
So Let’s look at Inflammatory health conditions.

The simple cold, depression, and hayfever are all inflammatory health conditions

However, there is something more unusual that connects the three.

Surprisingly enough,

All three are influenced by your gut microbiome, the microorganisms that call your digestive tract ‘home’.

You may be wondering how these tiny gut inhabitants could have any effect on your respiratory system or brain.

In this article, we will find out how your gut influences these seemingly unrelated areas, as well as how to prevent your gut from making you sick, sad, or inflamed.

Your Gut and Immune System Work Hand-in-Hand

Your immune system’s main job is to defend you from pathogens (disease-causing microorganisms).

Since pathogens are typically inhaled or swallowed, it makes sense for the immune system to concentrate on your respiratory and digestive tracts.

In fact, 70% of the immune system is housed in your gut.

It lies beneath the lining of your intestines, ready to spring into action if a pathogen enters your gut, to try to prevent you from getting sick.

By contrast, some bacteria have a positive influence on your immune system.

A healthy gut microbiome interacts with the intestinal immune system in ways that increase your body’s immune defenses.

A microbiome out of balance, which does not contain high amounts of beneficial bacteria, is less likely to help you resist infection, including colds and flu.

Fortunately, certain types of probiotic bacteria improve the bacterial balance in your gut, with beneficial flow-on effects for your immune system.

Lactobacillus rhamnosus (LGG®), Lactobacillus paracasei (8700:2), and Lactobacillus plantarum (HEAL 9) all stimulate the immune system and improve resistance to infection.

In fact, the combination of 8700:2 and HEAL 9 has been shown to reduce the severity and duration of common cold symptoms.

If you struggle with frequent colds and flu, it is wise to find out How to Heal Your Gut. And so, working with a naturopath at Your Wellness Centre to strengthen your gut microbiome may help.

‘A healthy gut microbiome interacts with the intestinal immune system in ways that increase your bodys immune defenses.

However, a microbiome out of balance, which does not contain high levels of beneficial bacteria, is less likely to help you resist infection, including colds and flu (click here to read more about your gut microbiome).’

Where Does The Overactive Immune System fit in?

Another possible consequence of poor gut bacterial balance is inflammation, a key feature of autoimmune (e.g. rheumatoid arthritis) and allergic diseases (e.g. hayfever).

In these conditions, the immune system misidentifies harmless substances as threats and stimulates an immune response against them.

The resulting inflammation creates the symptoms you associate with allergy and autoimmunity, e.g. a blocked nose and watering eyes in hayfever, or joint pain and swelling in rheumatoid arthritis.

Fortunately, certain probiotic strains, namely LGG® and Lactobacillus paracasei (LP-33®), can stimulate your immune system to produce anti-inflammatory compounds, reducing inflammation and symptoms.

For example, research in hundreds of people has shown that LP-33® significantly improves hayfever symptoms.
Interestingly, LGG®, when taken during pregnancy and breastfeeding, can reduce the incidence of eczema (an inflammatory skin disease) in children, by supporting the healthy development of the gut microbiome and the immune system.

If your immune system is in overdrive, to reduce symptoms, find out How to Heal Your Gut. Making an appointment with a Naturopath at Your Wellness Centre for this, will help bring it back into line.

The Gut and Inflammation have been linked with depression.

You know the “butterflies” in the stomach or knots in the stomach feeling when you are nervous?
Well this has led researchers us to connect the gut and inflammation with depression.
And more and more, research is finding inflammation in the body as well as the brain as an unexpected cause of depression.  

Also, the interaction between bad gut bacteria and the immune system can cause inflammation.

We also now know that the inflammatory chemicals released in your gut can also cause an inflammatory response in your brain?

If gut inflammation can influence mood, you may be wondering if specific probiotics can improve mood or reduce the symptoms of depression.

While this is a hot topic in scientific research, we do not currently know which specific probiotic strains can influence mood.

However, a good start in supporting a healthy mood is taking steps to heal your gut and reduce inflammation in the body.

What we do know is maximising your gut health, e.g. eating plenty of fibre-rich whole foods (your gut bacteria’s preferred food), can also increase the numbers of good bacteria, which is the best way to influence your mood via your gut.

If your bacterial balance has become disrupted due to a stomach bug, antibiotics, or other causes, strains that support beneficial bacteria, such as LGG®,

Saccharomyces cerevisiae var. boulardii, and Bifidobacterium animalis ssp lactis (BB-12®) may help improve the composition of your gut microbiome.

Great Health Starts in the Gut

By interacting with your immune system, your gut bacteria influence your ability to resist infection, reduce inflammation, and maintain a healthy mood.

If you are wondering whether your gut may be making you sick, sad, or inflamed, make an appointment with a natural healthcare practitioner at Your Wellness Centre today.

Together, you can assess your bacterial balance, and make a plan to improve your specific symptoms.


Abdominal Cramping, Bloating, Flatulence, Constipation, and Diarrhoea

Since we often see clients who have abdominal cramps along with either bloating, constipation, diarrhoea or flatulence, we thought we’d look at the connection between abdominal cramps and these types of digestive issues.

We’ll start by looking at your stomach which is one of the hardest working systems in your body.
The action of your stomach is to digest food and extract nutrients to sustain you.
However, if something disturbs this, digestive symptoms such as those mentioned above can result.

While many of these are normal, others may indicate something more serious.
Understanding these symptoms and their implications is important for maintaining overall wellness.


Bloating Flatulence Constipation Diarrhoea - Your Wellness Centre Naturopathy

Normal, Everyday Symptoms:

Transient Belly Bloating

Occasional bloating, which is a sensation of fullness or swelling in the abdomen can result from dietary changes or larger meal portions, leading to trapped gas. Chewing food thoroughly, having smaller meals, and aiming for a moderate carbohydrate and fibre intake can help reduce bloating.


Passing gas is normal, and is influenced by diet and gut bacteria. Moderating intake of certain foods, particularly, refined processed foods can reduce flatulence.


Health Caution - Your Wellness Centre Naturopathy

Symptoms That Require Attention:

Chronic Constipation

Infrequent bowel movements and difficulty passing stools often accompanied by discomfort, may indicate insufficient fibre intake or dysbiosis (an imbalance in the types and levels of gut bacteria).

Additionally, chronic constipation is associated with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), a condition that affects the function of the bowel.
Increasing fibre-rich foods, including fruit and vegetables, and drink enough water, as well as prebiotic and probiotic supplements can aid in relieving constipation.


Frequent, loose or watery stools that occurs more than three times daily may mean infection or conditions like irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) or inflammatory bowel disease (IBD).
Seeking professional diagnosis and treatment is required for managing these conditions.
However, if your symptoms are associated with antibiotic use, we supply Metagenics Ultra Flora Intensive Care, which may help to restore healthy intestinal bacteria and relieve diarrhoea.

Malodorous Gas

Imbalances in gut bacteria can lead to smelly gas. Probiotic supplements containing specific strains may help restore a healthy balance.



Gut Pain - Your Wellness Centre Naturopathy

Abdominal Cramps or Pain

Sharp, dull, stabbing, cramp-like, or twisting pain in your abdomen.
Different types of abdominal pain can have various causes, the most common being gas pain, food intolerances or allergies, or indigestion. Abdominal pain can also be a sign of something more serious, including appendicitis, gallstones, ulcers, infections, kidney stones. Persistent or severe abdominal pain needs to be addressed by a healthcare professional.


The Connection Between Abdominal Cramps and Digestive Symptoms

Abdominal Cramps often occurs together with one of these: Bloating, Constipation, Diarrhoea, or Flatulence.

Abdominal Cramps and Bloating: Bloating, characterised by abdominal swelling, often accompanies abdominal cramps due to trapped gas in the digestive system. Dietary choices and underlying digestive issues can contribute to both symptoms.

Abdominal Cramps and Constipation: Infrequent bowel movements and difficulty passing stools are common issues associated with abdominal cramps. Insufficient fibre intake and poor bowel habits can exacerbate both constipation and cramping.

Abdominal Cramps and Diarrhoea: Loose stools and frequent bowel movements often coincide with abdominal cramps, indicating disturbances in the digestive system. Infections, dietary triggers, and gastrointestinal conditions can contribute to both symptoms.

Abdominal Cramps and Flatulence: Excessive gas production and abdominal cramps can occur due to imbalances in gut bacteria and dietary factors. Managing flatulence often involves dietary modifications and addressing underlying gut health issues.

Identifying Common Causes and Effective Management Strategies

As mentioned above, several factors contribute to the development of abdominal cramps, bloating, constipation, diarrhoea, and flatulence.
Dietary triggers such as high-fat foods, food intolerances, and excessive consumption of gas-producing foods can aggravate digestive discomfort.
Additionally, lifestyle factors like stress, inadequate hydration, and sedentary habits can impact digestive function and contribute to cramping.

The Impact of Gut Health:

Maintaining a healthy gut microbiome is important for digestive health and overall well-being. Imbalances in gut bacteria, known as dysbiosis, can disrupt digestive processes and contribute to symptoms like abdominal cramps, bloating, constipation, and diarrhoea.
Supporting gut health with probiotics, prebiotics, and dietary modifications can help restore balance and reduce symptoms.

Managing abdominal cramps and their associated symptoms requires an approach tailored to individual needs.
Dietary modifications, such as increasing fibre intake, staying hydrated, and avoiding trigger foods, can help alleviate digestive discomfort.
Probiotic supplements, digestive enzymes, and lifestyle changes like stress management and regular exercise can also support digestive health and reduce cramping.

Seeking Professional Guidance

Persistent or severe symptoms accompanied by other warning signs need professional treatment. Diagnostic tests can help identify underlying causes and lead to appropriate treatment options, ensuring personalised care for individuals experiencing digestive discomfort.


Understanding the connection between abdominal cramps and digestive symptoms is crucial for effective management and overall gut health. By addressing dietary, lifestyle, and gut health factors, individuals can alleviate symptoms and improve their quality of life.

Remember to consult a healthcare practitioner at Your Wellness Centre for personalised professional guidance and optimal digestive wellness.

If you regularly experience one or more problematic symptoms, particularly if they’re new or getting worse, consult with a Natural Health Practitioner at Your Wellness Centre for further investigation to devise an individualized comprehensive plan of attack that is suitable for you.

Our healthcare practitioners have a suite of testing available to investigate the driver behind your symptoms.

A stool analysis test enables us to identify all of the bacteria and other microorganisms that inhabit your gut and how they contribute to your gut function and digestive symptoms.

You can read more about MetaBiome™ testing here.


Your Wellness Centre Naturopathy Melbourne