
Weight Loss

With a few more rays of sunshine peeping through, you may be thinking of losing a kilo or two. By simply paying attention to a few habits you may achieve a better result when you undertake the weight loss program of your choice.

Your Wellness Centre Naturopathy Weight Loss

Real food eaten in the right amounts helps efficient Weight Loss

1. Eating Without Thinking

Have you ever eaten a chocolate and at the end of it realise that it disappeared really fast? This could be because you did not pay attention to the process of eating it. You may even dive into biscuits or nibbles while preparing the evening meal and then constantly taste while you cook.

Address these habits by practising mindful eating. Keep a daily record of every single thing you eat. Eat only when you actually sit down at a table and do so without watching TV or reading. Chew really well and enjoy each bite.

2.  Life is too Busy

You don’t have the time to cook good food, so a quick calorie laden takeaway will do.

If you have a range of other reasons or excuses, then list them all and think of ways you can overcome them.

For example, if you lack time, then cook a big batch of nutritious food and divide it into portions to enjoy during the week. Perhaps buy ready cut up veggies.

3. You Skip Breakfast

Your Wellness Centre Naturopathy Weight Loss

Traditional Breakfast – bread, cheese, eggs, and milk

Having regular meals keeps your metabolism going throughout the day, supplying you with abundant energy. You will also find that your mood and memory improve too.

If you have to leave for work really early in the morning and don’t have time to eat before leaving home, try to have breakfast first thing when you get to work.

By taking these few tips on board, you are sure to be successful with your weight loss.

If you would like more tips on losing weight, simply contact us. We regularly help clients lose weight through a variety of ways.

The Ultralite program, Shake it program and HCG programs of weight loss are regularly used at our clinic.

Simply ring 9879 9596 to find out more or contact us here.


Your Wellness Centre Naturopathy Melbourne


What is Metabolic Syndrome?

Are you struggling to lose weight?

It may well be as a result of Metabolic Syndrome, also known as Syndrome X.

Metabolic Syndrome is the name given to a collection of symptoms and medical signs that occur together in the same patient. These Include:Your Wellness Centre Naturopathy - Cardiovascular Health - Metabolic Syndrome

  • Insulin resistance
  • High levels of the hormone insulin
  • High Blood fat
  • High blood sugar
  • High blood pressure
  • High cholesterol
  • Fat accumulation around the abdominal area

These signs act as a warning sign that you are heading on a path towards serious chronic diseases such as diabetes and heart disease. The first sign of Metabolic Syndrome is excess fat around the middle. Even if your waist measurement is only just over 80 cm if you are a woman, or more than 94 cm if you are a man, you could be increasing your risk of some serious complications.

Metabolic Syndrome has been described as a modern epidemic. In Australia, it is estimated that one in three people over the age of 25 years has Metabolic Syndrome. People with Metabolic Syndrome are three times more likely to develop cardiovascular disease and up to five times more likely to develop type 2 diabetes compared to healthy people.

What are the Causes of Metabolic Syndrome?

For hundreds of thousands of years, humans have lived and thrived with a life of enforced physical activity, with a diet based around fresh lean protein, nuts, fruits, and vegetables. Our bodies now struggle to maintain balance in the face of modern dietary and lifestyle challenges where there is a constant supply of calories, high sugar and high-fat foods combined with a lack of daily exercise. The causes of Metabolic Syndrome are all within your control and include things like:

• Sedentary lifestyle – i.e. lack of exercise

• High carbohydrate diet

• Poorly managed stress

• Genetic factors such as a family history of diabetes or heart disease

• Cigarette smoking

The Good News!

The good news is we can help you change the course of your health to lead a happier, healthier life. We can help you with some simple recommendations, such as:

Your Wellness Centre Naturopathy - Cardiovascular Health - Metabolic Syndrome• A low carbohydrate eating plan that is high in lean protein and rich in healthy fats may improve fat burning, weight loss and help you achieve and maintain a lean body composition. Talk to us today about meal replacement options to initially help you to lose fat while you adapt to a new way of eating.

• Regular aerobic exercise will encourage weight loss, reduce cholesterol levels and reduce blood sugar levels.

• Stress management techniques, such as yoga and meditation are a great way to nurture your mind. Remember, poorly managed stress is one of the causes of Metabolic Syndrome!

• Along with a healthy lifestyle and diet, there are many nutritional and herbal supplements that we can recommend for you to help address the causes of Metabolic Syndrome.

Make Positive Changes Today!

Many people do not recognise the symptoms of Metabolic Syndrome and therefore do not seek out healthcare advice to help them turn the tide on this dangerous condition. Don’t let this be you! If you, or someone you know, may have Metabolic Syndrome, contact us today for a check-up. Do not miss out on the opportunity to learn about positive dietary and lifestyle changes you can make today to get you back on track and prevent a future of debilitating disease.

Take the first step towards a healthy future today. Ask us about Metabolic Syndrome and the ways to change from a future of chronic disease to a future of health and vitality. Prevention is the best medicine!

Ring  98799596  and make an appointment with one of our naturopaths to see if you are at risk!


Your Wellness Centre Naturopathy Melbourne


The common colds can be caused by over 200 different viruses that infect areas of the upper respiratory tract including the nose, throat, sinuses, Eustachian tubes, trachea, larynx, and bronchial tubes.

Your Wellness Centre Naturopathy - Colds

Colds can be treated really effectively with natural medicines and if the immune system is supported colds can be prevented.

Infection generally occurs when an individual’s immune system is depleted or weak. The immune system is our defense against the bacteria, viruses, cancer cells, and allergens that attack our bodies and make us feel sick.

It consists of white blood cells, lymph glands and vessels, and various other body tissues. If the immune system weakens, its ability to defend the body also weakens, allowing pathogens, including viruses that cause common colds and flu, to grow and flourish in the body.

Typically, adults get one or two colds per year and it is not uncommon for children to get them more frequently. Colds are self-limiting, lasting from 7 to 10 days.

Symptoms may include a sore throat, head congestion and headache, fever and watery eyes, cough and sneezing, as well as general malaise, aches, and pains. These symptoms are similar to symptoms of allergies except that allergies do not cause fevers or infections.

Sometimes a cold may lead to more serious conditions such as bronchitis, pneumonia, or influenza (flu). Influenza is sometimes confused with a cold, but flu causes much more severe symptoms and generally a fever. As the common cold and the flu are caused by viruses, prescription antibiotics cannot cure a common cold or flu.

The health of the immune system plays an integral role in the body’s susceptibility to colds and flu. Keeping the immune system in good shape with a healthy lifestyle may include a program of optimal nutrition, regular exercise, stress management, and ensuring good quality sleep.

As well as avoiding harmful chemicals and pollutants such as tobacco, excessive amounts of alcohol and refined sugars, all of which can impair the immune system.

Strengthening a weakened immune system may help prevent catching a cold or the flu. Nutrients that may aid the enhancement of the immune system include the antioxidant vitamins A, C, and E, and the mineral zinc.

Herbs such as Andrographis, Echinacea, and Olive Leaf,  are all useful in both the prevention and alleviation of cold and flu symptoms.

Nutritional Considerations


• Plays a central role in the immune system and intake is essential in maintaining the integrity of the immune system.
• Functions as an antioxidant and can stabilise cell membranes.
• Crucial for the normal development and function of the cells that mediate non-specific immunity.

People who are deficient in zinc may be more susceptible to various pathogens and therefore to colds.


Vitamin CYour Wellness Centre Naturopathy Olive Leaf

• Plays an important role in the approach to natural immune enhancement.
• Acts as an antibiotic and antiviral through improvement in resistance.

Vitamin C is well known for its effects in reducing the frequency, duration, and severity of the common cold. It is important to supplement with vitamin C at the onset of symptoms as the levels of vitamin C in the body are quickly depleted during the stress of an infection.

Vitamin A and E

Vitamin A has been shown to stimulate and/or enhance numerous immune processes.
Vitamin E enhances immunity.

Herbal Medicine


• Effectiveness in humans is focused on the common cold.
• Clinical studies in bacterial and viral respiratory infections demonstrated positive effects, implying an immunostimulant action.
• There is also some evidence that Andrographis might increase antibody activity


Your Wellness Centre Naturopathy Echinacea Purple Cornflower• Commonly used for upper respiratory tract infections, such as the common cold and influenza because it is reported to have antiviral and immune system stimulatory effects.
• Has an inhibitory effect on inflammation and on the growth of bacteria, viruses, and fungi which is based on the stimulation of controlling elements of our immune system.

Olive Leaf

• A bacteriostatic and antioxidant.
• Useful in the irritation of the mucous surfaces of air passages and of the alimentary tube.

Diet and Lifestyle

Ways to reduce the spread and contraction of infection:
• Wash hands frequently

• Rest at least 6 to 8 hours each night
• No smoking
• Ensure adequate hydration (1-2 liters of water daily)
• Eat a diet rich in fruits and vegetables
• Avoid refined sugar and simple carbohydrates

Contact us to find out more about Cough and Colds.


Your Wellness Centre Naturopathy Melbourne


A biological marker of ageing is considered universal. By this, it is meant that it will occur to most people as they age.

At Your Wellness Centre, we take these biological factors into consideration in our Vitality, Longevity and Anti-Ageing Program, and go about slowing the rate of their occurrence.

Any anti-aging strategy needs to include reversing the biological markers of ageing. There is a great range of variability in ageing. Some people age quickly, others more slowly.

The markers are a broad list of physiological changes but they can all be related to one single factor – excess levels of the hormone insulin.

Some Biological Markers of Human Ageing are:

Markers that Increase with Age

  • Insulin Resistance
  • Systolic blood pressure
  • Percent body fat
  • Lipid ratios

Markers that Decrease with Age

  • Glucose tolerance
  • Aerobic capacity
  • Muscle mass
  • Strength
  • Temperature regulation
  • Immune function

Contact us to find out more about out Vitality, Longevity and Anti-Ageing Program.
Take the step toward a healthier you!
Call 9879 9596 and book an appointment today!


Your Wellness Centre Naturopathy Melbourne - Ageing


Top 5 Tips for Staying Healthy This Winter

1. Boost your diet
Eating foods that are high in vitamin C will help keep your immune system strong, so include fruit and veggies such as lemons, kiwi fruit, capsicum and broccoli in your weekly shop.

If you’re struggling to get the recommended two serves of fruit and five serves of veggies each day, try juicing them. We recommend making juices that consist of two-thirds vegetables and one-third fruit. A blend of carrot, beetroot, spinach, and lemon is a stress-busting combination that will boost your immune system.

Ensure your diet also includes plenty of lean meats, fish, poultry, low-fat dairy, legumes, whole grains, nuts and seeds, and use lots of herbs and spices.

2. Exercise regularly
Cardoviascular Exercise - Your Wellness CentreIt’s vital to keep your workout regimen up during winter, with a recent study showing that a moderate level of regular exercise has a long-term cumulative effect on immune response.

A recent study reported that participants who went for a brisk walk several times a week reduced the number of sick days they took by about 40 per cent.

Regular aerobic exercise, five or more days a week for more than 20 minutes a day, rises above all other lifestyle factors in lowering sick days during the winter cold season.

But don’t go overboard. Overly strenuous exercise releases the stress hormone, cortisol, in the body, which can weaken the immune system.

3. Stay connected
Socialising helps strengthen your immune system by keeping you active and reducing your stress levels, so avoid the temptation to rug up on the couch all winter.

Invite friends over for dinner or host a games night, visit local museums and art galleries, wrap up warm and go for a walk in the park with your family or plan a cinema date with your partner.

4. Get some sunshine
During the winter months, vitamin D levels fall to their lowest in most people. Make it a priority to get out into the sunshine for at least 5 minutes per day between the hours of 10-2pm. Vitamin D is essential for your immune system and can help you fight off colds and flu.

5. Sleep well
Lack of sleep can have a serious effect on your immune system, making you more vulnerable to catching colds. A study from Brazil found a lack of sleep can result in a substantial decrease in the white blood cells that help to fight infection in the body.

Create a relaxing bedtime routine, such as listening to soft music or soaking in a warm bath. Avoid watching TV or using your computer just before bedtime and turn the lights down low an hour before you turn in for the night, as it will boost the release of melatonin in the brain. (Melatonin is that natural brain chemical that comes alive when you need to sleep).

Also try to go to bed and get up at the same time every day, even on weekends.

Take the step toward a healthier you!
Call 9879 9596 and book an appointment today!


Cancer is a life-altering experience for the person involved, as well as their close family and friends. However, it doesn’t occur overnight. In reality, cancer is the manifestation of a chronic disease that has been developing over time, with many factors contributing to its onset and progression.

The good news is that there is a multitude of supportive and preventative measures available that can help you transform fear into understanding and empowerment, leading to a happier, healthier state of wellbeing.

The Seed and Soil of Cancer

As far back as 1889, an English surgeon, Stephen Paget proposed the ‘seed and soil’ concept – that the spread of cancer depends on cancer cells, “the seeds”, and the environment in the body, which he called “the soil”. It can take the body many years to produce the “soil” or environment that is just right for cancer to flourish. Cancer may develop when changes occur inside the cell and when coupled with the appropriate internal environment, the cancer cell can proliferate in an uncontrolled manner.

Seed and Soil - Your Wellness Centre Naturopathy - Cancer
More than 100 years later, the “seed and soil” concept still holds true; it is both the health of individual cells and the environment in the body that may determine whether cancer may develop or not.  By taking active steps to improve our health, we have the potential to alter the environment in our bodies, reducing the risk of chronic disease and maintaining long-term health.

Prevention is Best Practice

You may be surprised to hear that genetics accounts for only 5-10% of cancers.
Research studies have shown that healthy diet and lifestyle factors have favourable effects in reducing the incidence of many cancers, challenging us to modify our diet and lifestyle for disease prevention.

The Protective Power of Herbal Medicine

The protective actions of particular herbs used in disease prevention are well documented. Key herbs can support the body’s resistance and resilience to chronic disease such as cancer. They provide anti-inflammatory, anti-carcinogenic and antioxidant actions which are all beneficial in supporting the health of our cells:

    • Green tea: Oxidative stress has been shown to damage the DNA in cells and can play a role in promoting cellular dysfunction implicated in tumour development. EGCG (epigallocatechin gallate) is found in the leaves of green tea and is a powerful antioxidant which can protect against degenerative diseases. It may also be beneficial in preventing the cellular changes seen in cancer development.
    • Turmeric - Curcuma - Cancer - Your Wellness Centre NaturopathyTurmeric: Curcumin is the active constituent of turmeric. This powerful antioxidant and anti-inflammatory herb have been widely researched for its anti-carcinogenic actions.
    • Resveratrol: Resveratrol is a phytochemical that is found in certain plants, in particular grapes. It has been shown to be an effective anti-inflammatory and inhibits the growth of a wide variety of tumour cells.
    • Yerba Maté: This herb has a long history of use as a tonic and stimulating drink in South America. It protects against oxidative damage, can promote energy production and increases antioxidant defences.

Food Can Produce or Reduce Inflammation

The typical Western diet may actually promote inflammation; high amounts of sugar and refined carbohydrates break down quickly into glucose and have been shown to induce inflammatory changes that are linked with many chronic diseases. In some susceptible people, foods such as dairy products and gluten-containing grains can trigger an inflammatory response.

Diet and Lifestyle Tips for Long-Term Health

The following diet and lifestyle recommendations can help keep your cells and your body healthy for the long-term:

  • No smoking - Cancer - Your Wellness Centre NaturopathyQuit smoking: Smoking is carcinogenic so make it a priority to quit smoking for disease prevention and anti-aging.
  • Minimise exposure to environmental toxins in the household and workplace.
  • Make stress management a priority and ensure you are getting a good night’s sleep. Ask us about our Stress Less program for support during stressful periods.
  • Obesity and inactivity have been linked to cancer, so stay active and maintain a healthy weight.
  • Get moving! Just 30 minutes of movement and exercise enhances wellbeing and can help with disease prevention.
  • Cancer cells are said to be ‘addicted’ to sugar as they are fuelled by glucose. Minimise your intake of processed, refined foods to maintain healthy blood sugar balance.
  • Eat a diet rich in fresh fruits, vegetables, and cancer preventing antioxidants.  Choose organic food where possible as it provides higher levels of protective nutrients.
  • Drink pure, filtered water preferably from glass or BPA-free bottles.

Empowered for Health

Consider cancer in a new light and accept the challenge to take responsibility for your health. Herbs and nutrients, together with a healthy diet and lifestyle may well be the ultimate tools for disease prevention.

  • References available on Request.

We can help support you during the Stress of Cancer.
Take the step toward a healthier you!

Call 9879 9596 and book an appointment today!

Your Wellness Centre Naturopathy Melbourne