Your Wellness Centre

What is Counseling?

Psychotherapy and Counselling are professional activities that utilise an interpersonal relationship to enable people to develop self-understanding and to make changes in their lives.” Definition by PACFA.

They are based on an interpersonal relationship between the client and the counsellor which helps them develop a better understanding about themselves and then solve their problems.

A counsellor is a trained professional that can help solve your personal problems.

Lisa Rodriguez counseling and psychotherapy practitioner Ringwood Melbourne

Professional counsellors and psychotherapists help individuals explore and resolve issues that are interpersonal, intrapsychic or personal in nature. They do so within the boundaries of a clearly drafted and principled relationship.

Professionals in the field are explicitly contracted and offered in-depth training to use various techniques and therapeutic interventions.

The Difference between Counselling and Psychotherapy

While the role of counselling and psychotherapy may appear intertwined, they differ on various levels. Counselling brings focus on specific problems, helping you make changes in your life and fostering your well-being.

Counselling suits people who need support and help with grief and bereavement, marital counselling or addiction counselling (Including food, alcohol, exercise, gambling, etc).

Psychotherapy is more concerned with restructuring the personality helping develop deep insight and bringing about more profound change. This type of therapy suits people with behavioural concerns, such as binge eating, anxiety disorders (general anxiety, social anxiety, agoraphobia), and significant changes in life events (divorce, role changes at work/school, new mothers, children leaving home, etc).

Although both psychotherapy and counselling work with a variety of clients, psychotherapy can work with more serious mental health issues and work with individuals who are seen over a longer period of time.

Techniques Implemented

Counselling and Psychotherapy in RingwoodEach client’s case is treated on an individual basis, with an initial visit requiring an overview of the person’s main concern(s). From there a treatment plan is drafted, and some tests may be given to clarify or give perspective on the severity of the concern(s). This treatment plan is discussed with the client as the therapy is a co-dependent relationship, with both parties needing input.

The length of the therapy differs depending on the concern(s) presented and the therapy used. It can last from 10 to 20 sessions or more.

This process may involve gathering context and history of the concern(s), psychoeducation to include exploration of feelings and reactions, mindfulness techniques to help through heightened difficult times, self-monitoring or emotions and behaviours, rehabilitation of self-talk and the use of language, final steps towards an ongoing healthier future and relapse prevention.

Claims through Medicare and Private Health Insurance

Unfortunately, counselling or psychotherapy are NOT claimable through either fund. Please discuss payment options with Lisa if you have concerns about affordability.


Counselling and Psychotherapy in Ringwood