How to balance Hormones naturally

At our clinic we often treat individuals who have an imbalance in hormones.
Using ways to balance hormones naturally is a way to treat common hormonal imbalances such as PCOS, irregular periods, menstrual symptoms, fertility issues and severe menopausal symptoms.

We find that factors such as genetics, stress and environmental toxins are often involved in disrupting hormonal balance. This then leads to a number of health issues.
In treatment, the fact that diet plays an important role in maintaining  hormonal balance is often missed.
If we adopt a holistic approach to nutrition we can positively influence hormonal balance, and thus overall well-being and vitality.
In this post, we look at how to balance hormones naturally with food, because this is a way to balance hormones that is at your fingertips.

Coming to Grips with Hormonal Balance

Hormones act as messengers in the body.
They regulate various functions such as metabolism, mood, reproduction, growth and sleep.
When in balance, hormones allow us to experience vitality and emotional stability.
However, when there is a hormones imbalance, it can lead to a number of health issues. These include weight gain, fatigue, mood swings, and even reproductive disorders. These are issues imortant to Women’ health.

In this post, we’ll go over how you can use the power of nutrition to support good hormone health.

Understanding Hormonal Imbalance

Before looking into dietary ways for balancing hormones, we’ll look at what hormonal imbalance means.

Hormonal imbalance occurs when there is either too much or too little of a particular hormone circulating in the body.|
Common hormonal imbalances in women include oestrogen dominance, insulin resistance, thyroid disorders, and adrenal fatigue.

The Holistic Approach

A holistic approach to balancing hormones, takes into account that body, mind and spirit are connected.
It includes diet and lifestyle factors such as stress management, exercise, sleep and the environment.
This way we are able to address the root cause of hormonal imbalances, rather than just the symptoms.

The Role of Diet in Hormonal Health

Diet plays a key role in hormone production, metabolism, and regulation.
The good news is that you can support your body’s natural hormone balance by including nutrient-dense foods in your diet.
As well as this healthy eating habits are also beneficial.
And so, including whole unprocessed foods provide essential vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and phytonutrients that support hormone production and metabolism. As well as this, excess hormones are eliminated from the body.

Nutrition Strategies for Hormonal Balance

  • Healthy Fats: Include healthy fats in your diet.
    These are in the form of Omega-3 fatty acids, found in fatty fish, flaxseeds, and walnuts. These help reduce inflammation and support hormonal production.
    Also, do include sources of monounsaturated fats, such as avocados, olive oil, and nuts, to promote hormone synthesis.
  • Protein: Protein provides the amino acid building blocks for hormone production and also helps regulate blood sugar levels.
    Choosing sources of protein such as lean meat, poultry, fish, eggs, tofu, and legumes also support muscle growth and repair.
  • Fibre: A diet rich in fibre promotes digestive health and helps the elimination of excess hormones. It especially helps regulate oestrogen levels.
    Include plenty of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and legumes in your meals to support balanced hormone metabolism.
  • Antioxidants: Antioxidants help protect against oxidative stress and inflammation. Both of these can disrupt hormone balance.
    Include colourful fruits and vegetables, such as berries,citrus fruits, cruciferous vegetables, leafy greens, and bell peppers, into your diet to boost your antioxidant intake. These also contain phytonutrients.
    Leafy greens are rich in magnesium..
  • Vitamins and Minerals: Certain vitamins and minerals play specific roles in hormone synthesis and regulation.
    Vitamin D, for example, is crucial for maintaining optimal levels of sex hormones, while magnesium supports insulin sensitivity stress management and thyroid function.
    Include a variety of nutrient-rich foods in your diet to ensure you’re getting all the vitamins and minerals your body needs.

Hormone -Balancing Foods and diet tips.

  • Cruciferous Vegetables: Broccoli, cauliflower, kale, and Brussels sprouts contain compounds that support oestrogen metabolism and detoxification.
    These vegetables can help reduce oestrogen dominance and promote hormonal balance.
  • Berries: Berries are rich in antioxidants and fibre, making them great for hormone health.
    Blueberries, raspberries, and strawberries can help reduce inflammation and support overall hormonal balance.
  • Fatty Fish: Salmon, mackerel, and sardines are rich in omega-3 fatty acids. These have anti-inflammatory properties and support hormone synthesis.
    Aim to include fatty fish in your diet two to three times per week to reap the benefits.
  • Probiotic Foods: Fermented foods such as yogurt, kefir, sauerkraut, and kimchi contain beneficial bacteria that support gut health and hormone metabolism.
    Maintaining a healthy gut microbiome is essential for optimal hormone balance.
  • Whole Grains: Whole grains such as oats, quinoa, and brown rice provide complex carbohydrates and fibre. These can support hormone balance. Choose whole grains over refined grains to maximise their nutritional benefits.

An extra word on Gut Health:

It is wise to look at the importance of good Gut health, because the Gut Microbiome plays an important role in hormone regulation, digestion, as well as immune function.

So not only do we need the probiotic foods as mentioned above, but we also need to include prebiotic foods such as onions, garlic, leeks, asparagus and bananas to feed gut microbes.

We also need to limit processed foods and artificial sweeteners.
When needing antibiotics we should take probiotics to lessen disruption of the gut microbiota.

Environmental Influences:

Toxic chemicals can be found in food, water, personal care products and household cleaners.
These can affect endocrine functioning and hormone signalling.
It is wise to minimise the affect of these.

  • Choose organic produce when able to. This will help reduce the affect of pesticides and herbicides.
  • Filtering drinking water and ventilating indoor spaces can limit exposure to air pollutants and so reduce the influence of toxins.

Balancing hormones with Lifestyle changes

In addition to diet, certain lifestyle factors can influence hormone health.
Managing stress, getting adequate sleep, and staying physically active are all important for maintaining hormonal balance.
High levels of stress are not only able to affect cortisol levels, but can throw other hormones out of balance as well.
There are appropriate natural remedies that can help you cope with stress.
Also, finding healthy coping mechanisms such as meditation, yoga, or deep breathing exercises is beneficial.
Aim for 7-9 hours of quality sleep each night to support healthy hormone production and regulation.
Regular exercise, such as brisk walking, cycling, or strength training, reduce inflammation, and support overall hormone health.

Consulting with a Nutritionist

While dietary and lifestyle changes can be beneficial for supporting hormone balance, it is recommended to consult with a qualified healthcare professional, such as a nutritionist or naturopath, before making significant changes to your diet or lifestyle.
A nutritionist can assess your individual needs, develop a personalised nutrition plan, and provide guidance and support as you work towards achieving hormonal balance.

In conclusion,

Achieving hormonal balance requires a multifaceted approach.

– Diet plays a critical role in hormone health, and incorporating nutrient-dense foods and healthy eating habits can help support optimal hormone balance.
By focusing on whole, unprocessed foods rich in essential nutrients, you can nourish your body and promote overall well-being.

  • Remember to prioritise lifestyle factors such as stress management, sleep, and physical activity, as these also play a crucial role in maintaining hormonal balance.
  • Be wary of environmental factors as well.And do seek guidance from a qualified nutritionist or naturopath if you have symptoms related to hormonal disturbance or have concerns about your hormone health.
    With the right approach, you can take control of your hormonal health and enjoy the benefits of vitality and resilience from within.

The Butterfly-Shaped Gland

The thyroid is an important gland that regulates many of the body’s functions. Located in the front part of the neck, the thyroid produces hormones necessary for metabolism.

You can think of thyroid hormones as the drums in an orchestra or band; they set the rhythm and pace for most of our body’s functions. Disordered thyroid function can upset the whole rhythm of the body.

The Highs and Lows of Thyroid Function

Dysfunction of the thyroid can cause a number of different symptoms. Thyroid problems can affect weight, energy levels, appetite, and mood; but the effects will be different depending on whether the thyroid gland is over-functioning or under-functioning.

Hyperthyroidism is a state of over-activity of the thyroid gland with excessive production of thyroid hormones and an increased metabolic rate – it’s as if the drums that set the rhythm for our bodies have sped up too much and are making everything function too fast. Symptoms of hyperthyroidism can include:

  • Feeling hot and intolerant of hot weather
  • Weight loss
  • Anxiety, restlessness, and insomnia
  • Excessive sweating
  • Increased heart rate
  • Fine tremors of the fingers
  • High blood pressure

Hypothyroidism, on the other hand, is a state of under-activity of the thyroid gland with underproduction of thyroid hormone – as if the drums have slowed down and the beat that is running how our body functions are too slow. When your body does not produce enough of the thyroid hormone, the body’s metabolism slows so much that you can experience symptoms such as:

  • Tiredness and fatigue
  • Depression
  • Irritability
  • Weight gain
  • Intolerance to cold weather
  • Brittle hair
  • Slow heart rate
  • A croaky, hoarse voice

Herbs to Calm The Thyroid

An overactive thyroid can make you feel anxious and restless and can also be a contributing factor to insomnia. A combination of traditional calming herbs may help to manage these symptoms and slow that beating drum that is increasing your metabolism too much. Lemon balm, Rehmannia, Prunella, and Phyllanthus Emblica are traditional herbs with anti-anxiety actions. They also provide anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant protection, reducing the negative effects of oxidative stress and inflammation on the thyroid.

These herbs are available in one convenient supplement, designed to assist in the management of symptoms associated with excess thyroid activity.

Herbs to Balance The Thyroid

On the other hand, an underactive thyroid can make you feel tired, cold, and depressed. To increase the rhythm of the drum and improve the activity of the thyroid gland, you can use a combination of herbs traditionally used to energize and warm the body. Withania, ginger, goji, and rosemary are energizing herbs that improve circulation, warm the body, and are a great source of antioxidants.

As well to these herbs stimulating thyroid activity, there are some vital nutrients required for an under-active thyroid, including:

  • Iodine – Iodine is an essential element for the production of thyroid hormones. Iodine deficiency is common in many areas of the world, leading to the depletion of iodine stores and reduced production of thyroid hormones.
  • Selenium – This trace element has many important roles in the body, including crucial roles as a cofactor in enzymes essential for the production of thyroid hormones.
  • Zinc – Low zinc levels are associated with poor thyroid hormone production and reduced basal metabolic rate.
    This blend of herbs and nutrients is available in one simple tablet to support healthy thyroid function and assist with the symptoms of hypothyroidism.

By combining the wisdom of nutrition and herbal medicine we can assist in the management of thyroid conditions, helping you feel your best.

So if you feel that the orchestra of your body has lost its rhythm, or is functioning too fast or too slow, please come and see us today.




Glenda Johnson, Naturopath
Your Wellness Centre
102A Oban Rd
Ringwood North



Your Wellness Centre Naturopathy Melbourne


Why can’t I get motivated?

Procrastination, it’s a real issue that many of us face daily as we live repetitive lives that leave us feeling lacking something.

So, what causes you to lack motivation?
Is it that you’d rather by lazy? If so, why?
Is it that you are sick of the same thing day in and day out?
Could it be something more than that? Or something you haven’t identified yet?

Brain Mental Health - Your Wellness CentreIt isn’t unusual for mental health, such as depression, stress, anxiety, adrenal fatigue, chronic fatigue or underlying illness to cause you to feel this way. The important thing is to know that you are not alone, there are ways of getting past this and there can be ways to facilitate a better outlook on life.

Holistic medicine has been well known for its ability to identify and treat many facets of our health 
that can often be overlooked or dismissed, as the origin is not always clear.

What can you do to identify you might need help?

When was the last time you spoiled yourself and didn’t feel the need to justify it? If you can’t remember or if your answer wasn’t “last week”, then you might need some guidance.

What do you do to relax? If your answer involves TV and alcohol, perhaps it’s time to have a closer look at what else you could be doing to nourish your soul.

How easy is it for you to get irritated by small things? If you answered anything other than “I don’t”, then you might need to have a chat about why these things bother you.

Managing Stress - Your Wellness CentreDo you feel under pressure or stress more often than not? If you answered yes, then you probably need support to not only cope but to tone your nervous system so it is more resilient to the effects of stress.

Is it becoming increasingly difficult to let things go when you’re presented with a stressful situation?
If yes, you may need help to get through this.

What can holistic therapies, such as naturopathy, do to help?

Naturopathy looks at all aspects of your life; the way your body is functioning, the food you eat, how well you sleep, what you do to relax, your social network, history and family history of illness and disorders. All these details go into creating a comprehensive map of you. When analysing these details, your practitioner can find ways that fit into your lifestyle that will be sustainable to make lasting change.


If this sounds like something that could be helpful for you, contact us, your mental health Naturopath at Your Wellness Centre, (03) 9879 9596 or email


Your Wellness Centre Naturopathy Melbourne


Zinc Food - Your Wellness Centre NaturopathyZinc, with all its important physiological uses, is a mineral many of us are unknowingly deficient in.

Sourced from oysters, beef, and turkey, it can also be found in trace amounts in beans, cashews, almonds, and pepitas (pumpkin seeds) to name a few, but due to the lack of zinc in the soil in Australia, it depends on where the produce is grown to how much it will contain.

Phytates in grains, legumes, and nuts can reduce its absorption, leaving many vegans and vegetarians in need of supplementation.

More than 300 enzymes utilise zinc to facilitate biological processes, such as protein and DNA synthesis, cell division, and signaling.

It is highly concentrated in the hippocampus, which controls homeostasis, so it is no wonder that it can affect so many aspects of the body.

What does Zinc do for you?

  1. Immune function
    Zinc helps activate T lymphocytes (T cells) which benefit immunity in two ways; controlling and regulating immune response and attacking infected or cancerous cells.
  2. Treating the common cold
    With its effects on immunity, it has been shown to reduce the severity and duration of colds when taken within the first 24 hours of symptoms being present.
  3. Wound healing
    By helping maintain the integrity of the skin and mucosal membranes, zinc reduces skin healing times and can reduce the recurrence of rashes, acne, and other integumentary conditions.
  4. Bandage Wound Healing - Your Wellness Centre NaturopathyAntioxidants and anti-inflammation to prevent chronic disease
    A well-known electron donor, zinc has the ability to reduce damage from free radicals and reduce the cascade of events leading to chronic inflammation, which is linked to many chronic diseases such as cardiovascular disease, age-related macular degeneration, Alzheimer’s, and Rheumatoid arthritis.
  5. Reproduction
    Zinc plays a key role in the male reproductive system; it is a key element of the quality of sperm and zinc status in men is ideally monitored up to 80 days prior to conception.
  6. Diarrhoea
    Zinc supplementation has been shown to be an effective treatment of diarrhoea and prevents future recurrences.
  7. Coping with stress
    During times of stress, and chronic stress states, the need for zinc increases as well as its elimination meaning the need for it in the diet or supplemented is increased.

What are some of the signs of Zinc deficiency?

With such a big role to play in so many facets of our health, it can be a difficult deficiency to identify.

Amongst some of the symptoms are:

  • Mood and Depression - Your Wellness Centre NaturopathyReduced or abnormal smell or taste
  • White spots or brittle nails, cracks and splits on fingertips
  • Poor appetite
  • Skin conditions; acne or eczema
  • Reduced or altered cognition; brain fog
  • Reduced mood, mild depression
  • Poor wound healing
  • Hair loss

What else can affect Zinc levels?

Other than reduced zinc consumption through dietary means, malabsorption and chronic illness such as diabetes, malignancy, liver disease, or sickle cell disease can reduce zinc levels. The consumption of alcohol in excess can lead to deficiency.

Taking prescribed diuretics increases the secretion of zinc and can aggravate zinc deficiency.

Can you have too much Zinc?

Excessive zinc can lead to toxicity, which causes adverse effects such as nausea, abdominal cramping, diarrhoea, and headaches.

Copper and iron levels may also be affected by the use of zinc supplementation or when consuming zinc-containing foods, it is recommended to consume separately from meals to reduce competition.

If you would like to know more about whether you’re suffering from a zinc deficiency, or if zinc is the right supplement for you, and more information about dose and interaction, contact our mental health Naturopath to discuss your options, call 9879 9596 and book an appointment today! 


Your Wellness Centre Naturopathy Melbourne


Water Therapy - Your Wellness Centre NaturopathyWater therapy has been used for centuries as a spiritual activity in sacred rivers such as the Ganges, utilising such techniques as neti (Sinus washing), steaming the body, sweating, enemas, saltwater emesis and drinking warm or mineralised water, all with the goal of detoxifying or purifying the body. The people of Japan have used medicinal bathing, utilising the volcanic waters with differing ionic content, all with different healing capabilities. Ancient Greece and Rome used Healing temples, Asclepieia, often sourced from forest and mountains springs as a hospital of sorts, claiming they held great healing energies.

Hydrotherapy as a medical treatment was still being utilised by medical doctors until the mid-20th century in the United States of America and is still being used by Naturopathic practitioners in the US, India, Britain, Germany, and other European countries.

It was a core aspect of Naturopathic Education and practice up until the dawn of the 21st century here in Australia.

Many of us utilise modern-day water therapy; mineral baths, spas, and saunas, with an anecdotal understanding of their benefits and uses, and many of us understand the benefits of detoxifying the body and promoting elimination when we’re sick or feeling run down, using steam and increasing water consumption.

What does Hydrotherapy do for the body?

Hydrotherapy - Your Wellness Centre Naturopathy

(© il-fede – Fotolia)

The basis of all holistic treatments is to bring the body into specific physiological limits that respond optimally to changing conditions. Hydrotherapy can facilitate optimising these responses when appropriately prescribed and utilised.

Targeted mechanisms:

  • Autonomic Nervous System regulation
    The home of our sensory and motor neurons, this is where homeostasis is maintained and operates without conscious control, it is responsible for the regulation between the fight-or-flight (sympathetic nervous system, SNS), and the rest-and-digest (parasympathetic nervous system, PNS). Many of us spend more time in the SNS.
  • Body temperature regulation
    The body’s core set point of 37c relies on conduction, convection, radiation, and evaporative cooling mechanisms and utilises internal heat production as well as heat gain or heat loss from external sources.
  • Cardiovascular system
    Changes in osmotic pressure directly affect the movement of fluid within the body, temperature changes also affect this – warming tissues promotes blood vessels to dilate, whereas cooling causes contraction.
  • Lymphatic movement
    It is primarily controlled by muscle contraction, joint movement, and chest movement when inhaling. It acts as a filter for interstitial fluid and initiates specific responses against microbes and abnormal cells. To read more about the importance of lymphatic movement for mental here, click here.

How does it work?

  • Thermal effects: the stimulation of temperature change on the surface of and within the body.
  • Mechanical effects: the change of hydrostatic pressure in the interstitial space via emersion or delivery of water under pressure to the skin surface.
  • Electrical effects: the use of water to convey current to or through the body, with potential effects similar to electroacupuncture.
  • Chemical effects: ubiquitous internal effects with ingestion, but also useful as a solvent for delivering herbs or minerals, or for its cleansing effects.

What are some Ailments that benefit from Hydrotherapy?

  • detox - Your Wellness Centre NaturopathyLocal acute inflammation – such as a sprain, strain, injury or insect bite.
    Stimulates or restricts blood flow to the area. Reduces inflammation and pain. Relieves congestion and swelling. Increases white blood cells migration to the area to support healing.
  • Poor peripheral circulation. Cold hands and/or feet.
  • Sluggish or underperforming digestive function.
  • Hypertension.
  • Insulin resistance.
  • Obesity and overweight.
  • Immunity.
  • Pain in joints, tender points or movement.
  • Detoxification and elimination.
  • Skin conditions such as psoriasis or dermatitis.

If you’re interested in Hydrotherapy or would like to know more about how it could benefit you, speak with Lisa at Your Wellness Centre.

Take the step toward a healthier you!
Call 04 0271 6556 and book an appointment today!


Your Wellness Centre Naturopathy Melbourne


The best time of year to use a Keto Diet for Weight Loss is now! 

For many who want to use a keto diet for weight loss the timing is a constant challenge: It’s after the holidays, after the festive season, after Easter.

In my experience if you find a good enough reason, a good motivating factor, a great structured ketogenic weight loss program that’s easy to follow, then you can do this at any time..
Perhaps your reason is to fit into an outfit you’ve outgrown, a special function you want to attend, a specific health reason or because you just love looking and being the best you can.

A good way to do this is to use our effective keto diet for weight loss because it will allow you to stay healthy, keep energetic, have a clear mind, preserve your own muscle while you burn your own body fat.

Ketogenic Diet Weight Loss - Your Wellness Centre NaturopathyAnd since you may be wondering “is it safe to do our keto diet” let’s look further into what ketosis is and whether our Ketogenic diet could be right for you.

When on our ketogenic diet for weight loss, your body will use fat for energy. And we want it to largely be your own stores of body fat.
To allow this to happen, we show you how to limit the intake of carbohydrates which means that there’s less available glucose for your body to use.
You will also be shown how to eat enough protein, and the best protein foods to choose from.

With limited glucose, the body will now use fats for its needs and convert them into compounds called ketones.
It is ketones, instead of glucose, that the body then starts to use as its primary source of energy. This process is known as ketosis.

What do you eat on our Keto Diet?

Ketosis Weight Loss Keto salad - Your Wellness Centre NaturopathyOur ketogenic diet is quite different from a standard western diet, and different variations of the diet do exist. However, it consists of a specific balance of macronutrients, generally being:
50% of calories from high-quality, unprocessed fats such as avocado, nuts, seeds, egg yolks, and coconut;
30% of calories from protein, such as fish, tofu/tempeh or organic animal protein; and
20% of calories from whole, complex carbohydrates, leafy greens, non-starchy vegetables, legumes, and low-fructose fruit (such as berries).

How to use our Keto Diet for Weight Loss

If you combine your ketogenic diet with a calorie deficit, the body will use its own fat stores for energy. This means that you will lose weight by losing body fat. And if you consume enough protein you will preserve your important muscle mass!

What if you normally struggle to lose weight?

– If you struggle to lose weight because you have insulin resistance you will also benefit from ketogenic eating, as ketones do not require insulin to create energy.

– If you are someone who responds poorly to low-fat dieting, then the keto diet will help you lose weight.

– Of course, if you struggle to lose weight there may be other underlying factors that need to be addressed so do contact us for a consultation to look more deeply into this for you.

Is it safe to do a Keto Diet?

There will always be exceptions to a method of weight loss and listed below are some of the individuals who may not benefit from using the keto diet, specifically if not under the guidance of their healthcare practitioner.

These are individuals who may not easily adjust to a ketogenic diet due to conditions that limit the absorption of fats, or conversion of fats into energy.
This may include individuals who experience:

– Digestive upset when consuming fat-containing meals;
– Inborn mitochondrial conditions;
– Recurrent pancreatitis; and
– Gallstones or have had their gall bladder removed.
– Diabetics will need to be guided as to their suitability to use the ketogenic diet too.

Is our Keto Right for You?

Whether it’s for weight loss or enhanced wellness, it’s worth talking to a naturopath at Your Wellness Centre to see if our ketogenic diet will help you reach your health goals.

As a bonus, working with a naturopath at Your Wellness Centre will also greatly increase your ketogenic success.
This is because we can help identify any barriers to successfully implementing the diet and create strategies for you to overcome those difficulties.

Finally, as with any diet, it’s important to remember that each individual can respond uniquely and that certain diets will suit some more than others.
However, if you feel this diet is right for you, you could soon be joining the many that feel clearer, lighter, and more energetic eating keto and losing weight at the same time.

We do recommend regular health checks if you use this way of eating for extended periods of time.

To help you successfully lose weight, make an online booking today. Ring us on 98799596 or contact us.

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Your Wellness Centre Naturopathy Melbourne


Travelling over these Holidays?

Furtherest from your mind I know but a little bit of holiday first aid won’t go astray!

You see it’s possible to pick up a gut infection or even nasty virus while you’re away so having some support is a great idea.

Immune system support 

We can help you with good quality vitamin C, Zinc, Echinacea, Super Mushroom complex and some of the key herbs and nutrients to help support your Immune system.

– Digestive system support for traveling overseas is recommended just in case you get food poisoning or catch some sort of stomach bug.

So to support your gut while traveling, something like a probiotic or a good herbal formula to help reduce your risk of bacterial or parasitic infection is great.

– Stomach Bugs. If you do end up on antibiotics while you’re away specific probiotics strains will help reduce antibiotic-associated diarrhea and also protect your gut bacteria from the antibiotic. Besides this there are a  number of herbs that have antibacterial and anti-parasite action in the digestive system and these can help reduce your chances of catching a stomach bug.

Just Keep Moving

– Try to keep moving so your exercise doesn’t fall by the wayside (even a ten-minute walk will do ).

– If you have a pedometer lying at the back of your top drawer – it may be time to get it out so that you can aim for about 10,000 steps a day.

– Include a Christmas Day morning walk and what about adding a walk around the block after your Christmas feast. Nice time to check out the neighbourhood gardens and Christmas decorations.

– What about even going out to the park to play with the new toys with the kids.

Tempting Food

You don’t have to miss out, but it is worth taking these ideas on board:

– Watch your food portion size.  Perhaps use a smaller plate.

– Even chewing your food really slowly and waiting about 20 minutes after finishing your meal to see if you really want seconds.

– Carbohydrates, the starchier the better, seems to be the catchphrase for Christmas. These carbohydrates are really just sugars in disguise, so try to limit these.

– Besides this, over Christmas, it’s virtually impossible to avoid real sugar.

And while enjoying your second serve of trifle, it’s easy to forget that sugars are easily converted to fat and that sugar can also affect stress and the immune system.

– So reach for some beautiful cherries or stone fruit and try to avoid snacking on chocolates and biscuits and cakes and ice cream and lollies and all those Christmas items that at this time of the year are so easily accessible.

You want this to be a fun time, not an “I feel so sick” time.

Stress Overload and Sleep Deprivation

These tend to be pretty normal at this time of year.
– So worth noting that elevated stress (last minute shopping, sprucing up and decorating the house and garden because you’re doing a huge lunch this year) can affect your quality of sleep which isn’t good for your waistline. Research shows that lack of sleep will increase your appetite and also influence the number of calories you consume. So try to pace yourself.

Stress Helpers

Withania is a great herb to use in times of stress. It will calm an agitated nervous system and give a bit of an energy boost. With this being the case it might just be the herb you need to help you through the festive season and all the preparations you have to do before Christmas.


Magnesium (or Christmas Magic) is natures relaxer. Most of us are deficient in magnesium and it is the second most common deficiency in the Western world (after Zinc) It helps stress it helps sleep as well as anxiety and it’s a great mineral to take over the Christmas. And any stressful time of the year.

So now I feel you are pretty well equipped with ’first aid’ knowledge to have a lovely holiday….

Take the step toward a healthier you!
Call 9879 9596 and book an appointment today!

Book on Line Here



Your Wellness Centre Naturopathy Melbourne


Tired All the Time and Lost Your ‘Get Up and Go?’

Lack of energy can often be misunderstood, especially when diagnostic procedures (such as blood tests) do not show any imbalance in your body.

If you are tired all the time, don’t accept this as normal.

Tired all the time? It could be your Mitochondria.

Your Wellness Centre Naturopathy - Energy - MitochondriaWhen you’re feeling tired, it is important to consider whether you have the nutrients required for optimal energy. If you’re not providing your body with the nutrients it needs, it can be hard to jump out of bed feeling refreshed. The energy powerhouses within your body are known as mitochondria; and are present in almost all of your cells. During a busy day, your mitochondria produce all of the energy you need, however, producing energy relies on a steady stream of nutrients. If your mitochondria do not receive adequate nutrition, they cannot perform at their best!

7 Nutrients to overcome Fatigue

When your body needs energy, it calls on the following nutrients to keep you energised:

  • Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10): is a vital nutrient used by your mitochondria in the process of energy production. It also protects against daily damage.
  • Magnesium: helps your body transform the food you eat into energy. Once created, units of energy must also bind to magnesium before they can be used by the body.
  • B group vitamins: enter the mitochondria, where they are used to synthesise energy, and assist the mitochondria.
  • D-Ribose: This is a very special 5 carbon sugar that helps make up ATP or energy in the body. Taken as a powder it helps directly fuel the energy pathways in our most vital tissues such as heart, brain, and muscles significantly improving fatigue.
  • R-alpha lipoic acid: This is a powerful antioxidant that protects the mitochondria against free radical damage, supporting cellular energy production. It works with B vitamins to more efficiently convert carbs, fats, and protein into fuel.
  • N-Acetyl Cysteine: One of the building blocks of our bodies’ master antioxidant Glutathione.
  • Acetyl-L-Carnitine: brings fats into your mitochondria to burn for energy.

Want To Be Bursting With Energy?

Energising yourself also means creating a diet and lifestyle that supports your energy stores:

  • Fresh veggies and nuts - Your Wellness Centre NaturopathyEat foods rich in unrefined and unprocessed carbohydrates, protein and fat; the primary ingredients for energy production.
  • Avoid stimulants such as caffeine, which can drain your energy and deplete vitalising nutrients including your B vitamins. Sleep for seven to nine hours each night.
  • Destress by spending time in nature, meditating and having fun!

“Being busy and feeling stressed, places
increased pressure on your mitochondria.”

  • Exercise four to five times per week. Exercise stimulates your body to make new mitochondria, resulting in more energy!
  • When feeling very fatigued, go for a regular walk, swim or yoga class which will be beneficial for your energy levels than staying sedentary.

Time to Rediscover Your Spark

Free yourself from fatigue! If you’re ready to be energised, talk to your Wellness Centre’s Fatigue Naturopaths today about The Energy Program and the necessary nutrients to create more energy, and how to investigate the factors that could be driving your fatigue.
Providing a strong foundation for energy production will set you on the path to a refreshed and re-energised you.

Talk to your Ringwood Naturopath at Your Wellness Centre today!
Ring 9879 9595

Contact us Here.


Your Wellness Centre Naturopathy Melbourne


Your Wellness Centre Naturopathy - Gut ToxicityThe identification of bowel toxicity followed by effective treatment is invaluable to many patients. Current dietary and lifestyle practices have produced an increasing number of health disorders caused by a malfunctioning digestive tract and toxicity that results from it. We start by looking at the causes of toxic bowel syndrome also referred to as Gut Toxicity.

The causes of toxic bowel syndrome are as follows:

1. Perhaps your digestion of protein is not as good as it could be due to excessive consumption and lowered stomach acid production.

2. Intestinal overgrowth of anaerobic bacteria – (bacteria that don’t need oxygen to survive) often due to maldigestion.

3. Insufficient healthy gut flora. – aerobic bacteria are necessary for healthy gut function.

4. Maybe there’s something missing in the diet.  Perhaps you lack things like glutamine, vitamins A, B12, folic acid, B5.   These nutritional deficiencies will cause the breakdown of the gut barrier and its ability to recover.

It’s then possible to have what is now known as leaky gut. Here the Intestinal lining could be damaged resulting in holes that allow the entry of increased levels of molecules from the gut into the bloodstream. Because these molecules are able to cause unwanted actions you could end up with problems like poorly functioning liver or liver damage and widespread inflammation in the body. Irritation, inflammation, or damage to the intestinal mucosa results.

5. Oral antibiotic therapy: Many individuals report having Thrush after taking antibiotics. This is because of the Candida overgrowth that often occurs after antibiotic therapy. Besides this, antibiotics actually disturb natural bacterial growth, causing overgrowth of putrefactive and other bad bacteria.

6. Saccharin sweetened beverages: These can lower the production of important enzymes from the pancreas and then result in poor digestion. Undigested food particles pass to the colon, resulting in more bad bacteria and increased toxicity.

7. High-stress lifestyles can cause the slow down of digestive processes producing chronic poor digestion and bowel toxicity.

8. High sugar diets: When complicated with drugs, hormones and other immune disturbing practices can cause overproduction of not only Candida but also other putrefactive or bad bacteria.

9. Over-eating: this is too much for the digestive system and a lot of undigested food particles pass into the colon, producing more toxic or putrefactive bacteria.

10. Food sensitivities and allergies: For example, casein, gluten, yeast, and other chemicals can trigger immune responses from elements in the gut. The result is the food and allergic reactions experienced by some individuals.

11. Gastrointestinal infections and infestations (bacterial, fungal, parasitic, and viral): Produce severe diarrhea, breaking down the balance of normal gastrointestinal flora.

12. Autoimmune Diseases: For example, the New England Journal of Medicine has documented that the absorption of colonic bacteria from the small intestine produced an auto-antibody cross-reaction with receptors in the brain causing Myasthenia Gravis.

Symptoms of Gut Toxicity include:

Bloating, flatulence, tiredness after eating, brain fogginess, aches and pains in the joints, diarrhoea, abdominal cramps, drowsiness after meals, constipation, halitosis, fatigue, failing memory, constant tiredness, candida infections.

Conditions that may result from the above processes are:

  • Gall stones and constipation
  • Coeliac disease
  • Diverticulitis
  • Gastric Ulcers
  • Hypochlorhydria
  • Inflammatory bowel disease
  • Crohn’s disease
  • Pancreatic insufficiency
  • Irritable Bowel Syndrome
  • Scleroderma

The above list emphasizes the importance of identifying toxic bowel syndrome. The cascade of related health disorders that may occur as a result of toxic bowel syndrome dramatizes the importance of both assessment and treatment of this disorder.

Correction of toxic bowel syndrome is especially important to those patients requiring nutritional support to alleviate their health problems since toxicity can interfere with the proper utilization of nutrients.

To Reverse Gut Toxicity:

This requires specific antimicrobial or antiparasitic treatment, healing of the gut, and replacing the noxious bacteria with those which are beneficial to good health.

How Long will it take?

Treatment time depends on your response to our approach.

Removal of the toxicity takes could take from 2 weeks to 6 months. Really severe cases have been known to take between 1 and 2 years.

How Will You Benefit?

Freeing the gut of toxicity and improving leaky has far-reaching effects on your future health.

You will feel so much healthier, some clients describe a feeling of lightness, “I haven’t felt this good for at least five years” and “I just feel so much more energetic”, are frequent expressions of appreciation.

Contact us or ring 98799596 for more information or to make an appointment.


Your Wellness Centre Naturopathy Melbourne


Digestion for most of us is not even thought about when we eat.

It is only when we start having digestive issues that we think about this topic at all.

Digestion is the breakdown of large insoluble food molecules into small water-soluble food molecules so that they can be absorbed through the small intestine into the bloodstream.

When thinking of digestion, most of us simply forget that it starts in the mouth. So very important to really chew your food well and allow it to mix with the enzymes in our saliva.

Simply put digestion is both a mechanical and chemical process.

Process of Digestion

Firstly, there is the breakdown of food, into macronutrients, such as protein, carbohydrates, and fats, and micronutrients such as vitamins, minerals, and phytochemicals. 

Then the process is continued with the release of hydrochloric acid in the stomach and a variety of enzymes throughout the digestive tract. 

If this process is efficient then the majority of vitamin and mineral absorption will occur in the small bile from the gallbladder, and pancreatic enzymes from the pancreas further assist with digestion. 

Once absorption has taken place, there are still some fibrous and fluid-based contents that pass into the large intestines where further water absorption occurs. What is left is discarded by excretion via the rectum and anus.

For many, this process does not occur as efficiently as described. And many may experience discomfort after eating either a portion of food that does not agree with them or simply when they overeat.

Symptoms could range from reflux and heartburn to abdominal pain, bloating, or cramping.

In the case of reflux and heartburn, it is common to reach for the pharmaceutical antacids such as Mylanta and Gaviscon for quick relief.

Of course, we will suggest natural remedies to help the problem.

Natural Remedies to Help Digestion

1. Apple cider vinegar may help to support digestion.

2. Digestive enzymes or supplements containing hydrochloric acid help to assist digestion too. 

3. Certain herbs such as gentian, fennel, coriander, cumin, cardamom, and ginger can be helpful if we have overeaten or have sluggish digestion.

4. Bitter foods are particularly good to stimulate digestion, try including rocket, endive, chicory, or cabbage. Lemon, garlic, ginger, and apple cider vinegar, are great additions to salad dressings and stir-fries to help digestion.

As you can see digestive support is as close as your kitchen pantry!

Common Causes of Digestive Discomfort

This can occur due to overeating, eating too fast, poor diet, eating foods to which we have an intolerance or sensitivity, a lack of hydrochloric acid or enzyme production, or lack of bile production. 

Mostly it is because of poor diet, or food sensitivities. 

Certain foods are more likely to cause problems after eating them.  These are generally processed foods, wheat, dairy, sugar, and fried foods.  Coffee and alcohol are common culprits too. 

How can we Avoid Digestive Issues?

Limiting foods that are known to cause problems in the digestive tract, such as wheat, dairy, caffeine, refined sugar, processed food, and alcohol, is recommended. 

Instead choose a whole-food diet of foods that are as close to nature as possible – vegetables, fruit, lean grass-fed/organic beef, free-range chicken, wild-caught fish, legumes, nuts, seeds, and healthy fats.

Keeping a food and related symptom diary or even trying an elimination diet may be helpful to identify which foods may be aggravating your digestion.

As suggested above, chew thoroughly and eat slowly – if you don’t break down your food properly in the mouth, it gives the rest of the digestive tract more work.


Of course, give us a call on 9879 9596 or contact us to help you with any other digestive problems you may have.


Your Wellness Centre Naturopathy Melbourne