Entries by Glenda Johnson

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Does Your Menstrual Cycle Rule Your Life?

For many women, pre-menstrual syndrome (PMS) is a burden that can greatly affect their quality of life, impacting their ability to perform regular daily activities, affecting their workplace performance and often making it difficult for them to cope with the demands of everyday life. Unfortunately, PMS is often viewed as an unpleasant, but unavoidable, consequence of being a woman. It […]


Managing Stress

Is Stress Deterring You From Health? Stress is now a common fixture in our hectic, busy lives. Small amounts of it that are easily resolved can be beneficial in motivating and helping us achieve our goals. Although chronic or long-term stress affects each of us differently, it ultimately affects the whole body in a negative way and may contribute to […]

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Winter Wellness

  Most of us are no strangers to those dreaded colds and flu that can leave you and your family with runny noses, coughs, sore throats, headaches, fevers, and fatigue through the winter months. This means it is the perfect time to boost your immune system and defend against cold and flu symptoms which are the leading […]


How Stress Affects Weight Loss

Today we are going to look at how stress can affect weight loss. For many of us, daily life is often a juggle, as we try to keep many balls up in the air at once. All this ‘juggling’ can contribute to feelings of stress, tension and anxiety. Unfortunately, too much stress can actually reduce your […]


The Silent Epidemic of Insulin Resistance

So Why Would Insulin Resistance be Important? Insulin resistance means that your body doesn’t respond to the signals of insulin like it should. This increases your risk of developing diabetes and heart disease. Insulin is a hormone secreted by your pancreas to help regulate your blood sugar levels. After you eat, food is broken down into glucose, […]


Why We All Need Antioxidants

Nails rust when exposed to air and peeled apples go brown. We all know this but most of us don’t know why. This is really the visible action of free radicals. Less obvious is the effect of free radicals on our bodies. Simply put, free radicals are unstable chemicals which when in excess in the […]

Adrenal Fatigue Symptoms

Adrenal Fatigue Symptoms or adrenal insufficiency symptoms are generally excessive tiredness, reduced energy and inability to cope with stress. Adrenal fatigue and Adrenal insufficiency are sometimes used interchangeably and refer to adrenal dysfunction, where there is the reduced ability of the adrenal glands to produce a normal quantity of hormones. This can make it hard to cope with […]


Halt your Cravings for Comfort Food

Any cravings for comfort food like chocolate, cakes and bread you experience can be reduced by eating the foods that help curb this inclination. Weight loss naturopaths in Ringwood, Melbourne can show you how. They can also give you an effective nutritional supplement to help you stop sugar cravings and also carbohydrate craving. This is especially […]