
What Stomach Bloating is

Stomach bloating is pretty common these days.
With this being the case I often get told:  “I bloat every time I eat”.

Taking this into consideration, I thought I’d touch on

  • what bloating is, 
  • what it feels like,
  • how it happens, and
  • how naturopaths help reduce bloating.

What Stomach Bloating is:

Stomach bloating is often referred to simply as bloating. It is an uncomfortable condition characterised by a feeling of fullness and tightness in the abdomen.

It occurs when the abdomen becomes distended or swollen, typically due to the accumulation of gas, air, or fluids in the gastrointestinal tract.
A bloated stomach certainly feels uncomfortable. It can even be embarrassing when it comes along with gas or the need to run to the bathroom.

Common symptoms of stomach bloating explain further what bloating feels like and include:

  • Feeling Full: Individuals with bloating often describe a sensation of fullness, even if they haven’t eaten much.
  • Abdominal Discomfort: Bloating can cause discomfort or mild pain in the abdominal area. This discomfort may be described as a tight or stretching feeling.
  • Visible Swelling: In some cases, the abdomen may appear visibly swollen or distended, which can be noticeable, especially after meals.
  • Excessive Gas: Frequent belching or passing gas can accompany bloating. This is often a result of trapped gas in the digestive system.
  • Bloating often occurs with Flatulence, constipation and even diarrhoea. And you can read more about it here.

Bloating can have various causes including:

  • Dietary Factors: Consuming gas-producing foods and beverages, such as beans, lentils, carbonated drinks, and cruciferous vegetables (like broccoli and cauliflower), can lead to bloating in some individuals.
  • Overeating: Eating large meals or eating too quickly can overwhelm the digestive system processes, leading to bloating.
  • Food Intolerances: Some people may experience bloating due to food intolerances, such as lactose intolerance or gluten sensitivity.
  • Constipation: When stool accumulates in the colon, it can lead to bloating and discomfort.
  • Swallowing Air: Swallowing air while eating or drinking can introduce excess air into the digestive system, contributing to bloating.
  • Gastrointestinal Disorders: Conditions like Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), and functional dyspepsia can cause chronic or recurrent bloating.
  • Hormonal Changes: Some individuals, especially women, may experience bloating as part of premenstrual syndrome (PMS) or during menopause due to hormonal fluctuations.
  • Bacterial Overgrowth: Small Intestinal Bacterial overgrowth (SIBO) can lead to bloating, particularly after consuming carbohydrates.
  • Microbiome Disruption and Dysbiosis. Disruption to your internal microbial community can create an environment where pathogenic (disease-causing) organisms are able to grow and flourish. Bloating can be uncomfortable if this happens.

Because so many different factors can contribute to stomach bloating — including some that seem totally unrelated, like sleep or stress — it’s possible to become bloated any time of the day or month.

It’s essential to differentiate occasional, mild bloating from chronic or severe bloating that may be indicative of an underlying medical condition.

Naturopaths can help reduce Bloating:

If you experience persistent or severe bloating, along with changes in bowel habits and would like your bloating reduced naturally, it is advisable to consult with a practitioner at Your Wellness Centre.

Treatment options for bloating depend on the underlying cause and may include taking symptom reducing supplements, making dietary changes and lifestyle modifications.

Our Practitioners are experienced in relieving bloating so give us a call on 98799596

send us an email to:  health@yourwellnesscentre.com.au or book on line