Natural Medicine and the Brain: 3 Steps Towards Improved Mental Performance

Nutritive factors play a crucial part in the health and performance of the brain across the entire lifespan, from preconception to the elderly. Benefiting depression, ADHD, cognitive impairment, sleep disorders, anxiety, and many more brain-related disorders, through the transformation of cognition, behaviour, and mood with the use of nutritional supplementation, phytochemicals, and lifestyle advice.

With the use of these interventions and skilled guidance of a qualified naturopath, neurodevelopmental, mood and cognitive performance respond favorably time and time again.

Number 1: Anti-inflammatory Diet

Protein-rich food - Your Wellness Centre NaturopathyDiet is key to a healthy, happy mind and body – stress, poor sleep, high toxic load, and poor-quality foods all contribute to increases in the body’s inflammatory response. Many of which lead to poor immunity, sleep difficulties, brain fog, digestive upset and menstrual irregularities among others.

Foods rich in Anti-Inflammatory Properties include:

  • Culinary herbs; rosemary, turmeric, garlic.
  • Nuts and seeds high in vitamin E, ALA, and fiber; almonds, cashews, sesame seeds.
  • Grains and legumes; chickpeas, brown rice, millet.
  • Fruits; avocado, berries, citrus.
  • Meat, poultry, fish; deep-sea fish, grass-fed beef.
  • Vegetables; dark leafy greens, tomatoes, beetroot.
  • Drinks; chamomile, fennel, ginger, green tea.

Number 2: Improved Lymphatic Circulation

Brain Health - Your Wellness CentreThe lymph is an irrigation system for the brain, it facilitates the elimination of toxins from the cerebrospinal fluid which bathes our brain. Links have been made to metabolic waste and the decline in memory and cognitive function.

Some Ways to Improve Lymphatic Drainage:

  • Dry brushing; with the use of a body brush, this easy-to-implement technique has many benefits for the whole body and mind.
  • Physical activity; lymph circulation is increased by the use of skeletal muscles, a brisk walk or weight baring exercise is ideal, but yoga is also proven effective.
  • Hydrotherapy; the use of water therapy can stimulate lymphatic movement by increasing and decreasing osmotic pressure.

Number 3: Controlling the Environment We Live In

Vegetables Detoxification - Your Wellness Centre NaturopathyDetoxification has been a buzz word for years now, with many companies promoting it as an effective way to improve health and wellbeing. Whilst it is beneficial to eliminate waste from our bodies and improve its function, we also benefit from reducing our exposure to harmful chemicals. The toxic build-up is linked to brain fog, poor cognition, and sleep difficulties. It can be easy to become overwhelmed and feel as though your best bet is to live in a bubble, but for many, there are some simple changes you can make that can impact on your toxic load.

Things to look out for:

  • Deodorants and antiperspirant spray; there are many effective, natural products available on the market that contain little to no harmful chemicals which are directly absorbed through the skin on application.
  • Makeup; like deodorants, these chemicals are being placed directly on the skin which absorbs them leading to potential inflammation and irritation of surface and subcutaneous tissue. Look out for organic mineral makeup when possible.
  • Plastic bottles - Your Wellness Center NaturopathyPlastic bottles; while many of us feel we are doing our part to save the planet by adopting a reusable plastic bottle, the unfortunate reality is that plastic can leech chemicals into the fluid that is contained within. Opt for stainless steel where possible.
  • Household cleaners; this is a difficult category to abide by, with many natural products being expensive and hard to find. The good news is there are proven cheap, effective home-made choices that you can use.

For more information on how you can improve your mental function, or individualise it to fit your life, speak to us at Your Wellness Centre.

Take the step toward a healthier you!
Ring 9879 9596 for an appointment or
Book us online to see how we can help you.
Your Wellness Centre
102A Oban Rd
Ringwood North 3134


Your Wellness Centre Naturopathy Melbourne


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