
It requires a complete lifestyle change. Your shopping, cooking, and eating habits are modified in clean eating. 

However, it’s worth making the change because you will improve your health. 

Your diet matters greatly. Changing your diet can help you reduce your own medical expenses. 

benefits of clean eating

There are multiple benefits to the clean eating diet: 

1. Lose weight. By focusing on healthy, whole foods and cutting refined products out of your diet, you can lose weight. 

  • Whole foods have more nutrients than refined and processed ones. This helps control your hunger, so you can make healthier food choices throughout the day. In addition, smaller portions and meals help cut down on extra calories. 

2. Enjoy clearer skin. By eliminating the chemicals and additives in processed foods, you’ll enjoy clearer skin. 

3. Enjoy more energy. Clean eating encourages you to combine proteins with carbohydrates and fats. This meal plan gives you more energy on a daily basis. 

4. Strengthen your immune system. Clean eating cuts out the refined sugars and unhealthy fats that can drag you down. The addition of herbs and spices also helps boost the immune system. 

5. Uplift your mood. The study, “On carrots and curiosity: Eating fruit and vegetables is associated with greater flourishing in daily life,” found that adding more fruits and vegetables to the diet makes you happier. 

6. Sleep more soundly. One study found that diet is tied to sleep patterns, and other studies show a connection. Eating clean can help you sleep better by regulating your metabolism and blood sugar.

If you’re eating clean, then you’ll notice several health benefits. Although it’s a diet plan that can help with weight loss, there are also other advantages.

Clean eating is a powerful way to improve your body and nurture your mind.


“The single greatest lesson the garden teaches is that our  relationship to the planet need not be zero-sum and that as long as the sun still shines and people  still can plan and plant, think and do, we can if we bother to try, find ways to provide for  ourselves without diminishing the world.” – Michael Pollan


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Low-Carb Hacks

15 Ways To Help Lose Weight Faster


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The basic guidelines for eating clean are easy to follow and include a promise to avoid processed foods in the diet.

Refined foods have been increasing in number since the 1940s. Today’s supermarkets and grocery stores are filled with many processed options. However, eating clean will help you avoid the health risks that come with eating processed food!

Try these guidelines for eating clean:

1. Focus on whole foods in your diet.

Whole foods are items like an entire apple or piece of lettuce. They’re not processed or refined, and there is no long list of ingredients with strange names on their labels. 

  • Eating straight from a farm is the ideal way of avoiding processed foods. However, this isn’t an easy option for everyone, so there are other ways to get whole foods. 
  • Focusing on organic produce is essential. Whole foods grown without pesticides or other chemicals are the best option. Organic items are becoming more popular, so more local stores are carrying them. 
  • The goal of clean eating is to eat raw food as often as possible. Fresh bananas, ripe cherries, and green kale are preferred over muffins, pancakes, or chips. 
  • The clean eating plan replaces white flour with whole grains. You can use bran, quinoa, amaranth, and other popular grains in your cooking to create delicious meals that your family will adore. 

2. Get rid of canned and bagged items in the kitchen.

An easy way to start a clean eating diet is to remove all of the canned and bagged items in the kitchen that are not whole foods. 

  • Canned soups, vegetables, and fruits aren’t part of the clean eating plan. The cans can have Bisphenol A (BPA), a chemical capable of disrupting human hormones. 
  • Avoid packaged lunch meats and crackers because they’re usually filled with additives and chemicals. 

3. Reduce the amount of sugar in your diet.

The clean eating plan recommends reducing the sugar in your diet, but it can remain in some healthy forms. For example, fresh fruit is an acceptable food. 

  • Eliminate artificial sweeteners. Artificial sweeteners supply empty calories that aren’t part of the clean eating plan. These sweeteners include aspartame and saccharin.
  • High fructose corn syrup is another source of sugar that is not recommended. 
  • Natural sources of sugar can stay in your diet in small amounts.

4. Eat more fresh fruits and vegetables.

It’s important to experiment with new fruits and vegetables, so your diet has variety. Have you tried passion fruit with your breakfast or added kiwi to your lunch?

  • Organic and fresh items are the best choice for a clean eating plan. 

5. Eat more nuts and seeds.

Nuts and seeds are important sources of protein and other nutrients. They can give you more energy and strengthen your health. 

  • From pecans to cashews, your diet will benefit from the addition of nuts and seeds. 

6. Add healthy fats and get rid of trans fats.

Trans fats are not nutritious, and they are considered the worst category of fat.

  • Many processed foods contain trans fats. They’re common in baked goods like cookies and fried foods like French fries. Trans fats can wreak havoc on your cholesterol levels by increasing the bad cholesterol while decreasing the good one. 
  • Healthy fats such as avocado oil are better for your body. They can improve cholesterol levels and help those who have diabetes. 

7. Enjoy low-fat, organic dairy products.

It’s not easy to cut dairy for some people, and the clean eating plan allows low-fat organic products. 

  • Hormone-free dairy products are best, and many organic items will indicate this. 

8. Avoid foods with complicated ingredient names.

Many processed items have long ingredient lists filled with puzzling names. 

9. Organise your meals into five or six parts per day.

Try smaller, but more frequent, meals. 

  • This plan will help improve your metabolism while keeping you full longer. In addition, it helps avoid dangerous blood sugar spikes.  

10. Learn to mix carbohydrates, protein, and healthy fats at every meal.

The best clean eating plates have a combination of carbs, protein, and fats. This also helps you feel full and gives you energy.  

Whole foods are at the heart of the clean eating diet. It’s essential to focus on raw and fresh ingredients at every meal. 

The elimination of processed foods will help you discover new foods that are healthier. 

Your meals can be filled with a variety of fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, low-fat dairy, and fresh meats. Once you’ve replaced packaged and refined items with healthier options, you’ll notice a positive change in the way you feel. 


Read more about Eating Clean:

Clean Eating Involves 

Guideline To Clean Eating


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Natural Appetite Suppressants You Can Eat Every Day

Do you avoid pharmaceutical appetite suppressants because of the many serious side effects? If so, you’ll be glad to discover that there are certain foods and spices that can help you lose weight by naturally suppressing your desire to overeat.

Consider trying these natural ingredients in your diet:


1. Ginger doesn’t have many calories, but it has a strong, pleasant flavor, and helps you avoid overeating. It’s a popular addition to meals and teas. Ginger root and ginger tea may help you lose weight.

  • You can add it to smoothies, juices, and other drinks, and can also be part of curries or other spicy dishes. You can even eat slices of crystallized ginger.
  • It has fiber, amino acids, and other nutrients that promote health. It also has anti-inflammatory properties that may reduce the risk of some diseases such as diabetes or cardiovascular issues.



2. Avocado. You may benefit from its monounsaturated fat, which has natural appetite suppressant properties. Avocadoes can make you feel full, so you’re less likely to crave other foods or overeat.

  • Avocado is a healthy choice that has good fats. Although there are many calories and fats in avocados, they are a healthier option than junk food and sugary treats.
  • Consider adding a slice of avocado to your toast in the morning. You can also add it to salads and smoothies or use it as a base for sauces and dips. You can add avocados to pancake batters, quiches, omelets, pizzas, or sandwiches. A slice of avocado on a piece of bread with meat, cheese, and tomato tastes delicious.


cayenne pepper

3. Cayenne pepper. Research shows that cayenne pepper and similar strong spices may suppress appetites and help weight loss. One study found that using cayenne pepper can make you eat fewer calories.

  • The chemicals in cayenne pepper may help boost the metabolism and make you feel less hungry. They may also help burn fat in the body.
  • Cayenne pepper can be added to your meals as you cook. It can be sprinkled on salads and added to soups. It can top almost any dish in moderation.


apples on the table

4. Apples are an inexpensive and convenient way to suppress the appetite. The fiber and pectin in apples can make you feel full, so you’re less likely to stray from your diet and overeat. Plus, you can enjoy these other appetite-suppressing characteristics of apples:

Apples taste sweet without an enormous amount of calories, so they can feed the craving for sugar without resorting to eating a box of doughnuts.

  • Apples take more time to chew than other foods. This gives your body the time to process what you’re eating and send signals to your brain that you’re full faster. They have also been shown to help regulate blood sugar levels in the body.
  • The multiple varieties of apples also keep things interesting, and you’re less likely to get bored if you eat different types. So, the next time you’re wondering what to eat, grab an apple from the kitchen!

Enjoy these natural appetite suppressants as you diet. Keep in mind that exercise and a generally healthy overall eating plan are also important for losing weight.


Read more:

How to Strengthen the Immune System Naturally

Healthy Habits that Help the Immune System


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Call 9879 9596 and book an appointment today!

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Are you looking for a way to get in shape and stay there? If so, the latest fad diet might be tempting! However, before you take the plunge, heed these important precautions for success to investigate your new diet. It could make the difference between one more failed attempt and sweet success.

Regardless of the diet, you choose the only proven way to lose weight and keep it off is by burning more calories than you consume in a single day. It really is that simple. Keep this in mind when evaluating your diet.

Diving into a diet that drastically alters your food intake will cause your weight to roller coaster up and down. This is extremely unhealthy! It can cause stress on your internal organs and upset important processes such as your metabolism and control of insulin.

Sharp changes in diet shock the system, both physically and mentally, and pose a significant challenge in maintaining your weight loss regimen.


Diet in Moderation

Prominent experts in health and wellness, including most physicians, would agree that the safest and most effective way to lose excess weight is to maintain a balanced diet, exercise on a regular basis, and cut calories at a modest pace.

To enable your body to perform at its peak while losing weight, reduce your daily calorie intake by no more than 500 to 1000 calories. This will prevent you from entering a starvation mode that forces your weight to plateau.

The best strategy is to adjust your food in moderation, exercise regularly, and get enough sleep so that you feel well-rested. This way, you’ll shed 1 to 2 pounds per week, which is considered a healthy loss of weight.

If you wish to become involved in a diet or weight loss program, it’s important to ensure that the program is the right one for you based on your current health needs. When you find one that’s right for you, more likely to enjoy the success you desire!


Here are some critical considerations for any diet:


1. Personal Support.

Changing your eating habits when you’re alone makes it extremely easy to backslide and walk away. Find out if the program offers online tracking, support counselors, group accountability, food journals, activity logs, and more to track your progress. With the right tools, you can be your best advocate.

  • What kind of support system would you like to have?
  • Who can help hold you accountable for your goals?
  • Is there any kind of group meeting or individual assistance?


2. Personal Goals.

Know in advance what your goals are so you can assess the new diet in terms of what you want to accomplish.

  • What is the calorie requirement of the diet?
  • Is the calorie requirement in line with your physical limits?
  • Diets with an intake under 1700 calories should be scrutinized and discussed with a nutritionist at your local healthcare clinic.


3. Supplemental Medications.

Educate yourself about any required medications before you take them. Have your family physician look over medications, dietary supplements, and weight loss pills before taking them as they could very well cause unfavorable side effects alone or when paired with your existing prescription medications.

  • Is there a supplement or medication involved?
  • What are their common side effects?
  • Have you discussed these medications with your physician?


4. Consider the risk factors.

This runs parallel to the concern over calorie intake. Any diet that drastically alters or restricts how often or what kind of food you eat should be reviewed by your family physician.


5. Are there any testimonies?

Find out if you can contact existing members. Avoid depending on online or paper reviews. Companies sometimes pay ghostwriters and affiliates to generate positive reviews of products they’ve never purchased or used.


6. What’s the overall cost of the service?

There are often fees for tests, specialty foods, supplements, personal trainers, membership service, shipping costs, online access, and more.


7. Are the staff and management team qualified?

There should never be an issue with obtaining information on the experience and certifications of the individuals who will be working directly with you. These people will be partially responsible for your health and wellness, so know all you can about them.


A new diet can be just the thing you’re looking for to shed those extra pounds. Take these precautions to heart and follow these strategies to find the perfect diet for you!


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So, what does detoxification mean? Essentially, detoxing is medicinal and refers back to the herbal elimination of pollution from the body. On a daily foundation the liver, kidneys, intestines lymphatic structures are doing these paintings constantly for us.

Use These Tips for 2-3 weeks to get Started:

cleansing diet

1. Eat A Cleansing Diet

  • Fresh fruit and vegetables (organic). The high fibre in these helps to sweep out intestinal debris. They also contain antioxidants which help to neutralize free radicals –unstable molecules which damage healthy cells.
  • Have nourishing soup, whole grains, olive oil, flaxseed oil, nuts, and seeds.
  • A palm-sized portion of fish or organic chicken at each meal and limit red meat to twice weekly
  • Drink pure water and cleansing herbal teas which stimulate kidney function and flush out wastes
  • Avoid having fatty foods. Also minimize salt, sweets, refined foods, flour, and dairy products.
  • Avoid other common toxins such as tobacco, caffeine, and alcohol.
  • Caffeine is a powerful stimulant drug that speeds up the metabolism, increases symptoms of anxiety, causes insomnia, and causes fatigue after the stimulation wears off. It overstimulates the adrenal gland and places the body in a state of chronic stress. Osteoporosis, PMS, and menopause are all made worse by caffeine. It is also addictive.
  • Alcohol – excess interferes with the body’s ability to detoxify chemicals including estrogen and other hormones. It also causes dehydration.

2. Distinguish Craving from Hunger.

Before you reach your hand into the potato chip bag, ask yourself one question: “Am I really hungry or is this a craving?”

Listening to your body will help you eat intuitively and you’ll be more inclined to reach for healthier foods that will nourish instead of harm.

If you’re not sure whether you’re actually hungry, try drinking a glass of water and waiting a few minutes. True hunger is a rare thing in most people, as we tend to graze all day.

So, listen to your body!

3. Detoxify with Herbs.

Herbs have been used for detoxification for centuries. Use one or more times per year for optimal health.

Herbs support the organs of elimination and facilitate the process of purification. Purifying herbs stimulate the elimination of wastes, increase urination, encourage perspiration, stimulate circulation and enhance immune function.

It removes excess mucous from the lungs and intestines and improves digestion.


4. Substitute Natural Remedies for Synthetic Drugs.

Drugs are metabolized by the liver and are excreted by the organs of detoxification.

These are very necessary sometimes.

However, where possible use herbal remedies which work in harmony with the body.

There are natural alternatives for almost every health problem.



5. Purify with Breathing.

Focus attention on your breath to affect well-being.

Shallow breathing causes chronic low-level stagnation which leads to fatigue, poor concentration, headache, and grogginess.

Proper breathing enlivens the body, relieving tension and anxiety.



6. Exercise.

This improves circulation and stimulates blood flow throughout the body allowing it to carry away wastes and transport nutrients efficiently.

The muscular activity enables lymphatic fluid to move through the channels.

It promotes healthy digestion and intestinal function.

It improves immune activity, keeps the muscles toned, keeps bones strong and healthy, enhances mental functioning, and relieves stress and anxiety.


cup of tea and destress

7. Reduce Stress.

The adrenal glands release too much adrenaline when the body is stressed. These raise the blood pressure and heart rate.

Digestion shuts down, immune activity is decreased and the muscles become tense.

Breathing and relaxation techniques are useful.

Nurture loving relationships and indulge in pleasurable activities.

Remember, a certain amount of stress is normal – it is excessive, long-term stress which is unhealthy.


relaxing massage

8. Get A Massage.

This stimulates lymph flow and drainage. It increases circulation, breaks up fatty deposits and cellulite, increases relaxation and well-being


meditating on a hill and journaling in sunny day

9. Detoxify Your Thinking.

Habitual thinking plays a role in physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being.

Detoxify your thinking by journal writing and commitment to change if bad thoughts are bringing you down.

By journal writing, you become aware of your thoughts and learn to think in self-affirming ways.

Meditation helps to decrease the stress hormones and visualization helps to harness the power of the mind to create the desired outcome.


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Weight Loss Tips are good to adopt when you are frustrated with extra kilos which have seemed to magically just appear. And when the main place is usually around the waist!Woman measuring waist Weight Loss Tips - Your Wellness Centre Naturopathy Melbourne

Does this seem to be what has just happened to you?

If so, just because you are no longer able to fit into your favourite outfit, doesn’t mean you need to go out and buy a new one.
You know, it’s easy to get into the habit of buying a bigger size each time you need an outfit!
And I’m sure you want outfits, rather than sizes, to choose from.

A crash diet may be a quick fix but really it may simply mean paying closer attention to daily habits and addressing ones which are “dangerous”.

So how about tightening up some habits that have crept.
Embracing these  “Tips for Weight Loss” I have listed here may be just what you need!


Water Weight Loss Tips - Your Wellness Centre Naturopathy Melbourne

1. Look at hidden Liquid Calories.
You might be surprised how many calories you consume a day by drinking coke and other soft drinks. So cut these out completely if you can.

2. How much Water do you drink each day?
Try to drink as much water as possible every day. The recommended daily amount is eight glasses a day. This could be one of the most useful weight loss tips.

3. Labels. Read all labels!
Just because something says ‘diet’ it doesn’t mean it really is. You have to read the labels to know exactly what ingredients are in foods.

4. Smaller portions.
If you can use smaller plates and bowls. This will help you consume smaller amounts of food.

5. Eat sitting down at a table.
Don’t eat in front of the TV. Don’t eat standing up in your kitchen. Sit down at your table and be ‘present’. 

6. No late night snacking.
Try to make it a rule that you don’t eat or snack after 8 pm.

7. Stay away from white.
White bread, white pasta, rice, potatoes, etc.
Switch to whole grain versions of bread and pasta. It’s healthier for you.

8. Support.

If you have a friend that wants to lose weight too then “buddy up”.
It’s easier to stay motivated if you have someone to lose weight and exercise with. Tell your family too so they won’t be surprised when you start stocking the refrigerator full of fruits and vegetables.

Regular Exercise Weight Loss Tips - Your Wellness Centre Naturopathy Melbourne

9. Exercise at least three times a week.
Obviously, if you can do more, you should. But a good goal is to shoot for at least 30 minutes on Monday, Wednesday and Friday.

10. Pictures.
Not many people like taking ‘fat’ pictures but you need a before, in between and after picture. It’s easier to follow your progress if you have pictures to look at. It’s especially helpful to see your progress if you take a monthly picture.

For more information on weight loss please read here.

Take the step toward a healthier you!
Call 9879 9596 and book an appointment today!


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Travelling over these Holidays?

Furtherest from your mind I know but a little bit of holiday first aid won’t go astray!

You see it’s possible to pick up a gut infection or even nasty virus while you’re away so having some support is a great idea.

Immune system support 

We can help you with good quality vitamin C, Zinc, Echinacea, Super Mushroom complex and some of the key herbs and nutrients to help support your Immune system.

– Digestive system support for traveling overseas is recommended just in case you get food poisoning or catch some sort of stomach bug.

So to support your gut while traveling, something like a probiotic or a good herbal formula to help reduce your risk of bacterial or parasitic infection is great.

– Stomach Bugs. If you do end up on antibiotics while you’re away specific probiotics strains will help reduce antibiotic-associated diarrhea and also protect your gut bacteria from the antibiotic. Besides this there are a  number of herbs that have antibacterial and anti-parasite action in the digestive system and these can help reduce your chances of catching a stomach bug.

Just Keep Moving

– Try to keep moving so your exercise doesn’t fall by the wayside (even a ten-minute walk will do ).

– If you have a pedometer lying at the back of your top drawer – it may be time to get it out so that you can aim for about 10,000 steps a day.

– Include a Christmas Day morning walk and what about adding a walk around the block after your Christmas feast. Nice time to check out the neighbourhood gardens and Christmas decorations.

– What about even going out to the park to play with the new toys with the kids.

Tempting Food

You don’t have to miss out, but it is worth taking these ideas on board:

– Watch your food portion size.  Perhaps use a smaller plate.

– Even chewing your food really slowly and waiting about 20 minutes after finishing your meal to see if you really want seconds.

– Carbohydrates, the starchier the better, seems to be the catchphrase for Christmas. These carbohydrates are really just sugars in disguise, so try to limit these.

– Besides this, over Christmas, it’s virtually impossible to avoid real sugar.

And while enjoying your second serve of trifle, it’s easy to forget that sugars are easily converted to fat and that sugar can also affect stress and the immune system.

– So reach for some beautiful cherries or stone fruit and try to avoid snacking on chocolates and biscuits and cakes and ice cream and lollies and all those Christmas items that at this time of the year are so easily accessible.

You want this to be a fun time, not an “I feel so sick” time.

Stress Overload and Sleep Deprivation

These tend to be pretty normal at this time of year.
– So worth noting that elevated stress (last minute shopping, sprucing up and decorating the house and garden because you’re doing a huge lunch this year) can affect your quality of sleep which isn’t good for your waistline. Research shows that lack of sleep will increase your appetite and also influence the number of calories you consume. So try to pace yourself.

Stress Helpers

Withania is a great herb to use in times of stress. It will calm an agitated nervous system and give a bit of an energy boost. With this being the case it might just be the herb you need to help you through the festive season and all the preparations you have to do before Christmas.


Magnesium (or Christmas Magic) is natures relaxer. Most of us are deficient in magnesium and it is the second most common deficiency in the Western world (after Zinc) It helps stress it helps sleep as well as anxiety and it’s a great mineral to take over the Christmas. And any stressful time of the year.

So now I feel you are pretty well equipped with ’first aid’ knowledge to have a lovely holiday….

Take the step toward a healthier you!
Call 9879 9596 and book an appointment today!

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Give your Child a Head Start at school

The first day back at school can be quite frightening! There are many new faces, new rules and so much new information for your kids to take in. The new school year always presents children with a new set of challenges and new academic milestones to be achieved. A great way to support your kids during this period is to give them some extra nutritional support for optimal brain health.

Support Mental Focus and Behaviour with Fish Oils

Support of children’s brain health has to start with the basics: a fish oil supplement and a multivitamin and mineral formula. The omega-3 essential fatty acids, EPA and DHA, are vital for the developing brain. Most children do not eat enough oily fish such as salmon, tuna, mackerel, and sardines, so if you are looking for an easy way to get the essential fatty acids, EPA and DHA, into your children’s diet then come in and discuss some of the great tasting options available.

Nutrients for the Brain

To support the brain, certain vitamins and minerals are required, including zinc, magnesium, iron, B vitamins, folate and vitamin C. Iron is a key nutrient for the brain, and is essential for energy production. Iron is commonly deficient in children, leading to lethargy, irritability, apathy, fatigue and an inability to concentrate. A high-quality multivitamin and mineral is a great way to provide all the essential key nutrients required for general wellbeing and to support healthy brain development. If you are interested in providing your child with some extra nutritional support, we have a number of options we can discuss with you.

Improve Kids’ Concentration

Herbs that support mental performance and nervous function include brahmi, ginkgo, and gotu kola. These herbs have been shown to improve memory and learning in children by improving their focus and resilience under pressure. These herbs may be particularly helpful if your children have poor concentration. All these herbs are available from this clinic in a great-tasting chocolate-flavoured powder that you can mix with water or milk.

Is the new school year Stressing your Kids out?

If your child becomes stressed and anxious at the prospect of the new school year, a combination of calming herbs may be helpful. The herb passionflower can help to calm children whilst improving focus and behaviour. German chamomile is another great herb for children to gently calm their anxiety. Other nutrients such as magnesium and calcium also play a role in normal sleeping patterns and nervous system function. These herbs and minerals are also available at our clinic in a pleasant tasting powdered form.

Simple Health Tips to Improve your Children’s school year

As well as the supplements discussed, there are some simple things you can do to help your kids cope with all the challenges and excitement of the new school year.

Eggs - Your Wellness Centre Naturopathy Melbourne•  Make sure your children eat a nutritious breakfast – there are many cereals out there that contain high levels of sugar, which can affect their concentration. Choose a healthy whole-grain cereal for their breakfast. Eggs are also a great way to start the day, as the protein can help to maintain healthy blood sugar levels throughout the morning.

•  Get your children off to bed at a reasonable time. Children need more sleep than adults and lack of sleep can affect their learning.

•  Get into a regular routine and stick to it; this will make the start and end of the day less stressful for both you and your children.

•  Encourage your kids to talk about their day. This helps them develop their communication skills and can give you valuable insight into how they are going. If you sense any problems, discuss it with their teacher.

If you would like to discuss ways to give your children the best start to their new school year, then come in and see us today. We can specifically tailor solutions to meet the needs of your children to help them get through their new school year.

If you would like to discuss ways to give your children the best start to their new school year, then make an appointment with one of our naturopaths. We can specifically tailor solutions to meet the needs of your children to help them get through the school year.

Take the step toward a healthier you!
Call 9879 9596 and book an appointment today!



Top 5 Tips for Staying Healthy This Winter

1. Boost your diet
Eating foods that are high in vitamin C will help keep your immune system strong, so include fruit and veggies such as lemons, kiwi fruit, capsicum and broccoli in your weekly shop.

If you’re struggling to get the recommended two serves of fruit and five serves of veggies each day, try juicing them. We recommend making juices that consist of two-thirds vegetables and one-third fruit. A blend of carrot, beetroot, spinach, and lemon is a stress-busting combination that will boost your immune system.

Ensure your diet also includes plenty of lean meats, fish, poultry, low-fat dairy, legumes, whole grains, nuts and seeds, and use lots of herbs and spices.

2. Exercise regularly
Cardoviascular Exercise - Your Wellness CentreIt’s vital to keep your workout regimen up during winter, with a recent study showing that a moderate level of regular exercise has a long-term cumulative effect on immune response.

A recent study reported that participants who went for a brisk walk several times a week reduced the number of sick days they took by about 40 per cent.

Regular aerobic exercise, five or more days a week for more than 20 minutes a day, rises above all other lifestyle factors in lowering sick days during the winter cold season.

But don’t go overboard. Overly strenuous exercise releases the stress hormone, cortisol, in the body, which can weaken the immune system.

3. Stay connected
Socialising helps strengthen your immune system by keeping you active and reducing your stress levels, so avoid the temptation to rug up on the couch all winter.

Invite friends over for dinner or host a games night, visit local museums and art galleries, wrap up warm and go for a walk in the park with your family or plan a cinema date with your partner.

4. Get some sunshine
During the winter months, vitamin D levels fall to their lowest in most people. Make it a priority to get out into the sunshine for at least 5 minutes per day between the hours of 10-2pm. Vitamin D is essential for your immune system and can help you fight off colds and flu.

5. Sleep well
Lack of sleep can have a serious effect on your immune system, making you more vulnerable to catching colds. A study from Brazil found a lack of sleep can result in a substantial decrease in the white blood cells that help to fight infection in the body.

Create a relaxing bedtime routine, such as listening to soft music or soaking in a warm bath. Avoid watching TV or using your computer just before bedtime and turn the lights down low an hour before you turn in for the night, as it will boost the release of melatonin in the brain. (Melatonin is that natural brain chemical that comes alive when you need to sleep).

Also try to go to bed and get up at the same time every day, even on weekends.

Take the step toward a healthier you!
Call 9879 9596 and book an appointment today!