
Naturopathy can help you manage menopause symptoms such as hot flushes, bewildering mood swings, fatigue, cognitive impairment, insomnia, depression and weight gain. Natural treatments which relieve the overwhelming and debilitating physical and emotional changes are used.

Even though these symptoms greatly impact your quality of life, the good thing is that naturopathy for menopausal relief, can effectively help you through menopause.

Here’s a run down of the common symptoms of menopause that can be treated naturally:

    • Hot flushes
    • Night sweats
    • Vaginal dryness
    • Dry skin
    • Headaches
    • Irritability
    • Weight gain
    • Low libido
    • Fatigue
    • Unpredictable and heavy bleeding
  • Other signs that naural threatment can help are:
    • Changes in the menstrual cycle, such as longer, shorter or irregular periods
    • Lighter bleeding during your period

If you aren’t coping well with these physical or emotional changes of menopause, Menopause Naturopaths at Your Wellness Centre in Ringwood can help you with the natural treatment options available to support you during this time.

Natural Menopause Treatment
Use these 3 helpful tips to help you manage the Symptoms of Menopause.

1.  Healthy Eating to help Manage Menopause Symptoms.

Making positive changes to your diet can reduce the symptoms of menopause.

  • Phytoestrogens (plant oestrogens) replace some natural oestrogens lost during menopause, and may reduce menopausal symptoms – good sources of phytoestrogens include organic soy products such as tofu, linseeds, whole grains and legumes.
  • Eat a variety of fresh fruits and vegetables every day.
  • Include lean meat, fish or chicken in your diet.
  • Drink six to eight glasses of filtered water  daily.
  • Decrease caffeine intake (coffee, tea, soft-drinks).
  • Limit alcohol to one to two standard glasses, or less, per day.Read  about best Foods for Menopause Here

2.  Natural remedies for Menopause Mood Swings and Headaches.

A combination of traditional Chinese herbs may help with emotional symptoms of menopause. Bupleurum, Chinese peony, dong quai, licorice and ginger are all herbs that may work in synergy to relieve mood swings, depression, irritability and headaches associated with  menopause.
Menopause treatment that helps physical symptoms are herbs such as rehmannia, Chinese yam, and zizyphyus. These help symptoms such as hot flushing, night  sweats, lower back pain and dry skin. 

3.  Regular Physical Activity

Aim for 30 minutes of moderate physical activity on most days of the week to maintain general health, control weight and help keep your bones strong and healthy. Exercise is so important at this stage of life and if you find it difficult to exercise enough each week, try joining a walking group, an aerobics class, a yoga class or finding an exercise buddy to help you achieve your exercise goals!

Manageing your Menopause Symptoms help you Look Forward to a Bright and Healthy Future!
When you manage menopause symptoms effectively you can look forward to enjoying a new phase of your life.
Menopause also referred to as the ‘Change of Life’, or the time in a woman’s life when she stops having monthly periods, is a great time for you to reassess many areas of your life.
And really, it is the ideal time for you to review your lifestyle choices and make your own health a priority.
Naturopaths at Your Wellness Centre can support you through menopause so you can focus on a healthy future with strong bones, a healthy heart, great energy and vitality.

Ring 9879 9596 to talk to
Menopause Naturopaths at Your Wellness Centre in Ringwood about your menopausal symptoms and get your own treatment plan created just for you!


Read More About Menopause Here



For many women, pre-menstrual syndrome (PMS) is a burden that can greatly affect their quality of life, impacting their ability to perform regular daily activities, affecting their workplace performance and often making it difficult for them to cope with the demands of everyday life. Unfortunately, PMS is often viewed as an unpleasant, but unavoidable, consequence of being a woman. It does not have to be so! Women do not have to live with the monthly annoyance and inconvenience of PMS. If you, or someone you know, is affected by PMS, the good news is that Natural Medicines can help!

What is PMS or Pre-Menstrual Syndrome?

PMS - Your Wellness CentrePMS is the name given to a collection of physical and emotional symptoms related to a woman’s menstrual cycle. The symptoms of PMS occur in the days or weeks before a period and usually resolve once the period has started. Some women experience mild symptoms for just a day or two before their periods, whereas others can feel physically uncomfortable and emotionally strung out for up to two weeks every month! The most common symptoms of PMS include:

• Mood swings• Abdominal bloating
• Irritability• Digestive upsets – i.e. constipation, diarrhoea
• Unexplained anger• Breast tenderness and swelling
• Depression• Headaches
• Anxiety• Back pain
• Teariness and weepiness• Fluid retention
• Poor concentration• Acne
• Low libido• Clumsiness
• Food cravings – especially for
carbohydrates and sweet foods (e.g. chocolate)

Is all this just part of being a woman, something a thing of the past!
you have to accept and learn to live with?
The answer is no! Ask us today about how to take
control of your PMS symptoms.

What Causes PMS?

While the exact cause of PMS is unknown, there are many factors that have been found to contribute to this pattern of dysfunction. Imbalances in the female reproductive hormones, oestrogen, and progesterone, in the two weeks before a period are the most likely cause, however, other hormones can also play a part. Nutritional deficiencies in vitamin B6, magnesium, calcium and essential fatty acids are also known to increase the severity of PMS symptoms.

What Can I Take to Help Reduce PMS Symptoms?

Listed below are some of the natural solutions available to restore hormonal balance and correct nutritional deficiencies to reduce the symptoms of PMS:

Chaste Tree (Vitex agnus castus) – This herb has been extensively researched for its ability to reduce premenstrual breast pain and swelling, regulate the menstrual cycle, reduce period pain, irritability, mood swings and abdominal bloating. Chaste tree works by helping to rebalance oestrogen and progesterone levels.

Your Wellness Centre Naturopathy - Dong Quai herbs

Dong Quai herbs

Dong Quai (Angelica polymorpha) – This herb has been used for centuries in traditional Chinese herbal medicine to help to regulate the menstrual cycle and reduce period pain.

Vitamin B6 – This important nutrient may assist in the treatment of PMS by reducing anxiety, moodiness, irritability, sugar cravings, breast tenderness and abdominal bloating.

Magnesium – This vital mineral is required for stress management, energy production and maintenance of healthy moods. Magnesium deficiency is associated with PMS symptoms, particularly irritability, depression, confusion, headaches and muscle aches.

Calcium – Research shows that women with low calcium levels have higher rates of PMS. Calcium is the most abundant mineral in the body and if levels are inadequate, this can cause PMS symptoms of water retention, food cravings, muscle aches and moodiness.

Omega-3 Essential Fatty Acids – Omega-3 essential fatty acids are the healthy fats that come from food sources such as fish oil. These healthy fats can help manage pain, inflammation and PMS mood symptoms.

Ask us today about which of these Natural
Medicines are best for helping you manage your
PMS symptoms.

Does your Menstrual Cycle Rule Your Life - Your Wellness Centre
Finally, stress, poor food choices and lack of exercise can also 
contribute to the emotional and physical symptoms of PMS. By helping to rebalance your hormones, address nutritional deficiencies and address factors such as stress and diet, we can help PMS become a thing of the past!

Take the step toward a healthier you!
Call 9879 9596 and book an appointment today!


Your Wellness Centre Naturopathy Melbourne


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