
It requires a complete lifestyle change. Your shopping, cooking, and eating habits are modified in clean eating. 

However, it’s worth making the change because you will improve your health. 

Your diet matters greatly. Changing your diet can help you reduce your own medical expenses. 

benefits of clean eating

There are multiple benefits to the clean eating diet: 

1. Lose weight. By focusing on healthy, whole foods and cutting refined products out of your diet, you can lose weight. 

  • Whole foods have more nutrients than refined and processed ones. This helps control your hunger, so you can make healthier food choices throughout the day. In addition, smaller portions and meals help cut down on extra calories. 

2. Enjoy clearer skin. By eliminating the chemicals and additives in processed foods, you’ll enjoy clearer skin. 

3. Enjoy more energy. Clean eating encourages you to combine proteins with carbohydrates and fats. This meal plan gives you more energy on a daily basis. 

4. Strengthen your immune system. Clean eating cuts out the refined sugars and unhealthy fats that can drag you down. The addition of herbs and spices also helps boost the immune system. 

5. Uplift your mood. The study, “On carrots and curiosity: Eating fruit and vegetables is associated with greater flourishing in daily life,” found that adding more fruits and vegetables to the diet makes you happier. 

6. Sleep more soundly. One study found that diet is tied to sleep patterns, and other studies show a connection. Eating clean can help you sleep better by regulating your metabolism and blood sugar.

If you’re eating clean, then you’ll notice several health benefits. Although it’s a diet plan that can help with weight loss, there are also other advantages.

Clean eating is a powerful way to improve your body and nurture your mind.


“The single greatest lesson the garden teaches is that our  relationship to the planet need not be zero-sum and that as long as the sun still shines and people  still can plan and plant, think and do, we can if we bother to try, find ways to provide for  ourselves without diminishing the world.” – Michael Pollan


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Low-Carb Hacks

15 Ways To Help Lose Weight Faster


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The basic guidelines for eating clean are easy to follow and include a promise to avoid processed foods in the diet.

Refined foods have been increasing in number since the 1940s. Today’s supermarkets and grocery stores are filled with many processed options. However, eating clean will help you avoid the health risks that come with eating processed food!

Try these guidelines for eating clean:

1. Focus on whole foods in your diet.

Whole foods are items like an entire apple or piece of lettuce. They’re not processed or refined, and there is no long list of ingredients with strange names on their labels. 

  • Eating straight from a farm is the ideal way of avoiding processed foods. However, this isn’t an easy option for everyone, so there are other ways to get whole foods. 
  • Focusing on organic produce is essential. Whole foods grown without pesticides or other chemicals are the best option. Organic items are becoming more popular, so more local stores are carrying them. 
  • The goal of clean eating is to eat raw food as often as possible. Fresh bananas, ripe cherries, and green kale are preferred over muffins, pancakes, or chips. 
  • The clean eating plan replaces white flour with whole grains. You can use bran, quinoa, amaranth, and other popular grains in your cooking to create delicious meals that your family will adore. 

2. Get rid of canned and bagged items in the kitchen.

An easy way to start a clean eating diet is to remove all of the canned and bagged items in the kitchen that are not whole foods. 

  • Canned soups, vegetables, and fruits aren’t part of the clean eating plan. The cans can have Bisphenol A (BPA), a chemical capable of disrupting human hormones. 
  • Avoid packaged lunch meats and crackers because they’re usually filled with additives and chemicals. 

3. Reduce the amount of sugar in your diet.

The clean eating plan recommends reducing the sugar in your diet, but it can remain in some healthy forms. For example, fresh fruit is an acceptable food. 

  • Eliminate artificial sweeteners. Artificial sweeteners supply empty calories that aren’t part of the clean eating plan. These sweeteners include aspartame and saccharin.
  • High fructose corn syrup is another source of sugar that is not recommended. 
  • Natural sources of sugar can stay in your diet in small amounts.

4. Eat more fresh fruits and vegetables.

It’s important to experiment with new fruits and vegetables, so your diet has variety. Have you tried passion fruit with your breakfast or added kiwi to your lunch?

  • Organic and fresh items are the best choice for a clean eating plan. 

5. Eat more nuts and seeds.

Nuts and seeds are important sources of protein and other nutrients. They can give you more energy and strengthen your health. 

  • From pecans to cashews, your diet will benefit from the addition of nuts and seeds. 

6. Add healthy fats and get rid of trans fats.

Trans fats are not nutritious, and they are considered the worst category of fat.

  • Many processed foods contain trans fats. They’re common in baked goods like cookies and fried foods like French fries. Trans fats can wreak havoc on your cholesterol levels by increasing the bad cholesterol while decreasing the good one. 
  • Healthy fats such as avocado oil are better for your body. They can improve cholesterol levels and help those who have diabetes. 

7. Enjoy low-fat, organic dairy products.

It’s not easy to cut dairy for some people, and the clean eating plan allows low-fat organic products. 

  • Hormone-free dairy products are best, and many organic items will indicate this. 

8. Avoid foods with complicated ingredient names.

Many processed items have long ingredient lists filled with puzzling names. 

9. Organise your meals into five or six parts per day.

Try smaller, but more frequent, meals. 

  • This plan will help improve your metabolism while keeping you full longer. In addition, it helps avoid dangerous blood sugar spikes.  

10. Learn to mix carbohydrates, protein, and healthy fats at every meal.

The best clean eating plates have a combination of carbs, protein, and fats. This also helps you feel full and gives you energy.  

Whole foods are at the heart of the clean eating diet. It’s essential to focus on raw and fresh ingredients at every meal. 

The elimination of processed foods will help you discover new foods that are healthier. 

Your meals can be filled with a variety of fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, low-fat dairy, and fresh meats. Once you’ve replaced packaged and refined items with healthier options, you’ll notice a positive change in the way you feel. 


Read more about Eating Clean:

Clean Eating Involves 

Guideline To Clean Eating


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How to Get Your Gut Back on Track After Getting Sick on Holiday

 Coming back from a holiday with a sore gut as your souvenir is never fun.

Infections that cause traveller’s diarrhoea can lead to chronic digestive issues if you don’t repair the damage done.

Let me explain.

Traveller’s diarrhoea is simply a form of gastroenteritis (un-affectionately known as ‘gastro’), an intestinal infection that triggers inflammation and injury in your gut.

Like other forms of gastro, it causes symptoms like abdominal pain, diarrhoea, fatigue and fever, which typically pass with the infection.

However, even in the weeks following the infection, the damage to your intestinal lining can interfere with your gut’s ability to create digestive juices (required to digest your food properly) and house healthy gut bacteria, which make up your gut microbiome (the beneficial bacteria that play an important role in gut health (discussed further here).

Together, the loss of these bugs and the injury to your gut may cause ongoing digestive discomfort, such as chronic bloating or changes to bowel habits.

If left untreated, in some people it may progress to chronic digestive disorders, such as irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) (discussed further here)..

Travellers diarrhoea is simply a form of gastroenteritis (un-affectionately known as gastro), an intestinal infection that triggers inflammation and injury in your gut.

If this sounds like you, or someone you know, it might be time to discover the three most important strategies that can help you get your gut back on track with the help of a natural healthcare Practitioner at Your Wellness Centre, outlined below.

Step 1: Start with a Snapshot

Whether you develop chronic gut symptoms after Bali belly depends on a couple of factors.

One is how healthy your gut was, to begin with: if you started off with a lower number of beneficial bacteria, due to factors such as a low-fibre diet or frequent antibiotic use which can disturb your gut bacteria, you may be more likely to develop chronic gut issues following Bali belly.

The second is the type of bug: a super destructive bug can decimate even the healthiest microbiome to the point where knock-on issues start to arise (such as chronic bloating).

Regardless of the situation, if you’ve experienced Bali belly and don’t feel like your gut is back to normal yet, get a snapshot of your gut bacteria through microbiome testing (discussed further here).

This test allows you to assess the damage by revealing every single type of bacteria in your gut (beneficial vs less beneficial) and how they may be impacting your gut health.

his information, you and your naturopath can create a plan together to bring your gut microbiome back into balance.

Step 2: Repair and Regenerate your Gut

After surveying the state of your gut microbiome, it’s time to start repairing your gut using a combination of probiotics, nutrients and herbal extracts.

Probiotic strains including Saccharomyces cerevisiae (boulardii) (SB), Lactobacillus rhamnosus (LGG®) and Bifidobacterium animalis ssp lactis (BB-12®) have been shown to assist with the consequences of traveller’s diarrhoea by:

  • Preventing infections from escalating (blocking infectious bugs from being able to ‘stick’ to your gut lining and causing havoc);
  • Protecting your gut from tissue injury caused by gastro;
  • Restoring a good balance of beneficial gut bacteria lost to infection or treatment with antibiotics.

It’s important to note that these benefits are unique to the above types of probiotic strains; you can’t take just any old probiotic and get the same results.

As such, it’s always worth selecting probiotic strains that are supported by scientific evidence, especially when it might mean the difference between symptom recovery or relapse (discussed further here about why choosing a specific strain matters).

Similarly, nutrients, such as glutamine and zinc, in addition to herbal extracts, such as aloe vera and boswellia, can also repair the damage to your gut lining, by reducing inflammation and providing the nutritional building blocks your gut needs to heal. As such, by combining the power of probiotics, herbs and nutrients, you can help your gut return to its former glory.

Its important to note that these benefits are unique to the above types of probiotic strains; you cant take just any old probiotic and get the same results. As such, its always worth selecting probiotic strains that are supported by scientific evidence, especially it when it might mean the difference between symptom recovery or relapse.

Step 3: Eat your Way to Gut Health

Eating to maintain your gut health is fundamental to your recovery process, as this helps to restore your beneficial bacteria and can promote gut healing. Start with following these simple tips:

  • Minimise your intake of inflammatory foods (e.g. alcohol or foods high in sugar), as these can make it difficult for your gut to heal;
  • Aim to eat an abundance of plants, particularly a variety of colourful vegetables, as these contain prebiotics known as polyphenols, which help feed and rebuild your good gut bacteria;
  • Limit foods that cause you bloating or discomfort, such as dairy or wheat, just for a few weeks, whilst the gut rebuilds and regains its ability to digest these foods properly.

These are just a few small ways to better your diet and get back on track after Bali’s belly, but for specific dietary advice to suit your unique needs, speak to our qualified and experienced naturopath at Your Wellness Centre.

Destination: Gut Regeneration!

Nothing can make you appreciate the value of good gut health like a bout of gastro! And with the help of a naturopath, you can score a one-way ticket back to living your life without the lingering effects of traveller’s diarrhoea.

Start by being proactive, getting a snapshot of your gut followed by taking steps to heal the gut in conjunction with a healthy diet, so you can get back to your wanderlusting adventures over at your next expedition!

Gut Bacteria and Weight Gain.

We’ve all been there: We do what we can to lose weight but then sadly, don’t get the results we are after.

It is now known that the bacteria in your gut can be making you fat.
In other words, there could be a link between the bacteria in your gut and your weight gain.

You see, scientists fattened germ-free mice with ‘obese’ human gut microbes. Results confirmed that the gut microbiome plays a part in weight regulation.. 

Typically the human gut contains around 37 trillion microbes – and that’s a lot!

Most healthy individuals have their own unique combination of bacterial species,  known as their own microbiome. You can read more about the Microbiome here.

If there is a reduction or disturbance of this core bacteria, then it can change from a healthy gut bacterial balance or microbiome to dysbiosis.

(Dysbiosis is the term used to describe an unhealthy gut environment).

Constant low-grade inflammation then results, as well as a faulty barrier lining the gut.

What then happens is that unwanted molecules cross this barrier and get into the rest of our bodies. This is where the term ‘leaky gut’ comes from.

These actions can affect many body systems and gradually lead to a variety of diseases.

It has been found that obese patients tend to have a lower variety of microbes, which may interfere with important bacterial functions.

Why is a healthy gut bacterial balance (or healthy microbiome)  important? 

Because the gut microbiome is a balance of organisms that communicates far beyond the bowels to influence body composition, appetite, and feeling full.

Evidence is now revealing that your gut bacteria need to be healthy because it dictates how your body regulates and maintains its weight!

Your Healthy Gut Bacteria can cause Weight Loss 

The fact that Healthy Gut Bacteria can cause Weight Loss, is shown by clear trends show that the gut bacteria in a lean person is different from that in an overweight person.

A healthy gut microbiome in a lean individual is seen as having a diverse range of beneficial bacteria, with very few ‘bad’ bacteria to disrupt the health of the gut.

Once the gut microbiome is in this healthy state, these good bacteria send messages to the body to maintain its weight within a healthy range.

So it makes sense to learn how to increase good bacteria in the gut naturally, because
This improves your overall gut health and could prevent weight gain.

On the other hand, the gut bacteria in an overweight person is often shown to have less of these good bacteria and more of the bad bacteria.

When out of balance, gut bacteria begin to act differently.

They take more calories from food, store more energy as fat, and set off inflammation within the gut itself.

All of these factors lead to the body storing more fat, especially around the waist (this fat is known as visceral fat).

Confused because you can’t lose weight? then check your gut health!

Which Gut Bacteria cause weight loss?

Researchers found a specific strain of probiotic helped offset the effects of eating a high-fat diet, reducing weight gain.

They also found a reduction in toxins generated in the gut that can cross the gut barrier when it is ‘leaky’.

This means systemic inflammation is not an issue.

Of interest is that obesity and weight gain are strongly associated with increased risks of cardiovascular disease, metabolic syndrome, and type 2 diabetes.

These diseases have all been linked to dysbiosis.

Findings show the specific effects of specific strain of probiotic help normalize a healthy appetite and prevent insidious weight gain.

Besides this, the probiotic strains trialed in metabolic syndrome patients led to the benefits of mildly reduced body weight, significantly reduced inflammation,  improved total cholesterol, and low-density lipoprotein (LDL).

These findings point to the specific effects of the specific strain of probiotic in normalizing a healthy appetite and preventing weight gain.

A whole food diet encourages a healthy microbiome

Gut Microbiomes Love a Healthy Lifestyle!

More good news is that our microbiome responds positively to whole foods, regular sleep, and physical activity, all of which support healthy body weight regulation.

For instance, a plant-rich diet delivers prebiotic fibres.

Even though we do not use this for food, these prebiotic fibres which are non-soluble encourage bacterial diversity, resilience, and healthy symbiosis in the colon.

Prebiotic fibres also contribute to a healthy weight by helping us feel satisfied after eating.

Research demonstrates better weight loss and metabolic outcomes in type 2 diabetics when consuming diverse carbohydrates and fibres in the diet.

Like us, our microbes also need rest and routine!

Gut organisms exhibit daily rhythms influenced by feeding and produce measurable differences throughout the day.

For instance, microbes engage in digestion and metabolism during feeding, and between meals they repair, regenerate and detoxify.

Microbial molecular clocks are so sensitive to our feeding and sleeping rhythms that even common jet lag can induce dysbiosis.  This is enough to affect glucose intolerance and cause weight gain.

This points to the importance of regular sleep and eating patterns to maintain a healthy gut and waistline.

A good night’s sleep helps reduce weight-promoting inflammation.

Support Your Microbiome to help you lose weight

Now that you know your gut health can affect your weight, we can aim for healthy gut bacteria by:
– the use of strain-specific probiotic therapy,
– along with fewer calories,
– prebiotic-rich whole foods,
– enough sleep,
– as well as  exercise
These can all help minimize food cravings during weight loss.

Besides this, these strategies support gut microbiome resilience.

This helps protect against obesity and other inflammatory diseases, including depression and osteoarthritis.

Whilst obviously a complex topic, you don’t need to navigate this alone.

Talk to our Naturopath at Your Wellness Centre to find the best Weight Management Program.

One that provides a comprehensive solution that can be tailored to your personal needs.

A program that addresses all the elements that can help support a healthy gut microbiome, and lower your metabolic body weight set-point.

That way,  you can lose weight without feeling hungry and, most importantly, keep it off for the long term.

Meanwhile, you can start your journey toward better body composition today by following these guidelines.

5 Tips to Support Your Weight loss goals

Besides probiotics, employing key diet and lifestyle strategies are also important to maintaining ideal body composition:

1. Regular exercise

These can include various forms of movement including walking, yoga, swimming, and weights. This helps to burn fat for energy and can reduce high levels of hormones (such as adrenaline) that promote weight gain.

2. Eat a wholefood diet

Filling up on fruits, vegetables, lean meats, legumes, and healthy fats helps to naturally regulate your appetite and curb cravings. As a bonus, high fibre foods are the favourite fuel source of your good bacteria!

3. Avoid processed sugar and processed fats

Excess calories from these sources are stored as fat, especially around your waistline. They also encourage dysbiosis within your digestive tract.

4. Hydration

Plenty of water actually increases your energy levels and metabolism and is vital for proper waste elimination.

5. Adequate sleep

Eight hours per night is needed for a reason!

It resets and balances the hormones required for a healthy metabolism and reduces weight-promoting inflammation.

With the best approach to weight management being a holistic one, consider your microbiome alongside a sustainable diet and lifestyle.

Include exercise and sleep to comprehensively prevent gaining unwanted fat by reducing cravings, losing fat, maintaining muscle mass, and increasing your metabolism!

Besides this, improving the health of your microbiome, will turn your gut into a weight management machine and help to keep your waistline healthy!

Are you looking for a way to get in shape and stay there? If so, the latest fad diet might be tempting! However, before you take the plunge, heed these important precautions for success to investigate your new diet. It could make the difference between one more failed attempt and sweet success.

Regardless of the diet, you choose the only proven way to lose weight and keep it off is by burning more calories than you consume in a single day. It really is that simple. Keep this in mind when evaluating your diet.

Diving into a diet that drastically alters your food intake will cause your weight to roller coaster up and down. This is extremely unhealthy! It can cause stress on your internal organs and upset important processes such as your metabolism and control of insulin.

Sharp changes in diet shock the system, both physically and mentally, and pose a significant challenge in maintaining your weight loss regimen.


Diet in Moderation

Prominent experts in health and wellness, including most physicians, would agree that the safest and most effective way to lose excess weight is to maintain a balanced diet, exercise on a regular basis, and cut calories at a modest pace.

To enable your body to perform at its peak while losing weight, reduce your daily calorie intake by no more than 500 to 1000 calories. This will prevent you from entering a starvation mode that forces your weight to plateau.

The best strategy is to adjust your food in moderation, exercise regularly, and get enough sleep so that you feel well-rested. This way, you’ll shed 1 to 2 pounds per week, which is considered a healthy loss of weight.

If you wish to become involved in a diet or weight loss program, it’s important to ensure that the program is the right one for you based on your current health needs. When you find one that’s right for you, more likely to enjoy the success you desire!


Here are some critical considerations for any diet:


1. Personal Support.

Changing your eating habits when you’re alone makes it extremely easy to backslide and walk away. Find out if the program offers online tracking, support counselors, group accountability, food journals, activity logs, and more to track your progress. With the right tools, you can be your best advocate.

  • What kind of support system would you like to have?
  • Who can help hold you accountable for your goals?
  • Is there any kind of group meeting or individual assistance?


2. Personal Goals.

Know in advance what your goals are so you can assess the new diet in terms of what you want to accomplish.

  • What is the calorie requirement of the diet?
  • Is the calorie requirement in line with your physical limits?
  • Diets with an intake under 1700 calories should be scrutinized and discussed with a nutritionist at your local healthcare clinic.


3. Supplemental Medications.

Educate yourself about any required medications before you take them. Have your family physician look over medications, dietary supplements, and weight loss pills before taking them as they could very well cause unfavorable side effects alone or when paired with your existing prescription medications.

  • Is there a supplement or medication involved?
  • What are their common side effects?
  • Have you discussed these medications with your physician?


4. Consider the risk factors.

This runs parallel to the concern over calorie intake. Any diet that drastically alters or restricts how often or what kind of food you eat should be reviewed by your family physician.


5. Are there any testimonies?

Find out if you can contact existing members. Avoid depending on online or paper reviews. Companies sometimes pay ghostwriters and affiliates to generate positive reviews of products they’ve never purchased or used.


6. What’s the overall cost of the service?

There are often fees for tests, specialty foods, supplements, personal trainers, membership service, shipping costs, online access, and more.


7. Are the staff and management team qualified?

There should never be an issue with obtaining information on the experience and certifications of the individuals who will be working directly with you. These people will be partially responsible for your health and wellness, so know all you can about them.


A new diet can be just the thing you’re looking for to shed those extra pounds. Take these precautions to heart and follow these strategies to find the perfect diet for you!


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7 Low-Carb Hacks to Help You Feel Full

One of the biggest concerns that you may have about the low-carb diet is staying full.


Try these tips to avoid that low-carb hunger:


1. Ground almond flour.

Instead of using regular flour, switch to ground almond flour for your meals.

  • This low-carb hack is filled with protein, and you’ll feel full while using it.
  • You can make a variety of items with almond flour, such as pancakes, muffins, or bread. Almond flour is versatile and filling, so you won’t miss regular flour.


2. Cauliflower rice.

Did you know that you can use cauliflower as a substitute for mashed potatoes?

  • Cauliflower is a healthier choice than regular potatoes and is considered a lower carbohydrate vegetable. You can grind up and mash cauliflower to make mashed flakes.
  • You can also use ground-up cauliflower as rice and create a pizza crust from it. Top the pizza with your favorites.



3. Spiralized vegetables.

A spiralizer is a simple kitchen tool that you can use to make vegetables into tiny strips that resemble noodles. If you don’t have one, then you can use a sharp knife to cut up the vegetables into small strips.

  • This low-carb hack lets you make your own healthy pasta and noodles.
  • Zucchini tends to be the most popular vegetable to spiralize in the kitchen. However, you can also experiment with eggplant, peppers, and other veggies. The key is to pick a firm one that can be cut into little pieces with ease.



4. Lettuce wraps.

One of the easiest low-carb hacks is to make wraps or tortillas with lettuce instead of flour items.

  • Wrap your favorites such as meat, vegetables, and salsa in a lettuce wrap to reduce the carbohydrates.
  • The wraps will still taste delicious, but they’ll have lower calories and more nutritional value. You don’t have to stick with iceberg lettuce and may want to try other varieties as you experiment in the kitchen. You can even use cabbage leaves to make the wraps.



5. Vegetable chips.

Regular potato chips won’t work on a low-carb diet, but vegetable chips you make yourself at home are fine.

  • Bake your chips in the oven and serve them with sea salt, olive oil, or spices.
  • You can make vegetable chips from zucchini, eggplant, squash, and other foods. Pick your favorites and cut them into bite-size pieces. Kale, spinach, and sweet potatoes all taste delicious as baked chips.



6. Use citrus flavor.

Lemons and limes make great low-carb substitutes for traditional salad dressings and sauces that may have too many calories. A squeeze of lemon or lime can add instant flavor to a salad, soup, casserole, or another dish.

  • You don’t have to worry about carbs with this flavor option. Experiment with it in the kitchen and try adding it to different dishes.



7. Be creative.

The key to staying satisfied with a low-carb diet is to think of creative ways to use healthy ingredients in your kitchen. A simple tomato and lettuce can turn into a fun meal with the right low-carb sauce.

  • Don’t be afraid to try new vegetables, nuts, or seeds on a low-carb diet.


A low-carb diet doesn’t have to be boring or unsatisfying. Use these tips every day to feel full and happy while eating low-carb.


Read and know more about Weight Loss:

8 Tips to Enhance Motivation in Weight Loss

Keto Diet For Weight Loss

Take the step toward a healthier you!
Call 9879 9596 and book an appointment today!




Gut Bacteria and their Effect on your Weight

If you’ve been doing everything else to lose weight without the success, then it’s worth taking a look at your gut health.

We all know that exercise, a healthy diet, and adequate sleep are all needed for maintaining a healthy weight.

Fundamental to good gut health is Gut Bacteria. So let’s look further at their role in weight loss.

Besides this, evidence is now revealing that your gut bacteria also need to be healthy because it dictates how your body regulates and maintains its weight!

This collection of 37 trillion organisms (mainly bacteria) within your digestive tract is known as your microbiome or gut microbiota.

microbiome pictures

Your Microbiome: Fat Burning or Storing? 

While each person’s gut microbiota is unique, clear trends show the gut bacteria in a lean person is different from that in an overweight person.

Healthy gut microbiota in a lean individual is seen as having a diverse range of beneficial bugs, with very few ‘bad’ microbes that disrupt the health of the gut.

Once the gut microbiota is in this healthy state, these good bacteria send messages to the body to maintain its weight within a healthy range.

This means it could prevent weight gain.

Alternatively, the gut bacteria in an overweight person is often shown to have less of these good bacteria.

This imbalance in the gut is a condition known as “dysbiosis”.

In a state of dysbiosis, bacteria begin to act differently: extracting more calories from food, storing more energy as fat, and triggering inflammation within the gut itself.

All of these factors result in the body storing more fat, especially around the waist (known as visceral fat).

probiotic foods

Increasing Your Good Bugs

Therefore, supporting your microbiome to be as healthy, diverse, and free from bad bacteria as possible may be a crucial step in maintaining a healthy weight.

Probiotics are a potent way to positively influence the health of your microbiome, as they work by promoting the growth of beneficial bacteria while reducing the growth of unwanted microbes.

However, it is very important to select the right probiotic strain for your needs, as different strains have different actions and health benefits.

A specific probiotic strain displaying benefit for the microbiome and body weight is Bifidobacterium animalis ssp lactis (B420™).

Evidence shows it improves the health and diversity of the microbiome, decreases the inflammation caused by dysbiosis, and reduces energy uptake from food.

Which together results in overall reductions in weight gain – helping to keep your waist trim.

Your Trim and Terrific Toolkit

Beyond probiotics, employing key diet and lifestyle strategies is also imperative to maintaining ideal body composition:

Regular exercise: such as walking, yoga, swimming, and weights.

This helps to burn fat for energy and can reduce high levels of hormones such as adrenaline that promote weight gain.

Filling up on fruits, vegetables, lean meats, legumes, and healthy fats helps to naturally regulate your appetite and curb cravings.

As a bonus, high fiber foods are the favorite fuel source of your good bacteria!


Take the step toward a healthier you!
Call 9879 9596 and book an appointment today!


Your Wellness Centre Naturopathy Melbourne


8 Tips to Enhance Motivation in Weight Loss

Losing weight requires time and patience because there aren’t any shortcuts. If you need to lose a few pounds, it can take several weeks, unless you choose to follow a really structured program. And significant weight loss goals can require several months or even years.

Keeping your motivation high will make it easier to cope with those tough days when your weight loss goal seems out of reach.

Use these tips to maintain your motivation and shed those kilograms.

1. Place your favorite inspirational quotes on your mirror or refrigerator.

fitness quote

A quick pick-me-up can save the day when your motivation is waning. It can also be an effective way to start your day.

  • Tape a few quotes to the bathroom mirror. Doing the same on the refrigerator door can prevent a dietary lapse.



2. Keep track of your progress.

Keeping track of your progress is motivating and smart. Get to know if your diet and exercise plan is effective by taking regular measurements.

  • There are many ways to track your progress. Find and use the one that motivates you the most.



3. Use weight-loss jars as a visual reminder.

Keeping written records of your weight loss is an effective exercise, simply because it’s difficult to appreciate a 1 kg loss by just looking in the mirror.

Fill a glass jar with decorative stones or marbles. Each one is equivalent to 500g you wish to lose. As you lose weight, move your marker from that full jar to an empty one. It’s exciting to watch the contents of the full jar shrink as you lose weight.


4. Hire a personal trainer.

Getting to the gym regularly isn’t easy. Most of us are skillful at coming up with reasons why it makes sense to stay home.

Knowing that your personal trainer is expecting you at the gym greatly increases your incentive to show up.

A good personal trainer will also track your progress and hold you accountable.


5. Find a workout or weight loss buddy.

Losing weight can be a lonely process.

Considering the obesity rates in first-world countries, there are plenty of others in the same situation. Find a buddy with whom you can communicate on a regular basis.

Ideally, try to find someone to join you for workouts.



6. Purchase new workout gear.

Some new workout clothes and shoes can inspire activity.
If your workouts are falling behind, a new outfit might be just the motivation you need.




7. List your reasons for losing weight.

After a few weeks of dieting, it’s easy to lose track of your original motivation. 

Make a list of all the reasons you want to lose weight.

No reason is too small or petty, as long as it’s true.

Do you want to look better? Enhance your health? Fit into your old jeans? Write it down and review your list regularly.


8. Provide small rewards along the way.

It could be a bad idea to wait until you’ve reached your final goal to reward yourself. Begin with small goals to get yourself started.

Dieting becomes tougher after a while, so give yourself larger rewards as you progress.



Keeping your motivation high is an important part of reaching any weight-loss goal.

Losing weight is a slow process and progress can be difficult to see at times.
Motivation is personal. What works for others might require a little tweaking to be effective for you.

Stay focused on all the great progress you’re making and continue looking forward.

A small amount of attention and motivation each day can keep your spirits and expectations high.

Should you need further help losing weight, do contact us with any questions you might have or you can make a booking for either an online or in-clinic consultation.

We have structured programs available that will help you not only lose weight but stay healthy at the same time!


Read more about weight loss:


A few calories contain a lot of energy, so it takes time. However, there is plenty you can do to move the process along. Adopt a few, small habits and your weight loss can and will be accelerated! Here are 15 ways to help you lose weight faster.

Try these 15 ways to help you lose weight faster…

person holding clear glass cup with half-filled water

1. Stick to no-calorie beverages.

It’s easier to drink a lot of calories than to eat them. Sugary drinks can add a lot of calories in a hurry. The same goes for your morning latte. Water is the best option.

bowl of vegetable salads

2. Eat more fibre.

Fibre can fill you up, stabilize blood sugar levels, and keep you regular.

3. Eat more unprocessed foods.

If you only eat meat, vegetables, fruit, and grains, it’s easy to eat enough to maintain a heavy bodyweight. It’s the man-made foods like pasta, bread, cookies, ice cream, and cheese that usually create an issue.

4. Make vegetables the main course of every meal.

Vegetables are packed with vitamins and minerals, and most have few calories.

5. Track your diet.

Use a diet-tracking app or software to keep track of the foods you eat.

Orange Cat Sleeping on White Bed

6. Get enough sleep.

Those that sleep less than 6 hours tend to have a higher percentage of body fat. Your body doesn’t operate optimally without enough sleep.


silhouette of three women running on grey concrete road

7. Take a morning walk.

Take a tour of your neighborhood or hop on the treadmill. A 20-minute walk can do wonders if done regularly.

8. Move more.

Find ways to add more steps to your day. Park further from the door when you go to work or to the store. Use the stairs instead of the elevator or escalator.

9. Use interval training.

Taking a long walk is great, but it’s even better if you add in a few sprints. Long, easy workouts can burn more calories during the workout, but intense exercise burns calories for hours.

10. Weigh yourself each week.

Keep a spreadsheet of your weight as well as bust, waist, and hip measurements. When you measure these, the changes you see will keep you motivated.

11. Have an appetizer.

Carrots, celery sticks, and salad are good examples. Fill up a little on healthy food before the main course.

person holding babys hand

12. Get a weight loss partner.

You’ll stick to your diet and exercise program better if you have a partner to keep you accountable.

13. Eat mindfully.

Pay attention to your food. Notice the taste, the texture, and focus on the sensation of eating. 

woman holding fork in front table

14. Eat slower.

Chew your food completely.
Drink a full glass of water with dinner. Count to five between bites. Do whatever is necessary to slow down and you’ll eat less.

15. Be careful when eating out.

It’s easier to throw caution to the wind while dining at your favourite restaurant.
Eating at home gives you more control over the situation.

Being successful when losing weight is a steady process.

As well as that, some diets seem to work faster than others. 
However, in our experience, you can lose between 7 and 10 kg in 5 weeks using one of the Weight Loss Programs we run at our clinic.

The 15 ways to help you lose weight faster are some tips to keep in mind not only while losing weight, but when you’re keeping it off as well.
So do keep these in mind when you are after a faster weight loss result!


Read more about losing weight:

Weight Loss Recipes

Naturopathy and your Lifestyle

Weight Loss Challenge


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Does Sleep Help You Lose Weight? 

This is a question worth considering when you are striving to lose weight.

You see, most individuals have experienced the exhausting effects of a poor night’s sleep.

But did you know that not getting enough sleep can actually limit weight loss?

Unrecognizable plus size female in activewear touching folds on belly while standing on blurred background during training in light gym

Sleep’s Connection to Your Weight.

In fact, not getting enough sleep can lead to overeating, particularly in foods that are high in fat, sugar, and salt. And this as we know, adds more weight.

Although you won’t sleep your way into achieving your dream body, a deficiency of quality sleep can slow down your weight loss.

In a study comparing the effects of four hours of sleep per night to ten hours of sleep, after just five days, participants who had missed their sleep gained close to one kilogram.1

So, if you’re somebody who lies in bed for what feels like hours, without sleeping. Watch the clock tick over, as you await sunrise, then you may not be getting enough sleep to facilitate the weight loss you want.
If hundreds of thoughts rush through your mind, then relaxing for a restful sleep is most probably at the bottom of your to-do list.

There are many more factors at play in healthy weight management than your daily food choices and exercise habits, enough sleep is just one of them.


person covering own face

Let’s look at  Sleep Deprivation

Sleep isn’t a luxury, it’s an essential and fundamental factor in your overall wellbeing.

Without enough sleep, you can feel cranky and emotional.

Besides this, you could have trouble thinking clearly, your appetite changes, and your energy plummets.

If you are sleep-deprived, then you can probably relate to this.

Although everyone’s sleep needs may vary, seven to eight hours each night is a recommended goal.

If you’re not sleeping for this amount of time each night, you’re heading into sleep deficiency.

Long-term results indicate that each precious hour of sleep does count!

During a 16-year study, women who slept for six hours each night were 12% more likely to gain at least 13 kg of weight during the study period, compared to women who slept seven hours.

For those who slept no more than five hours, they were a staggering 28% more likely to gain at least 13 kg.2

A good night’s sleep leaves you well-rested, and more energised, AND you won’t be craving foods (particularly those hyper-palatable, weight gaining ones!) for extra energy the next day.

Sleep can impact your desire to eat, but did you realise that when you eat can also affect your sleep?

As well as what you eat, the timing of when you eat matters.

Ethnic woman having stomach ache


Going to bed soon after a meal can make you feel uncomfortably full, keep you awake, and contribute to digestive discomfort (e.g. reflux or heartburn).
Eating too close to bedtime can also increase blood glucose levels, which may make it more difficult to fall asleep.

Ideally, your evening meal should be your lightest meal of the day, and eat at least three hours before bedtime.

Interestingly, having a longer period of time between dinner and breakfast the next morning allows your body adequate time for quality rest, and also supports healthy metabolism, aiding in overall weight management.
The body is an intricate system, and when it comes to sleep and satiety, there are two hormones you and your waistline need to know!

Leptin, the Satiety,  or “feeling full” Hormone

With an important role in appetite and weight regulation, leptin sends signals to your brain to notify you when you’re full and also stimulates fat burning in order to create energy.
Leptin levels increase after eating; and when you sleep, leptin also remains increased until you wake up and your metabolism increases.
Less sleep equals less leptin!

Ghrelin, the Hunger Hormone

The ‘it’s time to eat’ messenger, is called ghrelin. This sends hunger signals to your brain and indicates when to switch from burning energy to storing fat.
Ghrelin levels decrease after eating; and while sleeping, your ghrelin level also remains low. Less sleep equals more ghrelin!

You can now see that it’s not just what you eat, it’s  also how much you sleep that affects the feeling full and hunger hormones


Playing Catch Up

Can you catch up on missed sleep?

Interestingly, people who enjoy a long sleep during the weekend (on average two hours more than during the week) have a significantly lower body mass index (BMI) than those who skipped a weekend snooze. But why wait for the weekend to invest in your sleep?

Free stock photo of afro, afro hair, at home

Make counting Sheep a thing of the past                   

Incorporate these practices for a satisfying slumber:

  • Create a peaceful, dark, and comfortable environment in your bedroom – this space is your sleep sanctuary, treat it accordingly!
  • Avoid stimulants, such as caffeine and sugar, during the afternoon and evening. As an alternative, brew a pot of herbal tea.
    Chamomile tea is a favourite for creating calm. Rich in apigenin, an antioxidant that binds to the receptors in your brain responsible for decreasing stress and initiating sleep.
    Other sleep time brews include lavender, lemon balm, and passionflower.
  • Reserve one to two hours each night before going to bed for relaxation. This could include having a bath, reading a book, practicing gentle stretches, or meditating.
    During this time, limit your exposure to digital screens. These can negatively influence your body’s ability to make your primary sleep hormone, melatonin.
  • Magnificent magnesium (or in this case, magnezium) is essential for hundreds of processes in the body! Deficiency of magnesium is common, particularly in people who experience insomnia, and can further aggravate tension and stress. Therapeutic doses of magnesium can support your nervous system for a restful night’s sleep. 
  • Natural medicines including passionflower, Jamaican dogwood, lavender, and zizyphus are herbal solutions to promote restful sleep.
    Did you know lovely lavender can improve the quality and duration of sleep? And passionflower is particularly beneficial for insomnia and nervous conditions.

Adopting these simple habits can have a profound effect on the quality of your sleep and overall health.

If you’re tired of counting sheep, talk to our naturopath at Your Wellness Centre about implementing your own strategies, for your sleep and your waistline.


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