Weight Loss Challenge

The Get ready for Summer – Weight Loss Challenge.

Great for you if you’re determined to:

  • Get meaningful Weight Loss results
  • Have more Energy?
  • Fit into that great outfit that no longer fits?
  • Enjoy the festive season.
  • Look and feel better than you have for a while.

So if you’d like all this in a super-supportive environment,
Take advantage of our 5-week challenge to become a healthier version of YOU!

Here’s what you can expect:

  • Weight loss in the range of 6 to 10 kg in 5 weeks!
  • You’ll blossom as you work towards successfully reaching your goals.
  • Feel a sense of pride and accomplishment when you reach that weight loss goal.
  • Feel the bounce in your step as you ooze vitality and confidence once more.
  • Starting now means that you no longer have to worry about your weight.
    You’ll have more time to focus on other health aspects and hobbies when you’ve reached your goal.

There will be Prizes for the person who loses the biggest percentage of body fat and the person with the best before and after photo.

We’ll include giveaways throughout the 5 weeks, and we’ll provide Facebook support in a special group as well as daily motivational tips.

Mostly, we want to make your summer weight loss fun and enjoyable.


  1. Enroll in the program between now and Tuesday, November 12th to start on Thursday, 14th November.
  2. Book your initial Body Composition analysis and a follow up after 5 weeks.
  3. You’ll come in for a weekly weigh-in and progress review.
  4. We’ll take before and after photos at your initial and final Body Composition appointments. (These photos won’t be published without your consent.)
  5. Choose to do one of our 3 programs (see below).
  6. The winner will be announced 19th December (at the end of the 5 weeks)

This challenge entails a supervised weight loss program that includes commitment and involvement.
You are supported throughout so that you stay motivated!
Each program includes membership in the special FaceBook support group as well as motivational emails.

There are three (3) Program options

Program 1

Includes 2 x Body Composition Analyses (test to measure your % body fat + more) valued at $118

  • before and after photos
  • weekly motivational emails 
  • membership of our special Facebook group for further support.
  • Far Infra-red sauna session $59

This is suitable if you are already seeing another practitioner, doing another program, or need the motivation to implement strategies you’ve used in the past.
If you don’t have a practitioner, we encourage you to do this with a friend, partner or work colleague to be held accountable for measuring a weighing (which is included in program 1 &2).
You also get 10% off any products purchased from our clinic during the 6 weeks.

Program 1 Fee costs $149 (Valued at over $300)


Program 2

Ultralite Weight Management Program

This program involves 3 meals you weigh out and prepare yourself, a special Ultralite drink you have in-between meals (to reduce hunger and appetite and assist fat burning), and quick urine check each morning to ensure you are in fat-burning mode.

Typical weight loss is 2.5-5kg the first week then 1-2 kg per week thereafter.
You are weighed and measured weekly to keep up motivation and compliance.
It’s a really well-structured program with fast results.
The program comes with a comprehensive instruction manual, great recipes, and great support.
Clients report reduced appetite and cravings and fantastic results.
For more info see www.ultralite.com.au.

The 5-week package includes:

  • Initial Naturopathic assessment and explanation of program – Up to $180.00 value
  • Program manual with recipes, tips, and instructions – RRP $35.00
  • Initial assessment. This includes a test that measures health parameters including fat %, lean muscle, cellular health, and fluid distribution. The information gained can assist your practitioner in personalizing your plan. – value $59.00
  • Follow up assessment- $59 value
  • All the nutritional formula you need for in-between snacks (4 daily) – for 5 weeks RRP $336.00
  • Measuring sticks to measure your level of fat burning  $14.95
  • Habit Relief Formula drops to reduce cravings and appetite- value $32.95
  • 4 Follow up consults. Each session focusses on a specific area to support successful weight loss- value $356
  • Far Infra-red sauna session $59
  • before and after photos
  • weekly motivational emails 
  • membership of our special Facebook group for further support.

Some extras on Private Health cover UltraLite as a weight-loss option. This includes BUPA, Australian Unity, CBHS (Commonwealth Health Fund), CUA, HBF, HealthCare Insurance and Health Partners. 

Cost: $695 for 5 weeks (valued at over $1130)**


Program 3

This is our popular Shake-It program.
You have one meal replacement (e.g. a breakfast shake, a high protein meal bar, or a soup) a day.

  • You also have 2 meals each day consisting of protein (e.g. eggs, meat, fish or chicken) and
    Your choice from a selection of vegetable or salad options.
  • Two snacks.
  • Typical weight loss is around 2 kg the first week then 1 kg per week thereafter.
    It is easy to follow and does not involve measuring and weighing of food.

The 5-week Package includes:

  • Initial Naturopathic consultation and explanation of the program
  • 4 follow up sessions
  • ‘Your Shake-It Guide” with instructions and tips
  • A Health Journal to record your meals and data
  • One Ketobar (A high protein meal replacement) – available in Cherry Coconut, Caramel or Vanilla
  • Initial assessment of fat, muscle, and information to set realistic goals (valued at $59)
  • Follow up-to assess progress after 5 weeks
  • 2 x Tubs of Metagenics ‘Shake-It” – High protein, low carb chocolate or vanilla meal replacement
  • Shake It Shaker
  • 10% off any product purchases during the 5-week program
  • Specialised probiotic to assist with weight loss 
  • Shake-It Recipe Book
  • Ketostix to measure your level of fat burning
  • Far Infra-red sauna session $59
  • before and after photos
  • motivational emails 
  • membership of our special Facebook group for further support.

Cost: $795 (valued at over $1200)**

To make things easier for you, we are working on a PAY as YOU GO option.

More about this soon!

How can I book in?

Give us a ring on 9879 9596 or book online choosing the Weight Loss Option.
We do require a $50 booking fee which is non-refundable.

Still not sure what program you want to do and want to speak to someone first?

Make time for a 15-minute complimentary session with our Naturopath to discuss the best program for you and get started! Book a time by calling us on  98799596 or click here to send us a message.

The Prize Winner!

The main prize winner will be decided by our panel at Your Wellness Centre (calculated on most body fat % loss in the 5 weeks).

Thought I’d add who this is not for:
a)  Not for those who want a quick fix.
b)  Not for those who are not prepared to fully participate.
c)   Not for those who are not prepared to commit to their own health and wellbeing!

Sorry, but I’m here for your success and if you have any mixed feelings that relate to a,b, or c , you just won’t get results and you will be sadly disappointed.



Your Wellness Centre Naturopathy Melbourne


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