Your Wellness Check
Your Wellness Check is an effective and quick way to see how your body is functioning and to ascertain where you might need to improve your health and wellbeing. It has been specifically designed to be a test that assesses how well your body is functioning and what your individual health status is.
This assessment is ideal for individuals who would like a general overview of their health + diet, especially if you now see health as a priority and would like to start afresh and get your health back on track.
This assessment will also help identify contributing factors to any existing or chronic health issues that you may be experiencing, to guide effective holistic treatment.
What Your Wellness Check Involves
Initial Health Assessment Questionnaire – this is sent to you and completed before you come to the practice for your assessments.
Appointment with one of our Naturopathic Medicine Practitioners for a full assessment and comprehensive consultation: during this comprehensive consultation, our Naturopath, will complete a full health assessment and discuss your individual health concerns in detail.
Cellular Health Analysis: this quick but sophisticated assessment measures the health of your cells, including how well you are ageing (your “biological age”), total fat and muscle mass, your toxicity levels, cellular hydration and more. This assessment lets you know what is going on…on the “inside”!
Nutritional Assessment: starting with an assessment of your 7-day diet diary in addition to the questionnaire and a full nutritional assessment, this session is designed to accurately assess your current nutritional status and your diet in general. From here, you will be given a dietary program that is realistic, targeted and designed specifically for you and your health concerns.
Progress Review Appointment: A progress review appointment will be made for you, 3-4 weeks after your initial appointment, to review your progress and assess any results of additional testing that may have been conducted.