Meet our Natural Therapist – Ann Wherry

Meet our Natural Therapist – Ann Wherry

Reiki & Vibrational Balancing Master, Teacher

Ann is the founder and custodian of Golden Light Energies. She is a gifted natural therapist healer, counsellor, and spiritual teacher, who offers Reiki and Vibrational Balancing to improve your health, conscious awareness and well-being.

“Ann believes that the many experiences in our lives can be understood more easily when we look at them from a spiritual perspective”

She works from the perspective that we are ‘all spiritual beings having a human experience’. There is nothing in life that happens by accident. All experiences are called forth for the lesson and the blessing – even a broken foot or a marriage breakdown.

All of our thoughts and deeds are logged in our physical bodies. She looks for the spiritual and emotional causes of illness and imbalances and finds answers in the quantum. When we work together there is nothing that cannot be understood or that which cannot be healed.

Natural Therapist in Ringwood Melbourne

  • The Art of Feminine Presence Level 1 (2012)
  • Channeling and Linguistics Level 2 (2012)
  • Magnified Healing® and Third Phase Light Healing (2011)
  • Master-Teacher of Vibrational Balancing© (2005 – 08)
  • Return to Stillness Practitioner of Neurological Disorders (2005)
  • Master-Teacher of Reiki (2001 – 4)
  • Smart Bowen Therapy Levels 1 & 2 (2003-4)
  • Psychic Awareness Course Levels 1 & 2 (2003)
  • Theta DNA Healing Levels 1 & 2 (2002 -3)
  • Master-Teacher of Magnified Healing® – Kwan Yin (2003)
  • Healing with the Angels® (2002)


About Reiki

Reiki is an ancient, natural, hands on healing system that helps to heal your body and mind by correcting any imbalances in your energetic anatomy.

When energy in the body becomes imbalanced or blocked, over time, it contaminates the body and can cause illness, injury or disease.

Our emotions, thoughts and beliefs are also energy. Imbalances in the body system often arise through holding onto emotions, thoughts and beliefs that are outmoded and therefore negatively affect us.

A Reiki healing treats the whole person including body, emotions, mind and spirit creating many beneficial effects that include: relaxation and feelings of peace, security and wellbeing.

You will feel Reiki as a wonderful golden radiance flowing through and around the body.

About Vibrational Balancing

This is an energy healing, which pinpoints spiritual or emotional causes of blockages, set–backs, repeated patterns, physical pain or disturbances.

It ends old cycles by creating new energies and frequencies that help you to move forward and get the most out of your life and relationships.

Family, group and corporate healings are also available. Vibrational Balancing may also be used to clear land, new homes, premises or spaces. Many of my clients simply come back when new issues arise in their lives, that demand healing and understanding. Healing is simply a part of our commitment to our own lives, and growth.

You may like to experience Vibrational Balancing for yourself. Within each consult, you will also enjoy a Reiki treatment which will leave you feeling relaxed, secure and at peace. Please feel free to make an appointment at our healing centre with Ann.


  • Mediation;
    A meditation course for ‘Greater Awareness and Prosperous Living’ ran Wednesday evenings in the past, weekly from 7.00pm – 8.30pm.
    Cost: $25 daily, (for 4 or more people) or $95 per month.
    Booking fee $25 in advance.
  • Magnified Healing® Third Phase;
    This personal healing course was a two day course, working with the energies of Kwan Yin,

Get in touch now

To make an appointment phone (03) 9879 9596.