
So, what does detoxification mean? Essentially, detoxing is medicinal and refers back to the herbal elimination of pollution from the body. On a daily foundation the liver, kidneys, intestines lymphatic structures are doing these paintings constantly for us.

Use These Tips for 2-3 weeks to get Started:

cleansing diet

1. Eat A Cleansing Diet

  • Fresh fruit and vegetables (organic). The high fibre in these helps to sweep out intestinal debris. They also contain antioxidants which help to neutralize free radicals –unstable molecules which damage healthy cells.
  • Have nourishing soup, whole grains, olive oil, flaxseed oil, nuts, and seeds.
  • A palm-sized portion of fish or organic chicken at each meal and limit red meat to twice weekly
  • Drink pure water and cleansing herbal teas which stimulate kidney function and flush out wastes
  • Avoid having fatty foods. Also minimize salt, sweets, refined foods, flour, and dairy products.
  • Avoid other common toxins such as tobacco, caffeine, and alcohol.
  • Caffeine is a powerful stimulant drug that speeds up the metabolism, increases symptoms of anxiety, causes insomnia, and causes fatigue after the stimulation wears off. It overstimulates the adrenal gland and places the body in a state of chronic stress. Osteoporosis, PMS, and menopause are all made worse by caffeine. It is also addictive.
  • Alcohol – excess interferes with the body’s ability to detoxify chemicals including estrogen and other hormones. It also causes dehydration.

2. Distinguish Craving from Hunger.

Before you reach your hand into the potato chip bag, ask yourself one question: “Am I really hungry or is this a craving?”

Listening to your body will help you eat intuitively and you’ll be more inclined to reach for healthier foods that will nourish instead of harm.

If you’re not sure whether you’re actually hungry, try drinking a glass of water and waiting a few minutes. True hunger is a rare thing in most people, as we tend to graze all day.

So, listen to your body!

3. Detoxify with Herbs.

Herbs have been used for detoxification for centuries. Use one or more times per year for optimal health.

Herbs support the organs of elimination and facilitate the process of purification. Purifying herbs stimulate the elimination of wastes, increase urination, encourage perspiration, stimulate circulation and enhance immune function.

It removes excess mucous from the lungs and intestines and improves digestion.


4. Substitute Natural Remedies for Synthetic Drugs.

Drugs are metabolized by the liver and are excreted by the organs of detoxification.

These are very necessary sometimes.

However, where possible use herbal remedies which work in harmony with the body.

There are natural alternatives for almost every health problem.



5. Purify with Breathing.

Focus attention on your breath to affect well-being.

Shallow breathing causes chronic low-level stagnation which leads to fatigue, poor concentration, headache, and grogginess.

Proper breathing enlivens the body, relieving tension and anxiety.



6. Exercise.

This improves circulation and stimulates blood flow throughout the body allowing it to carry away wastes and transport nutrients efficiently.

The muscular activity enables lymphatic fluid to move through the channels.

It promotes healthy digestion and intestinal function.

It improves immune activity, keeps the muscles toned, keeps bones strong and healthy, enhances mental functioning, and relieves stress and anxiety.


cup of tea and destress

7. Reduce Stress.

The adrenal glands release too much adrenaline when the body is stressed. These raise the blood pressure and heart rate.

Digestion shuts down, immune activity is decreased and the muscles become tense.

Breathing and relaxation techniques are useful.

Nurture loving relationships and indulge in pleasurable activities.

Remember, a certain amount of stress is normal – it is excessive, long-term stress which is unhealthy.


relaxing massage

8. Get A Massage.

This stimulates lymph flow and drainage. It increases circulation, breaks up fatty deposits and cellulite, increases relaxation and well-being


meditating on a hill and journaling in sunny day

9. Detoxify Your Thinking.

Habitual thinking plays a role in physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being.

Detoxify your thinking by journal writing and commitment to change if bad thoughts are bringing you down.

By journal writing, you become aware of your thoughts and learn to think in self-affirming ways.

Meditation helps to decrease the stress hormones and visualization helps to harness the power of the mind to create the desired outcome.


your wellness centre logo

To keep your immune system healthy here are some important tips for you:


woman jogging

Look after Yourself every day.

Give your immune system a head start by incorporating these healthy habits into your diet and daily lifestyle.


fruits in a bowl

Eat Regularly.

Include protein with every meal.

Include complex carbohydrates and make sure you have regular meals.

Increase the water.

Water helps your mood and improves stress levels.

Reduce the alcohol it might help you today but in the long run, you’ll probably find yourself even more stressed.

Limit yourself to one-two serves at a sitting a couple of times a week.


Aim for at least two serves of fruit and three cups of vegetables daily.

Fill your plate with a rainbow of color to provide nutrients and antioxidants to help build strong immunity.

Lightly cooked vegetables are a nourishing option in winter.


avoiding cake

Eliminate Inflammatory Foods.

Sugar, refined carbohydrates, dairy, and wheat can all be inflammatory and may suppress immune function.

Reduce caffeine and sugar and aim for well-balanced meals.

Avoid mucus-promoting, inflammatory foods such as dairy and processed foods.


woman at peace

Reduce Stress.

Stress steals energy and nutrients from your immune system, leaving you susceptible to getting sick.

Enjoy the benefits of scheduling time out, meditation, and time spent in nature.

We are well aware that many are suffering from stress at this time.

We also know that chronic stress can weaken viral immune defenses.

This is why taking measures to reduce stress and support your resilience to stress is highly advisable.

Put aside a few minutes each day to engage in something you enjoy.

Engage in something positive and uplifting like music, hobbies, and exercise.

This causes a change in brainwave activity and also changes your body physiology and reduces the stress burden.


avoid the avoidable

Avoid Being Bombarded with Corona Virus information continually.

You cannot switch on the TV, the radio, or social media without there being a focus on Covid-19.

Try to steer the conversation with family and friends toward the positive.

Don’t get swept up in the negative hype.

Don’t stress over and obsess about the issue for six hours at a time.

It is serious, and we have to play our part, but we also need to get on with living.


time to update

Section Off Part Of Your Day for Updates.

In stressful situations section off a part of your day to deal with it and get on with the rest of the day.

Get up to date with the new government regulations then prepare for the necessary for the home.


be positive

Focus on Doing More Positive Things.

Playing board games with the family, playing with pets.

Focus on the music, on hobbies because you’ll now have more time

Especially the case if you are working from home.

Pick up an instrument, paint, be creative.

When watching movies make them comedies, let them be light-hearted, let them be uplifting and enjoyable not the horrors because this can stimulate stress.

Meditation can calm you down and improve your well-being. There are many apps to use.

Apps like calm, headspace, guided meditation.

Sleep Stories is an app, that I believe, can help you fall asleep.

There are many positive ways others are using to help adjust to their new way of life. Learn from them.


sleeping woman

Sleep and Sleep Well.

Practice good sleep hygiene.
Wind down, and dim the lights at night.
You should expose yourself to 2 hours of dim light before bedtime, so that melatonin which is your sleep hormone can be produced.

Slow down and calm down.
Take up reading a novel, doing meditation, and trying to get away from the phone and digital equipment.
Try to get not less than seven hours of sleep.
The most beneficial sleep is that which you get before midnight so aim to get to bed at about 2 hours before midnight.

Should you find difficulty sleeping, you can call us on 9879 9596 to get our sleep tips.


Fight back and Stay Well.

Embrace immune-boosting Natural Medicines and let this be your season of change.
We can recommend a herbal or nutritional formula with antiviral, anti-inflammatory, decongestant, and immune-boosting power to support you if needed.


woman exercising


Exercise is known to improve your mood and your brain chemicals.
So try to increase your heart rate for 20 minutes three times a week. It’s even better to exercise in nature because this has proven benefits and calms you down.
Taking up yoga or tai chi would be beneficial. There are many YouTube videos on these topics.
Get outside and help some vitamin D to form naturally in your body. This can help improve your immune system.


gratitude changes everything

Practice gratitude.

Focus on the positives of the situation.
Start with five things to be grateful for.
Stay connected with loved ones; do this through voice calls; facetime; house parties.
Our digital age means you can easily stay connected with friends and family and loved ones.
These are simple ways to help improve your mood.
It will keep your stress under control.

Doing these things go a long way in helping you take charge of your health.


Read more:

How to Strengthen the Immune System Naturally

Family Fitness

Why do I keep getting sick all the time?


Get in Touch

102A Oban Rd, Ringwood North, Victoria 3134
Phone (03) 9879 9596

your wellness centre logo

Many say that they get sick all the time.

A question I often get asked, when clients just don’t feel well, is “Can I feel Better?”

 They also mention that they seem to catch every cough or cold going around. As well as that, they feel tired most of the time.

If you’re a bit like that and you’d like to feel better too, naturopathic treatment is the thing for you.

Generally, it’s good to think back to a time when you were at your healthiest. This reminds you of what you can be.
Then I’d ask you to pinpoint a moment in time when your health started to go downhill?  It is often after a virus or other infection.

You see, it’s not unusual for many people to not feel 100% since having a virus or other infection.

If you’re one of them and have never fully recovered, your condition may have progressed from being a short-term acute infection into a longer-term chronic health complaint.

Chronic infections can leave you feeling tired with muscular aches and pains and lowered immunity, making you more susceptible to catching every bug that goes around.

Even a sniffily nose or cough that doesn’t clear can indicate the presence of a low-grade infection.

With naturopathic care, you can take positive steps to get truly well again.

Here are some aspects we might cover:

1. The Right Immune Support

  • It takes a strong immune system to overcome persistent infections. The following herbs and nutrients help boost immunity and support your recovery:
  • Medicinal mushrooms such as cordyceps, coriolus, reishi, and shiitake are potent immune enhancers for chronic or recurrent infections.
  • Astragalus possesses anti-viral activity and assists in the prevention and treatment of chronic infections.
  • Zinc helps reduce the severity and duration of colds and flu; however zinc deficiency can compromise immunity. Ensure you have adequate zinc levels to help your immune system fight against infection.
  • Vitamin D plays an important role in regulating the immune system. Surprisingly high numbers of adults have inadequate vitamin D levels, so have your levels checked regularly.
  •  Vitamins A, C, and E are all beneficial for supporting healthy immunity.


2. The Gut – Immune Connection

In order to have a healthy, thriving immune system, you need to ensure your digestive system is also healthy.

With 70% of your immune system in the gut, the microflora or friendly bacteria play an important role.

Probiotics are beneficial strains of friendly bacteria that can boost your immune system function. The strains, Lactobacillus acidophilus NCFM, Lactobacillus rhamnosus HN001, and Bifidobacterium lactis HN019 may help support healthy immunity.



3. The Journey to Wellness.

A chronic condition was once acute.

If your body is unable to successfully recover from an acute infection, it may develop into a chronic health concern that your immune system can’t get better off.

Allowing your body to heal from chronic infection can take time; the longer you have been sick, the longer you may need to get well again.

Whilst you may feel relief in the short term, persisting with herbs and nutrients can provide long-term relief from the nagging symptoms you have grown accustomed to. Remember how great it feels to be 100% healthy again!


Take the step toward a healthier you!
Call 9879 9596 and book an appointment today!


Your Wellness Centre Naturopathy Melbourne


Even though most of us take a good night’s sleep for granted, for many this just does not happen!

The reality is that many find themselves asking questions such as “Why can’t I sleep through the night?” or they simply mention that they are struggling to sleep.

Difficulties in falling asleep or staying asleep and waking unrefreshed is a common occurrence for many.


Woman Sleeping On Sofa With Throw Pillows

Sleep is a biological process that is essential for life and optimal health.

Sleep plays a critical role in brain function and systemic physiology. This includes metabolism, appetite regulation, and the functioning of the immune, hormonal, and cardiovascular systems.

Research shows that adults who get fewer than seven hours of sleep experience daytime irritability, fatigue, reduced concentration, and poor memory.

Sleep deprivation not only has detrimental effects on your work life, relationships and wellbeing. but also increases the risk of ongoing health problems.

Along with these, more serious metabolic and cardiovascular health issues can start to develop when insomnia becomes chronic.

These serious conditions are hard to attribute to poor sleep, as they are insidious and develop over longer periods of time.

If you or someone you know is having trouble sleeping – it’s important to get some support.

We’ll start with a list of the short and long-term effects of poor sleep.

We then expand a bit more on how blood sugar balance and also cardiovascular health impact sleep.

Woman Sitting on Chair While Leaning on Laptop


Short-term Effects of Poor Sleep

  • Fatigue and sleepiness during the day
  • Increased stress reactivity
  • Increased pain sensitivity
  • Impaired judgment
  • Emotional distress and mood disorders
  • Cognitive, memory, and performance deficits. 


Long-term Effects of Poor Sleep (1)

  • Hypertension
  • Dyslipidemia (High blood lipids)
  • Cardiovascular disease
  • Metabolic syndrome
  • Type 2 diabetes mellitus
  • Colorectal cancer
  • Weight Gain


When Sleep Dips, Blood sugar rises

Even though we can’t necessarily feel it, testing and research show our blood sugar levels are hugely influenced by our sleep.

In fact, adults reporting five hours of sleep or less at night were 2.5 times more likely to have diabetes compared to those who slept the recommended seven to eight hours at night.

While the exact link between poor sleep and diabetes isn’t definitely clear.

It is suggested that sleep deprivation may lead to increased nervous system activity of the fight or flight response.

This goes on to negatively impact several hormonal pathways that govern our metabolism.


Sleep for a Healthy Heart

This fight or flight response is one of the main reasons why long-term sleep issues are associated with cardiovascular diseases such as high blood pressure and heart attack.

Due to the physical stress poor sleep creates, the body starts to produce higher levels of ‘stress’ hormones such as cortisol and adrenaline.

The associated side effects of this action are increases in blood pressure, heart rate, and heart contraction, increasing the risk of cardiac diseases.

This was shown in a decade-long study, demonstrating five hours of sleep or less per night resulted in a 45% increased risk of a heart attack.

Another study found that sleep loss can activate inflammatory pathways in the body that are also linked with cardiovascular disease.


Woman in White Brassiere and Black Panty

Weight Gain and Sleep

One of the most important impacts of sleep deprivation on health is that it can actually increase weight gain, as seen in a range of studies showing that individuals who regularly slept less than 7  hours per night were more likely to have higher average body mass indexes and develop obesity than those who slept more.

Studies showed that experimental sleep restriction was associated with increased levels of ghrelin, salt retention, and inflammatory markers as well as decreased levels of leptin and insulin sensitivity. 

There has also been a range of experimental studies which show the effects of shortened sleep duration on two important hormones, leptin and ghrelin, which regulate our metabolism and energy.

Leptin the hormone which is released from adipose tissue (fat) and promotes satiety to decrease our cravings, is decreased with sleep deprivation.

While ghrelin, the hormone released from our stomachs to increase hunger and appetite is in fact increased. In a short-term study of 10 men, 2 days of sleep restriction was associated with an 18% reduction in leptin and a 28% elevation in ghrelin.

These changes coincided with an increase in hunger and appetite, especially for high-carb and calorie-dense foods.


What can you do if you can’t sleep at night?

A restful and restorative night’s sleep prepares you for the day ahead. This means that reducing or avoiding the factors that find you struggling to sleep can help you sleep better.


Here are 9 sleep-enhancing tips:

  1. Reduce or eliminate stimulants, i.e. caffeine and sugar;
  2. Go to bed at the same time each night;
  3. Create a dark sleeping environment;
  4. Invest in a comfortable mattress and bedding;
  5. Limit alcohol consumption;
  6. Practice relaxation exercises, or read a book in bed;
  7. Reduce screen time an hour before bed, i.e. phones, computers, or TV. In the evening and use an app that inverts the screen lighting to create black backgrounds with white text;
  8. Find a meditation app that helps you relax; and
  9. Get regular exercise.

Changing your habits to sleep better can take time, particularly if you have been struggling to sleep for a long time.


purple flowers on brown woven basket


While you make changes to these habits, sleep-supporting herbs can help.

Remedies such as California poppy, Passionflower, Zizyphus, Jamaica dogwood, and Lavender can help you to fall asleep faster and sleep more soundly.

These herbs achieve their sleep-inducing effects by stimulating your body’s production of gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA).

This is a neurotransmitter (chemical messenger) produced by your brain, GABA sends signals among your brain cells that reduce their activity. It also carries signals to other cells in your body, such as your muscles, helping them to relax.

GABA is involved in your body’s sleep cycles. With increased levels during the evening, it reduces stress, promotes calmness and relaxation, and helps ease you into sleep.

As an added bonus, unlike many pharmaceutical sleeping agents, herbal sleep remedies will not make you feel jet-lagged the next day, helping you “seize the day”!

Speak to our naturopathic practitioner at Your Wellness Centre about herbs that can help you to get a good night’s sleep.



Magnesium is valuable for countless actions in the body, including supporting healthy nervous system function.

This means you are less affected by stress; or sore, tense muscles that may be disturbing your sleep.

Magnesium levels may be low in those suffering from insomnia, so addressing this insufficiency can help improve sleep.

Our naturopath can recommend high-quality, highly absorbable forms of magnesium to help you re-establish a healthy sleep cycle.

Stops you from wondering why is sleep so important. answers the question shows you just why sleep is so important.

It also explains how ongoing sleep dysfunction can increase the risk of developing conditions such as diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and obesity.

If you are struggling to sleep then do use the supplemental and lifestyle suggestions shared above to get started.

Adopting some of these will help re-establish healthy sleep patterns. It will also have many positive effects on your long-term health.


Sleep Tight, Don’t Let the Bed Bugs Bite

Your Practitioner can help identify the underlying causes of disturbed sleep and offer quality natural medicines to help you overcome your sleepless nights.

Talk to our naturopath at Your Wellness Centre today about your journey to better sleep.





Take the step toward a healthier you!
Call 9879 9596 and book an appointment today!


Your Wellness Centre Naturopathy Melbourne


The Get ready for Summer – Weight Loss Challenge.

Great for you if you’re determined to:

  • Get meaningful Weight Loss results
  • Have more Energy?
  • Fit into that great outfit that no longer fits?
  • Enjoy the festive season.
  • Look and feel better than you have for a while.

So if you’d like all this in a super-supportive environment,
Take advantage of our 5-week challenge to become a healthier version of YOU!

Here’s what you can expect:

  • Weight loss in the range of 6 to 10 kg in 5 weeks!
  • You’ll blossom as you work towards successfully reaching your goals.
  • Feel a sense of pride and accomplishment when you reach that weight loss goal.
  • Feel the bounce in your step as you ooze vitality and confidence once more.
  • Starting now means that you no longer have to worry about your weight.
    You’ll have more time to focus on other health aspects and hobbies when you’ve reached your goal.

There will be Prizes for the person who loses the biggest percentage of body fat and the person with the best before and after photo.

We’ll include giveaways throughout the 5 weeks, and we’ll provide Facebook support in a special group as well as daily motivational tips.

Mostly, we want to make your summer weight loss fun and enjoyable.


  1. Enroll in the program between now and Tuesday, November 12th to start on Thursday, 14th November.
  2. Book your initial Body Composition analysis and a follow up after 5 weeks.
  3. You’ll come in for a weekly weigh-in and progress review.
  4. We’ll take before and after photos at your initial and final Body Composition appointments. (These photos won’t be published without your consent.)
  5. Choose to do one of our 3 programs (see below).
  6. The winner will be announced 19th December (at the end of the 5 weeks)

This challenge entails a supervised weight loss program that includes commitment and involvement.
You are supported throughout so that you stay motivated!
Each program includes membership in the special FaceBook support group as well as motivational emails.

There are three (3) Program options

Program 1

Includes 2 x Body Composition Analyses (test to measure your % body fat + more) valued at $118

  • before and after photos
  • weekly motivational emails 
  • membership of our special Facebook group for further support.
  • Far Infra-red sauna session $59

This is suitable if you are already seeing another practitioner, doing another program, or need the motivation to implement strategies you’ve used in the past.
If you don’t have a practitioner, we encourage you to do this with a friend, partner or work colleague to be held accountable for measuring a weighing (which is included in program 1 &2).
You also get 10% off any products purchased from our clinic during the 6 weeks.

Program 1 Fee costs $149 (Valued at over $300)


Program 2

Ultralite Weight Management Program

This program involves 3 meals you weigh out and prepare yourself, a special Ultralite drink you have in-between meals (to reduce hunger and appetite and assist fat burning), and quick urine check each morning to ensure you are in fat-burning mode.

Typical weight loss is 2.5-5kg the first week then 1-2 kg per week thereafter.
You are weighed and measured weekly to keep up motivation and compliance.
It’s a really well-structured program with fast results.
The program comes with a comprehensive instruction manual, great recipes, and great support.
Clients report reduced appetite and cravings and fantastic results.
For more info see

The 5-week package includes:

  • Initial Naturopathic assessment and explanation of program – Up to $180.00 value
  • Program manual with recipes, tips, and instructions – RRP $35.00
  • Initial assessment. This includes a test that measures health parameters including fat %, lean muscle, cellular health, and fluid distribution. The information gained can assist your practitioner in personalizing your plan. – value $59.00
  • Follow up assessment- $59 value
  • All the nutritional formula you need for in-between snacks (4 daily) – for 5 weeks RRP $336.00
  • Measuring sticks to measure your level of fat burning  $14.95
  • Habit Relief Formula drops to reduce cravings and appetite- value $32.95
  • 4 Follow up consults. Each session focusses on a specific area to support successful weight loss- value $356
  • Far Infra-red sauna session $59
  • before and after photos
  • weekly motivational emails 
  • membership of our special Facebook group for further support.

Some extras on Private Health cover UltraLite as a weight-loss option. This includes BUPA, Australian Unity, CBHS (Commonwealth Health Fund), CUA, HBF, HealthCare Insurance and Health Partners. 

Cost: $695 for 5 weeks (valued at over $1130)**


Program 3

This is our popular Shake-It program.
You have one meal replacement (e.g. a breakfast shake, a high protein meal bar, or a soup) a day.

  • You also have 2 meals each day consisting of protein (e.g. eggs, meat, fish or chicken) and
    Your choice from a selection of vegetable or salad options.
  • Two snacks.
  • Typical weight loss is around 2 kg the first week then 1 kg per week thereafter.
    It is easy to follow and does not involve measuring and weighing of food.

The 5-week Package includes:

  • Initial Naturopathic consultation and explanation of the program
  • 4 follow up sessions
  • ‘Your Shake-It Guide” with instructions and tips
  • A Health Journal to record your meals and data
  • One Ketobar (A high protein meal replacement) – available in Cherry Coconut, Caramel or Vanilla
  • Initial assessment of fat, muscle, and information to set realistic goals (valued at $59)
  • Follow up-to assess progress after 5 weeks
  • 2 x Tubs of Metagenics ‘Shake-It” – High protein, low carb chocolate or vanilla meal replacement
  • Shake It Shaker
  • 10% off any product purchases during the 5-week program
  • Specialised probiotic to assist with weight loss 
  • Shake-It Recipe Book
  • Ketostix to measure your level of fat burning
  • Far Infra-red sauna session $59
  • before and after photos
  • motivational emails 
  • membership of our special Facebook group for further support.

Cost: $795 (valued at over $1200)**

To make things easier for you, we are working on a PAY as YOU GO option.

More about this soon!

How can I book in?

Give us a ring on 9879 9596 or book online choosing the Weight Loss Option.
We do require a $50 booking fee which is non-refundable.

Still not sure what program you want to do and want to speak to someone first?

Make time for a 15-minute complimentary session with our Naturopath to discuss the best program for you and get started! Book a time by calling us on  98799596 or click here to send us a message.

The Prize Winner!

The main prize winner will be decided by our panel at Your Wellness Centre (calculated on most body fat % loss in the 5 weeks).

Thought I’d add who this is not for:
a)  Not for those who want a quick fix.
b)  Not for those who are not prepared to fully participate.
c)   Not for those who are not prepared to commit to their own health and wellbeing!

Sorry, but I’m here for your success and if you have any mixed feelings that relate to a,b, or c , you just won’t get results and you will be sadly disappointed.



Your Wellness Centre Naturopathy Melbourne


Of all the supplements available on the market, fish oil, or omega 3 fatty acids (EFAs) is widely accepted as a great natural resource that helps manage cholesterol and improve cardiovascular health, but it also has a great deal of influence over the brain-behavior, and cognition.

Fish Oil - Your Wellness Centre Naturopathy Melbourne

What is it doing in the Brain?

Fish oil, or long-chain omega polyunsaturated fatty acids, have many mechanisms of action in the brain. Enhancing nervous tissue growth, replication, and proliferation of cells within the brain, increasing the fine branch-like structure at the end of nerve fibres, and the coating nerves with a myelin sheath, are some of their important functions.

Dietary intake of fatty fish isn’t always easy or desirable, so the next alternative is good quality, evidence-based supplements. Many of us are confused by the range of prices for fish oils on the market.

What is it you need to look out for?

Unfortunately, the cost comes into a question of quality very quickly, with cheaper brands offering often rancid or poor levels of alpha-linolenic acid (ALA), eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA), and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA). It’s a good idea to do your own research, being informed and educated will help you make better choices when it comes to over-the-counter supplements.

If you’re still having doubts, speaking to your naturopath and booking in for a consultation to see if you need to be taking the supplements, is always recommended.

A typical fish oil supplement provides about 1,000 mg fish oil, containing 180 mg EPA and 120 mg DHA.  Dietary supplements can contain several different forms of omega-3s, including natural triglycerides, free fatty acids, ethyl esters, re-esterified triglycerides, and phospholipids.

Fish Oil Intakes - Your Wellness Centre Naturopathy

These fatty acids are not only available in fish, there are other dietary sources that give smaller quantities, in different ratios, that are also beneficial. Food to try include:
Flax or chia seeds, walnuts, soy and kidney beans, edamame as well as small amounts in eggs and milk.

Fish and seafood which contain the best amounts of EFAs:
Atlantic salmon, herring, sardines, mackerel, trout, oysters, sea bass, shrimp, lobster, and small amounts of tuna and cod.

What are the signs you might be lacking in EFAs?

Dry skin, especially around the face or arms/legs which is scaly or flaky.

Skin that cracks and peels around the fingertips or heels of the feet. Upper arm bumps, which are red in appearance but are not hot or sore.

Healing takes a longer than usual time, upwards of a week for a small scratch (that bled).

If in doubt, contact your naturopath to confirm these symptoms. 

Take the step toward a healthier you!
Call 9879 9596 and book an appointment today! 


Your Wellness Centre Naturopathy Melbourne


Study Stress - Your Wellness Centre NaturopathyWe have all been through it, or are currently experiencing it. Study of any kind, whether it be your first exam ever in high school, or your final assignment due in for your Ph.D., causes the body to go into a high-stress mode. Cutting off vitally important physiological processes to favor a heightened state of alert.

Cortisol and adrenaline are in no short supply, as you cram as much information into your brain as possible sitting up into the tiny hours of the morning suffering through headaches, stomach cramps, increase chance of lasting colds and poor quality sleep – basically everything you DON’T need when you’re trying to remember all this information!

To top it all off most of us crave terrible foods during this time; sugary sweets and high GI bread, potatoes and fatty fast food. If it isn’t the lack of time driving you to get take away, it’s your brains incessant need for glucose driving your energy up in spikes, as you ride the never-ending waves of highs and crashes.

Ultimately the worst part is that our body changes, adapts, to this prolonged exposure to stress. Changes that can take months, even years, to reverse back to homeostasis (balance).

What kind of Changes can you expect to see?

  • Digestive upset
  • Decreased Sleep - Your Wellness Centre NaturopathyPoor mood control
  • Decreased sleep and sleep quality
  • Increased colds and flu
  • Weight loss or gain
  • Poor memory and concentration
  • Fatigue
  • Muscular aches and tightness

Simple Steps to help your Study less impactful on your Health

  • Take regular breaks – and when you do, try getting outside or out of the room you’re in. Don’t reach for the phone, turn on the TV or fire up YouTube.
  • Water Therapy - Your Wellness Centre NaturopathyDrink plenty of water – staying hydrated is key to mental health and alertness.
  • Meditate – even a short 5-minute meditation session, or guided breathing session, can reset your mind to a better, clearer place.
  • Eat regularly and healthily – this always seems easier than it is, but a bowl of fruit and natural yoghurt will have your body thanking you during that marathon study session.
  • Sleep!!! – make sure you get to bed at a set time every night. The body needs routine, and you won’t be memorising anything with inadequate hours of shut-eye.
  • Nourish your soul – do things that make your body smile. Indulge in self-pampering, take a time-out to do the things you love.
  • Exercise – low-level exercise improves blood circulation and brain performance, whilst releasing feel-good endorphins. It will also help you sleep better. Avoid intense workouts when you’re going through high levels of stress as it also increases cortisol and adrenaline.

And finally, speak with me, your mental health Naturopath, for supplement and herbal advice that can nourish the nervous system, improve your body’s resilience to stress and increase your memory. Give me a call on (03) 9879 9596 or email to find out more or book in your time.


Your Wellness Centre Naturopathy Melbourne


Your Wellness Centre Naturopathy - FODMAPsIt has been found that besides an imbalance of bad bacteria, parasites or fungi a range of foods called the FODMAPs have been implicated in many digestive disorders as well.

So just what are these? and why have they gained popularity as one of the supportive measures in the management of those diagnosed with IBS.

The term “FODMAP” stands for Fermentable Oligosaccharides, Disaccharides, Monosaccharides, and Polyols. These nutrients are prevalent in much of our foods.

Here are a few of them:

  • Oligosaccharides, such as fructans/fructooligosaccharides (found in grains and vegetables).
  • Galactans/galacto-oligosaccharides (found in legumes).
  • Disaccharides, such as lactose (found in milk and dairy products).
  • Monosaccharides, such as fructose (found in fruit and honey).
  • Polyols, such as sorbitol (found in sweetened products).

Why should we take notice of FODMAPS?

Susceptible people can experience intestinal symptoms from the eating of FODMAPs because of the way they act in the digestive system.

  • Firstly, these carbohydrates are not well absorbed into the body and remain in the digestive tract for longer periods than expected.
  • FODMAPs draw water into the intestines, which can increase bowel motions and promote diarrhoea.
  • These carbohydrates can be metabolised by the bacteria that normally reside in the bowel, producing gases like hydrogen or carbon dioxide, which cause excessive abdominal bloating, abdominal discomfort and pain and flatulence.

These symptoms are similar to those of Irritable Bowel Syndrome and could include diarrhoea, vitamin, and mineral deficiency, bloating and flatulence, abdominal cramping, headaches, and nausea. When someone presents with IBS symptoms, leaving out FODMAP foods can be useful.

To find out if FODMAPs might be contributing to your IBS symptoms, the most effective strategy is to eliminate all FODMAP containing foods and observe your symptoms. This is done for a short period of time. It is then followed by a stepwise re-introduction of the different Fodmap categories to find out which of these may be contributing to your symptoms.

However, if you are having limited success with the FODMAP diet, you may need to check for small intestinal bacterial overgrowth, parasite infection, food sensitivities and stress hormone abnormalities, all of which can contribute to IBS symptoms.

So you can see that there are many factors that need to be taken into account when addressing IBS symptoms.

A word of caution here, mind you, It is not generally recommended that you follow a low FODMAP diet for life; restricting the dietary intake of a wide array of foods should generally be avoided if possible to reduce the risk of nutrient deficiencies.

Do talk to us if you need guidance. Ring 98799596 or click here.

FODMAPs are a normal part of the diet and have benefits for health, such as providing fibre and probiotics for gastrointestinal health.

Because of this, there is a special method used in finding out which FODMAP is the culprit, if at all!

If you are one of those struggling with IBS, why not make an appointment with one of our practitioners as soon as you can to direct you as to how to best find out which of the


Get in touch now!
Call us on 03 9879 9596.


Your Wellness Centre Naturopathy Melbourne


There are many effects of Free Radical damage that has been implicated in diseases such as Cancer, Heart Disease, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Arthritis, Dementia, Memory Loss and much more. You can check these diseases that are mentioned in the previous blog post. With a long list like that, it makes good sense to reduce the free radicals in the body with an abundant supply of Antioxidants.

How Antioxidants Protect our bodies against Free Radicals

Fortunately, if we take timely steps and fill our diets with Nature’s Antioxidants we have a much better chance of living a healthy life to a grand Old Age!

Your Wellness Centre Naturopathy - Antioxidants
Antioxidants protect our bodies from the ravages of Free Radicals by reacting with them, and not allowing the free radical to react with our body structures. This allows your body to function as it should – efficiently!

Ask about our free radical test today.

It is a great way to see if you have enough antioxidant fruit and vegetables in your diet or to see if your antioxidants supplement is doing a good job. So take advantage of our “Immune System” Test today.

It is a good idea to make an appointment today. Your Wellness Centre offers you real solutions to help improve your health and overall well-being.

Ring us at 9879 9596 or Contact us here.


Your Wellness Centre Naturopathy Melbourne


Nails rust when exposed to air and peeled apples go brown.

We all know this but most of us don’t know why. This is really the visible action of free radicals. Less obvious is the effect of free radicals on our bodies.

Your Wellness Centre Naturopathy - AntioxidantsSimply put, free radicals are unstable chemicals which when in excess in the body become more stable by interacting with some of our bodies important cellular structures.

Free radicals cause or aggravate many of the ailments we humans prematurely die from.

The most devastating illnesses promoted are Cancer, Heart Disease, and Premature Ageing!

Here is how it can happen:
Toxins in the body are dealt with in the tissues. Energy is needed for this to take place and results in the formation of free radicals as a by-product. These free radicals are unstable and to gain stability, they ‘steal’ an electron from your blood vessels, your immune system, and other cells. These body structures are then left without electrons and become unstable. And then the damage to our bodies begins.

Sources of free radicals are also food, exercise, stress, cigarette smoke, pollution, radiation, chemicals, pesticides, steroids, antibiotics, microbes and more.

The effects of these are far-reaching and Free Radical damage has been implicated in:

  • Cancer
  • Cataracts
  • Alzheimer’s Disease
  • Heart Disease
  • Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
  • Dementia
  • Premature Ageing
  • ArthritisEffects of Free Radicals, we need Antioxidants
  • Memory Loss
  • Chrohn’s Disease
  • Rheumatoid Arthritis
  • Decreased Learning Ability
  • Ulcerative Colitis
  • Multiple Sclerosis
  • Male Infertility
  • Pancreatitis
  • Parkinson’s Disease
  • …and more

With a list this long it makes good sense to reduce the free radicals in the body with an abundant supply of Antioxidants.

Ring 9879 9596 to make an appointment today.
Take the step toward a healthier you today!


Your Wellness Centre Naturopathy Melbourne