Keto Diet and Weight Loss


On our Weight loss Ketogenic Diet you will not feel hungry. You feel a lot more energetic and you get great RESULTS 🙂
So Easy to follow too!

For many who want to use a ketogenic (or keto diet as it is commonly called,) or really any diet for weight loss, the timing is a constant challenge: It’s after the holidays, after the festive season, after Easter or after any other huge celebration.
But really the best time to start is when you are thinking about it, which could be right now!

Perhaps your reason is to fit into an outfit you’ve outgrown, a special function you want to attend, a specific health reason or because you just love looking and being the best you can.

In my experience if you find a good enough reason, a good motivating factor, a great structured ketogenic weight loss program that’s easy to follow, then you can do this at any time.

A good way to do this is to use one of our effective ketogenic diets for weight loss because it will allow you to stay healthy, keep energetic, have a clear mind, preserve your own muscle while you burn your own body fat.
Our ketogenic diets include the Ultralite Weight loss Program as well as the Shake it Program.

Feeling good while doing our keto diet, means you will stay on track.

But what is a Ketogenic diet really all about?

In our many years, in fact, 23 years of guiding clients to lose weight efficiently, we have used safe, clean ketogenic weight loss principles.
Along the way, as a bonus we found that the ketogenic diet does have many benefits..
If done right you can expect amazing energy, a clearer head, and all in all, better health!

With this in mind, in this post I will be covering:

  • What a keto diet is all about
  • The power of Ketosis
  • What to eat on our Keto Diet
  • How to use our Keto Diet for Weight Loss
  • Who may not benefit from a Keto Diet
  • What our proven Ketogenic Diet Weight Loss programs will do for you

Let’s start with what a keto diet is all about.

At Your Wellness Centre, we have been using ketogenic diet weight loss programs for the past 23 years with fantastic success.

This means our knowledge of ketosis is based on its science, our experience, and the great results of literally thousands of successful clients.

A good way to get the weight loss results you want, to reach your weight loss goals is to use our effective keto diet for weight loss. This will allow you to stay healthy, keep energetic, have a clear mind, and preserve your own muscle while you burn your own body fat.

Feeling good while doing this, means you will stay on track.

If you are wondering: “is it safe to do our keto diet” let’s look further into what ketosis is and whether our Ketogenic diet could be right for you.

Let’s look at the Power of Ketosis!


Ketosis describes the metabolic state your body reaches when it burns fat, rather than glucose as its main fuel source.

Clinical evidence has shown that keto diet food promotes effective and sustained weight loss through improved fat burning and reduced fat storage.  Besides this, it also preserves your muscle mass and can help maintain healthy blood sugar levels.

When on our ketogenic diet for weight loss, your body will use fat for energy. And we want it to largely be your own stores of body fat.

To allow this to happen, we show you how to limit the intake of carbohydrates which means that there’s less available glucose for your body to use. You will also be shown how to eat enough protein, as well as the best protein foods to choose from.

With limited glucose, the body will now use fats for its needs and convert them into compounds called ketones. It is ketones, instead of glucose, that the body then starts to use as its primary source of energy. This process is known as ketosis.

By avoiding dips in blood sugar levels and maintaining a sense of fullness or satiety, our ketogenic diet weight loss program can help you avoid the mental fogginess and irritability often associated with weight loss diets.

It is possible to achieve a state of ketosis through dietary changes alone.

But, because it does require a bit of planning and organisation, (time-consuming for many), we may also recommend easy ways of incorporating the minimal use of special protein shakes, soups, or snack bars to help with your meals or snacks during those busy times.

Not only are these convenient and simple to use but they can assist you to reach your daily protein and carbohydrate needs as well as help keep you full between meals.

The main aim is to help you maintain muscle mass while losing excess body fat. This means you are more likely to sustain your weight loss long-term.

What do you eat on our Keto Diet?

Our ketogenic diet is quite different from a standard western diet, and different variations of the diet do exist. However, it consists of a specific balance of macronutrients, generally being from:

–  high quality, unprocessed fats such as avocado, nuts, seeds, egg yolks, and coconut;

–  protein, such as fish, tofu/tempeh, or organic animal protein; and

– whole, complex carbohydrates, leafy greens, non-starchy vegetables, legumes, and low fructose fruit (such as berries).

How to use our Keto Diet for Weight Loss

By combining your ketogenic diet with a calorie deficit, the body will use its own fat stores for energy. This means that you will lose weight by losing body fat. And if you consume enough protein you will preserve your important muscle mass!

You may be thinking: “I actually normally struggle to lose weight”.

If this is you, there are underlying issues that may need to be addressed.
The most common issues are insulin resistance, excessive stress, sleep deprivation, or hypo thyroid issues, among others
– If you struggle to lose weight because you have insulin resistance you will also benefit from ketogenic eating, as ketones do not require insulin to create energy.
– If you are someone who responds poorly to low-fat dieting, then the keto diet will help you lose weight.

If you still have questions, do contact us for a consultation to look more deeply into this for you.

Some may not benefit from a Ketogenic Diet?

There will always be exceptions to a method of weight loss and listed below are some of the individuals who may not benefit from using the keto diet, specifically if not under the guidance of their health care practitioner.

These are individuals who may not easily adjust to a ketogenic diet due to conditions that
a) limit the absorption of fats, or
b) limit the conversion of fats into energy.

This may also include individuals who experience:

– Digestive upset when consuming fat-containing meals;

– Inborn mitochondrial conditions;

– Recurrent pancreatitis; and

– Gallstones or have had their gall bladder removed.

– Diabetics will need to be guided as to their suitability to use the ketogenic diet too.

Again, if unsure, do contact us.

Is our Keto Right for You?

Whether it’s for weight loss or enhanced wellness, it’s worth talking to a naturopath at Your Wellness Centre to see if our ketogenic diet will help you reach your health goals.

As a bonus, working with a naturopath at Your Wellness Centre will also greatly increase your ketogenic fat loss success.

Our qualified Naturopaths, will monitor your progress, provide you with support and ensure you maintain a state of ketosis, leading to more effective and sustainable results.
This is because we can help identify any barriers to successfully implementing the diet and create strategies for you to overcome those difficulties.

What are proven Ketogenic Diet Weight Loss programs will do for you:

It will teach your body to burn fat more efficiently, and as an added bonus will also help toxin elimination The aim is to help you remain happy and healthy whilst following the program and thereafter, maintain your results long-term.

Your Naturopath at Your Wellness Centre, can also assist you to set realistic goals and motivate you to achieve them while having the clinical skills to identify and address any health conditions you may have that could impact your ability to reach your goals.

Finally, as with any diet, it’s important to remember that each individual can respond uniquely and that certain diets will suit some more than others.

However, if you feel this diet is right for you, you could soon be joining the many that feel clearer, lighter and more energetic eating keto and losing weight at the same time.

We do recommend regular health checks while using this way of eating for weight loss.

To help you successfully lose weight, make an online booking today. Ring us on 98799596 or contact us at

Remember, at Your Wellness Centre, Naturopaths are here to help guide and motivate you every step of the way to achievable, sustainable results.


The Get ready for Summer – Weight Loss Challenge.

Great for you if you’re determined to:

  • Get meaningful Weight Loss results
  • Have more Energy?
  • Fit into that great outfit that no longer fits?
  • Enjoy the festive season.
  • Look and feel better than you have for a while.

So if you’d like all this in a super-supportive environment,
Take advantage of our 5-week challenge to become a healthier version of YOU!

Here’s what you can expect:

  • Weight loss in the range of 6 to 10 kg in 5 weeks!
  • You’ll blossom as you work towards successfully reaching your goals.
  • Feel a sense of pride and accomplishment when you reach that weight loss goal.
  • Feel the bounce in your step as you ooze vitality and confidence once more.
  • Starting now means that you no longer have to worry about your weight.
    You’ll have more time to focus on other health aspects and hobbies when you’ve reached your goal.

There will be Prizes for the person who loses the biggest percentage of body fat and the person with the best before and after photo.

We’ll include giveaways throughout the 5 weeks, and we’ll provide Facebook support in a special group as well as daily motivational tips.

Mostly, we want to make your summer weight loss fun and enjoyable.


  1. Enroll in the program between now and Tuesday, November 12th to start on Thursday, 14th November.
  2. Book your initial Body Composition analysis and a follow up after 5 weeks.
  3. You’ll come in for a weekly weigh-in and progress review.
  4. We’ll take before and after photos at your initial and final Body Composition appointments. (These photos won’t be published without your consent.)
  5. Choose to do one of our 3 programs (see below).
  6. The winner will be announced 19th December (at the end of the 5 weeks)

This challenge entails a supervised weight loss program that includes commitment and involvement.
You are supported throughout so that you stay motivated!
Each program includes membership in the special FaceBook support group as well as motivational emails.

There are three (3) Program options

Program 1

Includes 2 x Body Composition Analyses (test to measure your % body fat + more) valued at $118

  • before and after photos
  • weekly motivational emails 
  • membership of our special Facebook group for further support.
  • Far Infra-red sauna session $59

This is suitable if you are already seeing another practitioner, doing another program, or need the motivation to implement strategies you’ve used in the past.
If you don’t have a practitioner, we encourage you to do this with a friend, partner or work colleague to be held accountable for measuring a weighing (which is included in program 1 &2).
You also get 10% off any products purchased from our clinic during the 6 weeks.

Program 1 Fee costs $149 (Valued at over $300)


Program 2

Ultralite Weight Management Program

This program involves 3 meals you weigh out and prepare yourself, a special Ultralite drink you have in-between meals (to reduce hunger and appetite and assist fat burning), and quick urine check each morning to ensure you are in fat-burning mode.

Typical weight loss is 2.5-5kg the first week then 1-2 kg per week thereafter.
You are weighed and measured weekly to keep up motivation and compliance.
It’s a really well-structured program with fast results.
The program comes with a comprehensive instruction manual, great recipes, and great support.
Clients report reduced appetite and cravings and fantastic results.
For more info see

The 5-week package includes:

  • Initial Naturopathic assessment and explanation of program – Up to $180.00 value
  • Program manual with recipes, tips, and instructions – RRP $35.00
  • Initial assessment. This includes a test that measures health parameters including fat %, lean muscle, cellular health, and fluid distribution. The information gained can assist your practitioner in personalizing your plan. – value $59.00
  • Follow up assessment- $59 value
  • All the nutritional formula you need for in-between snacks (4 daily) – for 5 weeks RRP $336.00
  • Measuring sticks to measure your level of fat burning  $14.95
  • Habit Relief Formula drops to reduce cravings and appetite- value $32.95
  • 4 Follow up consults. Each session focusses on a specific area to support successful weight loss- value $356
  • Far Infra-red sauna session $59
  • before and after photos
  • weekly motivational emails 
  • membership of our special Facebook group for further support.

Some extras on Private Health cover UltraLite as a weight-loss option. This includes BUPA, Australian Unity, CBHS (Commonwealth Health Fund), CUA, HBF, HealthCare Insurance and Health Partners. 

Cost: $695 for 5 weeks (valued at over $1130)**


Program 3

This is our popular Shake-It program.
You have one meal replacement (e.g. a breakfast shake, a high protein meal bar, or a soup) a day.

  • You also have 2 meals each day consisting of protein (e.g. eggs, meat, fish or chicken) and
    Your choice from a selection of vegetable or salad options.
  • Two snacks.
  • Typical weight loss is around 2 kg the first week then 1 kg per week thereafter.
    It is easy to follow and does not involve measuring and weighing of food.

The 5-week Package includes:

  • Initial Naturopathic consultation and explanation of the program
  • 4 follow up sessions
  • ‘Your Shake-It Guide” with instructions and tips
  • A Health Journal to record your meals and data
  • One Ketobar (A high protein meal replacement) – available in Cherry Coconut, Caramel or Vanilla
  • Initial assessment of fat, muscle, and information to set realistic goals (valued at $59)
  • Follow up-to assess progress after 5 weeks
  • 2 x Tubs of Metagenics ‘Shake-It” – High protein, low carb chocolate or vanilla meal replacement
  • Shake It Shaker
  • 10% off any product purchases during the 5-week program
  • Specialised probiotic to assist with weight loss 
  • Shake-It Recipe Book
  • Ketostix to measure your level of fat burning
  • Far Infra-red sauna session $59
  • before and after photos
  • motivational emails 
  • membership of our special Facebook group for further support.

Cost: $795 (valued at over $1200)**

To make things easier for you, we are working on a PAY as YOU GO option.

More about this soon!

How can I book in?

Give us a ring on 9879 9596 or book online choosing the Weight Loss Option.
We do require a $50 booking fee which is non-refundable.

Still not sure what program you want to do and want to speak to someone first?

Make time for a 15-minute complimentary session with our Naturopath to discuss the best program for you and get started! Book a time by calling us on  98799596 or click here to send us a message.

The Prize Winner!

The main prize winner will be decided by our panel at Your Wellness Centre (calculated on most body fat % loss in the 5 weeks).

Thought I’d add who this is not for:
a)  Not for those who want a quick fix.
b)  Not for those who are not prepared to fully participate.
c)   Not for those who are not prepared to commit to their own health and wellbeing!

Sorry, but I’m here for your success and if you have any mixed feelings that relate to a,b, or c , you just won’t get results and you will be sadly disappointed.



Your Wellness Centre Naturopathy Melbourne


The best time of year to use a Keto Diet for Weight Loss is now! 

For many who want to use a keto diet for weight loss the timing is a constant challenge: It’s after the holidays, after the festive season, after Easter.

In my experience if you find a good enough reason, a good motivating factor, a great structured ketogenic weight loss program that’s easy to follow, then you can do this at any time..
Perhaps your reason is to fit into an outfit you’ve outgrown, a special function you want to attend, a specific health reason or because you just love looking and being the best you can.

A good way to do this is to use our effective keto diet for weight loss because it will allow you to stay healthy, keep energetic, have a clear mind, preserve your own muscle while you burn your own body fat.

Ketogenic Diet Weight Loss - Your Wellness Centre NaturopathyAnd since you may be wondering “is it safe to do our keto diet” let’s look further into what ketosis is and whether our Ketogenic diet could be right for you.

When on our ketogenic diet for weight loss, your body will use fat for energy. And we want it to largely be your own stores of body fat.
To allow this to happen, we show you how to limit the intake of carbohydrates which means that there’s less available glucose for your body to use.
You will also be shown how to eat enough protein, and the best protein foods to choose from.

With limited glucose, the body will now use fats for its needs and convert them into compounds called ketones.
It is ketones, instead of glucose, that the body then starts to use as its primary source of energy. This process is known as ketosis.

What do you eat on our Keto Diet?

Ketosis Weight Loss Keto salad - Your Wellness Centre NaturopathyOur ketogenic diet is quite different from a standard western diet, and different variations of the diet do exist. However, it consists of a specific balance of macronutrients, generally being:
50% of calories from high-quality, unprocessed fats such as avocado, nuts, seeds, egg yolks, and coconut;
30% of calories from protein, such as fish, tofu/tempeh or organic animal protein; and
20% of calories from whole, complex carbohydrates, leafy greens, non-starchy vegetables, legumes, and low-fructose fruit (such as berries).

How to use our Keto Diet for Weight Loss

If you combine your ketogenic diet with a calorie deficit, the body will use its own fat stores for energy. This means that you will lose weight by losing body fat. And if you consume enough protein you will preserve your important muscle mass!

What if you normally struggle to lose weight?

– If you struggle to lose weight because you have insulin resistance you will also benefit from ketogenic eating, as ketones do not require insulin to create energy.

– If you are someone who responds poorly to low-fat dieting, then the keto diet will help you lose weight.

– Of course, if you struggle to lose weight there may be other underlying factors that need to be addressed so do contact us for a consultation to look more deeply into this for you.

Is it safe to do a Keto Diet?

There will always be exceptions to a method of weight loss and listed below are some of the individuals who may not benefit from using the keto diet, specifically if not under the guidance of their healthcare practitioner.

These are individuals who may not easily adjust to a ketogenic diet due to conditions that limit the absorption of fats, or conversion of fats into energy.
This may include individuals who experience:

– Digestive upset when consuming fat-containing meals;
– Inborn mitochondrial conditions;
– Recurrent pancreatitis; and
– Gallstones or have had their gall bladder removed.
– Diabetics will need to be guided as to their suitability to use the ketogenic diet too.

Is our Keto Right for You?

Whether it’s for weight loss or enhanced wellness, it’s worth talking to a naturopath at Your Wellness Centre to see if our ketogenic diet will help you reach your health goals.

As a bonus, working with a naturopath at Your Wellness Centre will also greatly increase your ketogenic success.
This is because we can help identify any barriers to successfully implementing the diet and create strategies for you to overcome those difficulties.

Finally, as with any diet, it’s important to remember that each individual can respond uniquely and that certain diets will suit some more than others.
However, if you feel this diet is right for you, you could soon be joining the many that feel clearer, lighter, and more energetic eating keto and losing weight at the same time.

We do recommend regular health checks if you use this way of eating for extended periods of time.

To help you successfully lose weight, make an online booking today. Ring us on 98799596 or contact us.

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Your Wellness Centre Naturopathy Melbourne


Weight Loss Motivation

Reasons why you may be motivated to lose weight

Initially, you may be on a  weight loss motivation or begin an exercise program when you’ve overindulged over a festive season, had some prolonged celebration or when you’ve returned from a lovely holiday.
And then you find your favorite clothes don’t fit anymore.
Needing to be a certain weight for a specific job is another reason.

Woman on Weight Loss - Your Wellness Centre

I remember one of our clients desperately wanting to lose weight when she saw a recent family photo in which she was included. She had not realised how big she had become until she saw this photo.
So for you, it might be quite a different reason! Then your doctor might advise you that you need to lose weight.
These external factors are great for getting you started.

So do you have a compelling reason? Do you have a reason that really motivates you to lose weight?

One of the main reasons many people embark on a weight control program and fail is that their compelling reason is not strong enough to motivate them to continue and reach their desired weight or health goal.

To illustrate this, Which of these two situations would you find more motivating?
Example 1

Let’s say a well-meaning friend tells you that you are starting to look a bit on the plump side and you should lose 20 kgs. How would you feel about that? You may say to your self “well they are probably correct, yes, I will start a program”, or you may choose to ignore them.

Example 2:
On the other hand, your local G.P tells you that unless you lose 20 kg you are likely to have a
heart attack or suffer a stroke.

I had a lady arrive at my clinic that had been told by her doctor that she needed to lose 25 kg before she could undergo a hip replacement operation. Do you think that being able to walk once again would be a compelling reason to lose weight? Well, she did lose her 25 kg, had her operation and not long after went off on a great holiday without any pain.
Fitting into a smaller size of clothes for your wedding photos is another compelling reason. Even a pending wedding, where you are the mother of the bride or part of the bridal party.

Motivation Comes From Within

Brain Health - Your Wellness CentreMotivation, that compelling reason why we may need to lose weight, comes from within and is the best reason to keep us on track. External motivation never has the power that is required to achieve long-term goals.

“We must have that real reason, reason from within is the best. So search for that reason.”

Therefore, recognizing the role that food should play in our lives is very important for health. Food is required as fuel to replace what we use up in day-to-day activities. When food becomes the main focus of enjoyment in our lives we have forgotten the main reason why we need to eat. So:

“Make sure your compelling reason is strong enough to motivate you to say no to that extra piece of pizza or glass of wine or piece of chocolate cake”

Any of these reasons may motivate you to start looking for weight loss plans and exercise programs.

Take Small Steps to Help Your Weight Loss Motivation

And to help your motivation you might want to take small steps to improve your health before you take the plunge and commit to a full-scale weight-loss program.

We have a list of tips for weight loss here.

Ask us about how making small changes to your diet or lifestyle will affect your health.

Once you’ve taken these small steps and find how good you feel after eating better and doing a bit of exercise, this feeling could motivate you to keep going.

For many, this can last for a very short time. So how do you go about motivating yourself to make your quest to lose weight last?
Just how do you create internal motivation?

The good news is that most people already have it. All you have to do is find it, identify it and acknowledge it.

3 Steps to Nurture Internal Motivation

  1. Start with a short-term goal. Set yourself up for success by setting very short-term achievable goals. Your long-term goal might be to lose 20 Kilos but a good short-term goal might be to change to eating a lean healthy breakfast each day during the week, and drinking more water while reducing soft drinks.
  2. The next week you could increase vegetables and choose healthy protein sources.
    While all this is happening,
  3. Your Wellness Centre Naturopathy - DietKeep a journal. Write out each goal in a journal. At the end of the day, comment on the day’s success. Keep in mind that just taking the time to write in your journal is healthy and an accomplishment in itself. Use positive words that describe how you feel about your actions.
  4. Acknowledge your success. Take time to review your successes and give yourself credit.
  5. Review your journal on a regular basis and take pride in every step you’ve taken to improve your health.

As you move through the process of nurturing internal motivation, you’ll find that your confidence in your own abilities will increase.

When you acknowledge the success of small accomplishments, it becomes easier to believe that larger goals are attainable. You begin to believe in yourself and in your ability to support your health by losing your weight.

When you are happy with these changes you can opt for a healthy weight loss diet to enhance your motivation:

“Make sure the weight loss diet you choose is not too restrictive.”

What to avoid in Weight Loss Programs

Avoid weight loss programs that may need you to buy low carbohydrate or low-calorie foods.
These can be a nightmare and expensive.
Meal replacements like shakes and home-delivered meals are not a healthy option either.
Our bodies are not meant to function on processed mass produced manufactured, frozen or dehydrated foods.

Weight Loss Program You Choose:

  • Protein-rich food - Your Wellness Centre NaturopathyNeeds to include wholesome naturally occurring foods like vegetables, fruit, nuts, whole grains, meat, fish, eggs, and cheese.
  • Any weight loss program that prevents you from eating three meals of the above-mentioned foods each day is not sustainable.
  • When you know which food groups to eat and how much of each, you will be able to make the correct food choices that best suit your metabolism and body type.
  • Your weight loss program must empower you and motivate you.
  • It must show you how to prepare good food.
  • When this is the case, you will feel good, your energy will improve and you will feel better than you have in a long time.
  • This is what will help you get results.

And by seeing results your weight loss motivation will keep you on track to reach your goal weight.

“Avoid weight loss programs that recommend meal replacement drinks and that don’t advise foods that are readily available”.

To help you along do keep a daily journal of what you have eaten and any difficulties you may have experienced.
And to help you stay motivated throughout, we have some motivational weight loss quotes for you.

For a calendar of weight loss motivational quotes,


Your Wellness Centre Naturopathy Melbourne


If you’ve been doing everything else to lose weight without the success expected, then it’s worth taking a look at your gut health. It is also worth looking at which gut bacteria cause weight loss.

Gut Bacteria and Their effect on your weight

Fundamental to good gut health is Gut Bacteria. So let’s look further at their role in weight Loss.

We all know that  exercise, a healthy diet and adequate sleep are all needed for maintaining a healthy weight.
Besides this, evidence is now revealing that your gut bacteria also needs to be healthy because it dictates how your body regulates and maintains its weight!

This collection of 37 trillion organisms (mainly bacteria) within your digestive tract is known as your microbiome, or gut microbiota.

Your Microbiome: Fat Burning or Storing?

While each person’s gut microbiota is unique, clear trends show the gut bacteria in a lean person is different to that in an overweight person.
Healthy gut microbiota in a lean individual is seen as having a diverse range of beneficial bugs, with very few ‘bad’ microbes that disrupt the health of the gut. Once the gut microbiota is in this healthy state, these good bacteria send messages to the body to maintain its weight within a healthy range. This means it could prevent weight gain.

Alternatively, the gut bacteria in an overweight person is often shown to have less of  these good bacteria and more of the bad bacteria.
This imbalance in the gut is a condition known as“dysbiosis”. In a state of dysbiosis, bacteria begin to act differently: extracting more calories from food, storing more energy as fat and triggering inflammation within the gut itself.

All of these factors result in the body storing more fat, especially around the waist (known as visceral fat).

Increasing Your Good Fat Burning Bugs

Therefore, supporting your microbiome to be as healthy, diverse and free from bad bacteria as possible may be a crucial step in maintaining a healthy weight.

Probiotics Weight loss

Evidence shows that a specific probiotic strain displaying benefit for the microbiome and body weight is Bifidobacterium animalis ssp lactis (B420™).

It is important to choose the right probiotic to positively influence the health of your microbiome. This will encourage the growth of beneficial bacteria while reducing the growth of unwanted microbes. However, it is very important to select the right probiotic strain for your needs, as different strains have different actions and health benefits.

it improves the health and diversity of the microbiome, decreases the inflammation caused by dysbiosis and reduces energy uptake from food, which together results in overall reductions in weight gain – helping to keep your waist trim.

Your Trim and Terrific  Toolkit

Beyond probiotics, employing key diet and lifestyle strategies is

also imperative to maintaining ideal body composition:

1. Regular exercise: such as walking, yoga, swimming and weights. This helps to burn fat for energy and can reduce high levels of hormones (such as adrenaline) that promote weight gain.

2. Eat a wholefood diet: filling up on fruits, vegetables, lean meats, legumes and healthy fats helps to naturally regulate your appetite and curb cravings. As a bonus,high fibre foods are the favourite fuel source of your good bacteria!

3. Avoid processed sugar and processed fats: excess calories from these sources are stored as fat, especially around your waistline. They also encourage dysbiosis within your digestive tract.

4. Hydration: plenty of water actually increases your energy levels and metabolism, and is vital for proper waste elimination.

5. Adequate sleep: eight hours per night is needed for a reason! It resets and balances your hormones required for a healthy metabolism and reduces weight-promoting


In addition to a healthy microbiome, if weight loss is your goal

talk to your Ringwood Naturopath about finding the best Weight Management

Program to suit you.

A holistic and sustainable diet and lifestyle protocol that helps you reduce cravings, lose fat, maintain muscle mass and increase your metabolism is highly recommended.

Make Your Microbiome Worth its Weight

With  the best approach to weight management being a holistic one, consider your microbiome alongside your diet, exercise and sleep to comprehensively prevent gaining unwanted fat.

Improving the health of your microbiome will turn your gut into a weight management machine and help to keep your waistline


Talk to Naturopaths at Your Wellness Centre

Contact us here

Weight Loss Tips are good to adopt when you are frustrated with extra kilos which have seemed to magically just appear. And when the main place is usually around the waist!Woman measuring waist Weight Loss Tips - Your Wellness Centre Naturopathy Melbourne

Does this seem to be what has just happened to you?

If so, just because you are no longer able to fit into your favourite outfit, doesn’t mean you need to go out and buy a new one.
You know, it’s easy to get into the habit of buying a bigger size each time you need an outfit!
And I’m sure you want outfits, rather than sizes, to choose from.

A crash diet may be a quick fix but really it may simply mean paying closer attention to daily habits and addressing ones which are “dangerous”.

So how about tightening up some habits that have crept.
Embracing these  “Tips for Weight Loss” I have listed here may be just what you need!


Water Weight Loss Tips - Your Wellness Centre Naturopathy Melbourne

1. Look at hidden Liquid Calories.
You might be surprised how many calories you consume a day by drinking coke and other soft drinks. So cut these out completely if you can.

2. How much Water do you drink each day?
Try to drink as much water as possible every day. The recommended daily amount is eight glasses a day. This could be one of the most useful weight loss tips.

3. Labels. Read all labels!
Just because something says ‘diet’ it doesn’t mean it really is. You have to read the labels to know exactly what ingredients are in foods.

4. Smaller portions.
If you can use smaller plates and bowls. This will help you consume smaller amounts of food.

5. Eat sitting down at a table.
Don’t eat in front of the TV. Don’t eat standing up in your kitchen. Sit down at your table and be ‘present’. 

6. No late night snacking.
Try to make it a rule that you don’t eat or snack after 8 pm.

7. Stay away from white.
White bread, white pasta, rice, potatoes, etc.
Switch to whole grain versions of bread and pasta. It’s healthier for you.

8. Support.

If you have a friend that wants to lose weight too then “buddy up”.
It’s easier to stay motivated if you have someone to lose weight and exercise with. Tell your family too so they won’t be surprised when you start stocking the refrigerator full of fruits and vegetables.

Regular Exercise Weight Loss Tips - Your Wellness Centre Naturopathy Melbourne

9. Exercise at least three times a week.
Obviously, if you can do more, you should. But a good goal is to shoot for at least 30 minutes on Monday, Wednesday and Friday.

10. Pictures.
Not many people like taking ‘fat’ pictures but you need a before, in between and after picture. It’s easier to follow your progress if you have pictures to look at. It’s especially helpful to see your progress if you take a monthly picture.

For more information on weight loss please read here.

Take the step toward a healthier you!
Call 9879 9596 and book an appointment today!


Your Wellness Centre Naturopathy Melbourne


The secret of how to burn fat with ketosis in a nutshell:

When you burn body fat you produce chemicals called ketones.
For this to take place your body‘s blood sugar and insulin levels need to be low enough for you to switch to a higher level of fat burning.

When you can measure these ketones in your urine, you know that you are eating the best foods for weight loss as well as burning fat efficiently.

And of course, if we have excess body fat, we end up losing weight, as well as gaining all the other benefits of an improved body composition.

So How do You Get into Ketosis

To burn fat you need to eat the best food for weight loss. This means you must limit *high glycemic load foods to a level where your body will produce less of the hormone insulin and so increase the rate of fact burning.
Eating less food is not the answer. You need to specifically reduce the *high glycemic index, carbohydrate-rich foods in order to “switch on” fat burning.
The best choices are those that comprise a fat burning diet. This will be vegetables (not the starchy ones like potatoes and sweet potatoes) while ones that are higher in carbohydrates like pumpkin and peas should be limited. Fruit is to be limited as well and I’d suggest especially bananas because they are really high in carbs.

However, to maintain a healthy body, you will need to measure your ketones using a keto stick and the reading should be small.

What you need to know to facilitate a Fat Burning Diet:

High levels of dietary carbohydrate foods also known as high glycemic load foods (for example sugars and starchy foods such as bread, rice, pasta, and potatoes), work with the hormone insulin to “switch off” fat burning and increase fat gain. When your insulin levels become too high it promotes the production of excess fat while blocking the burning of fat. So it can become almost impossible to lose fat if you have raised your insulin levels.

A Word of Warning to help you stay in Ketosis

A keto diet is not just about a low carbohydrate diet!
It is wise to make sure you have a variety of good quality different vegetables in your diet if you are to participate in a Keto diet.
Adequate nutrients need to be consumed as well as enough lean protein at each meal. As well as this, you will need good fats to be included too.
Do not skip meals because this is not about starvation and all it does is slow down your metabolism!
Digestive enzymes are highly recommended to maintain efficient digestion.
While a good quality probiotic will help nurture your microbiome (good gut bacteria).

The idea is to lose weight, specifically body fat and not lose body muscle or your health in the process!
The best way to do this is to follow the above principles and have your health monitored in the process!

The effectiveness of a ketogenic diet weight loss plan is that it deals with underlying
metabolic and hormonal issues, making it a critical factor for
with treatment-resistant obesity.

Naturopaths at Your Wellness Centre show you How to Burn Fat and get into Ketosis

With more than 18 years of experience in using Ketogenic Principles to help our clients lose excess body fat.
There are program choices available. And they include

– the Ultralite Weight Management Program
– the Shake-It Weight loss program
FireUpFatBurning – our program you can do at home (
– Specific individualised programs for just you!

For October and November of 2023, we are running a terrific offer which means you can get $50 off the cost of an initial consultation at our clinic when you simply mention the “Fat Burning for 2023” Offer.

For more information or to make a booking,
ring us on 03 9879 9596
Contact us or
Book online

Your Wellness Centre Naturopathy Melbourne


Ketosis and Weight Loss

Use the power of Ketosis in a Ketogenic Diet Weight Loss program to help you with your Weight Loss goals.

I’m sure you have heard terms such as ketosis and ketogenic diet weight loss and how it’s been the “thing” for fast weight loss. And so, you may well be wondering what a keto diet is all about.

With the promise of more fantastic days ahead, your thoughts may also be turning to how you can get fit and improve your body composition for the rest of the year.

At Your Wellness Centre, we have been using ketogenic diet weight loss programs for the past 23 years with fantastic success. This means our knowledge of ketosis is based on its science, our experience and literally thousands of successful clients. 

Ketosis Weight Loss Keto salad - Your Wellness Centre NaturopathyWe’ve managed to drill it down to easy to follow, scientifically validated programs that emphasise healthy and satisfying eating guidelines.
These programs include moderate exercise to promote efficient and sustainable weight loss.
Our ketogenic diet weight loss programs are designed to reduce your craving for sugar and other high glycaemic index (GI) carbohydrates while providing you with adequate protein and healthy fats so you can achieve a state of mild ‘ketosis’ and fast safe weight loss.

This year, rather than turn to yet another ‘quick fix’ diet that promises you’ll fit into your bikini within the month but feels impossible to do; talk to us about a simple and convenient way to get long-term results while keeping you feeling great both physically and mentally.

Let’s look at the  Power of Ketosis!

Ketosis describes the metabolic state your body reaches when it preferentially burns fat as its main fuel source. Clinical evidence has shown that keto diet food not only promotes effective and sustained weight loss through improved fat burning and reduced fat storage, but it also preserves your muscle mass and can help maintain healthy blood sugar levels.

Ketogenic Diet Weight Loss - Your Wellness Centre NaturopathyBy avoiding dips in blood sugar levels and maintaining a sense of fullness or satiety, our ketogenic diet weight loss program can help you avoid the mental fogginess and irritability often associated with weight loss diets.

Although it is possible to achieve a state of ketosis through dietary changes alone, this requires a bit of planning and organisation, which can be time-consuming for some people.

With this in mind, we may also recommend easy ways of incorporating the minimal use of special protein shakes, soups or snack bars to help with your meals or snacks during those busy times. Not only are these convenient and simple to use but they can assist you to reach your daily protein and carb needs as well as help keep you full until your next meal.

The main aim is to help you maintain muscle mass while losing excess body fat, which means you are more likely to sustain your weight loss long-term.

Our qualified Naturopaths, will monitor your progress, provide you with support and ensure you maintain a state of ketosis, leading to more effective and sustainable results.

Your Naturopath at Your Wellness Centre, can also assist you to set realistic goals and motivate you to achieve them while having the clinical skills to identify and address any health conditions you may have that could impact your ability to reach your goals.

Our proven Ketogenic Diet Weight Loss programs will:

Teach your body to burn fat more efficiently, and as an added bonus will also help toxin elimination – in this way you’ll remain happy and healthy whilst following the program and maintain your results long term.

Remember, at Your Wellness Centre, Naturopaths are here to help guide and motivate you every step of the way to achievable, sustainable results.


Contact us here or Ring 9879 9596 for an appointment.
or Book Online.


Your Wellness Centre Naturopathy Melbourne


Today we are going to look at how stress can affect weight loss.

For many of us, daily life is often a juggle, as we try to keep many balls up in the air at once. All this ‘juggling’ can contribute to feelings of stress, tension and anxiety. Unfortunately, too much stress can actually reduce your ability to burn fat and lose weight.

How Stress Affect Weight Loss

Your Wellness Centre Naturopathy - StressStress affects your body by increasing cortisol levels; Cortisol is a hormone released by the adrenal glands in response to stress, high oestrogen levels, and nutritional deficiencies. Cortisol is often referred to as the body’s ‘stress hormone’. Increased cortisol levels can adversely affect blood pressure and blood sugar levels, and can stop you from burning fat.

This is because cortisol stimulates the release of insulin, the hormone which plays an important role in maintaining blood sugar levels.

This increased release of insulin often tends to encourage people to overeat and crave foods high in carbohydrates and fats. When you increase your consumption of these foods it directly causes weight gain.

So you want to have ways to manage stress. This can then help reduce excessive cortisol and stop the resultant insulin resistance and obesity. You’ll notice less deposition of fatty tissue, particularly in the abdominal region.

Your Wellness Centre Naturopathy - Stress, Exhaustion, Tired all the Time

So if you believe stress is a contributing factor in slowing down your weight loss, talk to Glenda Johnson, a naturopath at Your Wellness Centre, ring 9879 9596 or contact us here.

Don’t forget to like our Facebook Page Your Wellness Centre, Twitter @YWCnaturopath and GPlus +YourWellnessCentreAu.


Your Wellness Centre Naturopathy Melbourne


So Why Would Insulin Resistance be Important?

Insulin resistance means that your body doesn’t respond to the signals of insulin like it should. This increases your risk of developing diabetes and heart disease.

Insulin is a hormone secreted by your pancreas to help regulate your blood sugar levels. After you eat, food is broken down into glucose, the simple sugar that is the main source of energy for the body’s cells.

Your Wellness Centre Naturopathy - Insulin ResistanceBut your cells cannot use glucose without insulin, a hormone produced by the pancreas.

Insulin helps transport glucose into the body’s cells for use as energy. If you have insulin resistance, your muscle, fat and liver cells do not use insulin properly. This means that you could feel tired instead of energetic. (You know how we associate sugar with energy!) The extra glucose in the bloodstream means that more insulin is needed and so the pancreas tries to keep up with this demand by producing more.

When blood glucose (sugar) levels rise, insulin is released to store that excess sugar as glycogen. Unfortunately, our body can only store a little glycogen at any one time. Once you have filled up your glycogen stores, any leftover sugar will be stored as fat.

Insulin also blocks the breakdown of existing body fat. So, it becomes virtually impossible to lose fat if you have raised insulin levels.

This is the reason why we need to address insulin resistance if you are to lose weight efficiently.

High levels of dietary carbohydrates, also known as high glycaemic load foods (e.g. sugars, like our very favourite chocolates and lollies, starchy foods, such as bread, rice, pasta, and potatoes) increase your production of insulin to ‘switch off’ fat burning and increase fat gain. If you have constantly high levels of insulin, you can develop a condition known as insulin resistance. Insulin resistance causes excess weight and obesity.

If you would like to improve your blood sugar control and improve your long-term health, ring us on (03) 9879 9596 or message us today. Take the step toward a healthier you! 

Don’t forget to like our Facebook Page Your Wellness Centre, Twitter @YWCnaturopath and GPlus +YourWellnessCentreAu.


Your Wellness Centre Naturopathy Melbourne