Keto Diet and Weight Loss


On our Weight loss Ketogenic Diet you will not feel hungry. You feel a lot more energetic and you get great RESULTS 🙂
So Easy to follow too!

For many who want to use a ketogenic (or keto diet as it is commonly called,) or really any diet for weight loss, the timing is a constant challenge: It’s after the holidays, after the festive season, after Easter or after any other huge celebration.
But really the best time to start is when you are thinking about it, which could be right now!

Perhaps your reason is to fit into an outfit you’ve outgrown, a special function you want to attend, a specific health reason or because you just love looking and being the best you can.

In my experience if you find a good enough reason, a good motivating factor, a great structured ketogenic weight loss program that’s easy to follow, then you can do this at any time.

A good way to do this is to use one of our effective ketogenic diets for weight loss because it will allow you to stay healthy, keep energetic, have a clear mind, preserve your own muscle while you burn your own body fat.
Our ketogenic diets include the Ultralite Weight loss Program as well as the Shake it Program.

Feeling good while doing our keto diet, means you will stay on track.

But what is a Ketogenic diet really all about?

In our many years, in fact, 23 years of guiding clients to lose weight efficiently, we have used safe, clean ketogenic weight loss principles.
Along the way, as a bonus we found that the ketogenic diet does have many benefits..
If done right you can expect amazing energy, a clearer head, and all in all, better health!

With this in mind, in this post I will be covering:

  • What a keto diet is all about
  • The power of Ketosis
  • What to eat on our Keto Diet
  • How to use our Keto Diet for Weight Loss
  • Who may not benefit from a Keto Diet
  • What our proven Ketogenic Diet Weight Loss programs will do for you

Let’s start with what a keto diet is all about.

At Your Wellness Centre, we have been using ketogenic diet weight loss programs for the past 23 years with fantastic success.

This means our knowledge of ketosis is based on its science, our experience, and the great results of literally thousands of successful clients.

A good way to get the weight loss results you want, to reach your weight loss goals is to use our effective keto diet for weight loss. This will allow you to stay healthy, keep energetic, have a clear mind, and preserve your own muscle while you burn your own body fat.

Feeling good while doing this, means you will stay on track.

If you are wondering: “is it safe to do our keto diet” let’s look further into what ketosis is and whether our Ketogenic diet could be right for you.

Let’s look at the Power of Ketosis!


Ketosis describes the metabolic state your body reaches when it burns fat, rather than glucose as its main fuel source.

Clinical evidence has shown that keto diet food promotes effective and sustained weight loss through improved fat burning and reduced fat storage.  Besides this, it also preserves your muscle mass and can help maintain healthy blood sugar levels.

When on our ketogenic diet for weight loss, your body will use fat for energy. And we want it to largely be your own stores of body fat.

To allow this to happen, we show you how to limit the intake of carbohydrates which means that there’s less available glucose for your body to use. You will also be shown how to eat enough protein, as well as the best protein foods to choose from.

With limited glucose, the body will now use fats for its needs and convert them into compounds called ketones. It is ketones, instead of glucose, that the body then starts to use as its primary source of energy. This process is known as ketosis.

By avoiding dips in blood sugar levels and maintaining a sense of fullness or satiety, our ketogenic diet weight loss program can help you avoid the mental fogginess and irritability often associated with weight loss diets.

It is possible to achieve a state of ketosis through dietary changes alone.

But, because it does require a bit of planning and organisation, (time-consuming for many), we may also recommend easy ways of incorporating the minimal use of special protein shakes, soups, or snack bars to help with your meals or snacks during those busy times.

Not only are these convenient and simple to use but they can assist you to reach your daily protein and carbohydrate needs as well as help keep you full between meals.

The main aim is to help you maintain muscle mass while losing excess body fat. This means you are more likely to sustain your weight loss long-term.

What do you eat on our Keto Diet?

Our ketogenic diet is quite different from a standard western diet, and different variations of the diet do exist. However, it consists of a specific balance of macronutrients, generally being from:

–  high quality, unprocessed fats such as avocado, nuts, seeds, egg yolks, and coconut;

–  protein, such as fish, tofu/tempeh, or organic animal protein; and

– whole, complex carbohydrates, leafy greens, non-starchy vegetables, legumes, and low fructose fruit (such as berries).

How to use our Keto Diet for Weight Loss

By combining your ketogenic diet with a calorie deficit, the body will use its own fat stores for energy. This means that you will lose weight by losing body fat. And if you consume enough protein you will preserve your important muscle mass!

You may be thinking: “I actually normally struggle to lose weight”.

If this is you, there are underlying issues that may need to be addressed.
The most common issues are insulin resistance, excessive stress, sleep deprivation, or hypo thyroid issues, among others
– If you struggle to lose weight because you have insulin resistance you will also benefit from ketogenic eating, as ketones do not require insulin to create energy.
– If you are someone who responds poorly to low-fat dieting, then the keto diet will help you lose weight.

If you still have questions, do contact us for a consultation to look more deeply into this for you.

Some may not benefit from a Ketogenic Diet?

There will always be exceptions to a method of weight loss and listed below are some of the individuals who may not benefit from using the keto diet, specifically if not under the guidance of their health care practitioner.

These are individuals who may not easily adjust to a ketogenic diet due to conditions that
a) limit the absorption of fats, or
b) limit the conversion of fats into energy.

This may also include individuals who experience:

– Digestive upset when consuming fat-containing meals;

– Inborn mitochondrial conditions;

– Recurrent pancreatitis; and

– Gallstones or have had their gall bladder removed.

– Diabetics will need to be guided as to their suitability to use the ketogenic diet too.

Again, if unsure, do contact us.

Is our Keto Right for You?

Whether it’s for weight loss or enhanced wellness, it’s worth talking to a naturopath at Your Wellness Centre to see if our ketogenic diet will help you reach your health goals.

As a bonus, working with a naturopath at Your Wellness Centre will also greatly increase your ketogenic fat loss success.

Our qualified Naturopaths, will monitor your progress, provide you with support and ensure you maintain a state of ketosis, leading to more effective and sustainable results.
This is because we can help identify any barriers to successfully implementing the diet and create strategies for you to overcome those difficulties.

What are proven Ketogenic Diet Weight Loss programs will do for you:

It will teach your body to burn fat more efficiently, and as an added bonus will also help toxin elimination The aim is to help you remain happy and healthy whilst following the program and thereafter, maintain your results long-term.

Your Naturopath at Your Wellness Centre, can also assist you to set realistic goals and motivate you to achieve them while having the clinical skills to identify and address any health conditions you may have that could impact your ability to reach your goals.

Finally, as with any diet, it’s important to remember that each individual can respond uniquely and that certain diets will suit some more than others.

However, if you feel this diet is right for you, you could soon be joining the many that feel clearer, lighter and more energetic eating keto and losing weight at the same time.

We do recommend regular health checks while using this way of eating for weight loss.

To help you successfully lose weight, make an online booking today. Ring us on 98799596 or contact us at

Remember, at Your Wellness Centre, Naturopaths are here to help guide and motivate you every step of the way to achievable, sustainable results.


The secret of how to burn fat with ketosis in a nutshell:

When you burn body fat you produce chemicals called ketones.
For this to take place your body‘s blood sugar and insulin levels need to be low enough for you to switch to a higher level of fat burning.

When you can measure these ketones in your urine, you know that you are eating the best foods for weight loss as well as burning fat efficiently.

And of course, if we have excess body fat, we end up losing weight, as well as gaining all the other benefits of an improved body composition.

So How do You Get into Ketosis

To burn fat you need to eat the best food for weight loss. This means you must limit *high glycemic load foods to a level where your body will produce less of the hormone insulin and so increase the rate of fact burning.
Eating less food is not the answer. You need to specifically reduce the *high glycemic index, carbohydrate-rich foods in order to “switch on” fat burning.
The best choices are those that comprise a fat burning diet. This will be vegetables (not the starchy ones like potatoes and sweet potatoes) while ones that are higher in carbohydrates like pumpkin and peas should be limited. Fruit is to be limited as well and I’d suggest especially bananas because they are really high in carbs.

However, to maintain a healthy body, you will need to measure your ketones using a keto stick and the reading should be small.

What you need to know to facilitate a Fat Burning Diet:

High levels of dietary carbohydrate foods also known as high glycemic load foods (for example sugars and starchy foods such as bread, rice, pasta, and potatoes), work with the hormone insulin to “switch off” fat burning and increase fat gain. When your insulin levels become too high it promotes the production of excess fat while blocking the burning of fat. So it can become almost impossible to lose fat if you have raised your insulin levels.

A Word of Warning to help you stay in Ketosis

A keto diet is not just about a low carbohydrate diet!
It is wise to make sure you have a variety of good quality different vegetables in your diet if you are to participate in a Keto diet.
Adequate nutrients need to be consumed as well as enough lean protein at each meal. As well as this, you will need good fats to be included too.
Do not skip meals because this is not about starvation and all it does is slow down your metabolism!
Digestive enzymes are highly recommended to maintain efficient digestion.
While a good quality probiotic will help nurture your microbiome (good gut bacteria).

The idea is to lose weight, specifically body fat and not lose body muscle or your health in the process!
The best way to do this is to follow the above principles and have your health monitored in the process!

The effectiveness of a ketogenic diet weight loss plan is that it deals with underlying
metabolic and hormonal issues, making it a critical factor for
with treatment-resistant obesity.

Naturopaths at Your Wellness Centre show you How to Burn Fat and get into Ketosis

With more than 18 years of experience in using Ketogenic Principles to help our clients lose excess body fat.
There are program choices available. And they include

– the Ultralite Weight Management Program
– the Shake-It Weight loss program
FireUpFatBurning – our program you can do at home (
– Specific individualised programs for just you!

For October and November of 2023, we are running a terrific offer which means you can get $50 off the cost of an initial consultation at our clinic when you simply mention the “Fat Burning for 2023” Offer.

For more information or to make a booking,
ring us on 03 9879 9596
Contact us or
Book online

Your Wellness Centre Naturopathy Melbourne