Ultralite Weight Loss Program

Ultralite Weight Loss Program

Can a Naturopath help with Weight Loss?

We often get asked this question.
So let me explain: You see, the Naturopaths as well as the Nutritionist at Your Wellness Centre will guide you every step of the way during the healthy ketogenic Ultralite Weight Loss program. They make sure you lose excess body fat while maintaining your health and muscle mass.

You will lose the weight and keep it off!
* Although results can vary from person to person, some participants have lost between 8 and 10 Kg in 5 weeks!

Monitoring is very important so you are invited to visit the clinic once a week.

A unique feature of the Ultralite program is that you eat real food at each meal of the day. The program is centred on eating the right food and the right portion sizes.
By addressing the real food issues, that is “we are what we eat”, and by changing the paradigm from “living to eat” to “eating to live”. The amount of each food group is carefully demonstrated to you so that you can most efficiently start burning your own body fat.

In between each meal you have the contents of an Ultralite sachet in water. The sachets contain vitamins, minerals, and essential amino acids – and are taken between meals. This assists in stabilising blood sugar levels, thus eliminating cravings. This keeps your metabolism going and you do not feel hungry all day.

To make sure you are actually burning fat, we show you how to measure the amount of ketones in your urine which are indicative of efficient fat burning in the healthy range.

Fortunately, a minimum amount of exercise is recommended so you don’t have to strain yourself at the gym.

Everything you need to do is mapped out in a comprehensive manual which contains cafe style healthy recipes as well. This way you do not feel deprived.

Ultra Lite is not only able to assist people to lose weight fast and maximise fat loss but provides the skills and knowledge for permanent weight control!

*Disclaimer: Even though these results are possible, there is no guarantee of specific results and the results can vary from person to person.

Ultralite Program

The Ultra Lite weight loss and detox program is a naturally balanced program based on a ketogenic diet system.

It is based on independent research incorporating dieticians, doctors, and scientists by Harvard University which effectively turns the old dietary pyramid upside down! Through fast but natural weight loss the program’s reputation is spreading worldwide.

Ultralite Weight Loss Program - Naturopath Weight Loss

We believe in a holistic approach to natural weight loss and most importantly long term weight control. We aim to empower people to make healthy food choices and to know what constitutes healthy portion sizes.

Ultra Lite is not a high protein diet; in fact, the amount of protein consumed is based on the recommendation of the World Health Organisation (WHO). Many people have experienced dramatic health benefits as a direct result of the re-balancing of their daily intake of protein and complex carbohydrates. Diseases such as Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes, irritable bowel syndrome, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and insulin resistance have been greatly improved by those participating in the UltraLite weight loss and detox program.

The naturopath weight loss program not only helps people to develop healthy eating habits, but it helps re-configure metabolisms and wean off excessive amounts of sugar and reduce portion sizes without feeling hungry. Attending weekly one on one personal consultations with a professionally trained practitioner helps keeps you on track and has proven to be essential to a successful outcome.

Once you achieve your weight loss goal it is then recommended that you begin the Lifetime maintenance program. This is where you consolidate your knowledge of food values, portion size and re-introduce foods that were previously restricted. This provides you with the skills and knowledge for permanent weight control.

Fund Rebates

The Ultra Lite eating program is approved by SOME of  the private health funds, and you may be entitled to claim a refund. Refunds are subject to change, so please consult your private health fund regarding eligibility and appropriate cover required for claims.

How Long have these Naturopaths in Ringwood Used the Ultralite Program?

The Ultralite Weight Management System has been the primary weight management system used at Your Wellness Centre for more than twenty years.

Experienced Naturopath & Pharmacist, Glenda Johnson, has used the Ultralite Ketogenic Weight Loss Program at Your Wellness Centre for more than twenty years.
With the ability to now treat clients virtually she is so excited because she can now make a much bigger impact on the lives of those who have previously struggled to achieve their weight loss goals.

Being one of the first qualified naturopathic practitioners of the Ultralite Ketogenic Weight Loss Program, Glenda Johnson regards it as one of the most results-driven programs she has used with clients successfully in these 20 years..

With this experience she is able to address the underlying causes of weight gain such as stress, hormonal imbalances and toxicity. Besides this she can address nutrient deficiencies.
By helping to rectify these and other specific health issues if necessary Glenda will help prepare you for optimal weight loss success.

Ultralite is a safe, quick, effective program of naturopath weight loss followed by a maintenance program to ensure you maintain your great results.

And if 2024 is the year you were thinking of losing weight, how about giving the Ultralite program a go!

What our Clients say

Dear Glenda,

My choice to come to the “Wellness Centre” was to try and turn my life around.

From the first visit to the centre has made such a difference in my life. I was very overweight, my blood pressure was high, I had a lot of trouble sleeping. I never exercised with arthritis and now – I look forward to coming once a week to be weighed and measured. I am now 2 dress sizes down, I sleep un-interrupted all night, my blood pressure has come down to an all time low. I walk a lot, swim a lot and love preparing my meals. Instead of one meal a day I have smaller meals 3 times a day.

This has all changed in 5 weeks!

I am really looking forward to continuing the Ultralite program. I have learnt so much about eating the right foods.

The biggest surprise to me is how simple and enjoyable the meals are. I’m never hungry.

Thank you “Wellness Centre” for helping me to feel like a new person.

– Wendy

Take the step toward a healthier you! Call 9879 9596 and book an appointment today!

Your Wellness Centre Naturopathy Melbourne

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To make an appointment phone (03) 9879 9596.