So, what does detoxification mean? Essentially, detoxing is medicinal and refers back to the herbal elimination of pollution from the body. On a daily foundation the liver, kidneys, intestines lymphatic structures are doing these paintings constantly for us.
Use These Tips for 2-3 weeks to get Started:

1. Eat A Cleansing Diet
- Fresh fruit and vegetables (organic). The high fibre in these helps to sweep out intestinal debris. They also contain antioxidants which help to neutralize free radicals –unstable molecules which damage healthy cells.
- Have nourishing soup, whole grains, olive oil, flaxseed oil, nuts, and seeds.
- A palm-sized portion of fish or organic chicken at each meal and limit red meat to twice weekly
- Drink pure water and cleansing herbal teas which stimulate kidney function and flush out wastes
- Avoid having fatty foods. Also minimize salt, sweets, refined foods, flour, and dairy products.
- Avoid other common toxins such as tobacco, caffeine, and alcohol.
- Caffeine is a powerful stimulant drug that speeds up the metabolism, increases symptoms of anxiety, causes insomnia, and causes fatigue after the stimulation wears off. It overstimulates the adrenal gland and places the body in a state of chronic stress. Osteoporosis, PMS, and menopause are all made worse by caffeine. It is also addictive.
- Alcohol – excess interferes with the body’s ability to detoxify chemicals including estrogen and other hormones. It also causes dehydration.

2. Distinguish Craving from Hunger.
Before you reach your hand into the potato chip bag, ask yourself one question: “Am I really hungry or is this a craving?”
Listening to your body will help you eat intuitively and you’ll be more inclined to reach for healthier foods that will nourish instead of harm.
If you’re not sure whether you’re actually hungry, try drinking a glass of water and waiting a few minutes. True hunger is a rare thing in most people, as we tend to graze all day.
So, listen to your body!

3. Detoxify with Herbs.
Herbs have been used for detoxification for centuries. Use one or more times per year for optimal health.
Herbs support the organs of elimination and facilitate the process of purification. Purifying herbs stimulate the elimination of wastes, increase urination, encourage perspiration, stimulate circulation and enhance immune function.
It removes excess mucous from the lungs and intestines and improves digestion.

4. Substitute Natural Remedies for Synthetic Drugs.
Drugs are metabolized by the liver and are excreted by the organs of detoxification.
These are very necessary sometimes.
However, where possible use herbal remedies which work in harmony with the body.
There are natural alternatives for almost every health problem.

5. Purify with Breathing.
Focus attention on your breath to affect well-being.
Shallow breathing causes chronic low-level stagnation which leads to fatigue, poor concentration, headache, and grogginess.
Proper breathing enlivens the body, relieving tension and anxiety.

6. Exercise.
This improves circulation and stimulates blood flow throughout the body allowing it to carry away wastes and transport nutrients efficiently.
The muscular activity enables lymphatic fluid to move through the channels.
It promotes healthy digestion and intestinal function.
It improves immune activity, keeps the muscles toned, keeps bones strong and healthy, enhances mental functioning, and relieves stress and anxiety.

7. Reduce Stress.
The adrenal glands release too much adrenaline when the body is stressed. These raise the blood pressure and heart rate.
Digestion shuts down, immune activity is decreased and the muscles become tense.
Breathing and relaxation techniques are useful.
Nurture loving relationships and indulge in pleasurable activities.
Remember, a certain amount of stress is normal – it is excessive, long-term stress which is unhealthy.

8. Get A Massage.
This stimulates lymph flow and drainage. It increases circulation, breaks up fatty deposits and cellulite, increases relaxation and well-being

9. Detoxify Your Thinking.
Habitual thinking plays a role in physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being.
Detoxify your thinking by journal writing and commitment to change if bad thoughts are bringing you down.
By journal writing, you become aware of your thoughts and learn to think in self-affirming ways.
Meditation helps to decrease the stress hormones and visualization helps to harness the power of the mind to create the desired outcome.