
We are told what to do to minimise the spread.

But rarely are we told the exact reason for needing to do what we are asked to do.

So here, I aim to give you a better understanding of the action of Covid-19 and the need for such extreme precautions.

What is Covid -19?

Coronavirus Covid19 - Your Wellness Centre Naturopathy

As we now know, the illness referred to as Covid-19 (COronaVirusDiseaseDiscovered in 2019) is caused by a novel virus.

It is caused by SARS-Cov-2 which is one of a large family of Coronaviruses, seven of which are known to affect humans.

Four of these cause a normal mild infection while SARS in 2003 and MERS in 2012 are more severe.

Once you have come into contact with the virus, it can take from 1 to 14 days for incubation and for symptoms to develop.

How does the Virus get into your Cells?

Simply put, this particular virus SARS-COV-2, uses the protein spikes found on its outside “crown” to get into the cells. It is particularly geared to binding to the cell surface of the lung, intestine, kidney, and blood vessels.

This then leads to a highly uncontrollable inflammatory response resulting in among other symptoms, high temperature, and fever.

Let’s look at what happens in the lungs:Your Wellness Centre Naturopathy Person Coughing

Once the virus enters the human cell, for example, the lungs, it multiplies to produce huge numbers of new viral particles and the normal respiratory cells are damaged and die.

This is the reason why there are large numbers of microscopic particles in mucous from coughing or sneezing.

Symptoms vary from fever, cough, and shortness of breath to muscle pain, fatigue, and even pneumonia.

Some of the infected have no symptoms and it’s hard to know if they are infected.

If this is the case, this novel strain can carry on to someone else, without knowing it is happening.

80% of people have mostly mild symptoms
15% have severe respiratory issues while
2 to 3% are critical

How does Covid-19 Spread?

The virus spreads through infected droplets via a cough or sneeze and travels through the air. It can live on surfaces for a while.

So for instance, if you sneeze it can spread for 4 m and live on surfaces..

It can live on a cardboard surface for 24 hours and on plastic and stainless steel for 2 to 3 days and I have seen references to it living on some other surfaces for up to 9 days!

It can remain in the air for three hours. So if you touch an infected surface it could well put you at risk. This is why you need to thoroughly wash your hands. And adopt extra hygiene.

Why the 1.5 m distance?

Coronavirus Covid19 Spread - Your Wellness Centre Naturopathy

It is very important to be aware when in public to be vigilant and keep the 1.5 metre recommended distance. This is because the virus floats in the air..
The danger is, that you yourself can feel fine, but that you can affect others.
We might get a fever, dry cough, be short of breath have a sore throat, or fatigue just like the flu.
The thing is you may not have a lot of mucus!
There is generally no congestion with the dry cough.
Sometimes you can get diarrhoea and lose your sense of smell.
It can be passed on unknowingly and so it can be quite serious.

Who is most at risk of getting Covid-19?

There are certain individuals at greater risk

  • Older people are at riskOld Woman Covid19 Risk - Your Wellness Centre
    Aging. Older age is also associated with declined immune system competence and this increases
    the susceptibility to infection,
  • Immunocompromised individuals.
    Those with compromised immunity/impaired immune response are at an increased risk of chronic or critical infections.
    This means they have many of their body functions affected which could result in really severe infection and even increase the risk of death.
  • Those on chemotherapy, radiation, or immune suppressant medication are also at high risk…
  • Chronic medical conditions:
    Chronic illnesses affect immune function, increasing the risk and severity of infection.
    It includes those with the cardiovascular or metabolic disease as well as
    Those who are overweight, have hypertension, or have Type 2 diabetes.
    This is because these individuals have low-grade constant inflammation in the body.
    When infected, the virus binds to specific receptors and causes constant inflammation.
    Then if the virus causes high inflammation they can have a serious response.

    Children have been found to be at low risk because they generally do not have the same severe

Why we need to be Careful?

The reason we all need to be extra vigilant is because some have been found to be positive for the virus while showing no symptoms, or were at the early stage of infection without symptoms yet.
If this is the case and you happen to be one of those who are positive, but show no symptoms, you could affect somebody else.
So we need to try not to pass it on to the 20% that will have more severe effects.

What is the risk of infection?

There is the incubation period of 2 to 14 days. On average it’s 5 to 6 days.
Sometimes it can take 2 to 3 weeks to get over this virus and to not be contagious.

Why is the separation period 14 days?

If you were infected then you’re contagious for 2 to 3 weeks you may have symptoms for five days
but your contagious period would be at least another one and a half weeks

So it is important for everybody’s sake to keep safe.

Especially wash hands with soap
Practice good hygiene. Frequently wash your hands.
Soap breaks down the fatty layer of the virus and stops it from being active and infecting you.
touch things and then your face. Alcohol wipes and disinfectant means you can wipe anything you’ve been touching while out.
This includes door handles, taps or anything else you’ve been in contact with.
Practice physical distancing and do not breathe on people.
Be aware that one person can give the virus to three others.

Support your own body and your Immune System

Elderberry - Your Wellness Centre NaturopathyZinc, vitamin C, vitamin D as well as the medical mushrooms like reishi, shiitake, cordeceps support the immune system. Using herbs like elderberry Astragalus lemon balm can also provide protective preventative measures.
These are some of the helpful ingredients.

Generally support good lifestyle and general health and wellness.

Reduce stress.
Many are suffering from stress at this time.
We know that chronic stress can weaken viral immune defenses.
Taking measures to reduce stress and support your resilience to stress is highly advisable.

Put aside a few minutes each day to engage in something you enjoy.
Engage in something positive and uplifting like music ,hobbies and exercise.
This causes change in brainwave activity and also changes your body physiology and reduces the stress burden.

Stop being bombarded with Corona Virus information.
You cannot switch on TV, the radio or social media without there being a focus on Covid-19.
Try to steer conversation with family and friends toward the positive.
Don’t get swept up in the negative hype.
Don’t stress over and obsess about the issue for six hours at a time.

It is serious, and we have to play our part, but we also need to get on with living.

Section off part of your day for updates
In stressful situations section off a part of your day to deal with it and get on with the rest of the day.
Get up to date with the new government regulations then prepare for the necessary stuff for the home.

Focus on doing more positive things
Playing board games with the family, playing with pets.
Focus on music, on hobbies because you’
now have more time.
Especially the case if you are working from home.
Pick up an instrument, paint, be creative.
When watching movies make them comedies, let them be light-hearted, let them be uplifting and enjoyable not the horrors because this can stimulate stress.

Meditation can calm you down and improve your well-being. There are many apps to use.
Apps like calm, headspace, guided meditation.

Sleep stories is an app, that I believe, can help you fall asleep.

There are many positive ways others are using to help adjust to their new way of life. Learn from them.

Sleep - Your Wellness Centre NaturopathySleep and sleep well.
Practised good sleep hygiene.
Wind down, dim your lights at night.
You should expose yourself to 2 hours of dim light before bedtime, so that melatonin which is your sleep hormone can be produced.
Slow down and calm down.
Take up reading a novel, doing meditation and try to get away from the phone and digital equipment.
Try to get not less than seven hours of sleep.
The most beneficial sleep is that which you get before midnight so aim to get to bed at about 2 hours before midnight.

Should you find difficulty sleeping, you can get our sleep tips.

Regular Exercise - Your Wellness Centre Naturopathy MelbourneExercise is known to improve your mood, and your brain chemicals.

So try to increase your heart rate for 20 minutes three times a week. It’s even better to exercise in nature because this has proven benefits and calms you down.

Taking up yoga or tai chi would be beneficial. There are many YouTube videos on these topics.

Generally look after yourself every day.

Eat regularly
-Include protein with every meal.
-Reduce the caffeine and sugar and have well rounded meals.
-Include complex carbohydrates and make sure you have regular meals.

-Increase the water.
-Water helps your mood and improves stress levels.

-Reduce the alcohol it might help you today but in the long run, you’ll probably find yourself even more stressed. Limit yourself to one two serves at a sitting a couple of times a week.

Get outside and help some vitamin D to form naturally in your body. This can help improve your immune system.

Practice gratitude.

Focus on the positives of the situation.

Start with five things to be grateful for.

Stay connected with loved ones; do this through voice calls; facetime; house party.
Our digital age means you can easily stay connected with friends and family and love ones.
These are simple ways to help improve your mood.

It will keep your stress under control .
Basically: Play your part and keep everyone safe.


Your Wellness Centre Naturopathy Melbourne


Further Information can be found here:


With growing concerns surrounding COVID-19, it is important to remain informed of the facts regarding this viral outbreak. Let’s take a deeper look at 7 things to know about coronavirus and exactly how you can protect yourself, your loved ones and those most at risk.

Your Wellness Centre Naturopathy What is Coronavirus

1. What is coronavirus?

Coronaviruses are a large family of viruses, seven of which are currently known to infect humans. Four of these strains cause minor symptoms similar to the common cold and two are more severe diseases including Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) and Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS). COVID-19 is the latest strain to have been identified within this family of viruses.

2. What is novel coronavirus (COVID-19)?

At first, COVID-19 was known as ‘novel coronavirus’, which means a new strain of coronavirus. Once scientists discovered what this strain of coronavirus was and how to identify it in tests, they gave it the name: SARS-CoV-2.3 When someone gets sick with this virus the illness is called COVID-19. For simplicity, the virus and the disease are being referred to by the same name, COVID-19.4Novel coronavirus (COVID-19) was discovered in 2019 when an unusually high number of people in Wuhan, China, became ill with pneumonia after having an illness similar to the flu. When doctors tested them, they found these people had a type of coronavirus they hadn’t seen before.

3.  Why is it spreading so quickly? 

The reason COVID-19 is spreading so quickly is simply that it is a new virus the body does not recognise, and as such has little defence against. To explain this further, viruses are proposed to evolve via two mechanisms:

Antigenic drift: Occurs when small changes (or mutations) in viral genes lead to changes in the surface proteins of the virus, known as hemagglutinin (HA) and neuraminidase (NA).

Antigenic shift: Occurs when a major change in viral genes creates new HA and/or new NA proteins, resulting in a new virus subtype.

Antigenic shift is theorised to occur when a virus from an animal population gains the ability to infect humans — a proposed mechanism behind the origin of COVID-19, which has been linked to a live animal market.6As a result of this antigenic shift, the body’s immune system may not recognise the surface proteins of the evolved virus, resulting in increased susceptibility to infection. This viral evolution may account for COVID-19’s increased virulence, as this novel virus represents a newly identified pathogen with no known pre-existing immunity in humans.

4. How is it spreading?

Transmission of COVID-19 occurs when infected droplets are distributed via human-to-human contact, usually when a sick person coughs or sneezes. It may also be spread via contact with contaminated objects as human coronaviruses can remain infectious on inanimate surfaces for up to 9 days. Airborne spread has not been reported for COVID-19 and it is not believed to be a major driver of transmission.

5. What are the symptoms of coronavirus?

Symptom severity of COVID-19 varies, with mixed reports of severe flu-like symptoms in addition to milder presentations. Primary symptoms to be aware of include:
  • Fever, cough and shortness of breath/breathing difficulties.

Affected individuals may also experience additional flu-like symptoms including:

  • Headache, muscular stiffness and pain, loss of appetite, malaise/extreme generalised fatigue, chills, confusion, dizziness, rash, night sweats, and gastrointestinal upset.

6. Who is most at risk?

Individuals at highest risk for severe disease include people aged over 60 years and those with underlying medical conditions.9 Susceptible individuals include:

  • The elderly
  • Immunocompromised individuals
  • People with serious or chronic medical conditions including heart disease, diabetes and lung disease
  • People who have recently travelled to mainland China, South Korea, Iran and Italy
  • Individuals in close contact with a confirmed case of coronavirus, particularly during the infectious period

7. To put this in context…

Media outlets have focused their attention on the spread of COVID-19 and associated fatalities, contributing to alarm and unrest within the Australian community. While you should remain informed on the progression of this outbreak, you should not be alarmed, as the Australian Government is adequately addressing COVID-19 via the ‘Coronavirus Emergency Response Plan’. This scheme involves preventative measures during the early stages of the outbreak, including mechanisms for early detection and effective management of cases and contacts, and has likely contributed to current low incidences of COVID-19 within Australia.

At the time of updating this 17th March, 2020, despite reports of more than 168,000 confirmed cases of COVID-19 worldwide, there have been 368 cases within Australia. Further to this, the case fatality rate is approximately 3.6% of confirmed cases reported globally, with an estimated 80% of laboratory confirmed patients experiencing only mild to moderate symptoms followed by recovery (Figure 1). Additionally, disease in children appears to be relatively rare. Approximately 2.4% of the total cases reported involved individuals aged under 19 years, with a very small proportion of those developing severe (2.5%) or critical disease (0.2%).

Figure 1: COVID-19 disease progression and severity.

Comparisons between COVID-19 and common influenza viruses also provide context regarding population impact, with influenza estimated to have affected one billion individuals and caused anywhere between 291,000 to 646,000 deaths worldwide.

How can you protect yourself from coronavirus?

As COVID-19 is a novel virus, there is no vaccine currently available. However, practising good hand and sneeze/cough hygiene provides the best defence against viral infections. These include:

  • Washing your hands frequently with soap and water, before and after eating, and after going to the toilet.
  • Covering your mouth and nose when coughing and sneezing, immediately disposing of tissues and using alcohol-based hand sanitiser.
  • If unwell, seek immediate guidance from a medical professional. You may be advised to isolate yourself from the general population for up to 14 days to stop viral spread.

The onset and severity of infection in response to viral pathogens is greatly influenced by the virulence of the pathogen and the host’s immune defences (Figure 1). While little can be done regarding the virulence of COVID-19, improving an individual’s immune response is the most effective strategy to protect against any pathogen.

Figure 1: Factors that influence virulence of pathogens (left) offset by physiological and lifestyle components that support immune defences, dictating the body’s response to infection.

Immune-enhancing ingredients that may be of assistance:

Furthermore enhancing and supporting your immune system and vitality can help you overcome the virus should you happen to succumb.
Below are some natural immune-enhancing ingredients that can be supportive.

  • Active hexose correlated compound (AHCC™)

AHCC™ is a proprietary enzyme-fermented extract of shiitake that contains a mixture of polysaccharides, amino acids, lipids, and minerals. AHCC™ has been used in over 20 human clinical trials, with results demonstrating enhanced dendritic cell populations, increased cytokine expression of CD4+ and CD8+ T lymphocytes and improved antibody synthesis in elderly patients to the influenza B virus. AHCC™ has also demonstrated efficacy for numerous viral infectious diseases including West Nile virus, influenza virus, hepatitis virus, and human papillomavirus (HPV), demonstrating activation and modulation of host immune cells such as NK (natural killer) cells, NK T cells and gamma delta T cells.

AHCC™ is currently being distributed to the medical community treating COVID-19-infected patients in the Wuhan region of China (Wuhan Zhongshan hospital and Leishenshan hospital). Although data is yet to be published on the efficacy, as evidenced by clinical trials, AHCC™ is expected to enhance immune function of these healthcare workers, facilitating the prevention and clearance of viral pathogens that they may be exposed to.

  • Andrographis paniculata (andrographis)

Andrographis has extensive evidence in reducing the incidence, severity and duration of acute respiratory infections, as evidenced by positive results in a meta-analysis, which included 33 studies. In particular, andrographis has been shown to stimulate both the antigen-specific and non-specific immune response, as well as increase NK cell activity, antibody-dependent cellular cytotoxicity and antibody-dependent complement-mediated cytotoxicity, thereby supporting host immune defences.

  • Zinc

Zinc is particularly critical for the intracellular signalling pathways in both innate and adaptive immunity and is essential for the development of non-specific immunity, such as neutrophils and NK cells, and stimulating the development of acquired immunity.

  • Vitamin C

Vitamin C supplementation has been shown to reduce the duration and severity of colds and is increasingly efficacious when combined with zinc. Vitamin C stimulates white blood cell production and function, enhances NK cell activity and chemotaxis, supports clearance of spent neutrophils from sites of infection, increases serum levels of antibodies, and augments lymphocyte differentiation and proliferation, thereby facilitating innate and adaptive immune responses.

  • Vitamin D

It is well known that vitamin D plays an important role in regulating immune function, with deficiency impacting the activity of T regulatory (Treg) cells, as well as the production of antibodies. Additionally, vitamin D enhances the adaptive immune response by increasing the differentiation of monocytes to macrophages and stimulating white blood cell proliferation, essential to the neutralisation or viral infections.

  • Medicinal Mushrooms

Japanese Mushrooms ShiitakeJapanese mushrooms, including Cordyceps sinensis (cordyceps), Trametes versicolor (coriolus), Ganoderma lucidum (reishi) and Lentinula edodes (shiitake) enhance the body’s immune response and provide antiviral actions. Specifically, these mushrooms activate the innate immune system, triggering the production of NK cells, lymphocytes, neutrophils, macrophages, and inflammatory cytokines. Cytokine synthesis prompts adaptive immune processes to take effect, through the promotion of B cells for antibody production, and stimulation of T cells, which mediate cellular and humoral immunity.

  • Strain specific probiotics

Strain specific probiotics, with proven human health benefits, are useful to boost and regulate immunity. Studies have demonstrated Lactobacillus plantarum (HEAL9), Lactobacillus paracasei (8700:2) and Lactobacillus rhamnosus (LGG®) all have the capacity to induce interleukin-10, a key anti-inflammatory and immunoregulatory cytokine, which is expressed by Tregs and T helper 2 cells. Animal studies have shown LGG® protects against influenza by stimulating respiratory NK cell activity, and upregulating antiviral interferon gamma (IFN-γ). L. plantarum (HEAL9) and L. paracasei (8700:2) have also been shown to stimulate innate immune responses.

What to do if you develop symptoms

If you do develop symptoms associated with COVID-19, including fever, cough, sore throat, tiredness or shortness of breath, seek immediate guidance from a medical professional. You may be advised to isolate yourself from the general population to stop viral spread.

Individuals who have recently travelled to an international high-risk area or who have recently been in contact with a confirmed case are at an increased risk of developing COVID-19 and are advised to contact a medical professional for assistance.

References :  Metagenics, Northgate Queensland

For further resources and guidelines on COVID-19 management:

Australian Government Department of Health: COVID-19

World Health Organisation Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) Outbreak

Centre for Disease Control and Prevention: Corona Disease 2019 (COVID-19)


Your Wellness Centre Naturopathy Melbourne