Firstly, you may be asking “Why is this necessary?”

Well, apparently the average weight gain during the holidays is 0.37 kg for a lean person and more than 2.3 kg for an overweight individual. It has been found that people rarely lose this weight the following year. This means that in just 5 years one could gain 2 to 12 kg just by overindulging during the holidays!

While making healthy choices during the festive season can be challenging, try these tips to feel healthy and keep holiday weight gain down.

goal setting

Start With Your Mindset

1. Make a goal to work toward. Whether you want to lose or maintain your weight, or just feel healthy and vital throughout the holidays, keeping this in mind will influence healthy choices.
Need help with your goal? Refer to our post on motivation.

2. Take the focus off the food. The holidays are ultimately about spending quality time with family and friends. Make people your focus by starting up conversations at holiday events, helping the host, and even approaching lonely-looking guests for a chat.


meal plan

Prepare For Events

3. Go in with a plan. Decide how much you’re going to eat ahead of time (for example, one plate of food and one dessert). Stick to the plan.

4. Bring a healthy plate. Contributing something wholesome to the spread will give you and other guests a healthy choice.

5. Don’t fast. Don’t try to ‘save’ your calories for the event by not eating during the day; being hungry may trigger overeating.
Instead, eating a healthy snack just before the event may help you moderate your intake.


healthy meal

Ideas for eating at Parties

6. Keep food in proportion. Fill half your plate with vegetables, a quarter with grains, bread or potatoes, and a quarter with meat or other protein sources (e.g. beans, nuts).
This will give you a balanced meal that is likely to be lower in calories.

7. Step away from the buffet. Standing at the buffet table may inspire overeating. Instead, serve yourself and walk away.

8. Slow down your eating. Taking the time to chew each mouthful properly will allow you to both savor and properly digest your food.
Doing this helps prevent both overeating and indigestion. Putting your fork down between each bite is a good idea to assist this.
Keep in mind, it can take as long as 20 minutes for the body to register that you’re full, so take a break before you go in for seconds.

9. Choose deliciously. Choose only the dessert(s) that really appeal to you, the one that’s rare or unusual. Leave everything else that’s common and readily available.


avoid binge drinking

Avoid Binge Drinking

10. Keep alcohol serves under four. 
According to the NHMRC Australian Alcohol Guidelines, drinking more than four standard drinks per night is classified as binge drinking.
That is equal to two restaurant servings of wine or two and a half full-strength cans of beer.
Avoiding binge drinking helps prevent hangovers, nausea, and vomiting, as well as overeating calorie-dense junk foods.

11. Alternate with water. A glass of water between each drink helps keep you hydrated, reducing the risk of a hangover. This also slows your alcohol intake, giving your liver more time to process it.

12. Eat before you start. A  meal slows the absorption of alcohol, helping your liver cope.


stay active

Stay Active

13. Exercise in the morning. Get a session in before work or other activities like Christmas shopping and events take over your day!

14. Schedule it in. Booking in your workouts as necessary activities will help you stick to them. Add them to your calendar and set reminders for yourself.

15. Have an active Christmas. Incorporate some exercise into your family Christmas ‘do’, whether that’s backyard cricket, footy, or a family walk.


By using the tips above you can look forward to a festive season feeling healthy and vital, and most importantly, preventing dreaded weight gain!

For tailored assistance with weight loss or maintenance over this festive season,
Click here to talk to our Naturopath today.

You may want to read more:

Zinc Food - Your Wellness Centre NaturopathyZinc, with all its important physiological uses, is a mineral many of us are unknowingly deficient in.

Sourced from oysters, beef, and turkey, it can also be found in trace amounts in beans, cashews, almonds, and pepitas (pumpkin seeds) to name a few, but due to the lack of zinc in the soil in Australia, it depends on where the produce is grown to how much it will contain.

Phytates in grains, legumes, and nuts can reduce its absorption, leaving many vegans and vegetarians in need of supplementation.

More than 300 enzymes utilise zinc to facilitate biological processes, such as protein and DNA synthesis, cell division, and signaling.

It is highly concentrated in the hippocampus, which controls homeostasis, so it is no wonder that it can affect so many aspects of the body.

What does Zinc do for you?

  1. Immune function
    Zinc helps activate T lymphocytes (T cells) which benefit immunity in two ways; controlling and regulating immune response and attacking infected or cancerous cells.
  2. Treating the common cold
    With its effects on immunity, it has been shown to reduce the severity and duration of colds when taken within the first 24 hours of symptoms being present.
  3. Wound healing
    By helping maintain the integrity of the skin and mucosal membranes, zinc reduces skin healing times and can reduce the recurrence of rashes, acne, and other integumentary conditions.
  4. Bandage Wound Healing - Your Wellness Centre NaturopathyAntioxidants and anti-inflammation to prevent chronic disease
    A well-known electron donor, zinc has the ability to reduce damage from free radicals and reduce the cascade of events leading to chronic inflammation, which is linked to many chronic diseases such as cardiovascular disease, age-related macular degeneration, Alzheimer’s, and Rheumatoid arthritis.
  5. Reproduction
    Zinc plays a key role in the male reproductive system; it is a key element of the quality of sperm and zinc status in men is ideally monitored up to 80 days prior to conception.
  6. Diarrhoea
    Zinc supplementation has been shown to be an effective treatment of diarrhoea and prevents future recurrences.
  7. Coping with stress
    During times of stress, and chronic stress states, the need for zinc increases as well as its elimination meaning the need for it in the diet or supplemented is increased.

What are some of the signs of Zinc deficiency?

With such a big role to play in so many facets of our health, it can be a difficult deficiency to identify.

Amongst some of the symptoms are:

  • Mood and Depression - Your Wellness Centre NaturopathyReduced or abnormal smell or taste
  • White spots or brittle nails, cracks and splits on fingertips
  • Poor appetite
  • Skin conditions; acne or eczema
  • Reduced or altered cognition; brain fog
  • Reduced mood, mild depression
  • Poor wound healing
  • Hair loss

What else can affect Zinc levels?

Other than reduced zinc consumption through dietary means, malabsorption and chronic illness such as diabetes, malignancy, liver disease, or sickle cell disease can reduce zinc levels. The consumption of alcohol in excess can lead to deficiency.

Taking prescribed diuretics increases the secretion of zinc and can aggravate zinc deficiency.

Can you have too much Zinc?

Excessive zinc can lead to toxicity, which causes adverse effects such as nausea, abdominal cramping, diarrhoea, and headaches.

Copper and iron levels may also be affected by the use of zinc supplementation or when consuming zinc-containing foods, it is recommended to consume separately from meals to reduce competition.

If you would like to know more about whether you’re suffering from a zinc deficiency, or if zinc is the right supplement for you, and more information about dose and interaction, contact our mental health Naturopath to discuss your options, call 9879 9596 and book an appointment today! 


Your Wellness Centre Naturopathy Melbourne


10 Symptoms Zinc Deficiency

Colds and Flu - Your Wellness Centre Naturopathy

A symptom of zinc deficiency is recurrent colds and flu.

If you experience any of the following symptoms, your zinc levels may be low:

  1. Recurrent colds, flu, and/or  infections
  2. Poor appetite
  3. Reduced sense of taste and/or smell
  4. Sluggish digestion
  5. Slow growth and development
  6. Slow healing
  7. Acne and other skin conditions
  8. Infertility
  9. Sugar  cravings
  10. Stress, anxiety, and depression 

Zinc is Essential For Health

Often zinc is recommended when you have a cold or flu. But, besides being extremely important for the immune system,  zinc plays a role in many other bodily functions. The adult body contains about 2.0 to 3.0 g of zinc, mostly stored inside your cells. Zinc’s many actions affect the health of your whole body.

Zinc Deficiencies are common

Many people are deficient in zinc. Inadequate dietary intake, increased physiological needs, or a diet high in sugar or alcohol and profuse sweating are common causes of zinc deficiency.

A Simple Taste Test

At Your Wellness Centre, we can do a simple taste test to see if you have a zinc deficiency. The test involves holding a zinc solution in your mouth for 10 seconds and assessing your taste response. The test relies on the presence of gustin, a zinc dependant enzyme. A lack of zinc reduces the activity of gustin, thus altering your taste perception.

What does Zinc do to the human body?

  • Zinc protects your cells from free radical damage by providing antioxidant defence.
  • Zinc supports healthy immunity
  • Improves appetite and digestive function.
  • Its ability to increase the healing rate of acne and wounds makes it indispensable for skin health.
  • It plays a key role in blood sugar metabolism, for better blood sugar control.
  • Zinc aids growth and development
  • It is an important nutrient during pregnancy for both mother and baby.
  • Zinc is also important for male health, fertility and sperm production, increasing sperm motility and concentration, therefore enhancing the chances of conception.
  • Zinc is found in high concentrations in the hippocampus area of the brain which controls thought and memory.
  • Recent research has shown zinc to be good for the brain, reducing stress and having a positive impact on mental function and mood.

Which Foods contain Zinc?

You can top up your zinc levels by increasing the intake of zinc­ rich foods:
Oysters are a rich source of zinc. If you are not a fan, then beef, lamb, toasted wheat germ, spinach, pumpkin seeds, nuts, dark chocolate, pork, chicken, beans, and mushrooms.

Zinc bisglycinate For Greater Absorption

If you have some of the deficiency signs described above, talk to Naturopaths at Your Wellness Centre about taking a highly absorbable zinc bisglycinate. With its enhanced cellular uptake, it increases the availability of zinc to your body. The one we recommend is also less likely to interact with other minerals, including copper, calcium, and iron. The more zinc your body can absorb,  the greater benefits it will deliver in improving your health.

Take the step toward a healthier you!
Call 9879 9596 and book an appointment today!


Your Wellness Centre Naturopathy Melbourne


What is the alkaline diet all about and why are people turning to it?

The alkaline diet is about promoting health and is mainly comprised of foods that break down to produce alkaline ash or residue.

People turn to it knowingly or even unknowingly because when the body is slightly alkaline they actually experience a difference in how good they feel.

Your Wellness Centre Naturopathy - Alkaline DietIt is becoming more popular, thanks to the advent of the green morning smoothie using popularised blending gadgets showing the alkaline ingredients used and its ease of preparation.

Those making these blends report that this gives them a great start to the day.

Many realise that they do not need to feel tired all the time and that there is an easy way to feel good on a daily basis without having to resort to that early morning coffee fix!

Others lose more weight than ever before and previously tired people find themselves more energetic.

However, there is much more to embracing an alkaline diet besides just the early morning smoothie!

It means that the balance of alkaline to acid foods should be eaten at all meals throughout the day.

Adopting the 80:20 principle gives the amount of alkaline to acid foods we need at each meal.

Simply looking at your plate, just less than a quarter of it should be occupied by acid foods while just more than three-quarters of the plate should have alkaline foods.

The alkaline diet does mean a change in thinking because it is different from the modern diet which is highly acidic.

However, once adopted, it is an easy-to-follow lifestyle, with the payoff being that of fantastic health and well-being.

Take the step toward a healthier you!
Call 9879 9596 or email us and book an appointment today!


Your Wellness Centre Naturopathy Melbourne


There are many effects of Free Radical damage that has been implicated in diseases such as Cancer, Heart Disease, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Arthritis, Dementia, Memory Loss and much more. You can check these diseases that are mentioned in the previous blog post. With a long list like that, it makes good sense to reduce the free radicals in the body with an abundant supply of Antioxidants.

How Antioxidants Protect our bodies against Free Radicals

Fortunately, if we take timely steps and fill our diets with Nature’s Antioxidants we have a much better chance of living a healthy life to a grand Old Age!

Your Wellness Centre Naturopathy - Antioxidants
Antioxidants protect our bodies from the ravages of Free Radicals by reacting with them, and not allowing the free radical to react with our body structures. This allows your body to function as it should – efficiently!

Ask about our free radical test today.

It is a great way to see if you have enough antioxidant fruit and vegetables in your diet or to see if your antioxidants supplement is doing a good job. So take advantage of our “Immune System” Test today.

It is a good idea to make an appointment today. Your Wellness Centre offers you real solutions to help improve your health and overall well-being.

Ring us at 9879 9596 or Contact us here.


Your Wellness Centre Naturopathy Melbourne


Nails rust when exposed to air and peeled apples go brown.

We all know this but most of us don’t know why. This is really the visible action of free radicals. Less obvious is the effect of free radicals on our bodies.

Your Wellness Centre Naturopathy - AntioxidantsSimply put, free radicals are unstable chemicals which when in excess in the body become more stable by interacting with some of our bodies important cellular structures.

Free radicals cause or aggravate many of the ailments we humans prematurely die from.

The most devastating illnesses promoted are Cancer, Heart Disease, and Premature Ageing!

Here is how it can happen:
Toxins in the body are dealt with in the tissues. Energy is needed for this to take place and results in the formation of free radicals as a by-product. These free radicals are unstable and to gain stability, they ‘steal’ an electron from your blood vessels, your immune system, and other cells. These body structures are then left without electrons and become unstable. And then the damage to our bodies begins.

Sources of free radicals are also food, exercise, stress, cigarette smoke, pollution, radiation, chemicals, pesticides, steroids, antibiotics, microbes and more.

The effects of these are far-reaching and Free Radical damage has been implicated in:

  • Cancer
  • Cataracts
  • Alzheimer’s Disease
  • Heart Disease
  • Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
  • Dementia
  • Premature Ageing
  • ArthritisEffects of Free Radicals, we need Antioxidants
  • Memory Loss
  • Chrohn’s Disease
  • Rheumatoid Arthritis
  • Decreased Learning Ability
  • Ulcerative Colitis
  • Multiple Sclerosis
  • Male Infertility
  • Pancreatitis
  • Parkinson’s Disease
  • …and more

With a list this long it makes good sense to reduce the free radicals in the body with an abundant supply of Antioxidants.

Ring 9879 9596 to make an appointment today.
Take the step toward a healthier you today!


Your Wellness Centre Naturopathy Melbourne


Food will give us optimal health;  food is naturally nutritious and gives us energy;  food has healing power;  food combats the common health issues prevalent in today’s population.

But, for this to happen, you must know the better food choices that give you and those you love the gift of good health. 

To help you make those choices, we have again arranged for Dr. Damian Kristof who is at the forefront of the health and wellness revolution to present his Power of Food seminar. In this seminar, you gain an insight into his visionary approach to health, nutrition, and lifestyle.

This is an event not to be missed!

To book your seats online
 click here. Use the code POF to buy one and get one free. Tickets are $25 each.

Your Wellness Centre Naturopathy - Power of Food

What our previous attendees had to say

“I was surprised by the simplicity and educational nature of the presentation – loved it “

“Very inspirational and motivational even for a 22-year-old like me”

“I’m sorry I didn’t insist that my husband come with me, he really would have benefitted”

So, be like these attendees and reap the value of this unusual presentation. Ring  9879 9596 for your tickets as soon as possible. – and we’ll see you for a great night at the North Ringwood Uniting Church on 10th May, at 7.00pm

Power of Food

The Power of Food is a 2-hour seminar presented by leading health and wellness expert, Dr. Damian Kristof. Focusing on the healing power of eating natural and nutritious foods to combat some of the most common health issues prevalent in today’s population. The Power of Food educates attendees on the importance of what we eat to ensure optimal health.

What we put into our bodies on a daily basis can have the most nourishing or detrimental effects to our health.’ – Dr. Damian Kristof

Having studied in the fields of nutrition and the nervous system for over 16 years, Dr. Damian Kristof is a highly regarded and sought after speaker on health, weight loss and living a well-balanced lifestyle.

Click here to book on line or call 98799596. Use Code POF.

Sharing his expertise with New Zealanders on the hit TV series Downsize Me, on Australian cable TV, and on Triple M and other radio stations Australia wide, Dr. Damian Kristof has become a household name, with his message on the power of food reaching audiences of all demographics. An owner of  Slim You (one of NZ’s most successful weight loss companies), Damian is passionate to improve the health of this generation. It’s his extensive knowledge, passion, and creativity that makes the information he shares in his Power of Food seminar true edutainment!

At the forefront of the health and wellness revolution with his visionary approach to health, nutrition and lifestyle, Damian’s Power of Food seminar is not to be missed!

Providing key insights that will empower attendees to make more educated choices when selecting and preparing food, seminar attendees will be enlightened by Damian and his knowledge on topics such as:

  • Discover the power of food
  • Unlock the secrets of health through food
  • Increase personal performance through better food choices
  • Learn the secrets of losing or gaining weight
  • Shatter common food myths‘Damian arms you with all the knowledge you will ever need to know about food! He gave us tools that we will never forget, that have been so simple to incorporate into our daily lives but has made such a difference to our overall health and wellbeing.’ – Shondelle Sichter, seminar attendee.

The next Power of Food seminar will be held:

Date:        Wednesday, 10th May, 2017           Time: 7pm9pm
Venue:    North Ringwood Uniting Church,    14 Dickson Crescent ,  North Ringwood
Booking: To book your seats on line, click here  use the code POF to get a second one free.

Call (03) 9879 9596 or email  to secure your seats.

Tickets are $25 each. If you buy yours by Friday 5th May, you will get a second one free.

Your Wellness Centre Naturopathy - Power of Food

Your Wellness Centre Naturopathy Melbourne


Do you need a Good Quality Fish Oil

How do you know if you need good quality fish oil? If you suffer from painful or inflammatory conditions such as arthritis, have cardiovascular disease, dry skin or perhaps you find that your brain is less sharp – these may be signs that you have an increased requirement for fish oils. However, the truth is, that almost everyone can benefit from taking fish oils on a regular basis. Fish oil is a source of omega-3 essential fatty acids. These good fats are vital for the human body to function well. Each and every cell in the body needs these healthy fats to function at its best.

Fish Oil for Life

Good quality Fish Oil - Your Wellness Centre Naturopathy MelbourneFish oil is important for us at all different stages of life – during childhood, adulthood and even into old age. Fish oils rich in essential fatty acids are important to enhance general health, as well as supporting cardiovascular and metabolic health, promoting healthy brain development and cognition, reducing inflammation and supporting healthy mood. Just like the cars we drive, our body also needs to be a well-oiled machine for it to function optimally.

Fish for Thought

A high-quality fish oil supplement is the ideal source of omega-3 essential fatty acids. However, not all fish oils will provide the same benefits. The active constituents in fish oil, known as EPA and DHA, are used in varying therapeutic amounts for different health concerns. Your Practitioner has a range of fish oils with varying concentrations of EPA and DHA to help with particular health conditions. For example, a fish oil containing 1 g of DHA with 209 mg EPA is the ideal ratio to support normal healthy brain development and function; whereas fish oil with 1.9 g of EPA and 930 mg of DHA may assist in relieving the pain and inflammation of arthritis and help maintain cardiovascular health.

Kids Need Fish Too

Kids can be fussy when it comes to eating fish, but why deprive them of the benefits of a good quality fish oil that help to support brain development, cognition, and learning? Research has shown that 1 g of DHA per day can be a great investment in your child’s education, behaviour and general health. Give your children the best start in life with the benefits of fish oil.

Purity Is Paramount

When taking a fish oil, it is important to ascertain whether it is of a high quality and purity for optimal health benefits. Large fish can contain environmental pollutants, such as heavy metals and pesticides, which may accumulate in the body from repeated ingestion and may contribute to health complaints. The fish oils prescribed by your Practitioner minimise contamination by using only small pelagic fish. Being small in size, these fish do not accumulate the same levels of environmental toxins that the much larger fish tend to store over their lifespan.

Practitioner recommended fish oils undergo a process called molecular distillation to remove impurities, pesticides, and insecticides so that the purity of the fish oils exceed the Australian standards. This ensures you are provided with a high quality and pure fish oil that will contribute to your health and wellness.

Quality Is Never an Accident

Like all other oils, a good quality fish oil can become oxidised or rancid when exposed to heat, air or light. Oxidised fish oils not only taste and smell bad, but also have limited health benefits and in some cases, can even be harmful. Fish oils recommended by your Practitioner are manufactured using nitrogen flushing to produce formulas that are fresh and protected from oxidation. Ansidine and peroxide are indicators of the level of oxidation of the fish oil, or how fresh it is. Ensure the fish oil you are taking is fresh and pure by choosing a fish oil of the highest quality with the lowest ansidine and peroxide values.

Sustainable Sourcing

Good Quality Fish Oil Anchovy - Your Wellness Centre Naturopathy MelbourneSustainable fishing is an important aspect to consider in our modern world. The good quality fish oil that your Practitioner recommends are certified by Friends of the Sea, an independent organisation that tests and certifies products made with ingredients sourced using sustainable fishing practices that minimise environmental impact. These fish oils also use small fish, primarily anchovies and sardines which are sourced from oceans near South America and Africa using eco fishing and sustainable practices. This means you can receive not only a purer fish oil, but also protect our planet.

Become Friends with Fish Oil

There are many benefits that a high quality and highly concentrated fish oil supplement can bring to the health and wellness of you and your family. Concentrated fish oil formulas can be easier to take, more affordable and provide great therapeutic effects. Each fish oil product your Practitioner prescribes is high strength and contains the correct dose of omega-3 needed to provide you with the most therapeutic result possible and value for money. Your Wellness Centre Practitioners can recommend the most appropriate supplement for you, to ensure you are provided with a high quality, therapeutic and pure fish oil to suit your individual needs.

Ask us today what fish oil can best help to support your health.

Ring Your Wellness Centre on 9879 9596 and talk to us today about how you can get the most from your fish oil.
