

Do you struggle with allergies when the beauty of Spring is in the air? If your eyes itch when you should be enjoying a sunny, spring day, strange though it may sound, it’s time to heal your gut…

Let me explain…

Allergies occur when your immune system overreacts to something that’s generally harmless, such as pollen or dust mites.  This triggers inflammation and produces allergic symptoms. These can range from hay fever (also known as allergic rhinitis), digestive discomfort, eczema, and asthma, to life-threatening anaphylaxis.

While quick-fix medications, such as antihistamines, provide symptomatic relief, targeting the underlying casues of allergy, particularly your gut health and function, can provide long-term health benefits.

Did you know that improving your gut health can increase your tolerance to allergic triggers?
This can help you overcome your allergies and enable you to be outdoors without getting teary, fiery eyeballs.

‘While quick-fix medications, such as antihistamines, provide symptomatic relief, targeting the underlying causes of allergy, particularly your gut health and function, can provide long-term health benefits.’


Let’s see how Gut Health affects Allergies

Your microbiome (i.e. your gut bacteria) is a foundation of good health, especially when it comes to regulating your immune system and reducing its reactivity.
In fact, dysbiosis (an imbalance in the types and levels of gut bacteria) has been identified as a distinctive feature of allergy.

Research has actually identified differences in microbiome composition between people with allergies and those without.
The imbalance in the types and levels of gut bacteria has been shown to promote gut inflammation, which also stimulates inflammation beyond the gut.
This includes the release of histamine (an inflammatory chemical produced by immune cells), which causes many of the symptoms associated with allergies.

Fortunately, you can reduce dysbiosis and improve the composition of your gut bacteria through the use of specific probiotic strains (types of bacteria), which help regulate your immune function to prevent and reduce allergic symptoms.
For instance, the strain Lactobacillus rhamnosus (LGG®) has been shown to increase the production of anti-inflammatory immune cells. These act against allergy-associated inflammation and support healthy immunity.

Enhancing your gut bacteria composition has also been shown to suppress histamine release.
Together, these benefits may reduce immune hyper-reactivity and decrease allergy symptoms.

Gut Inflammation can Trigger a Leaky Gut.

Gut inflammation, caused by dysbiosis, has also been shown to trigger a leaky gut, which occurs when your gut barrier (cells that form a physical barrier between your digestive tract and the rest of your body) becomes permeable or ‘leaky’.
When the gut barrier is damaged, food particles, bacteria, and toxins may be able to enter your bloodstream. This aggravates inflammation and triggers an immune response that worsens your allergy symptoms.

Fortunately, specific herbs and nutrients can help restore a leaky gut barrier. These include:

  •   Glutamine: An amino acid (a small compound that combines with other amino acids to form protein) that strengthens the integrity of the gut barrier and reduces the passage of contents between your gut and bloodstream.
  •   Vitamin A: is essential for optimal cell growth and maintenance of the gut barrier, with deficiency of this key nutrient preventing the regeneration of gut barrier cells.
  •   Zinc: is another essential nutrient that supports the integrity of gut barrier cells, with deficiency increasing the likelihood of leaky gut development.
  •   Baical skullcap: a herb that has been found to reduce the gaps that form between gut barrier cells (as a consequence of dysbiosis), causing them to become leaky.
  •   Shiitake mushroom: a medicinal mushroom that regulates immune function and reduces inflammation.

 Support Good Digestive Function to Reduce Allergies

Given the strong connection between the health of the gut and immune system, supporting good digestive system function can address some of the underlying factors that cause your immune system to be over-reactive.

The Allergy and Reactivity Reduction Program used at Your Wellness Centre is specially designed to repair your gut and improve your immune tolerance, reducing allergy symptoms.
This approach can help you gain control of your allergies and how your body reacts so that you can once more indulge in the activities that you enjoy.
To find out if the Allergy and Reactivity Reduction Program is right for you, consult with a naturopath
 at Your Wellness Centre.

‘Given the strong connection between the health of the gut and immune reactivity, supporting good digestive system function can address some of the underlying factors that cause your immune system to be over-reactive.’

Overcoming Allergies

If your nose has done more running during springtime than you have, perhaps it’s time to consider an allergy plan with long-term health benefits.
Maintaining a healthy gut is key to supporting your immune function and building tolerance to allergic triggers, and is therefore central to providing a lasting solution to allergic conditions. 

For guidance on how best to improve your allergies, speak with a naturopath at Your Wellness Centre to see how we can help you in your journey to wellness.



If you live with an allergic condition such as food allergies, eczema, hay fever, or asthma,and would like a natural treatment, then this is something worth using.

Our specially designed Allergy and Reactivity reduction program is professionally supported and incorporates carefully selected herbs and nutrients combined with tailored diet and lifestyle recommendations.

This will help repair your gut, improve your ability to tolerate allergens, and reduce your reactive symptoms.

Also beneficial if you are not sure if it is an allergy but you get a stomach ache after eating cheese, or bloat and become headachy with certain other foods and so won’t have a bar of say wheat or onions or garlic.

On the other hand, if food isn’t your issue, but pollens and certain grasses leave your skin desperately itchy or a cat sends you into a sneezing frenzy, then this will be good for you too.

Pretty unusual reactions to common substances:

So why does your body react this way?
It is because your body believes that these otherwise harmless substances (animal hair, foods, and grasses) are threatening.

And so, when it comes into contact with these substances, (in this case they are known as allergens,) your immune system releases large amounts of the chemical histamine.

Histamine is like a burly bouncer outside a club: its job is to muscle an allergen out of your body by any means necessary.

Some of the ways histamine does this job is by producing redness and inflammation, a running nose, itchy eyes, constricted airways, bloating, and diarrhoea. All these are signs of allergic disease.

Current approaches to allergy management involve avoiding the allergen and reducing histamine (e.g. antihistamine medication).


But why does your body think these substances are harmful and mount this response against them in the first place?

There are several contributing factors that lead your body’s immune system to respond this way.

They include:

1) Inflammation within your digestive tract (where the majority of your immune system is found).

2) Damage to the lining of your digestive tract commonly known as ‘leaky gut, allows small particles (undigested food, bacteria, and/or toxins) to pass through to the bloodstream causing inflammation in other areas of the body).

3) Low levels of good bacteria and/or an overgrowth of bad bacteria within your intestine that interferes with your body’s immune response.

Address the roots of your reactivity

Truly holistic allergy management encompasses symptomatic relief while also retraining the body’s immune system to tolerate ‘threatening’ allergens.

Using our Allergy and Reactivity Reduction Program while being guided by your Naturopath does just that! 

So ring 9879 9596 for an appointment to see how we can help you

Ingredients that reduce reactivity

A number of herbs and nutrients can help you manage your symptoms of allergy and reactivity; by helping to restore balance to your immune system.

Tailored Diet and Lifestyle Recommendations

Following a prescribed diet in conjunction with specialised supplementation greatly assists in reducing symptoms and building tolerance to allergens.

Your Naturopath will recommend a specific dietary plan depending on your symptom presentation and health history.

While following the Allergy and Reactivity Reduction Program you will ‘rest’ from foods that may be creating inflammation and damage within your gut, giving your immune system an opportunity to ‘reset’ and become more tolerant.

Your Naturopath may also work with you to strategically re-test the foods you have been ‘resting’ from to find the right amount for you in the future.

This means you can remain symptom-free, while still enjoying the foods and activities you love.

Time to Eat and Do what you Love

Now is a time you can address those irritating allergic symptoms by tackling the underlying causes.

Completing this program can help you gain control of your reactivity and increase your tolerance levels, leading to a reduction in symptoms.

Imagine indulging in the foods and activities you enjoy; patting your dog without sneezing, eating the foods you love without bloating, or having a picnic in the grass without itching – now that would be life-changing!

While most of us expect improved weather in the springtime. Many others have hay fever caused by pollens that leave them sneezing, wheezing, itching and even red and swollen.

You see when some individuals come into contact with pollens their immune system has an overactive response and subsequently release histamines.

This histamine release is responsible for causing the signs and symptoms of hay fever.

Most people use antihistamines to help the symptoms quickly. And this does help control symptoms.

However, the root cause is an imbalance in the immune system and antihistamines will not stop hayfever from re-occurring.

For a long-term solution, we have to look at other factors that may be contributing to the increased immune response and histamine release.

Factors that affect allergies include:

Person Holding Allergy Medicine Bottle

  • Food sensitivities
  • Gut Dysbiosis
  • Leaky gut syndrome
  • Deficiencies: Vitamin C, A, D and Zinc
  • Inflammation
  • Toxicity
  • Chemical exposure
  • Mould exposure
  • Adrenal fatigue
  • Stress
  • Liver dysfunction


As part of the treatment for hay fever, naturopaths at Your Wellness Centre assess various contributing factors that may be affecting symptoms. Naturopaths then go about providing an individualised approach to treatment.

Naturopathic treatment for allergies and hay fever also include herbs such as Albizzia and Baical skullcap which can benefit and modulate the immune response. Quercetin can help reduce elevated histamine release.

A diet that supports optimal digestive health and immune function is beneficial too.

Since there is a high production of histamine in hayfever it is wise to reduce histamines if we can.

Histamine is released when we come into contact with triggers such as dust grass or pollen.

It is responsible for causing an inflammatory response resulting in swelling sneezing and itching.

If you are experiencing hayfever it is a good idea to limit foods that contain high levels of histamine, to help reduce these symptoms. See the list provided below.

Foods high in histamine include:

  • Dairy
  • Cheeses
  • Preserved meet
  • Avocado
  • Olives
  • Tinned fish
  • Vinegar
  • Canned or tinned food
  • Bananas
  • Shellfish
  • Alcohol
  • Coffee
  • Chocolate
  • Nuts: walnuts and cashews

If you find you are sneezing far too much this Spring and wish to reduce your allergies, why not make an appointment with a naturopath at Your Wellness Centre to see what we can do for you.

Your Wellness Centre Naturopathy Melbourne


You can book your appointment today simply by clicking here. Alternatively, ring us at 03 9879 9596 or send us an email at


If you are unable to make the journey, simply book for a Telehealth appointment, where we can have either a phone or video consult, depending on your preferences.

Spring is here and this means pollen, dust, allergies and hayfever. We seem to be becoming increasingly intolerant to our environment, but help is at hand if you read on…

A stuffy runny nose, sore red eyes, a head full of cotton wool and bouts of involuntary sneezing, you don’t have to needlessly suffer the debilitating effects of Hay Fever or Sinus!

Help is at hand!  You don’t have to suffer needlessly from these irritating symptoms.  Don’t run to the chemist and self-prescribe the latest drug that supposedly suppresses these symptoms.

Instead, win the battle and boost your natural immunity so that your hay fever and sinus complaints naturally diminish.  By doing this now and improving the integrity of your upper respiratory tract, this will also help lay the foundations for improved winter immunity next year so that you don’t catch the first cold of the season when everyone else around you is coughing and sniffing.

Allergies are Nothing to Sneeze At!

While allergy and asthma appear to be caused by outside triggers, such as dust, pollen, dry air and stressful events, the underlying problem actually lies within us. Both allergy and asthma occur when a particular part of our immune system is out of balance. Our immune system is designed to protect us from infections and to keep us healthy. An allergy occurs when your immune system mistakes something that is normally harmless as being a threat to you and while “protecting” you from it, creates a strong inflammatory response. This inflammatory response is what produces the symptoms that you experience allergies. In asthma, this inflammation presents as difficulty breathing or may trigger an asthma attack.

Breathe Easy; Help is at Hand

Many of us know licorice as a confectionery, but did you know that licorice is a very effective herb for the treatment of allergy and asthma? Licorice is an immune regulator, meaning that it helps to bring a wayward immune system back into balance. Licorice is particularly helpful in relieving all types of allergy as well as asthma because it addresses the underlying immune problem in these conditions. Importantly, you won’t get this same effect from just eating the lolly, you need the strong herbal formula to do the trick. Combining licorice with the Chinese remedies Reiishi mushroom and Sophora root creates a potent formula with great effectiveness against allergy and asthma.

With over 4000 years of use in Traditional Chinese Medicine, Reiishi mushroom is tried and trusted in the treatment of asthma and allergy, providing relief for symptoms such as wheezing, tight chest and coughing. Sophora root is also outstanding in its ability to relax the lungs, making it highly effective for asthma. The fact that these herbs also prevent and treat eczema, dermatitis, itching skin and eyes and hayfever tells us that their benefit actually comes from correcting the underlying immune problem. This combination of herbs does not just suppress symptoms, but creates real healing, genuinely improving your health.

We Have the Skills and Experience to Help You

So whether you need help with occasional hayfever or suffer from persistent asthma or irritating dermatitis, we have the formula to help you. As your Healthcare Professional, I have the experience and skills to prescribe the most suitable treatment for your needs and help you to understand how to achieve your health potential. Call today to make an appointment to review your immune health and discuss what can be done to keep you in top shape.

“Licorice is an immune regulator, meaning that it helps to bring a wayward immune system back into balance.”

Ring us on 9879 9596 for advice.


Your Wellness Centre Naturopathy Melbourne