allergies as well as reduce your allergy symptoms.

Here’s how it works:

Your Wellness Centre Naturopathy - Diet1) It addresses the root causes of your allergy and reactivity

2) It uses proven natural remedies for allergies that reduce reactivity

3) You are guided by your qualified Naturopath.

4) You get a specific dietary plan depending on your allergy or food allergy symptoms and your health history.

5) Your Naturopath will also work with you to strategically re-test the foods that cause you grief.

This means you can remain symptom-free, while still enjoying the foods and activities you love.

Now is the time to address those irritating signs of allergies by tackling the underlying causes. Completing this program can help you gain control of your reactivity and increase your tolerance levels, leading to a reduction in symptoms.

Our Strategic Allergy and Reactivity treatment program means you

  • Indulge in the foods and activities you enjoy
  • Pat your dog without sneezing,
  • Eat the foods you love without bloating,
  • Have a picnic in the grass without itching
  • Reduce any other signs of allergies.

We could call that life-changing!

So ring 9879 9596 for an appointment or contact us to see how we can help you.


Your Wellness Centre Naturopathy Melbourne


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