How to Lose Weight in 2025
If your health goals for 2025 includes losing a few extra kilos and keeping it off, then this information is for you.
As you no doubt know, maintaining a healthy weight is a great goal to strive towards. Even with the best of intentions, life does tend to get in the way!
So, If you find that any recent indulgences have settled on your hips, or you have been carrying excess weight for some time now, this is a good time to find your motivation for change.
Setting yourself the goal of a fantastic new you before this year keeps moving faster than your weight loss, does not have to be hard!.
We Discourage Fads…
If you are overweight or carrying a few extra kilos, you may already have tried those “fad diets” advertised in magazines and on the internet.
However, many of these diets can leave you feeling hungry and slow down your metabolism, making you more likely to suffer from rebound weight gain.
This is because these diets frequently focus on low fat foods which are often higher in sugar or carbohydrates and low in protein.
On the other hand keto diets on the internet are great if adhered to for a short period of time.
However, once you lose that weight, it is important to make sure you don’t lose health in the process and also, that you do not regain the weight you lost!
Is it Fat Loss or are you losing muscle?
You see, you may register weight loss on the scales, but be losing valuable muscle rather than fat.
It is important to ensure good muscle mass is maintained during weight loss. This will promote healthy metabolism and you keep the fat off long- term without regaining weight!
The Weight Management Programs used at Your Wellness Centre, can help you successfully lose fat while maintaining muscle, strength and health.
These convenient and simple to follow dietary programs will help to keep you feeling full, decrease your appetite and limit those sweet cravings. All this, while you enjoy successful weight loss.
Look Good, Feel Great
Losing extra body fat with our Professional Weight Management Programs not only brings the benefit of looking good and feeling great, but can also help improve your energy levels, reduce your risk of developing many chronic diseases and encourage healthy ageing.
Feeling better than you have in a long time, can also be a very rewarding and empowering experience.
Benefits of Regular Support
Keeping motivated and staying on track with your weight loss goals can be difficult to do on your own.
Regular visits to our naturopaths can often be the key to success in fat loss and feeling great.
Your Naturopaths can provide professional advice to overcome any difficulties you may have during weight loss.
You will receive support and guidance.
Your weight loss progress will be monitored until you achieve your goals
and you’ll be able to enjoy your success.
Five Easy Steps to Looking and Feeling Great
The Professional Weight Management Programs use a low carbohydrate, moderate protein approach to food intake. This promotes steady and consistent weight loss.
The six simple steps are:
1. Consume three healthy meals per day consisting of a palm size portion of protein and two handfuls of recommended vegetables. One handful of vegetables may be replaced by an allowable portion of fruit each day.
2. Include two low carbohydrate protein snacks per day.
3. Incorporate healthy oils as a part of your daily diet.
4. Aim for 40 minutes of moderate intensity exercise four times per week, or as recommended by your Practitioner.
6. Measure your ketones using Ketostix once daily.
Ketones appear in your urine if you are burning fat. By measuring ketone levels every day, you can monitor your fat burning in real time!
Move It to Lose It
Exercise is an integral part of any type of weight loss program. It helps your appetite, and provides long-term health benefits.
Under the guidance of your Naturopath, aim for, or build up to 40 minutes of moderate intensity exercise. This means you are puffing but can still talk. Do this at least four days a week.
Activities can include a combination of aerobic and anaerobic exercise such as:
• Walking
• Yoga/Pilates
• Swimming
- Weight bearing exercises
So Why Wait For Weight Loss – when you can Do It Now!
Achieving and maintaining a healthy weight is important for your overall health. It is one of the best steps you can take to prevent many chronic health conditions in the future.
With our Professional Weight Management Programs and the support of one of our Naturopaths, achieving and maintaining a healthy weight is easy!
Now is the best time to start tackling your weight loss goals.
Start it now – so you can be your happiest and healthiest in 2025.
Talk to us today about how you can shed those unwanted kilos.
This may be the one thing to enhance not only your health but feelings of accomplishment and happiness as well.
Take that first step towards health and vitality for the Rest of 2025.
Ask us about our Professional Weight Management Programs today!
Want to get straight into Weight Loss?
then simply BOOK ONLINE
Ring 9879 9596