
While most of us expect improved weather in the springtime. Many others have hay fever caused by pollens that leave them sneezing, wheezing, itching and even red and swollen.

You see when some individuals come into contact with pollens their immune system has an overactive response and subsequently release histamines.

This histamine release is responsible for causing the signs and symptoms of hay fever.

Most people use antihistamines to help the symptoms quickly. And this does help control symptoms.

However, the root cause is an imbalance in the immune system and antihistamines will not stop hayfever from re-occurring.

For a long-term solution, we have to look at other factors that may be contributing to the increased immune response and histamine release.

Factors that affect allergies include:

Person Holding Allergy Medicine Bottle

  • Food sensitivities
  • Gut Dysbiosis
  • Leaky gut syndrome
  • Deficiencies: Vitamin C, A, D and Zinc
  • Inflammation
  • Toxicity
  • Chemical exposure
  • Mould exposure
  • Adrenal fatigue
  • Stress
  • Liver dysfunction


As part of the treatment for hay fever, naturopaths at Your Wellness Centre assess various contributing factors that may be affecting symptoms. Naturopaths then go about providing an individualised approach to treatment.

Naturopathic treatment for allergies and hay fever also include herbs such as Albizzia and Baical skullcap which can benefit and modulate the immune response. Quercetin can help reduce elevated histamine release.

A diet that supports optimal digestive health and immune function is beneficial too.

Since there is a high production of histamine in hayfever it is wise to reduce histamines if we can.

Histamine is released when we come into contact with triggers such as dust grass or pollen.

It is responsible for causing an inflammatory response resulting in swelling sneezing and itching.

If you are experiencing hayfever it is a good idea to limit foods that contain high levels of histamine, to help reduce these symptoms. See the list provided below.

Foods high in histamine include:

  • Dairy
  • Cheeses
  • Preserved meet
  • Avocado
  • Olives
  • Tinned fish
  • Vinegar
  • Canned or tinned food
  • Bananas
  • Shellfish
  • Alcohol
  • Coffee
  • Chocolate
  • Nuts: walnuts and cashews

If you find you are sneezing far too much this Spring and wish to reduce your allergies, why not make an appointment with a naturopath at Your Wellness Centre to see what we can do for you.

Your Wellness Centre Naturopathy Melbourne


You can book your appointment today simply by clicking here. Alternatively, ring us at 03 9879 9596 or send us an email at


If you are unable to make the journey, simply book for a Telehealth appointment, where we can have either a phone or video consult, depending on your preferences.

For some, it could mean that a cold or the flu is on its way.
Normally not too much of a problem if you are reasonably healthy because they really don’t last that long. However, if you are stressed, doing a lot, don’t have the time to eat regular healthy meals or have an immune system that struggles, extra precautions should be taken throughout winter.

Certainly, if you really have a busy week or some “not to be missed social engagement” and you want to be on the safe side and do all you can to stop it taking hold, I advise that you pop in as much Vitamin C as you can and then top it up with Zinc. Further, if you have the time to talk to one of our naturopaths, we could dispense a good herbal preparation to give your immune system that extra boost.
By the way, Vitamin C has taken to ‘saturation point’ is advisable here. You’ll know this when your stools become a bit loose. At this stage, you simply go back to the previous dose. Research shows that you can take up to 12g Vitamin C per day in divided doses.

We’ve added an article on Coughs and colds for you below:


Colds and Flu - Your Wellness Centre Naturopathy

Colds and ‘flu can strike at anytime, not just the dreaded winter season. The good news is you do not have to put up with runny noses, sinus pain, fevers, sore throats, coughs and generally feeling unwell.
Now is the time to look at which natural supplements may help support your immune system.

Simply contact Your Wellness Centre on 9879 9596 for help with fighting colds and ‘flus.

Why Do We Get Colds and ‘Flus?

If you regularly catch colds and ‘flus you may have an imbalance in your immune system which may make you more susceptible to infections. A poor diet, nutritional deficiencies and/or a lack of exercise can all lead to these imbalances in your immune system. A strong immune system can help to protect you from potentially harmful invaders, such as viruses and bacteria, by recognising and responding to them as soon as they become a threat.

Viruses Can Cause Colds and ‘Flus

Contrary to popular belief, viruses cause colds and ‘flus – not bacteria. Viruses are minute infectious agents which invade and hijack your cells. The immune system recognises viruses as invaders and attempts to destroy them before they can invade your cells. If the immune system is out of balance, however, it may not have the ability to destroy viruses and viral infections can occur. Common symptoms of viral infections include a sore throat, fever, and fatigue.

Herbs and Nutrients

If your immune system is struggling to defend you, don’t despair – Natural Medicines may help! Particular herbs and nutrients may help you to manage your cold and ‘flu symptoms naturally, as well as improve underlying immune imbalances.

Speak to us about which herbs and nutrients may be of benefit for you.

Diet and Lifestyle Suggestions

We have listed dietary and lifestyle changes that you can make to strengthen your immune system to prevent colds and ‘flus here:Fresh veggies and nuts - Your Wellness Centre

  • Eat a well-balanced diet including fresh vegetables, fruits, nuts, seeds, fish, eggs, legumes and lean red meat
  • Reduce your intake of mucus-forming foods such as dairy.
  • Avoid foods low in nutrients that suppress the immune system, such as sugar, white flour products, and alcohol.
  • Drink at least 2 litres of filtered water every day.
  • Exercise regularly.
  • Ensure you are getting enough sleep.

By making some simple changes to your diet and lifestyle and by taking the appropriate supplements, you can reduce your risk of catching colds and ‘flus. Speak to us about the best way to manage or prevent your colds and ‘flus naturally.

Useful Herbs and Nutrients

  • Fever and sore throat we recommend Andrographis
  • Productive cough can be eased using Aster, Pinellia, Magnolia
  • Dry irritating cough may be reduced with Licorice, Marshmallow among others
  • Sinus congestion  may be relieved using anti-microbial essential oils such as Eucalyptus, Peppermint, Lavender, and Thyme used in a sinus spray
  • Frequent colds and ‘flus require regular doses of Vitamin C, Vitamin D, Zinc and Probiotics

Simply contact Your Wellness Centre on 9879 9596 for help with fighting colds and ‘flus.

Your Wellness Centre Naturopathy Melbourne