
To keep your immune system healthy here are some important tips for you:


woman jogging

Look after Yourself every day.

Give your immune system a head start by incorporating these healthy habits into your diet and daily lifestyle.


fruits in a bowl

Eat Regularly.

Include protein with every meal.

Include complex carbohydrates and make sure you have regular meals.

Increase the water.

Water helps your mood and improves stress levels.

Reduce the alcohol it might help you today but in the long run, you’ll probably find yourself even more stressed.

Limit yourself to one-two serves at a sitting a couple of times a week.


Aim for at least two serves of fruit and three cups of vegetables daily.

Fill your plate with a rainbow of color to provide nutrients and antioxidants to help build strong immunity.

Lightly cooked vegetables are a nourishing option in winter.


avoiding cake

Eliminate Inflammatory Foods.

Sugar, refined carbohydrates, dairy, and wheat can all be inflammatory and may suppress immune function.

Reduce caffeine and sugar and aim for well-balanced meals.

Avoid mucus-promoting, inflammatory foods such as dairy and processed foods.


woman at peace

Reduce Stress.

Stress steals energy and nutrients from your immune system, leaving you susceptible to getting sick.

Enjoy the benefits of scheduling time out, meditation, and time spent in nature.

We are well aware that many are suffering from stress at this time.

We also know that chronic stress can weaken viral immune defenses.

This is why taking measures to reduce stress and support your resilience to stress is highly advisable.

Put aside a few minutes each day to engage in something you enjoy.

Engage in something positive and uplifting like music, hobbies, and exercise.

This causes a change in brainwave activity and also changes your body physiology and reduces the stress burden.


avoid the avoidable

Avoid Being Bombarded with Corona Virus information continually.

You cannot switch on the TV, the radio, or social media without there being a focus on Covid-19.

Try to steer the conversation with family and friends toward the positive.

Don’t get swept up in the negative hype.

Don’t stress over and obsess about the issue for six hours at a time.

It is serious, and we have to play our part, but we also need to get on with living.


time to update

Section Off Part Of Your Day for Updates.

In stressful situations section off a part of your day to deal with it and get on with the rest of the day.

Get up to date with the new government regulations then prepare for the necessary for the home.


be positive

Focus on Doing More Positive Things.

Playing board games with the family, playing with pets.

Focus on the music, on hobbies because you’ll now have more time

Especially the case if you are working from home.

Pick up an instrument, paint, be creative.

When watching movies make them comedies, let them be light-hearted, let them be uplifting and enjoyable not the horrors because this can stimulate stress.

Meditation can calm you down and improve your well-being. There are many apps to use.

Apps like calm, headspace, guided meditation.

Sleep Stories is an app, that I believe, can help you fall asleep.

There are many positive ways others are using to help adjust to their new way of life. Learn from them.


sleeping woman

Sleep and Sleep Well.

Practice good sleep hygiene.
Wind down, and dim the lights at night.
You should expose yourself to 2 hours of dim light before bedtime, so that melatonin which is your sleep hormone can be produced.

Slow down and calm down.
Take up reading a novel, doing meditation, and trying to get away from the phone and digital equipment.
Try to get not less than seven hours of sleep.
The most beneficial sleep is that which you get before midnight so aim to get to bed at about 2 hours before midnight.

Should you find difficulty sleeping, you can call us on 9879 9596 to get our sleep tips.


Fight back and Stay Well.

Embrace immune-boosting Natural Medicines and let this be your season of change.
We can recommend a herbal or nutritional formula with antiviral, anti-inflammatory, decongestant, and immune-boosting power to support you if needed.


woman exercising


Exercise is known to improve your mood and your brain chemicals.
So try to increase your heart rate for 20 minutes three times a week. It’s even better to exercise in nature because this has proven benefits and calms you down.
Taking up yoga or tai chi would be beneficial. There are many YouTube videos on these topics.
Get outside and help some vitamin D to form naturally in your body. This can help improve your immune system.


gratitude changes everything

Practice gratitude.

Focus on the positives of the situation.
Start with five things to be grateful for.
Stay connected with loved ones; do this through voice calls; facetime; house parties.
Our digital age means you can easily stay connected with friends and family and loved ones.
These are simple ways to help improve your mood.
It will keep your stress under control.

Doing these things go a long way in helping you take charge of your health.


Read more:

How to Strengthen the Immune System Naturally

Family Fitness

Why do I keep getting sick all the time?


Get in Touch

102A Oban Rd, Ringwood North, Victoria 3134
Phone (03) 9879 9596

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Many say that they get sick all the time.

A question I often get asked, when clients just don’t feel well, is “Can I feel Better?”

 They also mention that they seem to catch every cough or cold going around. As well as that, they feel tired most of the time.

If you’re a bit like that and you’d like to feel better too, naturopathic treatment is the thing for you.

Generally, it’s good to think back to a time when you were at your healthiest. This reminds you of what you can be.
Then I’d ask you to pinpoint a moment in time when your health started to go downhill?  It is often after a virus or other infection.

You see, it’s not unusual for many people to not feel 100% since having a virus or other infection.

If you’re one of them and have never fully recovered, your condition may have progressed from being a short-term acute infection into a longer-term chronic health complaint.

Chronic infections can leave you feeling tired with muscular aches and pains and lowered immunity, making you more susceptible to catching every bug that goes around.

Even a sniffily nose or cough that doesn’t clear can indicate the presence of a low-grade infection.

With naturopathic care, you can take positive steps to get truly well again.

Here are some aspects we might cover:

1. The Right Immune Support

  • It takes a strong immune system to overcome persistent infections. The following herbs and nutrients help boost immunity and support your recovery:
  • Medicinal mushrooms such as cordyceps, coriolus, reishi, and shiitake are potent immune enhancers for chronic or recurrent infections.
  • Astragalus possesses anti-viral activity and assists in the prevention and treatment of chronic infections.
  • Zinc helps reduce the severity and duration of colds and flu; however zinc deficiency can compromise immunity. Ensure you have adequate zinc levels to help your immune system fight against infection.
  • Vitamin D plays an important role in regulating the immune system. Surprisingly high numbers of adults have inadequate vitamin D levels, so have your levels checked regularly.
  •  Vitamins A, C, and E are all beneficial for supporting healthy immunity.


2. The Gut – Immune Connection

In order to have a healthy, thriving immune system, you need to ensure your digestive system is also healthy.

With 70% of your immune system in the gut, the microflora or friendly bacteria play an important role.

Probiotics are beneficial strains of friendly bacteria that can boost your immune system function. The strains, Lactobacillus acidophilus NCFM, Lactobacillus rhamnosus HN001, and Bifidobacterium lactis HN019 may help support healthy immunity.



3. The Journey to Wellness.

A chronic condition was once acute.

If your body is unable to successfully recover from an acute infection, it may develop into a chronic health concern that your immune system can’t get better off.

Allowing your body to heal from chronic infection can take time; the longer you have been sick, the longer you may need to get well again.

Whilst you may feel relief in the short term, persisting with herbs and nutrients can provide long-term relief from the nagging symptoms you have grown accustomed to. Remember how great it feels to be 100% healthy again!


Take the step toward a healthier you!
Call 9879 9596 and book an appointment today!


Your Wellness Centre Naturopathy Melbourne


The Ultimate Benefits of Good Gut Health includes a Healthy Mood, Reduced Inflammation, and a Strong Immune System.

Having a cold, feeling depressed, or having joint pains are all inflammatory conditions that are also influenced by your gut microbiome.

These tiny gut inhabitants influence seemingly unrelated areas such as your throat, joints, or your brain.

Your Gut Health and Immune System Work Hand-in-Hand

Your immune system’s main job is to protect you from disease-causing microorganisms.

Since these are mainly inhaled or swallowed, the immune system needs to be most active in your respiratory and digestive tracts.

Some bacteria have a positive influence on your immune system

On the other hand, some bacteria have a positive influence on your immune system.

Fortunately, certain strains of probiotic bacteria improve the bacterial balance in your gut, with beneficial flow-on effects for your immune system.

And so have been shown to reduce the severity and duration of common cold symptoms.

If you struggle with frequent colds and flu, working with a natural healthcare practitioner to strengthen your gut microbiome can help.

A healthy gut microbiome interacts with the intestinal immune system in ways that increase your body’s immune defenses.

However, a microbiome out of balance, which does not contain high levels of beneficial bacteria, is less likely to help you resist infection, including colds and flu (click here to read more about what might upset your gut microbiome).’

How Gut Bacteria Causes Inflammation

Another possible consequence of poor gut bacterial balance is inflammation.

This is a key feature in autoimmune and allergic conditions.

In these conditions, the immune system sees harmless substances as threats and stimulates an immune response against them.

Allergy Autoimmunity - Your Wellness Centre Naturopathy

Fortunately, certain probiotic strains, namely LGG® and Lactobacillus paracasei (LP-33®), can stimulate your immune system to produce anti-inflammatory compounds, reducing inflammation and symptoms.

For example, research in hundreds of people has shown that LP-33® significantly improves hayfever symptoms.

Interestingly, LGG®, when taken during pregnancy and breastfeeding, can reduce the incidence of eczema (an inflammatory skin disease) in children, by supporting the healthy development of the gut microbiome and the immune system.

If your immune system is in overdrive, make an appointment with a natural healthcare practitioner at Your Wellness Centre to help bring it back into line.

How Gut Bacteria Affects Your Mood

More and more research is finding that inflammation is an unexpected cause of depression.

Inflammation throughout the body, and even inflammation of the brain, may contribute to depression.

If gut inflammation can influence mood, you may be wondering if specific probiotics can improve mood or reduce the symptoms of depression.

While this is a hot topic in scientific research, we do not currently know which specific probiotic strains can influence mood.

For example, maximizing your gut health by eating plenty of fiber-rich wholes (your gut bacteria’s preferred food), can increase the number of good bacteria.

This is the best way to influence your mood via your gut.

If your bacterial balance has become disrupted due to a stomach bug, antibiotics, or other causes, then strains that support beneficial bacteria, may help improve the composition of your gut microbiome.

Great Health Starts in the Gut

By interacting with your immune system, your gut bacteria influence your ability to resist infection, reduce inflammation, and maintain a healthy mood.

If you are wondering whether your gut may be making you sick, sad, or inflamed, make an appointment with a natural healthcare practitioner at Your Wellness Centre today.

Together, you can assess your bacterial balance, and make a plan to improve your specific symptoms.


You Can Read more about Microbiome Testing here:

Your Wellness Centre Naturopathy Melbourne


With winter coming up it’s time to strengthen the immune system naturally so that we are in a good position to fight off any bugs that might come our way and keep unwanted illnesses at bay.

Colds - Your Wellness Centre Naturopathy

You see, inadequate immune defences can increase the chance of viruses and bacteria leading to an infection.

Let’s look at tools that enhance your immune system allowing you to conquer any bugs that may come your way.

We’ll start by looking at the immune system:
Your immune system has evolved to identify and destroy pathogens, viruses and bacteria, by drawing on two lines of immune defence.

  1. The innate immune response is activated when a pathogen you are exposed to invades your body, and immediately set into motion the production and release of immune cells that hunt down and destroy the attacker.
  2. The adaptive immune response plays a slow and measured strategy, using other types of specialised immune cells (known as B cells and T cells) to learn about the threat and adjust their defences accordingly. This means you have a targeted approach. When these two lines of defence are in peak form, your immune system does a solid job of protecting you against pathogenic threats.

    However, an inadequate immune response increases the likelihood of pathogens overcoming your immune defences, leading to infection.
    In these instances, enhancing your immune system’s function using natural medicines can help build resistance against viral and bacterial pathogens and prevent the onset of infection.

How to Enhance your body’s Immune Response

Skilled at identifying the weaknesses in your immune defence, naturopaths at Your Wellness Centre can advise you of the best plan for your needs. Our naturopaths will recommend supplements that enhance your body’s immune response to fend off viral and bacterial threats.

Immune System - Your Wellness Centre Naturopathy

Besides this, if you do happen to catch a cold, cough or flu, your naturopath can prescribe additional immune-boosting strategies to help you recover faster.
The best options for you will depend on the type of infection. This is why it is important to get expert help.
However, the strategies found here are a good place to start.

5 Things That Put You At Risk and How to Fix Them

To further help your army of immune cells protect you from infection, you need to create the right conditions for them to effectively defend you.

Take Vitamins - Your Wellness Centre Naturopathy

In other words, we need to look at those conditions which make it more difficult for your immune system to defend your body. These include:

  • Poor gut health;
  • Low nutrient levels;
  • Poor sleep quality;
  • Chronic stress; and
  • Not enough exercise.

Read on to learn more about how these five areas can make or break your ability to triumph over illness this winter.

  1. Engage your Gut Bacteria Your Wellness Centre Naturopathy - Leaky Gut
    It might surprise you to learn that the gut is the key to your immune health. Within your gut, your resident bacteria (and other microscopic organisms), known as your microbiome, directly interact with your immune army, (a large proportion of which is housed in the gut). This affects your overall immune response against infection.

    Put simply, a healthy microbiome full of beneficial bacteria helps to build immune function, whilst a compromised microbiome can hinder your immune army’s response against infection. Unfortunately, many things can reduce your levels of good bacteria (for more information, click common example is antibiotics, which are often what you are prescribed when infection keeps getting the better of you.
    Repeat courses of antibiotics may cause a loss of beneficial bacteria every time you get sick, making you more susceptible to future infections.Put simply, a healthy microbiome full of beneficial bacteria helps to build immune function, whilst a compromised microbiome can hinder your immune army’s response against infection.If this pattern sounds familiar to you, consider talking to naturopaths at Your Wellness Centre who can assess and address the health of your gut bacteria. Your Practitioner can also prescribe specific probiotic strains (types) that have been shown to boost immunity and reduce the risk of catching a cold.
  2. Stock up on Nutritional Ammunition
    Your immune system’s ability to protect you also depends upon on your nutritional health. Several nutrients, including zinc and vitamin C, are involved in keeping your immune cells in good shape, as they help your body to create them on a daily basis. As such, without enough of these nutrients to create your immune army, your chance of getting sick is higher.If you seem to often get colds and flu, there’s a fair chance that supplementing zinc and vitamin C can increase your resistance to infection and support faster recovery.To discover which specific nutrients you may be lacking, and what supplements you need to help boost your levels, speak to your Naturopath.

    If you’re usually on the losing end of colds and flu and haven’t considered topping up your nutritional stores, there’s a fair chance that supplementing zinc and vitamin C can increase your resistance to infection and support faster recovery, buying back your time and health over winter.

  3. Maximise Your Sleep Quality
    You’ve probably experienced the difference between a restful and sleepless night, and you know which you would prefer, right? Your immune system feels the same, especially when it’s faced with the threat of illness. Put simply, sleep is the body’s time to rest and regenerate itself, so it can create enough immune cells to defend you from illness. Click here to learn more about the benefits of sleep, and for more advice and guidance around sleep-promoting natural remedies, speak with a naturopath at Your Wellness Centre.
  4. Keep an Eye on Your Stress
    High and prolonged levels of stress take a toll on the immune system, weakening your defences and making you more susceptible to sickness.
    Managing stress helps more than just immune function; it also improves the overall health of your body. This is why having a few stress-busting strategies built into your daily routine can fortify your health and keep the infection from taking hold. Click here to read about our top strategies to get your stress levels under control.
  5. Stay Fighting Fit with ExerciseYour Wellness Centre Naturopathy - Leaky Gut
    Exercise helps you to build strong muscles and allows you to extend the limits of what
    you’re physically capable of. Similarly, exercise also strengthens your immune system, making it more powerful and effective in its response to nasty infections. Even just 30 minutes of walking has been shown to boost the number of immune cells in the body, which is why regular exercise is a key weapon in beating back illness.

Winter is Coming

To prepare your immune army for cold and flu season, see a naturopath to equip yourself with the best strategy to shut down infection before it becomes a battle. By taking professional advice on board and focusing on these five areas (for at least four weeks before winter hits), you will be setting yourself up to triumph against illness, so you can spend more time appreciating the magic of winter.

Six Natural Remedies for your Cold and Flu First Aid Kid

Although prevention is better than cure, it’s important to stock up on remedies that can reduce your symptoms and help you get better quickly if you do fall sick. Create your very own cold and flu ‘first aid’ kit, using our top six natural remedies, so you can knock infections on the head and stay well this winter.

First Aid Kit - Your Wellness Centre Naturopathy

  1. Start with Herbal Support
    When it comes to reducing fever, cough, sore throat and thick phlegm, Andrographis in a review of 33 clinical trials, was shown to speed up recovery and shorten the duration of cold symptoms.
    Andrographis stimulates your immune defences, which can help lessen the severity of the common cold.
  2. Add Nutritional Back up
    The combination of zinc and vitamin C has been shown to reduce the duration and severity of common cold symptoms due to its immune-supporting actions. Thus, helping reload your body with the ingredients it needs to defend you.
  3. Medicinal Mushrooms for additional support
    Medicinal mushrooms such as reishi, cordyceps, Coriolus and shiitake have been used in traditional Chinese medicine over many centuries to help:

    • Manage mild upper respiratory tract infections (reishi3 and coriolus4);
    • Relieve mucus congestion (reishi5 and cordyceps6);
    • Support the immune system (shiitake7); and,
    • Enhance energy and stamina and reduce fatigue (cordyceps8).

          Super Mushroom Complex blends these four mushrooms together, helping to support your immune response.

      4. Load Your Freezer with Soup
Soups make for excellent emergency meals if you start to feel sick.
Set aside a day where you can prepare bases, using either chicken frames or vegetable peels with plenty of garlic, thyme and oregano, as these herbs are rich with antibacterial compounds9 which can help your immune system.
Strain and freeze your soup bases. Then, when you need them, defrost and add fresh vegetables. Your future self will thank you!

      5. Stock Up on Herbal Tea to Help Replace Your Fluids
If you do get sick, one way to improve your recovery time is by topping up any fluids you’ve lost to fever or sweats with herbal tea.
Herbs such as thyme, peppermint, liquorice, and ginger steeped with a teaspoon of honey can help to decongest your nose and soothe your throat; giving you relief when symptoms arise.

      6. Invest in Eucalyptus Oil
Eucalyptus essential oil is fantastic for keeping airways clear and open, particularly when you’re feeling congested in your sinuses or chest. Using eucalyptus oil-containing chest rubs, or adding a few drops to an oil diffuser before bed, can help with symptom relief, making it easier to breathe when you’re feeling stuffy.

Plant - Your Wellness Centre Naturopathy

Prepare yourself for Winter

To help you come out on top this cold and flu season, speak to our naturopath about sourcing the best quality supplements to help you beat cold and flu symptoms.

Gather everything you need for your ‘First Aid’ kit to keep you and your household protected with access to emergency relief before winter arrives, so you can thrive throughout these cooler months.


Your Wellness Centre Naturopathy Melbourne



Beat the Flu, Prevents Colds & Strengthen Immunity

Lady is having an allergy, she needs allergy testingCurrent reports state that one of the strains in the flu vaccine used this year has mutated. So if this is what you normally do to keep the flu away, then perhaps it’s time to look for some natural assistance!

So just what can you do to really help beat the flu, prevent colds and strengthen immunity?

We encourage you to do your best to prevent catching a cold or getting the flu. You can keep up your exercise, you can eat well, and you can take all the good supplements.

Despite all this, if stress or other life events interfere with these healthy habits, you might just find yourself ‘under the weather. So keep reading to see how to get on top of it all.

Oh and this does not include taking antibiotics. What many people may not realise is that antibiotics only target bacteria and are not able to kill the viruses responsible for colds and flu.

Here, I share with you some of the herbs and nutrients we use at our naturopathic clinic in Ringwood to help manage these viral infections and keep your immune defences strong.

Herbal Helpers

Elderberry - Your Wellness Centre Naturopathy

A number of traditional herbs have been clinically shown to improve immune function and reduce symptoms of the common cold and flu.

The Ayurvedic herb Andrographis can reduce both the severity and duration of cold and flu symptoms.

Picorrhiza has been used traditionally in both Ayurvedic and Chinese medicine to help maintain a healthy immune system. It is now understood that this herb has both anti-inflammatory and immune-stimulating actions.

Elderberry is a mainstay of traditional Western herbalism for its anti-catarrhal and fever-reducing activity. It helps to relieve acute cold symptoms as well as recurrent coughs.

If you are unwell with a respiratory virus, our Naturopaths can recommend a herbal formula that contains these immune-supporting herbs.

Medicinal Mushrooms.

Medicinal mushrooms have a long history of use in Asian cultures and are now known to have strong antiviral activity.

The immune-boosting potential of reishi, shiitake, cordyceps, and Coriolus mushrooms has been extensively studied.

Not only can they help reduce the length and severity of an acute cold, but they can help prevent future recurrences.

Getting Rid of the ‘Gunk’

Mucus and phlegm are signs that your immune system is hard at work, but the resulting congestion can lead to blocked sinuses and breathing difficulty.

The decongestant, anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial essential oils of eucalyptus, thyme, lavender, and peppermint may help to reduce the nasal and sinus congestion that accompanies upper respiratory tract infections.

Mucus congestion can also cause irritating or chesty coughs.

Licorice - Your Wellness Centre Naturopathy

Liquorice is recognised in Western herbal medicine for its soothing, anti-inflammatory and expectorant properties.

An extract of liquorice root can reduce irritation of the respiratory mucous membranes, helping to soothe dry coughs and relieve mild bronchitis.

The Ayurvedic herb Adhota is a helpful bronchodilator also with expectorant properties. By encouraging the clearing of congestion-causing phlegm, your airway becomes more open and that irritating wheeze reduces.

If you are coughing or your sinuses are blocked, speak with your Naturopath about an appropriate formula containing these mucus-busting herbs and essential oils.

From the above, a naturopath at our Ringwood naturopathic clinic can formulate a specific combination of ingredients just for you!

Super Charge Your Immunity

Give your immune system a head start by incorporating these healthy habits into your diet and lifestyle: Eat fresh fruits and veggies.

Fresh veggies and nuts - Your Wellness Centre NaturopathyAim for at least two serves of fruit and three cups of vegetables daily.
Fill your plate with a rainbow of colour to provide nutrients and antioxidants to help build strong immunity.

Lightly cooked vegetables are a nourishing option in winter.

Eliminate inflammatory foods:
Sugar, refined carbohydrates, dairy, and wheat can all be inflammatory and may suppress immune function.

Avoid mucus-promoting, inflammatory foods such as dairy and processed foods.

Drink plenty of fluids to replace those lost as you blow your nose repeatedly;

Reduce stress:
Stress steals energy and nutrients from your immune system, leaving you susceptible to getting sick.

Enjoy the benefits of scheduling time out, meditation and time spent in nature.

Exercise regularly:
Remaining active not only makes you feel good; it also reduces the frequency of contracting a cold by up to 46%.

Sleep soundly:
Sleep - Your Wellness Centre NaturopathyThe lifestyle prescription when you are unwell is to get lots and lots of sleep!

Aim for at least seven to eight hours of sleep each night to restore energy and allow your immune system to regain its strength and resilience.

The Lost Art of Convalescence

In this modern world, you may feel obliged to ‘soldier on’ despite coughing, sneezing and so operate at less than your best.

Taking the time to rest and recuperate reduces the risk of spreading the infection to your colleagues and helps you to recover sooner.

Fight Back and Stay Well
This means that you can Embrace Winter instead of fearing it.

So, If winter for you means multiple colds, days off work or catching yet another flu from a sick family member or colleague, embrace immune-boosting Natural Medicines and let this be your season of change.

And even if a cold or the flu finds its way to you this winter and is stopping you from performing at your best, don’t despair – naturopaths in Ringwood can recommend a herbal or nutritional formula with antiviral, anti-inflammatory, decongestant, and immune-boosting power to support you and help get you back to health again.

Take the step toward a healthier you!

For further help or advice do Contact us Or
you can also make a booking online.


Your Wellness Centre Naturopathy Melbourne



Your Wellness Centre Naturopathy - Immune systemMost of us are no strangers to those dreaded colds and flu that can leave you and your family with runny noses, coughs, sore throats, headaches, fevers, and fatigue through the winter months.

This means it is the perfect time to boost your immune system and defend against cold and flu symptoms which are the leading cause of time away from school and work. Remember, prevention is always better than cure.

There is natural support for your immune defences against both viruses and bacteria so they won’t keep bugging you and making you sick.

Key Herbs and Nutrients play a crucial role

These act as natural winter warriors and can help to protect you and your family this season. Here are some examples:

• Andrographis: This immune herb given at 6 g has been shown to be as effective as paracetamol for reducing fever and sore throat. Together with Zinc and Picrorrhiza, Andrographis may also help to reduce duration of illness.

• Elderberry is an excellent herb to help reduce flu symptoms such as fever and runny noses.

• Cordyceps, Coriolus and Reishi are medicinal mushrooms that specifically target virally-infected cells, often the cause of those winter colds and flus. These medicinal mushrooms can be taken for both acute and chronic infections, to help restore a healthy functioning immune system.

• Zinc, Vitamin D and Vitamin C: These key nutrients are all important to help reduce the severity and duration of illness, whilst also supporting your immune system to function optimally.

Let’s remember The Gut – Your Link to Immunity

Did you know that 70 to 80% of your immune system is actually located in your digestive system? Understanding this will emphasise how important it is to look after your gut health. Your diet and the overall functioning of your digestive system will affect your immune system.

Probiotics not only help with digestion, but there are also key probiotics that help your immune system. The beneficial strains, Lactobacillus acidophilus NCFM, Lactobacillus rhamnosus HN001, and Bifidobacterium lactis HN019 have been shown to help boost your immune system function.

Eating To Stay Well Through Winter

Healthy eating plans are essential throughout winter to help strengthen your immune system. Maintaining good nutritional status can help keep you healthy and reduce your risk of getting sick, as well as aiding faster recovery.

• Eat seasonally, fresh and organic as much as possible.Your Wellness Centre - Healthy Food - Immune System

• Eat a well-balanced Mediterranean style diet with plenty of

fresh fruits and vegetables, nuts, seeds, fish and lean meats.

• Reduce inflammatory foods that can suppress immune function and are mucous-forming. These are dairy, sugar, white breads, cakes, and soft drinks.

• Try a hot fresh lemon, garlic and ginger tea with a dash of honey, or thyme tea to soothe a sore throat.

• Drink plenty of water, a minimum of eight glasses per day, and avoid excessive alcohol and caffeine.

• Take time to rest and relax, and get a good night’s sleep.

So act now and boost your immune system to prime it against common invaders. Give yourself the chance of getting through these winter months without suffering at the hands of the common cold or flu. Even if  someone has already started kindly ‘sharing’ their bugs, immune herbs and nutrients and a healthy diet will still help you by reducing the severity and duration of your symptoms. Let’s look forward to winter this year and experience it in a state of wellness.

Take the step toward a healthier you!
Call 9879 9596 and book in an appointment today!


Your Wellness Centre Naturopathy Melbourne


For some, it could mean that a cold or the flu is on its way.
Normally not too much of a problem if you are reasonably healthy because they really don’t last that long. However, if you are stressed, doing a lot, don’t have the time to eat regular healthy meals or have an immune system that struggles, extra precautions should be taken throughout winter.

Certainly, if you really have a busy week or some “not to be missed social engagement” and you want to be on the safe side and do all you can to stop it taking hold, I advise that you pop in as much Vitamin C as you can and then top it up with Zinc. Further, if you have the time to talk to one of our naturopaths, we could dispense a good herbal preparation to give your immune system that extra boost.
By the way, Vitamin C has taken to ‘saturation point’ is advisable here. You’ll know this when your stools become a bit loose. At this stage, you simply go back to the previous dose. Research shows that you can take up to 12g Vitamin C per day in divided doses.

We’ve added an article on Coughs and colds for you below:


Colds and Flu - Your Wellness Centre Naturopathy

Colds and ‘flu can strike at anytime, not just the dreaded winter season. The good news is you do not have to put up with runny noses, sinus pain, fevers, sore throats, coughs and generally feeling unwell.
Now is the time to look at which natural supplements may help support your immune system.

Simply contact Your Wellness Centre on 9879 9596 for help with fighting colds and ‘flus.

Why Do We Get Colds and ‘Flus?

If you regularly catch colds and ‘flus you may have an imbalance in your immune system which may make you more susceptible to infections. A poor diet, nutritional deficiencies and/or a lack of exercise can all lead to these imbalances in your immune system. A strong immune system can help to protect you from potentially harmful invaders, such as viruses and bacteria, by recognising and responding to them as soon as they become a threat.

Viruses Can Cause Colds and ‘Flus

Contrary to popular belief, viruses cause colds and ‘flus – not bacteria. Viruses are minute infectious agents which invade and hijack your cells. The immune system recognises viruses as invaders and attempts to destroy them before they can invade your cells. If the immune system is out of balance, however, it may not have the ability to destroy viruses and viral infections can occur. Common symptoms of viral infections include a sore throat, fever, and fatigue.

Herbs and Nutrients

If your immune system is struggling to defend you, don’t despair – Natural Medicines may help! Particular herbs and nutrients may help you to manage your cold and ‘flu symptoms naturally, as well as improve underlying immune imbalances.

Speak to us about which herbs and nutrients may be of benefit for you.

Diet and Lifestyle Suggestions

We have listed dietary and lifestyle changes that you can make to strengthen your immune system to prevent colds and ‘flus here:Fresh veggies and nuts - Your Wellness Centre

  • Eat a well-balanced diet including fresh vegetables, fruits, nuts, seeds, fish, eggs, legumes and lean red meat
  • Reduce your intake of mucus-forming foods such as dairy.
  • Avoid foods low in nutrients that suppress the immune system, such as sugar, white flour products, and alcohol.
  • Drink at least 2 litres of filtered water every day.
  • Exercise regularly.
  • Ensure you are getting enough sleep.

By making some simple changes to your diet and lifestyle and by taking the appropriate supplements, you can reduce your risk of catching colds and ‘flus. Speak to us about the best way to manage or prevent your colds and ‘flus naturally.

Useful Herbs and Nutrients

  • Fever and sore throat we recommend Andrographis
  • Productive cough can be eased using Aster, Pinellia, Magnolia
  • Dry irritating cough may be reduced with Licorice, Marshmallow among others
  • Sinus congestion  may be relieved using anti-microbial essential oils such as Eucalyptus, Peppermint, Lavender, and Thyme used in a sinus spray
  • Frequent colds and ‘flus require regular doses of Vitamin C, Vitamin D, Zinc and Probiotics

Simply contact Your Wellness Centre on 9879 9596 for help with fighting colds and ‘flus.

Your Wellness Centre Naturopathy Melbourne