
Live Blood Analysis

Forewarned is Forearmed!

Knowing your state of health gives you plenty of opportunities to rectify and work on any problem areas of your body before they become diseased.

This is why at Your Wellness Centre we are on the cutting edge of the latest research and technology in helping you reach your health potential.

Your Wellness Centre Naturopathy - Live Blood AnalysisOne such piece is the HemaviewTM (Live Blood Analysis Screening equipment). This HemaviewTM allows practitioners to accurately determine such things as immune function, nutrient absorption, rate of cellular damage, digestive performance and level of inflammation in your body as well as the effects of your current lifestyle on your health.

Live Blood Analysis will also dramatically help you to rectify imbalances. Therefore you will actually see improvements in your health with follow-up screenings as you put the health improvement recommendations into practice.

All that’s needed is a pin prick of fresh blood and you will be able to see the vitality, motility and viability of the immune systems white blood cells. Bacterial, parasitic or fungal forms may be seen. Major nutritional deficiencies can be detected, such as antioxidants, essential fatty acids, B12, folate, iron, digestive enzymes, and liver nutrients.

It will also show whether immune support is needed or if gut permeability is evident.

You will be able to see functional imbalances very early in the disease development spectrum.

Degenerative changes associated with chronic disease and ageing can be seen, eg. Infection, oxidation, liver function. And as mentioned before, you will be able to visually monitor the efforts of your health improvements.

This is the technology of choice to use if you simply feel tired, just don’t feel well, have a diagnosed health problem, or simply want to know the state of your health.

To have this unique test done, simply ring us on 9879 9596 .

The cost is $159.00 for the test, but if you request to have it done with your initial consultation, we will only charge you $99.00!

Take the step toward a healthier you!
Call 9879 9596 and book an appointment today!


Your Wellness Centre Naturopathy Melbourne


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